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Thursday, October 8, 2020

A Sense of Doubt blog post #2060 - Pure Michigan - right-wing extremists plan to kidnap and murder Michigan governor


A Sense of Doubt blog post #2060 - Pure Michigan - right-wing extremists plan to kidnap and murder Michigan governor


26 DAYS - daily election day countdown

A FEW people in Michigan, not all of them, but some of them, really made me sad to be a Michigander back in April. 

I wrote about that here:

A Sense of Doubt blog post #1884 - Michigan, I am so disappointed in you...

And now this...

"Militia" groups (domestic terrorists and criminals) plot to kidnap and/or execute Governor Whitmer because of that state LOCKDOWN as per public health policies and a mandate for the wearing of masks.

Yes, God forbid that Whitmer would listen to SCIENCE and keep closed things like gyms. 

She's a TYRANT!!

That's so much like the things other fascist dictators have done like suppression of the press, genocide in concentration camps, or first right of the marital bed.

Yeah, she's a tyrant all right [sarcasm].

So why don't these good ol' boys belong to ANTIFA??

Probably because ANTIFA wouldn't have them because they don't plot or do violent shit like kidnapping and executions and Whitmer is NOT a fascist.

I am so happy to learn that Whitmer is all right and that law enforcement managed to infiltrate and stop these extreme right-wing terrorists before anyone got hurt.

But this situation is frightening, and even more, by how it is exacerbated by the "president" of the United States who claims he's all about LAW AND ORDER and yet neither condemns these supporters of his strongly enough nor expresses appropriate sympathy for an elected official in the country he was "elected" top lead, let alone calling her to check on her (which as she pointed out is what a decent person would do).

Here's the news to know:

What we know about the militia members charged in kidnapping plot against Michigan governor


Updated 11:02 AM; Today 10:51 AM

What We Know About the Alleged Plot to Kidnap Michigan’s Governor - NY Times

Accused leader of plot to kidnap Michigan governor was struggling financially, living in basement storage space - WASHINGTON POST

Back in April, Donald Trump went on a Twitter tear, tweeting for people to "liberate" a variety of states in response to FOX News's coverage of the protests against social distancing. This included the state of Michigan.

On Wednesday, more than 12 people were arrested for allegedly conspiring to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in order to put her on trial for treason, and also maybe violently overthrow the Michigan government as well. An FBI affidavit detailing the alleged plot was filed on Thursday in federal court, following a raid on the home of 24-year-old Ty Garbin of Hartland Township, Michigan.

Garbin, who was one of those arrested, is mentioned by name in the affidavit, along with Adam Fox, Barry Croft, Kaleb Franks, Daniel Harris, and Brandon Caserta.

In early 2020, the FBI became aware of Fox and Croft, who were plotting online to "take violent action against multiple state governments that they believe are violating the U.S. Constitution." In June, the men held an in-person meeting in Dublin, Ohio, with 13 other men, one of whom turned out to be an FBI informant. Oh nuts!

According to the affidavit:

The group talked about creating a society that followed the U.S. Bill of Rights and where they could be self sufficient. They discussed different ways of achieving this goal from peaceful endeavors to violent actions. At one point, several members talked about state governments they believed were violating the U.S. Constitution, including the government of Michigan and Governor Gretchen Whitmer. Several members talked about murdering "tyrants" or "taking" a sitting governor. The group decided they needed to increase their numbers and encouraged each other to talk to their neighbors and spread their message. As part of that recruitment effort, FOX reached out to a Michigan based militia group (the "militia group.")

The FBI already knew about this as-yet-unnamed militia group because they had reportedly been trying to get the home addresses of law enforcement officers, probably so they could bake them cakes with the thin blue line flag on them.

Fox and Croft reached out to the militia group and ended up meeting with members on several occasions. One of those members was Ty Garbin, the guy whose house was raided.

Ty Garbin, Facebook

At a Second Amendment rally on June 18, an FBI informant recorded Fox telling Garbin that "he planned to attack the Capitol and asked them to combine forces."

As part of FOX's operational security, the attendees met in the basement of the shop, which was accessed through a trap door hidden under a rug on the main floor. FOX collected all of their cellular phones in a box and carried them upstairs to prevent any monitoring. CHS-2 [the informant] was wearing a recording device, however, and captured the audio from the meeting. The attendees discussed plans for assaulting the Michigan State Capitol, countering law enforcement first responders, and using "Molotov cocktails" to destroy police vehicles. The attendees also discussed plans for an additional meeting during the first weekend of July when they also would conduct firearms and tactical training.

Gee, I wonder why these people would be throwing Molotov cocktails at police vehicles. It's almost as if they were hoping the blame would fall on certain other groups of people!

I also wonder, far more legitimately, how someone can be the kind of paranoid wacko who tries to overthrow the state of Michigan, but also not be paranoid enough to check for a damn wire.

It wasn't until a few days later though that they allegedly started working Gov. Whitmer into their plans:

On June 25, 2020, FOX [the person, not the news channel] live-streamed a video to a private Facebook group that included CHS-2, in which he complained about the judicial system and the State of Michigan controlling the opening of gyms. FOX referred to Governor Whitmer as "this tyrant bitch," and stated, "I don't know, boys, we gotta do something. You guys link with me on our other location system, give me some ideas of what we can do." The video was preserved by the FBI.

