Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.


Monday, January 8, 2018

Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #917 - Happy Birthday David Bowie - Musical Monday for 1801.08

Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #917 - Happy Birthday David Bowie - Musical Monday for 1801.08

Hi Mom,

There are 100 posts on this blog about David Bowie as of today, including this one.

With today's birthday, David Bowie would have been 71 years old.

David Bowie died tomorrow two years ago 1601.10.

Two years ago, I wished Bowie Happy Birthday on this blog:

Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #185 - Happy Birthday David Bowie

and the next day I had to share my grief with the world over his death.

Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #187 - David Bowie Dies 1601.10 at age of 69

Starting January 20th 2016, I began a small side project called THE DAILY BOWIE, that link goes to the collected category of entries. I managed 83 entries at all. The last one dated January 29th 2017 is only #82 because I started the counting with zero.


The Not so often Formerly Daily Bowie - #82 - "Neighborhood Threat"

I could not maintain two daily features per day, and ceased the Bowie project in 2017 after several hiatuses had delayed the final posting. However, for a string of 52 straight days I posted a HEY MOM and a DAILY BOWIE post before my first four day break in March of 2016. The feature sputtered from March 17th when I returned from my first break, with many breaks, until July 23rd when many months passed between post #75 and the final post 83, a final number that has no significance other than I knew I could not manage another daily feature as the HEY MOM feature alone is often too much for me to maintain with even shared let alone original content.

Still, the run of posts and the total show my adoration for my favorite artist, not just musical artist, but artist in the arts.

Thank you for changing my life, David. I did not know you personally, we never met, but I miss you. I miss you, too, Mom, but these feelings are different.

Maybe I return with some more Bowie features. I had three more ready to roll when I realized I had reached my limit, for the time being. Maybe those three at least still get posted some day.

Following the list of DAILY BOWIE entries, there's a list of some of my favorite of those 83 posts, plus re-posts of the birthday and death day posts from 2016.

A not so happy Musical Monday.

