Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.


Thursday, September 17, 2015

Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #73 - Candy Fast is Over

Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #73 - Candy Fast is Over

Hi Mom,

I have been fasting, denying myself  candy, especially candy bars, all summer. This fast does include MINTS, such as I have featured on this blog, or dark chocolate, which I have from time to time, though I am out of it right now.

Given recent work challenges -- which I described as climbing a mountain to find another mountain on top of the first mountain and climbing that, too -- I decided to break the candy fast today and buy this Butterfinger because, DAMMIT, I deserve it.

That's all for today.

I am still climbing mountains.

Have someone give you a kiss, and tell you that I love you.

Talk to you tomorrow, Mom.


- Days ago = 75 days ago

- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1509.17 - 20:21

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