A few days after that, after they all did their tactical training, Fox hosted another meeting in which he said those who were not willing to participate in an armed insurrection and kidnap politicians could leave right then.

And by the end of July, they were hashing out their plans to kidnap Gov. Whitmer.

FOX said their best opportunity to abduct Governor Whitmer would be when she was arriving at, or leaving, either her personal vacation home or the Governor's official summer residence. Both residences are located in the Western District of Michigan. FOX described it as a "Snatch and grab, man. Grab the fuckin' Governor. Just grab the bitch. Because at that point, we do that, dude — it's over." FOX said that after kidnapping the Governor, the group would remove her to a secure location in Wisconsin for "trial."

FOX suggested they get a realtor to help them find the exact location of the vacation home and collect information on the surrounding homes and structures. FOX discussed the importance of knowing the layout of the yard, homes, and security. FOX stated they needed to map out the surrounding property and gates, and they needed plumbers and electricians to help them read blueprints to refine their strategy. FOX also suggested recruiting an engineer or "IT [Information Technology] guy," a "demo guy," and other "operators."

So it was getting serious. So serious that they started conducting surveillance on her home.

During the surveillance operation, FOX stated, "She fucking goddamn loves the power she has right now" and that "she has no checks and balances at all. She has uncontrolled power right now." CROFT stated, "All good things must come to an end." FOX also remarked "I can see several states takin' their fuckin' tyrants. Everybody takes their tyrants." The group also discussed how many people should be involved in the kidnapping operation.

Yes, they definitely had some issues. What was gonna be next? Were they gonna blow up a building in Oklahoma City?

The Right constantly screams and cries about antifa, and they get so, so mad when people say that, factually, there is far more political violence coming from the Right. But antifa activists are not out there plotting to kidnap the governor of Michigan. And maybe, when they are, we can talk. Until then, pass.

Trump can "LAW AND ORDER!" all he wants, but when he's also tweeting "LIBERATE MICHIGAN!" and talking about Second Amendment solutions, he's not only encouraging people like this, he's handing them a "We were just following orders" defense.


 Robyn Pennacchia

Robyn Pennacchia is a brilliant, fabulously talented and visually stunning angel of a human being, who shrugged off what she is pretty sure would have been a Tony Award-winning career in musical theater in order to write about stuff on the internet. In addition to her work at Wonkette, she also has a biweekly column at Dame. Follow her on Twitter at @RobynElyse

At a Second Amendment rally on June 18, an FBI informant recorded attempted kidnapper Adam Fox talking to fellow attempted kidnapper Ty Garbin about his desire to join forces with Garbin's militia in order to overthrow the government of Michigan. But as it turns out, they weren't the only ones there.

Also in attendance were twin brothers Michael and William Null of Shelbyville, Michigan, two of the 13 men arrested in the plot. They were each charged with providing material support for terrorist acts and possessing a gun in the commission of a felony.

So, just to be clear here — they were at the Michigan Capitol building agitating for their right to own guns. Guns they planned to use to overthrow Michigan and later use to kidnap the governor of Michigan. That was the right they were fighting for. They believe that they, the kind of people who would get involved with a domestic terror plot, should really have the right to carry guns around with them wherever they go.

In addition to the Null Brothers and the six men named yesterday — Adam Fox, Ty Garbin, Barry Croft, Kaleb Franks, Daniel Harris, and Brandon Caserta — several others have since been named in the plot. The name of the militia group has also been released — the Wolverine Watchmen.

Via Detroit Free Press:

Pete Musico, 42, and Joseph Morrison, 26, who live together in Munith and are each charged with a threat of terrorism, gang membership, providing material support for terrorist acts, and possession of a firearm in commission of a felony; Paul Bellar, 21, of Milford, charged with providing material support for terrorist acts, gang membership, and possessing a firearm in commission of a felony; and Shawn Fix, 38, of Belleville, Eric Molitor, 36, of Cadillac.

Pete Musico and Joseph "Boogalo Bunyan" Morrison are the founders of the Wolverine Watchmen. They started recruiting members on social media in the fall of 2019 and have since been conducting "field exercises" in hopes of preparing themselves for another civil war. The group has been a fixture at Second Amendment events throughout Michigan — events funded by the DeVos family — as they believe it is their Second Amendment right to overthrow the government should things not go their way. There was reportedly another militia group involved, but its name has not been released yet.

This morning, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer said that she would prefer the men be referred to as "militias," but rather as domestic terrorists.

Of course, for many of us, militias — particularly those based in Michigan — are virtually synonymous with domestic terrorism. And really — what are these militias even doing other than preparing themselves to kill the rest of us in a civil war or overthrow the government? What purpose is it that they serve, other than that? What? Are the Redcoats coming?

Michigan Democrats have attempted recently to pass two bills barring people from bringing guns into the legislature, as they did that day in June. Republicans, naturally, have blocked them. But part of the plan here was for these people to storm the legislature and take people hostage.

These people could very easily pretend to be having a "We Heart The Second Amendment" rally, as they did in June, and then just go full Dog Day Afternoon on everybody. So perhaps — just perhaps — it might be a good idea to make it slightly more difficult for them to do that.

[Detroit Free Press]




- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 2010.08 - 10:10 

- Days ago = 1924 days ago

- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.

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