THE DAILY BOWIE LIST (link to You Tube - pod player at end of the entry)
1601.20 - The Daily Bowie #0 - "Space Oddity" - SPACE ODDITY - 1969
1601.21 - The Daily Bowie #1 - "Ashes to Ashes" - SCARY MONSTERS - 1980
1601.22 - The Daily Bowie #2 - "Cat People" - LET'S DANCE - 1983
1601.23 - The Daily Bowie #3 - "Sons of the Silent Age" - HEROES - 1977
1601.24 - The Daily Bowie #4 - "Running Gun Blues" - THE MAN WHO SOLD THE WORLD - 1970
1601.25 - The Daily Bowie #5 - "Sound and Vision" - LOW - 1977
1601.26 - The Daily Bowie #6 - "Fill Your Heart" - HUNKY DORY - 1971
1601.27 - The Daily Bowie #7 - "We Are The Dead" - DIAMOND DOGS - 1974
1601.28 - The Daily Bowie #8 - "Yassassin" - LODGER - 1979
1601.29 - The Daily Bowie #9 - "Time" - ALADDIN SANE - 1973
1601.30 - The Daily Bowie #10 - "Where Are We Now?" - THE NEXT DAY -2013
1601.31 - The Daily Bowie #11 - "Sunday" - HEATHEN - 2002
1602.01 - The Daily Bowie #12 - "Loving the Alien" - TONIGHT - 1984
1602.02 - The Daily Bowie #13 - "The Loneliest Guy" - REALITY - 2003
1602.03 - The Daily Bowie #14 - "Young Americans" - YOUNG AMERICANS - 1975
1602.04 - The Daily Bowie #15 - "Thursday's Child" - 'HOURS...' - 1999
1602.05 - The Daily Bowie #16 - "Buddha of Suburbia" - THE BUDDHA OF SUBURBIA - 1993
1602.06 - The Daily Bowie #17 - "Please Mr. Gravedigger" - DAVID BOWIE - 1967
1602.07 - The Daily Bowie #18 - "Sorrow" - PINUPS - 1973
1602.08 - The Daily Bowie #19 - "Golden Years" - STATION TO STATION - 1976
1602.09 - The Daily Bowie #20 - "I'm Afraid of Americans" - EARTHLING - 1997
1602.10 - The Daily Bowie #21 - "Pallas Athena" - BLACK TIE WHITE NOISE - 1993
1602.11 - The Daily Bowie #22 - "Glass Spider" - NEVER LET ME DOWN - 1987
1602.12 - The Daily Bowie #23 - "The Heart's Filthy Lesson" - OUTSIDE - 1995
1602.13 - The Daily Bowie #24 - "Rock 'N' Roll Suicide" - THE RISE AND FALL OF ZIGGY STARDUST AND THE SPIDERS FROM MARS - 1972
1602.14 - The Daily Bowie #25 - "Lazarus" - BLACKSTAR - 2016
1602.15 - The Daily Bowie #26 - "Tin Machine" - TIN MACHINE - 1989
1602.16 - The Daily Bowie #27 - "Baby Universal" - TIN MACHINE II - 1991
1602.17 - The Daily Bowie #28 - "Changes" - DAVID LIVE - 1974
1602.18 - The Daily Bowie #29 - "Fame" - STAGE - 1978
1602.19 - The Daily Bowie #30 - "SENSE OF DOUBT" - HEROES - 1977
1602.20 - The Daily Bowie #31 - "John, I'm Only Dancing" - CHANGESONEBOWIE - 1990
1602.21 - The Daily Bowie #32 - "London Bye Ta Ta" - BOWIE AT THE BEEB - 2000
1602.22 - The Daily Bowie #33 - "Real Cool World" - BLACK TIE WHITE NOISE - LIMITED ED - 2003
1602.23 - The Daily Bowie #34 - "Five Years" - THE RISE AND FALL OF ZIGGY STARDUST AND THE SPIDERS FROM MARS - 1972
1602.24 - The Daily Bowie #35 - "Speed of Life" - LOW - 1977
1602.25 - The Daily Bowie #36 - "I'm Deranged" - OUTSIDE - 1995
1602.26 - The Daily Bowie #37 - "Fall Dog Bombs the Moon" - REALITY - 2003
1602.27 - The Daily Bowie #38 - "I Can't Give Everything Away" - BLACKSTAR - 2016
1602.28 - The Daily Bowie #39 - "Diamond Dogs" - DIAMOND DOGS - 1974
1602.29 - The Daily Bowie #40 - "The Laughing Gnome" - THE DERAM ANTHOLOGY 1966-1968 (r.1997)
1603.01 - The Daily Bowie #41 - "Fascination" - YOUNG AMERICANS - 1975
1603.02 - The Daily Bowie #42 - "Panic in Detroit" - ALADDIN SANE - 1973
1603.03 - The Daily Bowie #43 - "Modern Love" - LET'S DANCE - 1983
1603.04 - The Daily Bowie #44 - "Fashion" - SCARY MONSTERS - Deluxe - 1980
1603.05 - The Daily Bowie #45 - "Life On Mars" - HUNKY DORY - 1971
1603.06 - The Daily Bowie #46 - "London Boys" - THE DERAM ANTHOLOGY 1966-1968 (r.1997)
1603.07 - The Daily Bowie #47 - "Fantastic Voyage" - LODGER - 1979
1603.08 - The Daily Bowie #48 - "The Man Who Sold the World" - THE MAN WHO SOLD THE WORLD - 1970
1603.09 - The Daily Bowie #49 - "Stay" - STATION TO STATION - 1976
1603.10 - The Daily Bowie #50 - "Starman" - THE RISE AND FALL OF ZIGGY STARDUST AND THE SPIDERS FROM MARS - 1972
1603.11 - The Daily Bowie #51 - "Crystal Japan" - SCARY MONSTERS - Deluxe - 1980
1603.12 - The Daily Bowie #52 - "An Occasional dream" - SPACE ODDITY - 1969
1603.17 - The Daily Bowie #53 - "Miracle Goodnight" - BLACK TIE WHITE NOISE - 1993
1603.20 - The Daily Bowie #54 - "5:15 The Angels Have Gone" - HEATHEN - 2002
1603.22 - The Daily Bowie #55 - "Queen Bitch" - HUNKY DORY - 1971
1603.29 - The Daily Bowie #56 - "Criminal World" - LET'S DANCE - 1983
1603.31 - The Daily Bowie #57 - "Move On" - LODGER - 1979
1604.01 - The Daily Bowie #58 - "Rebel Rebel" - DIAMOND DOGS - 1974
1604.11 - The Daily Bowie #59 - "Telling Lies" - EARTHLING - 1997
1604.12 - The Daily Bowie #60 - "The Stars (Are Out Tonight)" - THE NEXT DAY -2013
1604.15 - The Daily Bowie #61 - "Jean Genie" - ALADDIN SANE -1973
1604.22 - The Daily Bowie #62 - "The Dreamers" - HOURS - 1999
1604.23 - The Daily Bowie #63 - "Breaking Glass" - LOW - 1977 - and STAGE - 1978
1604.24 - The Daily Bowie #64 - "Tonight" - TONIGHT - 1984
1604.25 - The Daily Bowie #65 - "Up the Hill Backwards" - SCARY MONSTERS - 1980
1605.02 - The Daily Bowie #66 - "I'd Rather Be High" - THE NEXT DAY - 2013
1605.09 - The Daily Bowie #67 - "A Better Future" - HEATHEN - 2002
1605.10 - The Daily Bowie #68 - "Strangers When We Meet" - BUDDHA OF SUBURBIA - 1993
1605.24 - The Daily Bowie #69 - "She'll Drive the Big Car" - REALITY - 2003
1605.31 - The Daily Bowie #70 -"Days" - David Bowie - REALITY - 2003
1606.07 - The Daily Bowie #71 - "Under Pressure" - NOTHING HAS CHANGED - D2 - 2014
1606.09 - The Not Quite Daily Bowie - #72 - "Moonage Daydream" - THE RISE AND FALL OF ZIGGY STARDUST AND THE SPIDERS FROM MARS - 1972
- BIG BREAK - 12 days
1606.21 - The Not Quite Daily Bowie - #73 - "Don't Let Me Down & Down" - BLACK TIE WHITE NOISE - 1993
1606.22 - The Daily Bowie - #74 - "If You Can See Me" - THE NEXT DAY - 2013
1607.23 - The Not Quite Daily Bowie - #75 -  "Warszawa" - LOW (1977) and STAGE (1978)
1608.25 - The Not so often Formerly Daily Bowie - #76 - "Zeroes" - NEVER LET ME DOWN - 1987
1701.10 - The Not so often Formerly Daily Bowie - #77 -  "Somebody Up There Likes Me" - YOUNG AMERICANS - 1975
1701.11 - The Not so often Formerly Daily Bowie - #78 -  "All the Madmen" - THE MAN WHO SOLD THE WORLD - 1972
1701.12 - The Not so often Formerly Daily Bowie - #79 - "Quicksand" - HUNKY DORY - 1971
1701.14 - The Not so often Formerly Daily Bowie - #80 - "The Secret Life of Arabia" - HEROES - 1977
1701.17 - The Not so often Formerly Daily Bowie - #81 - "Candidate" - DIAMOND DOGS - 1974
1701.29 - The Not so often Formerly Daily Bowie - #82 - "Neighborhood Threat" - TONIGHT - 1984


