Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.


Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Daily Bowie #55 - "Queen Bitch"

The Daily Bowie #55 - "Queen Bitch"

I am cheating today. TWO versions. This live version with Lou Reed (RIP) from Bowie's 50th birthday party at Madison Square Garden in 1997 is very good, but there's a sound to his vocals in the original from 1971 that is important and what better venue than the end credits of Wes Anderson's movie Steve Zissou and the Life Aquatic.

It's from this song that the PUSHING AHEAD OF THE DAME site took its name.

She's an old-time ambassador of sweet-talking, night-walking games
And she's known in the darkest clubs for pushing ahead of the dames

FROM MOJO (MARCH 2016, PG. 84): Jon Savage picks 20 key Bowie songs: "Some V.U. White Light returned with thanks!" It was the aural counterpart to David Bowie's "Hello, I'm gay!" Mich Watts interview in Melody Maker. And it wasn't just in the lyrics. It was there as soon as you heard Mick Ronson's guitar slicing through absolutely everything. That was the big gay statement for me. Its revolutionary nature comes through the guitar.

David Bowie

Hunky Dory

"Queen Bitch"


It’s Bowie’s Velvet Underground song (the riff’s a bit like “Sweet Jane”‘s, and “sister Flo” is a cousin of “Sister Ray”), but “Queen Bitch” isn’t an imitation of the VU as much as it’s an utter annexation of their sound. It’s as if Bowie had taken a photograph of one of Lou Reed’s urban landscapes and imposed his image upon a corner of it, a vicious face framed in a hotel window. When Reed finally sang it in public, at Bowie’s 50th birthday concert, he looked amused and slightly bewildered, as if wondering whether he had written the song himself.



"Queen Bitch" - HUNKY DORY - 1971


Queen Bitch" - HUNKY DORY - 1971

Oh yeah
I'm up on the eleventh floor and I'm watching the cruisers below
He's down on the street and he's trying hard to pull sister Flo
Oh, my heart's in the basement, my weekend's at an all-time low
'Cause she's hoping to score, so I can't see her letting him go
Walk out of her heart, walk out of her mind, oh not her

She's so swishy in her satin and tat
In her frock coat and bipperty-bopperty hat
Oh God, I could do better than that

She's an old-time ambassador of sweet-talking, night-walking games
And she's known in the darkest clubs for pushing ahead of the dames
If she says she can do it, then she can do it, she don't make false claims
But she's a queen and such are queens that your laughter is sucked in their brains
Now she's leading him on, and she'll lay him right down
Yes, she's leading him on, and she'll lay him right down
But it could have been me, yes, it could have been me
Why didn't I say, why didn't I say, no, no, no

She's so swishy in her satin and tat
In her frock coat and bipperty-bopperty hat
Oh God, I could do better than that

So I lay down a while and I gaze at my hotel wall
Oh, the cot is so cold it don't feel like no bed at all
Yeah, I lay down a while and I look at my hotel wall
And he's down on the street, so I throw both his bags down the hall
And I'm phoning a cab 'cause my stomach feels small
There's a taste in my mouth and it's no taste at all
It could have been me, oh yeah it could have been me
Why didn't I say, why didn't I say, no, no, no

She's so swishy in her satin and tat
In her frock coat and bipperty-bopperty hat
Oh God, I could do better than that

You betcha
Oh, yeah


Rest in peace, David. We miss you.

- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1603.22 - 7:35

NOTE ON WHY THE DAILY BOWIE IS NO LONGER DAILY: For 53 days, I completed daily Bowie posts. My schedule is too demanding to make a post every day, so this will now be a feature that is called The Daily Bowie, but it will not be daily. I will post as I can. I will post often. But if I miss a day, I will skip it. Otherwise, I get in the position of making five Bowie posts all in one day, and that's a lot of Bowie for people to swallow all at once... (yeah, leaving that badly phrased, innuendo packed statement. I bet Bowie would have laughed at it).

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