Hi Mom,
Me tired am.
Me articulate not.
I finally caught up on work, though I still have more work to do to finish the week. I am just back to the normal schedule, or maybe slightly behind, but I no longer have any missed deadlines. If I can finish two more sets of papers by Sunday, then I will not have missed any deadlines.
Still more to do, two sets of papers for Park University, thirty-one in all (15+16). Papers for WMU, though those are not at the highest priority level. I need to study for a Pre-Calculus test I have this coming Thursday, and then the usual discussion posts, bill paying, class teaching, and other normal nonsense I do all the time, every week, or every day.
AND I have to go see a play in Battle Creek and write a review tomorrow morning.
This is likely exactly what our phone call would be like. It's more or less what my call with Dad was like.
Dad and I go to a WMU football game tomorrow. I wish you could go with us.
Have someone give you a kiss, and tell you that I love you.
Talk to you tomorrow, Mom.
- Days ago = 76 days ago
- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1509.18 - 18:31
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