Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.


Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The Daily Bowie #70 -"Days" - David Bowie - Reality - 2003

David Bowie with Olatz Schanbel
for Vanity Fair - 2003
The Daily Bowie #70 -"Days"

Usually I try not to repeat an album with back-to-back features, but since I decided to do a Musical Monday on Hey Mom about songs with "day" in the title, this song by Bowie named "Days" seemed necessary. I had it in the Hey Mom post, but then I loved it here.

No links or other content this time.

Just the song.

This video is a good one.

"Days" - Reality - 2003

Okay, okay. a link. I couldn't find this last night. As always, I place links more for my reading pleasure than yours.



Rest in peace, David. We miss you.

- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1605.31 - 7:00

NOTE ON WHY THE DAILY BOWIE IS NO LONGER DAILY: For 53 days, I completed daily Bowie posts. My schedule is too demanding to make a post every day, so this will now be a feature that is called The Daily Bowie, but it will not be daily. I will post as I can. I will post often. But if I miss a day, I will skip it. Otherwise, I get in the position of making five Bowie posts all in one day, and that's a lot of Bowie for people to swallow all at once... (yeah, leaving that badly phrased, innuendo packed statement. I bet Bowie would have laughed at it).

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