Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.


Sunday, July 9, 2023

A Sense of Doubt blog post #3064 - Weekly Comics for June 2023 - SPOILERS!! - Comic Book Sunday for 2307.09

A Sense of Doubt blog post #3064 - Weekly Comics for June 2023 - SPOILERS!!
 - Comic Book Sunday for 2307.09

As I wrote about the last time I published this collection of Weekly lists and final monthly reading list, here: 

Sunday, May 7, 2023

I have a back log of years worth of these posts collecting comics lists.

Also, as I wrote a review of Titans #1, here:

Sunday, May 21, 2023

It should be no surprise that Titans #2 tops this list and is the first comic read in the batch that arrived Friday.

The first night I had these comics I read Titans #002 and The Amazing Spider-Man #026.

And then the next day (yesterday), in the hammock on the porch, I read Night Fever, the special purchase at the bottom of the list.

I read Titans #002 because of fandom; I read  The Amazing Spider-Man #026 because it was more or less the end of the story arc of this entire 26 issue run and was drawn by Romita Jr.


So, Titans #002 clears up a most pressing point for someone about to have his own solo series: Wally West is not dead. The issue also clears up why Garth turned down membership in the Titans in issue one. It also features a nice moment between Kory and Donna, something long-time fans will appreciate.

The Amazing Spider-Man #026 concludes the long story line about what Peter did to cause everyone in his life, including Aunt May, to be estranged from him and how he came to work for Norman Osborn. Most poignantly, it concludes the storyline that gave MJ another partner and two kids, a family. As the cover teases (it's the image at the top of this entry) one person on Spider-Man's circle would "fall." Of course, given what happens in the issue, it seems as if it will be Mary Jane Watson, even though we know it cannot be. No, Gwen Stacy story all over again. I already knew it was Ms. Marvel before I started reading as I had read something else that alluded to her death, AND the comic started with her interview to work at Oscorp, featuring her because of how she dies in the end. It was cleverly done though, with her assuming MJ's identity to fool the villain, who was hellbent to kill MJ.

Other fallout in the story is the loss of the kids that made MJ and Paul (who turns out to be the son of the villain) a family. Now, with the kids gone, will Peter have a chance with MJ? Or are the years she spent with Paul and the kids (two, I think) too much history for MJ to turn her back on?

And lastly, how long will Kamala Khan aka. Ms. Marvel actually stay dead?


Titans #002
The Amazing Spider-Man #026 [Legacy #920]
Fantastic Four #008 [Legacy #701]
The Avengers #002 [Legacy #768]
Black Panther #001 [Legacy #213]
Green Arrow #003
Batman #136 [Legacy #901]
Spider-Man #009 [Legacy #165] 
Daredevil #012 [Legacy #660]
Superman #005
The Incredible Hulk #001 [Legacy #782]
She-Hulk #014 [Legacy #177]
World's Finest #016
Shazam #002
Planet of the Apes #003
The Amazing Spider-Man #027 [Legacy #921]
The Amazing Spider-Man #028 [Legacy #922]
Green Lantern #002
Ghost Rider #015 [Legacy #258]
Captain America: Symbol of Truth #013 [Legacy #748]
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty #013
Captain America: Cold War: OMEGA
Captain America: Symbol of Truth #014 [Legacy #749]
Action Comics #1056
Scarlet Witch Annual #001
The Invincible Iron Man #007 [Legacy #657]
Thor #035 [Legacy #761]
Love Everlasting #008
Detective Comics #1072
Detective Comics #1073
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #007 [Legacy #289]
I am Iron Man #004

Fables #159
Black Adam #12 of 12

Night Fever HC Brubaker/Phillips
Alex Ross Oversize Mural Marvel Calendar for 2024

Titans #002
The Amazing Spider-Man #027 [Legacy #920]
Fantastic Four #008 [Legacy #701]
The Avengers #002 [Legacy #768]
Black Panther #001 [Legacy #213]

And so, I described the ranking of the top two but what of the other three in the top five?

Fantastic Four is always going to be ranked highly as it is arguably my favorite Marvel title in terms of history, childhood love, favorite heroes, favorite superhero family, and I do like the current run a lot as it has returned to the family relationships and smaller mysteries that have always made FF a great book.

I am still enamored of the new Avengers book.

And if not for some of these other books, the new Black Panther would surely have topped the stack as number ones usually do (plus I adore Eve Ewing).

Green Arrow #003
Batman #136 [Legacy #901]
Spider-Man #009 [Legacy #165] 
Daredevil #012 [Legacy #660]
Superman #005

Likewise, I have been loving all of these books, and all could have been in the top five in other months without a new Black Panther book or a compelling reason to read Amazing Spider-Man#026.

I was very attracted to the new Superman comic at first, but it's dropped in priority over other books that have a stronger pull. Green Arrow stays high in the stack because of the mystery of the story (which I now see has to do with Parallax in a future solicitation). The other books have all been strong and entertaining reads. I could flip the order of these on any whim as I love them all pretty equally.

