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Tuesday, October 20, 2020

A Sense of Doubt blog post #2072 - Happy Birthday Kamala Harris: AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!!


A Sense of Doubt blog post #2072 - Happy Birthday Kamala Harris: AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!!

13 DAYS - daily election countdown

The Internet always provides.

Today was supposed to be a post about bias on CNN vs. Fox News, but then I discovered that not only is it Kamala Harris' birthday, but she is doing a fund raiser with the cast from the Avengers films and a dedication to actor Chadwick Boseman, may he rest in peace.

This is must share content.

Even before she was selected to be the vice presidential candidate of the Biden campaign, Harris had hit the top of my list of women I admire, especially for her wise-cracking and whip-smart attitude at the democrat candidate debates earlier this year.

She's the bomb.

Happy Birthday Kamala Harris!!

It's Kamala Harris's birthday! The senator and Democratic vice presidential nominee is 56 today. And she grew up in California, so that's some mighty resilient skin! This particular birthday for this particular Black lady has special meaning for me, because my mother was 56 when she passed away. Although she lived to see Barack Obama elected (but not inaugurated), she definitely would've enjoyed seeing Harris kicking ass and scaring white boys.

Speaking of which, I was searching YouTube for some cool Kamala clips for this post and this was the first thing that came up. Social media is just so biased against conservatives.

Sounds great!YouTube

I don't watch Ben Shapiro videos if I can help it, because his face and voice are stupid. It says a lot that the image of this calm, sane, bomb-ass woman is supposed to freak out conservatives. Maybe Republicans have conceded that comparing Joe Biden to Mr. Rogers wasn't brilliant politics, so now they're retreating to the familiar "SCARY WOMAN MIGHT RUN THINGS."

Stop wetting yourself. This country's had men in charge for centuries. We can manage with a woman next in line to the presidency. She'll have a seat at the table with Uncle Joe, who'll actually listen to her. We might even get to leave the house next year.

Unfortunately, the Internets insist that Harris isn't a fellow Gen Xer but a late Boomer like Michelle Obama and her husband. [The Internet is wrong on all counts. — Editrix] Fine, stick us with Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, but c'mon, man, just check out the sister's college haircut.

Harris also appreciates rap music and gave a winking nod to the Gen X conspiracy theory that Tupac is still alive. (Or she just misunderstood the question.)

Further proof that Harris belongs to my generation is that she's spending her birthday with The Avengers.

Boomers would want to do something with the Rolling Stones, or a nice bowl of porridge.

The best present we can give Harris is to vote and get out the vote for everyone who wants to end this nightmare. In just two weeks, Kamala Harris could become vice president-elect of the United States. We can dare to dream if we are moved to action.

Buy yourself a Kamala's Birthday present at the Wonkette Bazaar!

Kamala Harris, ‘Avengers’ & Russo Brothers’ Fundraiser Honors Chadwick Boseman; Slams Donald Trump: “Fish Rots From The Head Down”

By Dominic PattenTed Johnson

There were inferences galore of Donald Trump as Thanos at Senator Kamala Harris’ fundraiser tonight with some of The Avengers and the Russo brothers, as the 2020 election clearly moves into endgame territory.

However, on the birthday of the VP nominee and amidst ample discussion of the “importance of honor and courage and unity,” one absent Avenger and the former Celebrity Apprentice host were marquee players too on Tuesday.

Sen, Harris made a distinct point of mentioning the recently deceased Chadwick Boseman and how she wanted to “honor his life and the memory of him.” On the flip side, the first woman of color on a national ticket told Captain America himself Chris Evans that “I couldn’t agree with you more about the fish, by the way.” Earlier in the evening, before Harris joined the event, Evans had told donors that “I think the fish rots from the head down” in a swipe at Trump.

Punctuated by a surprise appearance by Robert Downey Jr and the candidate’s husband Doug Emhoff, the blockbuster of a Hollywood and DC crossover saw Sen. Harris chatting virtually with Evans, Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow), Mark Ruffalo (Hulk), Don Cheadle (War Machine), Paul Rudd (Antman) and Zoe Saldana (Gamnora). With donations as low as $1, the 70-minute grassroots fundraiser was as much an exercise in PR as finance for the Democrats’ ticket

“First of all, I’m a huge fan, so I’m like a kid right now being with all of you guys and all together,” California’s junior Senator told Joe Russo. “And Don has been a friend for a long time and Bridgid (his partner) and I just want to thank you guys for what you’re doing to put yourselves out there, to be so engaged and to speak up in this way because you certainly don’t have to,” Harris told the Russos and the assembled Avengers. “And you’re all so talented.”

The self-declared Black Panther fan then addressed the death of Boseman on August 28 from a long battle with cancer.

