Weekly Comics for 1405.07
The image atop today's entry comes from the excellent comic book series CLONE from Image created by David Schulner, Aaron Ginsburg, and Wade McIntyre (writers) with art by the incomparable Juan Jose Ryp and Andy Troy (colors). The book is gorgeous and the story arresting, which is about all I want to share about it now, though I will probably doing an extensive review of just that book some time soon.
Most notable about this set of comics from May is the last comic in the stack: The Amazing Spider-Man: Learning to Crawl #1.1. Though I bought this issue out of curiosity, somewhat reluctant as I am not a fan of these side series and tangents, this retelling of the early years of Spider-Man's life rivals another similar comic, The Untold Tales of Spider-Man, that ran from 1995-1997 helmed by Kurt Busiek with art by Pat Olliffe.

On a related note, the two comics in the back log, Batman: Detective Comics and Green Lantern have been rescued. I let both of these titles pile up until I had 4-5 issues of each, which I just read through last week, so that's clear. Since I am writing this in July and this list comes from the beginning of May, there's many other comics in the back log, in fact, some of these comics, such as Batman/Superman and Real Heroes are both still sitting in the unread stacks.
In other news, as I am showing in the image below, I finally clawed my way to the top of the Rotisserie league for which I am the commish. There's the image from the league page with my team, Creepy Mama's Boys, at the top of the standings. I had been stuck in second place for at least two months, unable to overtake the other team. As you can see, I hardly have it locked up either. a stat here or there could change my standing, though, I have managed to stay in first place for two whole days.
RE: SPOILERS: I don't have to explain that you read at your own risk, right?

I like finding new sites with reviews and comic book news, such as the one following for BAM SMACK POW.
Like a lot of comic books fans, I grow a bit weary of the big crossovers. I know it's all about sales, but it;s not always about telling a good story or meeting the deadlines for the delivery of the book, such as the most recent and much delayed Forever Evil by DC Comics. Publishers have solved this dilemma somewhat either by getting enough of the book in the can before releasing the first issue or using multiple artists to be able to meet the shipping deadlines.
One of the things I like best about special events and crossovers is the featuring of comic book heroes who do not have their own books and whom we do not see that often, such as Doctor Strange, Nick Fury, Black Panther, and Ant Man herein.
As big summer Marvel events go, this is a clever change of pace from big alien wars (Skrulls) or the heroes fighting each other (Civil War).

Since I so far behind with my weekly posts, this series has almost run its course already with a bi-monthly ship schedule. I will save the remainder of my remarks for a catch all review when the series concludes.
Moonknight #003
This book takes second ranking for the week because I was more eager to read the first installment of Original Sin yet the book stays highly ranked more for more appreciation for Warren Ellis' work than because this book is the second best one to be released this week.
Ellis is somewhat apologetic to fans that there's not more meat in the bones here in his short run on Moon Knight.
Here's his comments from his June 5th ORBITAL OPERATIONS newsletter:
MOON KNIGHT #4 came out yesterday, as did the announcement that Brian Wood will be taking over MOON KNIGHT from me with #7. Dec is also leaving with me after issue 6. Issue 1 went to three printings, and 2 and 3 went to two printings, and so I consider that a job reasonably well done. The job has been, simply, reactivating MOON KNIGHT as a productive property for the Marvel IP library. And, in personal terms, producing six single stories that held together, because I thought it would be amusing to provide a book that could be entered at any point and still give the reader a complete experience. Which goes against the grain a bit, because the modern commercial-comics reader has been very much entrained to expect long arcs rather than singles. I’m sure there are plenty of complaints out there about the lack of character arcs or long stories. But the book is still getting bought and reordered. So I guess we found an audience after all.Okay, then. Fine.
Six issues and out. Fun.

If I had my druthers, I would ask for something with more meat and longer arcs. But this is fine. Each issue has been interesting and has hit the top five in my stack, unseating other regular favorites like Aquaman and Ultimate Spider-Man as we see this week.
Of the run so far, this is one of the most interesting issues as it shows Marc Spector's relationship with his past and what happened to him in Egypt and how Khonshu fits into his current mythology. Directed by Khonshu, Spector digs through his archeological holdings and dons a suit of armor for fighting the dead and proceeds to kick the asses of ghosts that beat the crap out of him at the beginning of the story. Now, with the suit of special armor, that makes him look like a giant white bird, he is able to do damage to them whereas before they could do damage to him and he could not touch them.
Even if the Ellis/Shalvey Moon Knight comics are not quite what I would prefer, they are entertaining and unique enough to differentiate themselves from the herd of super-hero books I read each month.
Bravo! Oh, and if you want to see my review of issue #002: LOOK HERE.
Miles Morales: The Ultimate Spider-Man #001
Though I know it boosts sales, I grow weary of the re-launching of comic book series to keep publishing titles with a number one on the front. This sales engineering practice is less irritating with a book like Miles Morales: The Ultimate Spider-Man than with longer running books, such as Detective Comics and Fantastic Four. I do not mind so much with the re-launching of Ultimate Spider-Man as Miles Morales: The Ultimate Spider-Man because what if Peter Parker is "ultimately" returning to the Ultimate universe?
Ultimate Spider-Man has been one of my favorite comics since its original publication starting in 2000. I was also on board when Peter Parker died, ending the run of nine years and 160 issues and the comic re-launched in 2011 with Miles Morales, again re-launching after 28 issues here with this issue in May of 2014.
The strength of the comic is showing how a young boy copes with having Spider-Man's powers while juggling his life as a high school student. He also struggles with whom he lets know his secret identity. His friend Ganke knows, but, currently, Miles struggles with whether he should tell his girlfriend Katie Bishop.
The genius thing about these comic books is that Miles interacts with Peter Parker's friends and family, who give him special spider advice, especially for how he will cope with keeping his secret. He also adopts Spidey's villains, such as the Green Goblin, starting in this issue. Although this issue has a bigger cliff hanger as Miles confronts an intruder in the vacant apartment where he used to live with his dad, an intruder who looks just like PETER PARKER.
I did discuss the end of the former run, somewhat, here in Comics for 1404.02.
Green Arrow continues to be deftly written an beautifully drawn, staying near the top of my stack. Iron Fist: The Living Weapon stays highly ranked simply due to my love for the character as I am disappointed with this creator and this title. I am really enjoying Alex + Ada, which I will review in its entirety if it's a closed series or at least after a few more issues come out. Though it's not as good as VELVET, I am really enjoying Black Widow, which probably deserved a higher ranking given how much I have been enjoying it. She-Hulk has won me over and stays ranked high, though it will drop in two months as the quality of the art drops. And once again, I am very fond of Aquaman and the Others. Granted I am a big Aquaman fan, but I like this team and how they all have one of the ancient Atlantean artifacts and how (now in the new 52) Aquaman adventured with them in his younger days, which provides plenty of back story to fill in. This comic is going interesting places. I look forward to many more issues and hope for a long, successful run.
And, as my cover gallery will reveal, I have a weakness for Red Sonja. And it's NOT just the chain mail bikini.
Original Sin #1 of 8
Miles Morales: The Ultimate Spider-Man #001
Green Arrow #31
Aquaman and the Others #2
Alex + Ada #6
Black Widow #006
Iron Fist: The Living Weapon #002
She-Hulk #004
Clone #16
The New Warriors #004
Batman Eternal #5
The Punisher #005
Batman/Superman #10
Red Sonja #9
Real Heroes #2
The Amazing Spider-Man: Learning to Crawl #1.1
Batman: Detective Comics #31
Green Lantern #31
- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1407.24 - 19:47
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