Though the current project started as a series of posts charting my grief journey after the death of my mother, I am no longer actively grieving. Now, the blog charts a conversation in living, mainly whatever I want it to be. This is an activity that goes well with the theme of this blog (updated 2018). The Sense of Doubt blog is dedicated to my motto: EMBRACE UNCERTAINTY. I promote questioning everything because just when I think I know something is concrete, I find out that it’s not.
Hey, Mom! The Explanation.
Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #72 - Whirlpool Seminar
Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #72 - Whirlpool Seminar
Hi Mom,
I did it!! Whirlpool seminar is done. But I am swamped with work, so I will fill in details tomorrow.
And then tomorrow became 112 days later. So it's 1601.07 as I type these words, and I am just now finishing this post. AND with this post, I am caught up. I can cross off the last post on my list of unfinished posts.
I sweated and toiled over this Whirlpool seminar as I had never entered a corporation and facilitated such a seminar. It was a rousing success, though the engineers may have preferred more time concentrated on the documents they now must revise. But the good news in following up on their revisions is that Whirlpool will hire me to help.
I signed a non-disclosure agreement, so I cannot discuss the finer details of the documents, but then, that's fine as I do not need to do so.
I am proud of how well the seminar went. I was most nervous about ice breakers and introductions, but then, I have close to 30 years of experience at winging it and improvising such sessions from what must be close to 100 class rooms by now.
I mixed some lecture with some brainstorming team work. I think you would be proud of me, Mom. Actually, I know you are. I sense that you are.
I dragged my feet on writing this recap thinking that it needed to be a FULL recap, but that would likely bore you all, you especially Mom, to tears. Besides, now that I have waited 112 to fill in the details, I have forgotten many.
One take away I remember best is a discussion at lunch. One engineer asked about team projects in the course I teach at Lake Michigan College, which is how I got this gig. He claimed that he asks prospective employees about the team projects and the inevitable students who do not do any work. He hires the people who claim that they badgered these students and either forced them participate or kicked them out of the group for non-activity. He doesn't want employees that will cover for others who are not pulling their weight. And thus, the main lesson and the main justification for the team project is revealed. And so I added the team project BACK into my Technical Writing course, which I had dropped simply because of the hassles of putting students through it. But it's these hassles that are the whole point of having such a project.
Anyway, I took some pictures of the content created in lecture and brainstorming.
As you can see I worked some big paper stuff and some wipe board stuff also some sticky note stuff.
I think it went well.
Have someone give you a kiss, and tell you that I love you.
Talk to you tomorrow, Mom.
- Days ago = 73 days ago
- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1509.15 - 20:33
and again 1601.07 - 10:55
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