Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.


Thursday, November 17, 2016

Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #499 - What just happened? From Bitch Magazine

Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #499 - What just happened? From Bitch Magazine

Hi Mom, Still in catch up mode, but I have caught up A LOT since yesterday. People who have my Twitter may be unhappy with the flood of messages, but it's unusual for me to have so much activity.

Even though I am back at work today (which is Monday 11/28 as I type), I am trying to stagger work and making blog entries to be all caught up early this week.

So here's a re-post, but it's a good one, and it seems worthy of post number 499.

This seems to be the question many of us are asking.

What the %$$#@#@!! just happened?

President-elect Trump
Watching Donald Trump become president-elect fills us with horror. But this is not the time to turn inward. This is the time when we have to turn out. We have to be here for each other. We have to show up. Donald Trump built his campaign on isolationism. On fear of each other. On driving a wedge between people. Our greatest power comes from resisting that, from reaching out to support each other. We will stay angry, but we will also love harder. Our only choice for survival, for progress, and for equality is to live our truths as fiercely as possible, and hold each other accountable. Bitch is here to support and amplify those intersectional truths.
In the face of institutionally-sanctioned bigotry, we are here to declare one thing: Bitch is here, and we aren't going anywhere. Our work to provide and encourage a feminist response to pop culture and the mainstream media continues. Our community will endure. And we will stay and fight.
We hope that you will find the readings, actions, and resources we've selected helpful and resonant. We are here for our community. Please tell us what you need.

This is what white supremacy looks like. [The Nation]
What does President Trump mean for feminists? [The Washington Post]
Students are staging mass walkouts all over the country. [Fusion]
President Trump is a disaster for transgender people. [Fusion]
Read this amazing statement of resistance that Latinx leaders in California wrote after Trump’s win. [Fusion]
Here is what President Trump wants to do in his first 100 days. [NPR]
Women of color notched historic wins in this election. [Rewire]
Learn how bystanders can fight back against harassment.

Don’t just grieve for immigrants—fight for immigrants. [The Nation] 

Check in on your friends and family.
Watch Samantha Bee pointing out how Trump won.   
We read articles from Bitch magazine live all day over on our Facebook yesterday, if you want a place to hear feminist voices and feel connected.

Take care of yourself. Here are some self-care tips
Consider giving to a group on this list of pro-women, pro-immigrant, pro-Earth, anti-bigotry organizations that need your support. 
We are here for our community. If there’s anything you want to know more about, let us know

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Dear Bitch Community Member,

We called ourselves Bitch because we are bold. Because we believe that the things that are thrown at us to tear us down are the things we can use to bring ourselves back up. Because we believe that words matter, and the words we use to define ourselves make us stronger.

We're afraid of the very real violence, hatred, and bigotry that have long faced anyone who is labeled as Other, and that things will likely get worse before they get better. But we also believe that our only choice for survival, for progress, and for equality is to live our truths as fiercely as possible, and hold each other accountable. Bitch is here to support and amplify those intersectional truths.

Today, in the face of institutionally-sanctioned bigotry, we are here to declare one thing: Bitch is here, and we aren't going anywhere.

Our work to provide and encourage a feminist response to pop culture and the mainstream media continues. Our community will endure. And we will stay and fight.

We don't have the answers right now, but we know that we'll find them in our community. Today, we are livestreaming all day on Facebook, reading issue after issue of Bitch magazine to our readers and listeners so that our sense of community can reach beyond the walls of ourselves, of our HQ, and of our country. Please join us.

We also believe that living our truths means supporting the causes that espouse ideas and programs that are essential to policies and practices that promote acceptance and inclusion of all humans. The next four years are going to be scary.

This isn't the only thing you'll hear from us today, it's just the first thing. We will be here and we know you will be too.
The Bitch Media Crew


Reflect and connect.

Have someone give you a kiss, and tell you that I love you.

I miss you so very much, Mom.

Talk to you tomorrow, Mom.


- Days ago = 501 days ago

- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1611.17 - 10:10

NOTE on time: When I post late, I had been posting at 7:10 a.m. because Google is on Pacific Time, and so this is really 10:10 EDT. However, it still shows up on the blog in Pacific time. So, I am going to start posting at 10:10 a.m. Pacific time, intending this to be 10:10 Eastern time. I know this only matters to me, and to you, Mom. But I am not going back and changing all the 7:10 a.m. times. But I will run this note for a while. Mom, you know that I am posting at 10:10 a.m. often because this is the time of your death.

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