Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.


Friday, February 10, 2017

Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #584 - Reprint 2016 Month of Love


Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #584 - Reprint 2016 Month of Love

Hi Mom,

I have not yet really indulged in reprinting Hey Mom content. I have reprinted T-shirt content, but not Hey Mom content (well, until yesterday).

But now that I am close to 600 entries, it seems fitting to occasionally reprint something that I liked that I had done in the previous 600 some entries.

So, still studying for today's test. This morning is the big push.

This is from last year, original post here:



DISCLAIMER ON SHARING: I did not ask for PERMISSION before I shared these works, and I would take any down if the artists or the organizer of THE MONTH OF LOVE objects. I am sharing 
WITH ATTRIBUTION, so I feel this is no different than sharing a link or image in a share click from Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, etc. But since I tagged #Monthoflove with my Twitter post, it's possible that artists will find this post. I will take down art work by request but I hope this is not requested. I may have a small readership, but with traffic between 100-280 clicks a day, sometimes, I hope to give these excellent artists some more exposure. Find and support these excellent artists. I know I will. If any of the people involved, especially the artists find this blog post, I feel that I am re-posting with credit and encouragement to further investigate sites where more of the artist's art can be found, so it's not stealing, it's simply sharing in the spirit of  social media.

 Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #221 - Month of Love

Hi Mom, I love the Internet. One of my favorite benefits of loving the Internet is discovering new things that I did not know about and especially COOL things that are worth sharing again through the network. Yesterday, I stumbled upon (which in itself -- stumble upon -- is a web service but not how I found this thing) an art project called THE MONTH OF LOVE.

The Month of Love is an art contest for the month of February hosted on Tumblr by KRISTINA CARROLL.

It's a great idea. Each week there's a new challenge. Artists post their work. Social media effect balloons and creates support and promotion for all involved, such as what I am doing by posting about it.

Here's the explanation from the The Month of Love page: WHY:  These challenges are about inspiring artists to push themselves, create new personal work and engage with the community.  Having a large group of skilled and committed artists involved means we are constantly challenging ourselves and each other to make better art than we might if left to our own devices. Not to mention tapping the social network to access a larger audience. Many professional artists, art directors and collectors also participate and/or follow us.  Much of the work that has resulted from these challenges has been accepted into competitions, been sold, got people jobs and generally helped push our craft to the next level. I have received many comments from artists stating this is just that extra little push they needed to create that next, great personal piece. (or 5!)  Still need convincing? Just scroll through all the amazing artwork on this site that would not have existed without this challenge. You may have something equally awesome inside you just waiting for this opportunity to be brought out

Below are the topics for 2016. These challenges are meant to be very open ended- seeds for inspiration. There is no right or wrong solution, just go with where your gut takes you…..
Heroes (Feb 1-7) 
Heroes, Protagonists and Idols. Who do you love to see kick ass and/or chew bubblegum?
Lost in Translation  (Feb 8-14)
The Language of Love has many dialects. Sometimes we’re fluent and other times… it’s all Greek. 
Weapons (Feb 15-21)
Cupid’s arrows, Menalaus’ thousand ships, Romeo and Juliet’s dagger… Love is war: choose your Weapon.
Fantasy (Feb 22-28) 
Lloyd Alexander said: “Fantasy is hardly an escape from reality. It’s a way of understanding it.” How does “fantasy” (in any definition) relate to love or affect the meaning of love for you?

Here's some of my favorite works so far, of course, WITH ATTRIBUTION. Find and support these excellent artists. I know I will. If any of the people involved, especially the artists find this blog post, I feel that I am re-posting with credit and encouragement to further investigate sites where more of the artist's art can be found, so it's not stealing, it's simply sharing in the spirit of  social media.

These are fantastic works of art!!
I just happened to spot a re-post on Twitter by someone I follow. I do not spend much time on social media feeds because I am so busy. But I like when I randomly spot cool things that I want to follow more closely.

I could post a couple of dozen works. I will restrict myself to six and only from the Lost in Translation theme. Happy Valentine's Day.


Erin Kelso
For the Month of Love challenge: ‘'Lost in Translation”
I picked the two main characters from Robin McKinley’s book about icky, gross, non-sparkly vampires. Sunshine is a baker whose magic comes from sunlight, and Con is an undead corpse. The two of them have to figure out a way to make their bizarre friendship work.


Love and Aphasia
walnut ink, colored pencil, digital


“Thoughts - Words - Split - Dust” by Chantal Horeis
for the Month of Love challenge 2016: Lost in Translation

Winona Nelson
“The Secret Grief”
Graphite on hot press watercolor paper and digital color
For “Lost in Translation” on Month of Love
Loss and the way we talk about it are heavy ideas for me right now.  This is for those who have experienced the loss we don’t speak about: Miscarriage.

By Maggie Ivy

“Thought Process” 
Week Two- Month of Love: Lost in Translation
I wanted to show that connection and thought that goes behind those agonizing texts, were you go through an endless loop of what you want to say, what you think you should say and what you end up saying. 

Jana Heidersdorf | @checanty

Jana Heidersdorf | @checanty

Month of Love 2016 - Lost in Translation

Mind to Mouth Translation is hard.

Reflect and connect.

Have someone give you a kiss, and tell you that I love you.

Talk to you tomorrow, Mom.


- Days ago = 223 days ago

- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1602.13 - 10:10
NOTE on time: When I post late, I had been posting at 7:10 a.m. because Google is on Pacific Time, and so this is really 10:10 EDT. However, it still shows up on the blog in Pacific time. So, I am going to start posting at 10:10 a.m. Pacific time, intending this to be 10:10 Eastern time. I know this only matters to me, and to you, Mom. But I am not going back and changing all the 7:10 a.m. times. But I will run this note for a while.


Reflect and connect.

Have someone give you a kiss, and tell you that I love you.

I miss you so very much, Mom.

Talk to you tomorrow, Mom.


- Days ago = 586 days ago

- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1702.10 - 7:43

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