The Not Quite Daily Bowie - #75 - "Warszawa"

The Daily Bowie #67 - "A Better Future"

The Daily Bowie #55 - "Queen Bitch"

The Daily Bowie #47 - "Fantastic Voyage"

The Daily Bowie #42 - "Panic in Detroit"

The Daily Bowie #41 - "Fascination"

The Daily Bowie #30 - "Sense of Doubt"

The Daily Bowie #25 - "Lazarus"

The Daily Bowie #3 - "Sons of the Silent Age"



Bowie's birthday party Madison Square Garden - 1997

Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #185 - Happy Birthday David Bowie

Hi Mom,

Again, I know that you, Mom, are listening patiently as I talk about David Bowie. You bought me my first David Bowie album, Mom, in 1980, Scary Monsters, as a gift, which I hated when I first heard it, but something in me was intrigued and later David Bowie became one of my most cherished touchstones for art, inspiration, passion, contemplation, reflection, and growth.

And today, January 8th, is his birthday.

Happy Birthday David Bowie!

I am breaking my own new rule. I have been trying to work a day ahead, and I already have a post mostly finished, but then I realized it is David Bowie's birthday. He is 69 years old today.

So rule break number one is creating a new post today after working on one for much of yesterday and getting it ready to go. Rule break number two is another music post, the day after my previous music post.

But what the Hell. It's Bowie's birthday. Using an online reminder service, I set a reminder annually for Bowie's birthday. I could just reset my Google calendar to do this for me, but I have used birthday alarms for over ten years now, and I am partial to it.

