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Friday, July 7, 2023

A Sense of Doubt blog post #3062 - Psilocybin Treatments in Oregon

A Sense of Doubt blog post #3062 - Psilocybin Treatments in Oregon

Great news!

Great news at least for those of us who believe in the transformative and healing power of "magic mushrooms."

Centers in Oregon have started treating clients with psilocybin!

Here's more information.

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Oregon approves first license for a psilocybin service center

EPIC Healing Eugene is the first psilocybin service center licensed in the state and could start serving clients within weeks
 3:47 PM PDT May 5, 2023

OREGON, USA — A big step forward for Oregon Psilocybin Services' was announced Friday. The Oregon Health Authority licensed EPIC Healing Eugene as the state’s first psilocybin service center.

EPIC Healing Eugene is the first physical space where people will be able to go get psilocybin treatment. The approval of the wellness center in Eugene is the final step in setting the program in motion.

“We want to congratulate Cathy Jonas of EPIC Healing Eugene on being the first licensed service center in the state,” said Angie Allbe, OPS section manager. “This is such a historic moment as psilocybin services will soon become available in Oregon, and we appreciate the strong commitment to client safety and access as service center doors prepare to open.”

“Today is a huge day for the state of Oregon and truly the entire country,” said Healing Advocacy Fund Executive Director Sam Chapman. “We expect service centers to be opening their doors pretty quickly after receiving their license. Down in Eugene — with EPIC Healing — it seems like they could be seeing clients in the next few weeks.”  

The Healing Advocacy Fund is a nonprofit organization, working to implement, educate and support psychedelic therapy.

“While EPIC Healing in Eugene is the first service center to be licensed, we certainly do not expect it to be the last,” Chapman said. “By the end of this year, we expect to see as many as a dozen service centers licensed and serving clients, providing a new path for so many to address their depression, anxiety, and addiction.”  

Friday’s announcement is more than two and a half years in the making. Voters passed Measure 109 in 2020, allowing for the regulated use of psilocybin. Psilocybin is the psychedelic compound found in what's commonly known as "magic mushrooms."

So far facilitators have received their licenses from the state, and manufacturers and testing labs have been approved, but until today no service center had been licensed through the OHA.

“Oregon really has the opportunity and frankly the responsibility of showing the rest of the country how this new tool can address our epidemic of mental health challenges,” Chapman said.

OPS has issued three manufacturer licenses, one laboratory license, five facilitator licenses, and 84 worker permits, according to OHA.

The center

Epic Healing Eugene, a “boutique-style" healing center, will serve up to 30 people each month. Services will include individual and small group sessions.

“We are excited to be the first service center licensed in Oregon and to be able to open our doors for the many clients who will benefit from our transformational psychedelic-assisted therapy in a safe and nurturing space,” said founder Cathy Jonas in a statement.

Jonas is a licensed social worker and author. She’s shared the process of getting licensed on YouTube.

“There’s a lot of things going on here that make this very difficult. Also, finically, this is very difficult. It’s not a big money maker for small business owners at this point, but it’s also the right thing to do for those people who feel passionate about doing deep healing work with others,” Jonas said in a recent YouTube video.

How it works

Clients, 21 and older, can access psilocybin services. They won’t need prescriptions or referrals from a doctor, but they will have to do a preparation session with a licensed facilitator. If they meet the criteria, they can undergo psilocybin sessions alongside a trained and licensed facilitator.

Chapman and other advocates are ready to get the program running and eventually make it more accessible.

“We get to focus on the next task in front of us, which is ensuring that we can really make this program affordable and accessible long-term,” Chapman said.

Chapman sees this as a groundbreaking step forward in addressing the mental health crisis through a highly regulated process of implementing psilocybin therapy. And Oregon is at the forefront.

“I don't anticipate people who don't believe in the promise of suicide and to simply believe us, we're going to show them through this program, through continued research and really being able to put our money where our mouth is in terms of showing skeptics that psilocybin therapy is not only here to stay but has real promise for people who are struggling,” he said.



Oregon Psilocybin Services begins accepting applications for licenses, worker permits

Oregon Health Authority

Oregon Psilocybin Services (OPS) has begun accepting applications for licenses for manufacturers, laboratories, service centers and facilitators.

OPS, located at the Oregon Health Authority’s Public Health Division, has posted information on how to apply for the license types on its website, Oregon.gov/psilocybin. OPS began accepting applications Jan. 2.

Under the Oregon Psilocybin Services Act, or ORS 475A, a client 21 and older may access psilocybin services and will be required to complete a preparation session with a licensed facilitator before participating in an administration session. The client will only access psilocybin at a licensed service center during an administration session. Integration sessions will be made available after administration sessions to further support clients.

Psilocybin products must be cultivated or processed by licensed manufacturers and tested by licensed, accredited testing laboratories before being sold to licensed service centers. Service centers are the only licensee authorized to sell psilocybin products to clients and only for consumption at the licensed service center during administration sessions.

It will take some time for these four license types to become licensed and set up operations. Licensees will determine the cost of their services and the scheduling of clients once they are licensed and open for business.

For the latest updates, subscribe to the Oregon psilocybin Services distribution list at: oregon.gov/psilocybin


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- Days ago = 2926 days ago

- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.

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