A Sense of Doubt blog post #3001 - Weekly Comics Lists for April 2023
I interrupt my plans to post this blog entry.
When I started HEY MOM on July 6th, 2015, weekly comics were not foremost on my mind for post content. I published a couple over the years since, but not too many. Mostly I have several dozen (a month at a time and at least seven years' worth means a good 84 of my 600+ drafts are these comic book posts. That's a lot to try to catch up to current. For a while, I considered making a gigantic post that collected all of them, but that seemed too much. Then I considered just publishing them all with little to no commentary but that would throw off my count, though the days since and the total posts is not the same anyway.
True, the new Planet of the Apes comic is the cover image, but that's only because I choose one comic from the first week of the month and that was the candidate. I also try to mix it up and not repeat so Fables, Scarlet Witch, Spider-Man, and I Am Iron Man were not choices for that week as I have featured those atop these posts in recent months (not that you have seen them as they are unpublished).
Reading Order - shipment arrived Friday 2305.05
Amazing Spider-Man #023 [Legacy #917]
Amazing Spider-Man #024 [Legacy #918]
Green Arrow #001
Superman #003
Fantastic Four #006 [Legacy #699]
Daredevil #010 [Legacy #658]
Captain America Sentinel of Liberty #011
Captain America Cold War ALPHA
Captain America Symbol of Truth #012
Batman #134
World's Finest #014
She-Hulk #12 [Legacy #175]
Spider-Man #007 [Legacy #163]
The Invincible Iron Man #005 [Legacy #655]
Avengers Assemble OMEGA #001
I AM... Iron Man #002
Scarlet Witch #004
Planet of the Apes #001
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #005 [Legacy #287]
Action Comics #1054
Black Cloak #004
Love Everlasting #006
Ghost Rider #013 [Legacy #256]
Thor #033 [Legacy #759]
Detective Comics #1071
Fables #158
Black Adam #10 of 12
The following items are awaiting your pickup:
1 $4.99 Action Comics #1054 Cvr A Beach
1 $3.99 Amazing Spider-Man #23
1 $3.99 Amazing Spider-Man #24
1 $7.99 Avengers Assemble Omega #1
1 $4.99 Batman #134 Cvr A Jimenez
1 $3.99 Batman Superman Worlds Finest #14
1 $3.99 Black Adam #10 (of 12)
1 $3.99 Black Cloak #4 Cvr A Mcclaren
1 $4.99 Captain America Cold War Alpha #1
1 $3.99 Captain America Sentinel of Liberty #11
1 $3.99 Captain America Symbol of Truth #12
1 $3.99 Daredevil #10
1 $4.99 Detective Comics #1071 Cvr A Cagle
1 $3.99 Fables #158 (of 162) Cvr A Qistina Khalidah (Mr)
1 $3.99 Fantastic Four #6
1 $3.99 Ghost Rider #13
1 $3.99 Green Arrow #1 (of 6) Cvr A Sean Izaakse
1 $3.99 Hulk #14
1 $3.99 I Am Iron Man #2
1 $3.99 Invincible Iron Man #5
1 $3.99 Love Everlasting #6 Cvr A Charretier
1 $3.99 Miles Morales Spider-Man #5
1 $4.99 Planet of the Apes #1
1 $4.99 Previews #416 May 2023
1 $3.99 Scarlet Witch #4
1 $4.99 She-Hulk #12
1 $3.99 Spider-Man #7
1 $4.99 Superman #3
1 $3.99 Thor #33
Total: $127.71
You may pick up these items at anytime.
Happy New Comic Day!
Non-Email Comics: Carnal Confessions #1, Miss Meow #6 2nd Ptg
The following comics will be available for you to pick up on Wednesday, April 5th.
If you have any questions please call us at 269-349-8866 or reply to this email. Thanks!
The following subscription(s) have arri ved for you:
Qty | Price | Description |
1 | $3.99 | Amazing Spider-Man #23 |
1 | $4.99 | Batman #134 Cvr A Jimenez |
1 | $3.99 | Captain America Sentinel of Liberty #11 |
1 | $3.99 | Fables #158 (of 162) Cvr A Qistina Khalidah (Mr) |
1 | $3.99 | Ghost Rider #13 |
1 | $3.99 | I Am Iron Man #2 |
1 | $3.99 | Love Everlasting #6 Cvr A Charretier |
1 | $4.99 | Planet of the Apes #1 |
1 | $3.99 | Scarlet Witch #4 |
1 | $3.99 | Spider-Man #7 |
Total: | $41.90 |
4415 S. Westnedge Ave.
Kalamazoo, MI 49008
I LIKE COMICS - 2304.06
Flash #796
Adventures of Superman - Jon Kent #001
Adventures of Superman - Jon Kent #002
House of Slaughter vol. 2 - Scarlet
Happy New Comic Day!
The following comics will be available for you to pick up on Wednesday, April 12th.
If you have any questions please call us at 269-349-8866 or reply to this email. Thanks!
The following subscription(s) have arri ved for you:
Qty | Price | Description |
1 | $3.99 | Black Cloak #4 Cvr A Mcclaren |
1 | $3.99 | Fantastic Four #6 |
1 | $3.99 | Miles Morales Spider-Man #5 |
Total: | $11.97 |
The following special order(s) have arrived for you:
Qty | Price | Description |
1 | $4.99 | Captain America Cold War Alpha #1 |
Total: | $4.99 |
4415 S. Westnedge Ave.
Kalamazoo, MI 49008
I LIKE COMICS - 2304.15
Captain Marvel #048 [Legacy #182]
X-Men #021
Moonknight #022
Happy New Comic Day!
The following comics will be available for you to pick up on Wednesday, April 18th.
If you have any questions please call us at 269-349-8866 or reply to this email. Thanks!
The following subscription(s) have arri ved for you:
Qty | Price | Description |
1 | $3.99 | Amazing Spider-Man #24 |
1 | $3.99 | Batman Superman Worlds Finest #14 |
1 | $3.99 | Black Adam #10 (of 12) |
1 | $4.99 | She-Hulk #12 |
1 | $4.99 | Superman #3 |
Total: | $21.95 |
The following special order(s) have arrived for you:
Qty | Price | Description |
1 | $7.99 | Avengers Assemble Omega #1 |
Total: | $7.99 |
4415 S. Westnedge Ave.
Kalamazoo, MI 49008
Happy New Comic Day!
Non-Email Comics: Miss Meow #8
The following comics will be available for you to pick up on Wednesday, April 26th.
If you have any questions please call us at 269-349-8866 or reply to this email. Thanks!
The following subscription(s) have arri ved for you:
Qty | Price | Description |
1 | $4.99 | Action Comics #1054 Cvr A Beach |
1 | $3.99 | Captain America Symbol of Truth #12 |
1 | $3.99 | Daredevil #10 |
1 | $4.99 | Detective Comics #1071 Cvr A Cagle |
1 | $3.99 | Green Arrow #1 (of 6) Cvr A Sean Izaakse |
1 | $3.99 | Hulk #14 |
1 | $3.99 | Invincible Iron Man #5 |
1 | $4.99 | Previews #416 May 2023 |
1 | $3.99 | Thor #33 |
Total: | $38.91 |
4415 S. Westnedge Ave.
Kalamazoo, MI 49008
- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 2305.07 - 10:10
- Days ago = 2865 days ago
- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.
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