Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.


Monday, June 27, 2016

Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #356 - Musical Monday for 1606.27

Wedding rings of Marjorie and Bob Tower
pre-Memorial Service Saturday 1607.11
Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #356 - Musical Monday for 1606.27

Hi Mom,

Special treat today. I have put together a selection of music shared with me by my mate Glenn Codere, who lives in Glasgow, Scotland, but happens to be a Detroit Tigers fan from being born in the Detroit area and living in Michigan until his early teen years when his mother moved to Scotland.

Glenn will correct me if [a] reads this and [b] I got any of it wrong.

I have a box of spiced wine and a data stick with music to share in return in my basement awaiting the golden moment when I get my shit together and send it to him and Maureen as a thank you for hosting us with a lovely meal at the Meat Bar (see picture far below) and a night cap at the coolest drinkery in all Scotland: THE POT STILL, a whisky (as in SCOTCH) bar in Glasgow. I am determined to send the wine this summer, but I have been waiting for the right cash flow. It's coming, Glenn, mate, if you're reading this.

Glenn was kind enough to share his love of prog rock bands, so more on that in a minute.

Mom, you died 358 days ago. A year ago at this time, you were actively dying. Likely, I sat at your side for most of the day. I spent as much time with you as I could before you left us. Yesterday was Dad's 81st birthday. I went to church with him and then we all (including Lori and Noel) had a brunch at Faye's house on Gull Lake. Faye is Dad's new friend. You would like her. We like her very much, and so does Dad, obviously.

You are on my mind a lot, right now, Mom, because of what we all went through last year at this time. I try to make the blog about more then grief. I do not write about grief every day. And though each blog entry is addressed to you, Mom, I make many funny and light and about subjects that are not about you and your death. As I have always said, this blog is meant to continue our phone conversations or our visits. It's about the things I care about. It's about things that I want to share with you, and by extension, those readers.

I am blessed to have good friends and to share in great experiences, and this is all because of you, Mom.

The picture above is of your wedding rings -- yours and Dad's -- and how he had them nestled one within the other on the bathroom counter the morning of your Memorial Service.

I miss you, Mom. I wish you were here to share these things with you in person. I feel your spirit, though not always. This is not your kind of music, and yet I feel your appreciation for it anyway.

I will let the music speak for itself -- because, HELLO, it's MUSICAL MONDAY -- but I will provide links for each band. As you can see from the inserted image (above and left), there's more to listen to than I can share here, but here's a few of my favorites so far.


Big Big Train




Colin MacIntrye


and because I am still on that Genesis kick...


Reflect and connect.

Have someone give you a kiss, and tell you that I love you.

Talk to you tomorrow, Mom.


- Days ago = 358 days ago

- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1606.27 - 10:10

NOTE on time: When I post late, I had been posting at 7:10 a.m. because Google is on Pacific Time, and so this is really 10:10 EDT. However, it still shows up on the blog in Pacific time. So, I am going to start posting at 10:10 a.m. Pacific time, intending this to be 10:10 Eastern time. I know this only matters to me, and to you, Mom. But I am not going back and changing all the 7:10 a.m. times. But I will run this note for a while. Mom, you know that I am posting at 10:10 a.m. often because this is the time of your death.

Me and Liesel with Glenn and Maureen at the Meat Bar Glasgow 1505.28

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