Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.


Saturday, September 12, 2015

Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #69 - It's time for a puppy

Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #69 - It's time for a puppy

Hi Mom,

I felt it was time for a puppy to appear on this blog again. So, here's a picture of Satchel (a couple actually). Puppies make everyone happy. Though people who know dogs well and/or own dogs are happiest of all.

The Puppy of this household, Her Booness the Satchel-boo, has been missing Liesel who has been out of town for a few days.

I have been alone with the pets since early Thursday, when I have been here that is, and I have not been here the whole time.

today's picture of
Her Booness having a morning nap
Dad and I went to dinner at Finley's. He remarked that you swore you would never go back there. Along with Red Lobster, where you also swore you would never go, Dad and I will reverse these decisions one by one. We had a nice time. I had coupons that expired Tuesday. I can sense that you are pleased by this choice.

We had a nice time. The occasion is that I took Liesel's old car, now Ivan's, to a place where I am going to store it for five months until Ivan gets his license.

Otherwise, I have been preparing my seminar that I give at Whirlpool Tuesday, various school work jobs, some grading, and housework (laundry, dishes, chickens, cat litter). I have accomplished a fair amount. I am continually impressed with the contents of the Internet. I learned a lot about facilitation today.

Maybe I have been doing too much with this blog. KISS, you know? Keep It Simple, Stupid. Right? This was only ever meant to be the continuing of our conversation. Our phone call today would have consisted of mostly this stuff with maybe a bit more detail and some private things I am not sharing in public.

It may be assumed, it may go without me saying it every day, but I miss you, Mom.

Enjoy these pictures of the puppyness. They make me happy.

Have someone give you a kiss, and tell you that I love you.

Talk to you tomorrow, Mom.


- Days ago = 70 days ago

- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1509.12 - 19:51

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