Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.


Sunday, April 26, 2015

Books to read next - what looks good?

Books to read next - what looks good?

Update - 1505.07: Despite many wonderful recommendations, I decided to start with Annihilation because it is short. Bracing myself for longer reads, I plan to pour through Fortune's Pawn next and then Ishiguro's The Buried Giant.

I am gearing up for the Pynchon, but after urgings from friends, Stephenson's Reamde has vaulted up my list.

And my wish to alternate with classics makes me want to finally pull the trigger and read Brideshead Revisited. I have only owned that book for like 30 years...

Thanks to all my social media friends who shared input.

bloggery committed - 1504.26 16:44
Update - 1505.07

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