Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #90 - Baseball Ends
Hi Mom,
Today is the last day of the regular Baseball season, which always makes me sad. Though there is more Baseball to enjoy, my beloved Detroit Tigers will not be among the teams still playing. Time to pack away my radio. No longer will be serenaded to sleep by Dan Dickerson and Jim Price.
Yes, I know the word Baseball is normally not capitalized, but you capitalize the name of a religion, right?

And here are some pictures of Justin Verlander. I know you think he's cute.
At least, the Chicago Cubs have one more game, and I hope many more. We shall see. I am sure I will tell you all about it.
Yes, yes, I can hear you. "Oh, Christopher..."
Thanks, Mom.
Also, I made dinner. Ham that I cooked in the crockpot with canned pineapple chunks and juice. Fried cabbage. A Salad with some of the remains of the cucumber salad I made, and that is marinating in the refrigerator. And sticky rice, under the cabbage. Yummy.
Ninety blogs, Ninety-two days. That hundred mark draws closer. Not sure how I will feel about that one.
And so, bye bye regular season Baseball.
Good night Detroit Tigers.
See you next year.
Have someone give you a kiss, and tell you that I love you.
Talk to you tomorrow, Mom.
- Days ago = 92 days ago
- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1510.04 - 19:31
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