Back in December, I indulged in some furthering of the Bowie gospel by presenting my power point about Bowie to my current LS 1040 before their own team presentations at the exam period. I delivered an abbreviated version of the presentation. I made the presentation during my years teaching media criticism for the Gender and Women's Studies department at WMU. Above is a picture of me in the big class room with four screens, you can see two of them in the picture. I could project two different things as the switch box ran the screens in pairs, so one screen set (the paired screen is to the left of the podium and out of the shot) displays the power point and the other the document camera on which I have one of Bowie's CDs.

Heathen concert
Bowie has been a connection with so many cherished individuals in my life. Many of my close friends and I bonded over love of David Bowie. He has been a fixture in my life since 1980. And though I do not listen to his music every day, or even every week, not too much time passes between treating myself to some Bowie. Though Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps) is by far my favorite album, and though I might argue that The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars is his best, I find I listen to Low most often.

David Bowie has given me so much. I have learned so much from his music and lyrics. I have studied Bowie more so than any other artist, musical or otherwise, and I feel that he is my friend. Surely, we would be mates if we knew each other and spent time with one another. I do not feel that way about very many creators or people outside my own friend circle.

During my year of writing the T-shirts blog, I created the idea of THE DINNER PARTY based loosely on the art piece by Judy Chicago. Though I added some fictional characters to the dinner party, I can ignore that advocacy. The one rule was simple: the dinner party would consist of guests to whom I felt some connection and wanted to share time and conversation, and they had to be still alive, so not Shakespeare or Einstein.

Though I never created a finished and formal list (as the list kept evolving), the last version of the list included Suzanne Vega, Ani DiFranco, Margaret Atwood, Laurie Anderson, Bjork, Erykah Badu, David Bowie, Warren Ellis, John Scalzi, Joss Whedon, and George Perez. (Ron Santo, Ernie Harwell, and Lou Reed if I allowed dead people.) As you can see, the list consists of mostly women. But David Bowie is one of the few men on the list.

It's a fantasy. I will never manage to get the dinner party together, even if I had millions of dollars and could pay everyone and arrange it. But it's nice to think about.

this is a quote by Bowie

Here's some videos to celebrate Bowie's birthday and the release of his new album Blackstar, which comes out tomorrow, January 9th.

From the new album...


and my favorite from the previous album...

DAVID BOWIE - THE STARS (are out tonight)

Bowie as the Thin White Duke

Here's text that I already wrote but I feel it should be re-presented on this blog today in honor of Bowie's birthday. Originally presented as part of HEY MOM #122.

Anyone who has ever spent some time with me knows how huge a David Bowie fan I am,
I have written about David Bowie a lot on my blogs, though not as much yet on this one.

Here's my biggest and main tribute to BOWIE:

T-shirt #269.

However, when I searched the T-shirts blog, I found several posts with Bowie content, and this one jumped out at me:

T-shirt #312.

I don't know if you can check out links where you are, Mom. Actually, you probably see all time and space at once, so links are not real to you. But to other readers they may be. Check those links. You will be glad you did.

Last two things, I am grateful for the person who brought David Bowie into my life. I may not spell her name right, but as best I can remember, it's Janiki Kuppuru.

Here's the details. I first remember encountering David Bowie during a cast party following a show my senior year of High School. He was on SNL, and I remember criticizing him because what he was doing was so weird. Now, it's strange that I would criticize him because I liked weird (I still do). However, I was trying to fit in and so I was keying into the vibe in the room, which was judgy and dismissive. Later that same year, on a whim, I bought David Bowie's latest album, Scary Monsters, and I hated it. It was too weird, which again was strange because I liked weird. But mind was not yet fully open and willing to accept difference.

Then I met Janiki Kuppuru in my first quarter at K. She was British, she had been born in Sri Lanka, but she was most recently from California. We stayed up all night one time, and when I told her that I did not like David Bowie, she insisted that I sit and listen to his album The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars in its entirety and without speaking. I loved it. (Incidentally, I really liked her, too. She refused to wear shoes and was a free spirit.) She knew I would love it since I liked science fiction and aliens and creative, cool things. I went back and listened again to Scary Monsters, and this time I had a new attitude: I loved it. Though Low has eclipsed it as the Bowie album I find that I listen to most often, Scary Monsters may be my favorite album by David Bowie. I closed my senior theatre project show, Raw, with a singalong by the entire cast and audience of David Bowie's "It's no Game, Part Two," which closes that album. It remains a shining and culminating moment in my memory.

Wherever you are Janiki Kuppuru... Thank you.

Happy Birthday David Bowie. Thanks for all the good times and the memories.