THIRD FIVE - 11-15

The Incredible Hulk #001 [Legacy #782]
She-Hulk #014 [Legacy #177]
World's Finest #016
Shazam #002
Planet of the Apes #003

As I wrote above, number ones usually hit the top, but I have been soured on Hulk lately. I did not like the last run of issues at all. I am curious about this new launch, but not curious enough to put it in the top ten.

She-Hulk has ranked high lately as have World's Finest and Shazam (I adore Dan Mora) but both fall out of the top ten this week for all the reasons mentioned above.

Most interesting is that the Planet of the Apes comic has moved way up. I am enjoying this comic A LOT. And of course, this book is an advance teaser for the next movie: Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes.


The Amazing Spider-Man #027 [Legacy #921]
The Amazing Spider-Man #028 [Legacy #922]
Green Lantern #002
Ghost Rider #015 [Legacy #258]

I was excited for The Amazing Spider-Man #026 [Legacy #920] but issues #27 and #28 fall to the bottom of the top 20, mainly because the main story arc is mostly resolved and Romita Jr did not draw either book.

I liked Green Lantern #001 well enough but not enough to put the second issue in the top ten instead of Green Arrow. And I have been loving the Ghost Rider book lately, but despite my affection for it, the book cannot break into the top ten.


Captain America: Symbol of Truth #013 [Legacy #748]
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty #013
Captain America: Cold War: OMEGA
Captain America: Symbol of Truth #014 [Legacy #749]
Action Comics #1056
Scarlet Witch Annual #001
The Invincible Iron Man #007 [Legacy #657]
Thor #035 [Legacy #761]
Love Everlasting #008
Detective Comics #1072
Detective Comics #1073
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #007 [Legacy #289]
I am Iron Man #004

I saved #20 in the ranks for this remaining list to keep all the Cap America Cold War issues together. I have been liking the series a lot, but it's too many issues to be too high in the stack. Also, I almost dropped Captain America: Symbol of Truth, starring the Falcon, but then I kept buying it once I caught up and this Cold War story started.

Likewise, the rest of these comics are enjoyable but just don't rank high. Even though I adore Love Everlasting as I wrote here -- 

but as I shared in previous blog entries on this subject, sometimes GREAT comics are ranked low because when I do get to them, I want to take my time and sip them slowly.

Some books have to be last.

Miles Morales: Spider-Man and I am Iron Man are both good, but I am just not in a hurry to read them.

HOWEVER, when I am Iron Man came out, it was ranked much higher, almost top ten. #15th that week.

Similarly, and that was with February comics, Scarlet Witch was #2 that week, and Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty #009 and Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty #010 were #s 5 and 6 respectively.

Lastly, I am proud to clear most of my back log.

I am trying not to subscribe to mini-series, so with Black Adam ending that eliminates another back log issue.

I have also been unsubscribing to issues that fall into the back log. Though I adore Fables, I am saving them to read all at one go. I read somewhere that the return will be for a year, 12 issues, so we're nearly there.

Thanks for tuning in!



The following items are awaiting your pickup:

        1          $4.99        Action Comics #1056 Cvr A Steve Beach
        1         $24.99        Alex Ross Marvel Mural 2024 Oversized Wall Calendar
        1          $4.99        Amazing Spider-Man #26
        1          $3.99        Amazing Spider-Man #27
        1          $3.99        Amazing Spider-Man #28
        1          $3.99        Avengers #2
        1          $4.99        Batman #136 Cvr A Jorge Jimenez
        1          $3.99        Batman Superman Worlds Finest #16 Cvr A Dan Mora
        1          $3.99        Black Adam #12 (of 12) Cvr A John Giang
        1          $4.99        Black Panther #1
        1          $4.99        Captain America Cold War Omega #1
        1          $3.99        Captain America Sentinel of Liberty #13
        1          $3.99        Captain America Symbol of Truth #13
        1          $3.99        Captain America Symbol of Truth #14
        1          $3.99        Daredevil #12
        1          $4.99        Detective Comics #1072 Cvr A Cagle
        1          $4.99        Detective Comics #1073 Cvr A Evan Cagle
        1          $3.99        Fables #159 (of 162) Cvr A Corinne Reid (Mr)
        1          $3.99        Fantastic Four #8
        1          $3.99        Ghost Rider #15
        1          $3.99        Green Arrow #3 (of 6) Cvr A Sean Izaakse
        1          $4.99        Green Lantern #2 Cvr A Xermanico
        1          $3.99        I Am Iron Man #4 (of 5)
        1          $4.99        Incredible Hulk #1
        1          $3.99        Invincible Iron Man #7
        1          $3.99        Love Everlasting #8 Cvr A Charretier
        1          $3.99        Miles Morales Spider-Man #7
        1         $24.99        Night Fever HC (Mr)
        1          $4.99        Planet of the Apes #3
        1          $4.99        Previews #418 July 2023
        1          $4.99        Scarlet Witch Annual #1
        1          $3.99        Shazam #2 Cvr A Dan Mora
        1          $3.99        She-Hulk #14
        1          $3.99        Spider-Man #9
        1          $4.99        Superman #5 Cvr A Jamal Campbell
        1          $3.99        Thor #35
        1          $3.99        Titans #2 Cvr A Nicola Scott
        1          $8.99        Ultimate Invasion #1 (of 4)

        Total:   $211.62

You may pick up these items at anytime.

