Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.


Friday, October 3, 2014

Weekly Comics for 1405.28

Weekly Comics for 1405.28

My new pledge: No more long comic book weekly posts. As I type this note, it's September or in my annotation method = 1409.02.

No wait. It's October now. It was September when I started. It's now October. What's the date for you?

When I  last posted, I posted the weekly comics report for May 21st, but I had been working on the post for over a month. Not every day, mind you, but in spits and spats for the month. It's a slow process.

Since I have so many drafts sitting in my list waiting to be completed, I am making a pledge to my tiny and yet strangely dedicated readership (Thank you, all two of you). I am going to barrel through my back log of Weekly Comics posts with only short notes on the week as a whole and only a small amount of art or other links. I am going to set myself a schedule of working through these posts (probably over a dozen, though I have not counted), so I can catch up and render these blog posts in a more timely fashion. Granted, as I get ready to publish this, I note to myself that I wrote the text of this promise a month ago.

Given that I might like to read most of the week's comics before making some remarks, I hope to only run a week behind. But you have seen how that worked (not well) in the summer when I was much less busy than I am going to be this Fall (or that I have been so far in the first month of fall).
Also, I am setting myself the task of writing every day no matter what. This counts as writing, though if I do not do some fiction work each week, I will count that week as a failure (so far I have been failing at this... I have so much homework).

Though I will steer clear of reviews of any substance in these posts, at least until I catch up, I may break out a title in its own blog post for special review. Stay tuned for this astonishing revelation.

Meanwhile, thanks for reading my ruminations on process and pledge, and so now on to the comics for the last week in May, which is at this point over three months ago.

RE: SPOILERS: I don't have to explain that you read at your own risk, right?

I had been anticipating Trees by Warren Ellis and Jason Howard with a fair dollop of steamy excitement.

Here's an interview.


It's a good comic, but not mind blowing. Also, I had to read the first three issues three or four times before they stuck in my head.


Interesting ordering. I highly anticipated Winter Soldier: The Bitter March and enjoyed it thoroughly, so it's no surprise that it takes the top slot this week. Aquaman always sits near the top of the stack, if not in the top slot not only because it's very good but because I am a huge Aquaman fan. I have also been loving Mighty Avengers, Fantastic Four, and Batman: Zero Year, so it's no surprise that these take top billing. Trees follows even though I would usually put that near the bottom, which represents a desire to take my time rather than a lack of interest.

Weekly Comics for 1405.28

Winter Soldier: The Bitter March #004
Aquaman #31
Mighty Avengers: Original Sin #10
Fantastic Four #005
Batman: Zero Year: Final Act #31
Trees #1
The New 52: Futures End #4
Al New Invaders #005
Avengers: Original Sin #30
Nightwing #30
Deadly Class #5
Guardians of the Galaxy #015
Iron Man #026
The Flash #31
Uncanny Avengers #020
Ms. Marvel #004


Batman Eternal #8
Suicide Squad #30
Sheltered #9


- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1410.03 - 15:22

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