Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #868 - Satchel and CAMP SNOOPY

Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #868 - Satchel and CAMP SNOOPY

Hey Mom,

So, my idea was to present the T-shirts post today from November 21, 2013, but it's lame. It's just the picture of a shirt. So instead I grabbed these two posts because they feature plenty of photos and I am thankful for my puppies and my family.

Yeah, I am lame. There's original content here but it's reprints. Then again, I am proud of my T-shirts blog project, and don't mind reposting its content as I have mentioned before.


T-shirt #117: Snoopy and Friends


Our puppy Satchel is ONE YEARS OLD today, July 16 2013 (or 1307.16 as I like to note dates).

Satchel Paige Tower, named for both a name that ends with -el like Liesel and Satchel Paige the Baseball player, is our baby child and we, her mom and her dad, dote on her passionately and incessantly.

Though Satchel was born a year ago today, we did not adopt her and bring her home until August 24th 2012.

She is a beagle and springer-spaniel mix, known as a spreagle, though, since she is mostly beagle, I thought that today's shirt devoted to Snoopy and Friends was a good choice.

This Snoopy and Friends shirt was a gift several years ago from my sister. She knows how much I love Snoopy.

I am also obligated to include a picture of my childhood Peanuts books. Note the wear and tear.

I did not imagine ever being lucky enough to have a beagle, and they do howl. Though Satchel is relatively quiet as beagles go.

LOVE beagles.


I would be rich if I could genetically-engineer the puppy to either always stay a puppy or extend the baby-sized, tiny, puppy stage to a couple of years as opposed to a couple of months.

I have been a Snoopy fan for all of my life as evidenced by owning a Snoopy toy with different outfits for Snoopy as seen in the photos, such as the Sherlock Holmes Snoopy outfit as pictured.

So far, we have not dressed up Satchel in any outfits.

We are crazy dog people. I narrate the puppy's life. I speak for the puppy with my own special puppy voice, vocalizing what the puppy is thinking.

What the puppy is doing at all times is of great interest to us.

We have wished more than once that we could have streaming video when she is home alone or at one of her favorite places: CAMP FIDO.

Satchel is also known as "the Boo Boo," "Boo," "Satchel Boo," "Puppy Doodle," "Poopsy Doodle," "Poopsy Doodler," "The Doodler," "Pastry Strudel," and "Sneaky Pickle."

As you may note, I like making up names for the puppy.

My new thing is calling her "Pooper" and then replying for her: "Dad... why do you say "Pooper" to me."

Today's entry will be mostly pictures as I devote it all to Satchel and her birthday.

Happy birthday my wonderful, sweet puppy girl.

We plan to dote on you extra much today.

And now some videos and photos...

Satchel Special Time Video 1307.12

Satchel likes to "nurse" blankets. She was weaned too soon. She was the runt. You will see her knead the "breast."




I could go nuts here with Satchel pictures. But I am going to restrict myself to recent favourites and some all-time favourites.

Satchel perching a la Snoopy 1306.24

Satchel sleeping 1307.04, tired of explosions in the night

Satchel sleeping with dad later in the day 1307.04

"Dad. Why do you say Pooper to me? You know I don't like that, Dad."

Satchel playing 1208.31

Satchel held by Ivan 1209.03

Satchel on the dash of Liesel's car waiting for her to get out of work

Satchel in an Instagram photo created by Liesel

Satchel Camp Fido Pick of the Week

Re-assuring mom and dad that the puppy is happy
after we left her in Piper's care to go on a trip
Friday 1209.28

Another Instagram photo by Liesel 1212.26
- chris tower - 1307.16 - 10:48


T-shirt #244 - Camp Snoopy

Greetings. Happy Wednesday. Today is a short entry of mostly pictures as I had a busy day with work and unexpected events. The main work of the day was conferences at WMU, at which I had to break some bad news to some very nice students. The good things is that though some of the news of grades was woeful, the semester is not over, and I am not carving the grades in stone quite yet. I gave all the students who wished higher grades, options to raise their grades.

None of this work really has anything to do with Snoopy and friends, and this specific shirt, which my parents brought back from the Mall of America in Minneapolis, a trip that they took with my sister, some time (I am guessing) in the 1990s. For those who have not heard of the Mall of America, I am providing a link (which I provided twice). I had not heard of it before my family went there without me. I seem to remember that the sole purpose of the trip was to visit the mall, as my mother and sister are avid shoppers.

As for the photo, my face cannot be in every photo. That's just narcissistic.

I had not heard of Camp Snoopy either. Though, knowing my love for Snoopy and beagles in general (before I shared my life with one), they bought this short knowing I would love it.

EGADS! I just discovered a travesty. In an attempt to provide you with more links, such as one for Camp Snoopy, I found this (among many other articles):

Camp Snoopy Who? Nickelodeon runs the show now at Mall of America

The Nikelodeon Universe replaced Camp Snoopy back in 2007. So apparently, my shirt is a bit of a vintage prize now.

Check out this great video. Apparently this is an old advertisement for Camp Snoopy.


There's also

Mall of America Camp Snoopy Camp Bus Ride 


Camp Snoopy Living the Dream

  • by madmouse3
  • 5 years ago
At the end you will know how i feel.

Apparently people were quite sad when Mall of America parted ways with Snoopy and his gang.

I have only written about Snoopy one time in T-shirt #117, which I presented to commemorate Satchel's birthday. Anything Peanuts or Snoopy makes me think of my family and their support for my love of Snoopy and related other things, like Winnie the Pooh, Paddington Bear, and Curious George.

Today, I am off to do more work even yet, a class that had to be postponed due to an emergency. But I conclude my posting for the day with some old photos from my childhood and some recent pictures of our Snoopy, our boo-boo puppy, Satchel. Though I have some great pics and videos of the Boo-Boo in T-shirt #117. Check those out if you have not done so already.

I love featuring my family in my blog. I would describe my childhood as idyllic. I love my family very much.

me at three years old

I have some tentative captions with these photos, but I do not have all the details. I may update later when time permits dating and detailing each photo.

Some Easter Sunday in the 1970s
I would guess around 1974

Posing with art project
This is a space ship I drew

Halloween gifts
yes, GIFTS for Halloween
Did I mention my childhood was idyllic?

Cub Scouts camping trip
I am in the middle.

A carriage ride on Mackinaw Island
I have no idea who the girl is next to my sister.

Christmas, maybe 1975? 1974?

Post Blizzard of 1969? 1970?

I have no idea where we are.
I am guessing 1973-74.
My David Cassidy period.

My sister looks bigger here.
I would guess this is a year later
than the previous picture.

Long Lake - 1973-4?

Just two pictures of the Satchel Boo-Boo. I don't want to go nuts here.

Satchel one month ago today

Napping puppy - 1310.20

- chris tower - 1311.20- 20:18


Reflect and connect.

Have someone give you a kiss, and tell you that I love you, Mom.

I miss you so very much, Mom.

Talk to you tomorrow, Mom.


- Days ago = 870 days ago

- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1711.21 - 10:10

NEW (written 1708.27) NOTE on time: I am now in the same time zone as Google! So, when I post at 10:10 a.m. PDT to coincide with the time of your death, Mom, I am now actually posting late, so it's really 1:10 p.m. EDT. But I will continue to use the time stamp of 10:10 a.m. to remember the time of your death, Mom. I know this only matters to me, and to you, Mom.

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