Happy New Comic Day!


The following comics will be available for you to pick up on Wednesday, May 30th.


If you have any questions please call us at 269-349-8866 or reply to this email. Thanks!

The following subscription(s) have arri ved for you:
1$4.99Amazing Spider-Man #26
1$3.99Captain America Symbol of Truth #13
1$4.99Detective Comics #1072 Cvr A Cagle

4415 S. Westnedge Ave.
Kalamazoo, MI 49008


NOTE: Due to technical issues outside of our control, this email is late. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Happy New Comic Day!


The following comics were released on Wednesday, June 7th.


If you have any questions please call us at 269-349-8866 or reply to this email. Thanks!

The following subscription(s) have arri ved for you:
1$4.99Batman #136 Cvr A Jorge Jimenez
1$3.99Captain America Sentinel of Liberty #13
1$3.99Daredevil #12
1$3.99Fantastic Four #8
1$3.99Invincible Iron Man #7
1$3.99Love Everlasting #8 Cvr A Charretier
1$3.99Shazam #2 Cvr A Dan Mora
1$3.99Spider-Man #9
The following special order(s) have arrived for you:
1$24.99Alex Ross Marvel Mural 2024 Oversized Wall Calendar

4415 S. Westnedge Ave.
Kalamazoo, MI 49008


I LIKE COMICS - 2306.09

Doctor Strange #003 [Legacy #429]
Punisher #012
The Flash #800
Immortal X-Men #012
X-Men #023
Magic Order: Season 4 #005

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow

Happy New Comic Day!


The following comics will be ready for pickup on Wednesday, June 14th.


If you have any questions please call us at 269-349-8866 or reply to this email. Thanks!

The following subscription(s) have arri ved for you:
1$3.99Amazing Spider-Man #27
1$4.99Black Panther #1
1$4.99Green Lantern #2 Cvr A Xermanico
1$4.99Planet of the Apes #3

The following special order(s) have arrived for you:
1$4.99Captain America Cold War Omega #1
1$24.99Night Fever HC (Mr)

4415 S. Westnedge Ave.
Kalamazoo, MI 49008


Happy New Comic Day!


Non-Email Comics: Karnal Confessions #3


The following comics will be ready for pickup on Wednesday, June 21st.


If you have any questions please call us at 269-349-8866 or reply to this email. Thanks!

The following subscription(s) have arri ved for you:
1$3.99Avengers #2
1$3.99Batman Superman Worlds Finest #16 Cvr A Dan Mora
1$3.99Black Adam #12 (of 12) Cvr A John Giang
1$3.99Bone Orchard Tenement #1 (of 10) Cvr A Sorrentino (Mr) - UNSUBSCRIBED
1$3.99I Am Iron Man #4 (of 5)
1$4.99Incredible Hulk #1
1$3.99Miles Morales Spider-Man #7
1$4.99Superman #5 Cvr A Jamal Campbell
1$3.99Titans #2 Cvr A Nicola Scott
1$8.99Ultimate Invasion #1 (of 4)

The following special order(s) have arrived for you:
1$4.99Scarlet Witch Annual #1

4415 S. Westnedge Ave.
Kalamazoo, MI 49008


I LIKE COMICS - 2306.24

Captain Marvel #050 [Legacy #184]
Guardians of the Galaxy #003 [Legacy #183]
Moonknight #024
Doctor Strange #004 [Legacy #430]
Nightwing #105
Catwoman #056
Wonder Woman #800

Happy New Comic Day!


The following comics will be ready for pickup on Wednesday, June 28th.


If you have any questions please call us at 269-349-8866 or reply to this email. Thanks!

The following subscription(s) have arri ved for you:
1$4.99Action Comics #1056 Cvr A Steve Beach
1$3.99Amazing Spider-Man #28
1$3.99Captain America Symbol of Truth #14
1$4.99Detective Comics #1073 Cvr A Evan Cagle
1$3.99Fables #159 (of 162) Cvr A Corinne Reid (Mr)
1$3.99Ghost Rider #15
1$3.99Green Arrow #3 (of 6) Cvr A Sean Izaakse
1$4.99Previews #418 July 202 3
1$3.99She-Hulk #14
1$3.99Thor #35

4415 S. Westnedge Ave.
Kalamazoo, MI 49008



- Bloggery committed by chris tower - date - time

- Days ago = ## days ago

- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.

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