Black Panther

“You know, actually where I am now, the studio from my D.C. headquarters, if you will, is at Howard University,” Sen. Harris stated. “And that’s – Chadwick and I actually both attended Howard University and I think about him all the time, there are monuments and memorials set up on campus to him and he was a very dear friend,” she added, with obvious sadness in her voice.

“We all know honor and decency matters, and it matters whether you are saving the universe from Thanos or fighting for the soul of our nation,” Sen Harris said at another point. “Joe Biden feels very strongly about this too,” she added of her poll leading running mate, the former VP.

“If the Avengers can assemble from across the galaxy, then the American people can get together from wherever we are, whoever we voted for in the last election, and whatever language our grandmother spoke and come together to get our country on the right track,” Harris noted as the hard-fought election moves into its final two weeks.

“I just wanted to drop in and say happy birthday to my superhero wife,” the clearly pre-recorded video from Emhoff exclaimed. “I wish we could be together watching yet another Avengers movie right now, but this is a next best thing,” the potential First Man (think about it) added.

“One of the last times we saw you all together Thanos tried to snap his fingers and kill half the universe, but thanks to science we solved the problem,” Emhoff went on to say. “But the threat we face now isn’t entirely different. A global pandemic, a climate crisis, and a president who is making it all worse. He is a villain fit for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, except he tweets more, and he’s an active superspreader.”

Of course, by the very nature of the fundraiser and its primary participants, there was some fun and games too.

For one thing, Saldana sang Happy Birthday to Harris when she joined the event about 20-minutes in. “That was the saddest rendition of ‘Happy Birthday’ anybody’s ever sung,” said Rudd with near perfect comic timing.

While Anthony Mackie (Falcon) was unable to get on the Zoom call, Downey did make it and Iron Man helped lead the group and Harris in a movie trivia round, for better or worse.

Yet, with all that, overall, the tone kept coming back to the seriousness of this election for America, democracy and the world.

When Johansson asked her what kind of superpower she would like to have, Harris said that it was “the ability to see a world and imagine a world where we have peace and we have equity, and where we cherish this God-given planet and where we value education of our children and then imagine that and then work to get that. I think that is an incredible quality that is actually a super power when people have it.”

Happy Birthday, Kamala Harris—and Welcome to the Female Force!


Should Kamala Devi Harris be elected vice president in two weeks, she will have achieved several simultaneous “firsts,” all of which will be especially significant to wide swaths of women, women of color, immigrant families, DREAMers and more. The ballots may not yet be counted (praying for their safe return), but the California senator turns 56 today, and amid the many honors and tributes in celebration of her special day, TidalWave Comics has added the firebrand to its roster of politically-themed and biographical titles. To date, TidalWave’s ever-growing library includes more than 200 comic book biographies, including biographical profiles on Michelle Obama, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Condoleezza Rice, Hillary Clinton, Sonia Sotomayor, and more.

“TidalWave has profiled politicians for more than 11 years using the unique storytelling properties of comic books,” boasts a release provided to The Glow Up, which explains why Harris was an essential addition to its Female Force series. “We believe that it is important for readers to have inspiring role models, to learn about extraordinary individuals that have overcome challenges to make a difference in the world,” says the brand. “That was the thought process Darren G. Davis went through before creating the comic book series Female Force.

“We wanted to showcase the strong women in today’s society that have inspired generations and shaped the culture of today,” Davis further explained. “Kids and adults alike can look up to these women as great role models. One of the coolest things about the comic books is that we found schools using them for reluctant readers.”

Listing a few of Harris’ impressive credentials, the release continued:

Kamala Devi Harris is only the second African-American and first Asian-American Senator from the state of California. A lawyer, prosecutor, and former attorney general, Harris has devoted herself to bettering the lives of her constituents while focusing on social issues that help minorities and women. Full of grit and determination, her no-nonsense approach and bi-racial heritage have made her a popular member of the Democratic party. She is now presidential candidate Joe Biden’s running mate.

Harris’ 22-page comic, written by Michael Frizell and illustrated by Juan Burgos, is available in both digital and print formats on multiple platforms. A special hardcover edition of the comic will also be available, with cover art by famed comic book artist Dave Ryan.

“As a public figure, Kamala Harris is a fascinating person,” said writer Frizell. “Her historic nomination is a natural progression of her talent as a politician. It will be fascinating to see what happens next. Love her or not, her placement on the ballot is groundbreaking.”

Happy Birthday, Kamala—and welcome to the Female Force!

Print copies of the Kamala Harris-themed issue of Female Force are available on Amazon. Digital versions are available from iTunes, Kindle, Nook, ComiXology, Kobo and wherever e-books are sold.

Maiysha Kai is Managing Editor of The Glow Up, co-host of The Root Presents: It's Lit! podcast, and your average Grammy-nominated goddess next door...May I borrow some sugar?




- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 2010.20 - 10:10

- Days ago = 1936 days ago

- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.

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