Reflect and connect.

Have someone give you a kiss, and tell you that I love you.

Talk to you tomorrow, Mom.


- Days ago = 187 days ago

- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1601.08 - 12:11



Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #187 - David Bowie Dies 1601.10 at age of 69

Hi Mom,

David Bowie died today, January 10th (1601.10).

I cannot believe it. I just wrote a long love letter to him on Friday, here:

Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #185 - Happy Birthday David Bowie

I am stunned. I am in shock. That said, though sad, I am not sadder about David Bowie's passing than yours, Mom. I mean, I would not want anyone to wonder if I love David Bowie more than I love my mother. :-) I doubt anyone would think such a thing, but just in case...

This one is mostly links, and it may grow. But I was already a day behind because I played D&D yesterday when David Bowie was dying.

I am going to send this post back in time, but it may grow or I may make other posts, but I must get to work now.

I have the the Twitter feed tuned to #DavidBowie. I was watching for Moby, who loves Bowie as much as I do, to weigh in with a comment. But so far only silence.

I respect the privacy of this great artist as he kept his long cancer battle from the tabloids, protected himself and his family from the paparazzi, and produced a final swan song that characterizes him as Prospero (in "Blackstar") and Lazarus (in "Lazarus").

At the end of The Tempest, Prospero intends to drown his book and renounce magic. In the view of the audience, this may have been required to make the ending unambiguously happy, as magic smacked too much of diabolical works; he will drown his books for the same reason that Doctor Faust, in an earlier play by Christopher Marlowe, promised in vain to burn his books. In it, Prospero states his loss (magic) and his continuing imprisonment if the audience is not pleased. Many feel that since The Tempest was the last play that Shakespeare wrote alone, Prospero's feelings echo Shakespeare's own, or perhaps may even have been his "retirement speech" (Wiki/Prospero).

         Now my charms are all o'erthrown,
          And what strength I have's mine own,
          Which is most faint: now, 'tis true,
          I must be here confined by you,
          Or sent to Naples. Let me not,
          Since I have my dukedom got
          And pardon'd the deceiver, dwell
          In this bare island by your spell;
          But release me from my bands
          With the help of your good hands:        
          Gentle breath of yours my sails
          Must fill, or else my project fails,
          Which was to please. Now I want
          Spirits to enforce, art to enchant,
          And my ending is despair,
          Unless I be relieved by prayer,
          Which pierces so that it assaults
          Mercy itself and frees all faults.
          As you from crimes would pardon'd be,
          Let your indulgence set me free.




FROM me:

THE GUARDIAN: Was David Bowie saying goodbye on Blackstar?

David Bowie dead at 69 - ROLLING STONE

DAILY MIRROR: Superstar David Bowie dies aged 69 following courageous 18-month battle with cancer

HUFFINGTON POST: Legendary Singer David Bowie Dead At 69
"Blackstar," his 25th studio album, was released this month.

FROM Brian eno:

How David Bowie told us he was dying in the 'Lazarus' video

"His death was no different from his life - a work of Art," explained Bowie's producer Tony Visconti, in tribute. "He made 'Blackstar' for us, his parting gift. I knew for a year this was the way it would be. I wasn't, however, prepared for it." Creative to the very end, the 'Lazarus' video is a heartbreakingly sad way to bid farewell, but a more than appropriate one. 

"Baby Grace - a Horrid Cassette" lyrics - OUTSIDE (1995)

ROLLING STONE: The Inside Story on David Bowie's Stunning New Album Blackstar.

David Bowie on death: 'What do I do with the time I've got left?'

David Bowie's secret cancer battle: Last picture shows rocker looking gaunt but well


Reflect and connect.

Have someone give you a kiss, and tell you that I love you.

Talk to you tomorrow, Mom.


- Days ago = 189 days ago

- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1601.10 - 10:10


Reflect and connect.

Have someone give you a kiss, and tell you that I love you, Mom.

I miss you so very much, Mom.

Talk to you tomorrow, Mom.


- Days ago = 919 days ago

- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1801.08 - 10:10

NEW (written 1708.27) NOTE on time: I am now in the same time zone as Google! So, when I post at 10:10 a.m. PDT to coincide with the time of your death, Mom, I am now actually posting late, so it's really 1:10 p.m. EDT. But I will continue to use the time stamp of 10:10 a.m. to remember the time of your death, Mom. I know this only matters to me, and to you, Mom.

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