Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.


Wednesday, September 30, 2020

A Sense of Doubt blog post ##2052 - Hidden Layers of the Novel

A Sense of Doubt blog post #2052 - Hidden Layers of the Novel

34 DAYS - daily election countdown

Just a short entry today.

I am too disgusted to write anything about last night's "debate."

But it is Writing Wednesday. So here's a good TOR article from a great writer.


The Hidden Layers of Every Novel (and Why They Should Stay Hidden)

Charlie Jane Anders has a secret notebook full of background information, histories, linguistics, and might-have-beens about her book, The City in the Middle of the Night. And you will never see it.
You shouldn’t ever see it. Even if you are her biggest fan, even if she is one day enticed by ample money or sweet-talked into publishing it as bonus content, even if her heirs are tempted and desperate enough to do the same, these notes should never become part of your reading experience.
I know about this notebook because she and I engaged in one of my favorite forms of performance recently: a conversation between authors as peers staged to look and feel intimate, in a packed bookstore full of fans. This type of event is typically referred to as an “In Conversation With.” I was in conversation with Charlie Jane, and she was gracious enough to share some juicy facts about her process of writing The City in the Middle of the Night. In the course of that conversation, she mentioned these vast, unpublished parts to the story. I was unsurprised.
Part of my acceptance in that moment was that I know Charlie Jane and I respect her commitment to fervid and extensive research into her novels. The other part is more complicated, and something that most folks who aren’t writers might not know… Every book is the tip of an iceberg. Most of what an author knows, through research and through experience, is ballast to fiction. What is written and what is published are a tiny sliver of all that exists. Every writer you have ever read and loved is ninety percent unpublished underwater knowledge, and ten percent ghostly blue published prose.
The first part of that iceberg, the deepest and least-known layer, is made up of garbage. This includes failed drafts, other versions of the story where the point of view character was someone less compelling, or maybe the whole thing written in third person rather than first. It’s wads in the bottom of a digital trash can.
It’s also fan fiction, teenage poetry, old blog posts, and the roughly million words of crap most writers have to process out before they even start to get good. Some of it belongs to the book you end up reading, but a lot of it doesn’t. Many writers topping the bestseller list right now—including Seanan McGuire, Neil Gaiman, and Naomi Novik—honed their craft in writing fanfiction. There’s no shame in that, but it’s never part of the book that gets published. It’s essential, and the book would not exist without it. But it’s part of the vast, unseen body of work that keeps it afloat.
The middle layer is made up of experience. Most writers held a number of other jobs in their lives, and that work often informs the creative work. Most of us write stories that draw from what we know about the logistics of frying chicken and tater tots at the same time. We write crime fiction based on the years we spent in the dispatcher’s chair, listening to emergency calls. I myself worked in home improvement warehouses for the better part of a decade, and what I know about hinges and drywall and the shelf life of paint directly informed my work in all my novels so far.
Life experience outside of work also figures into the great bulk of this underwater section of the iceberg. Writers often hold in our disappointment, our rage. We keep these feelings as the earth keeps organic material and slowly converts it into something that will burn. We write about the despair we swallow when someone thinks they get to decide who gets to be people, as N.K. Jemisin does in the Broken Earth series. We hold on to the singular experience of heartbreak and explain it through time travel, as Sandra Newman does in The Heavens. We mull for years over the meaning of forgiveness in an abusive relationship and then we spin those years into galaxies of gold, as T.J. Berry does in Space Unicorn Blues.
The topmost underwater layer is the one the reader can almost see. It’s the one that writers talk about at events and in interviews, when someone asks about research and the process and where they might find that dread well from which writers draw ideas but refuse to draw a map. This is the one that Charlie Jane was willing to indicate, just pointing to what’s beneath the water and tell us it’s there. For her, it’s a notebook she carried for years, filled with details that she as the author must know, but will never find a place to belong in the book itself. For writers like her, it’s the foreign language we developed for a people to speak. It’s the maps drawn in grains of rice traced with a fingertip to shape the city, or drawn on butcher paper tacked up to the wall to serve as a vision board while the work is ongoing. It’s character details that open up a whole way of thinking about how a person will react to stress, like knowing they were burned as a child and that it made them fearful, or they can’t carry a tune but it’s kind of charming that they try. There is sometimes no scene in the book that needs this information, but the author’s got to know it anyway.
For me, these submerged layers are the better part of worldbuilding. Cities in my books are a palimpsest of places I have lived, improved by the ways I wish they worked and tortured by the worst I’ve seen them do. I build them by reading history and newspapers and eavesdropping on the subway. I find one instance or one image that seems to encapsulate it all, and that’s the extent of what I tell the reader. People are quilts made up from scraps of folks I know, their mannerisms and their moments. Their speech patterns are taken from actors and poets and ideas I had about how a smuggler ought to speak, cut into new shapes and sewn together into a square. The saying that there’s nothing new under the sun was old when it was included in the Bible. All our art is made out of something else. Novels are no different.
Like Charlie Jane Anders, every writer has a vast, secret reserve of everything that went into a novel. Sometimes, it’s as simple and concrete as a notebook or a series of concordance files or a lot of notes in Scrivener. Most of the time, it’s a vast network of experiences, influences, and inspirations, some of which aren’t plainly and consciously known to us. Sometimes, this work can be shared for the benefit of completionists and obsessive fans. But I believe that Charlie Jane’s approach of keeping the water level high and keeping the notebook to herself is the correct impulse.
When readers get too deep below the surface, the waters get murky. Sometimes it can be instructive and fascinating, like The Silmarillion. Other times, though, we end up with the post-Potter revelations of J.K. Rowling. The part of the iceberg that’s below the water can tear the belly out of your ship and sink your ability to enjoy what’s published. Give it a little space and let it awe you on its own terms.
Every iceberg is a marvel. Every published book is a prodigious effort, and there is always more labor to it than the reader can or should see. Enjoy the marvel for what it is; delve deeply and sail around it on all sides, if you can. But know that what’s underwater is there for a reason. The most important and difficult part of that effort is deciding what to push above the surface and what should remain below. Charlie Jane Anders knows what belongs in The City in the Middle of the Night and what belongs in her notebook.
Trust her.
Trust me.
Trust the story.
Photo: Dake (CC BY-SA 2.5)
Meg Elison is a Bay Area author and essayist. Her debut novel, The Book of the Unnamed Midwife, won the 2014 Philip K. Dick Award and was listed as a Tiptree Committee recommendation. Additional novels in The Road to Nowhere series include The Book of Etta and The Book of Flora, publishing April 23rd with 47North. She is the first college graduate in her family, after finishing her BA in English at UC Berkeley in 2014. She spoke at her graduation. She writes like she’s running out of time and lives in Oakland.


- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 2009.30 - 10:10

- Days ago = 1916 days ago

- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

A Sense of Doubt blog post #2051 - Goodbye Baseball Regular Season - GO CUBS!!!!!!!


A Sense of Doubt blog post #2051 - Goodbye Baseball Regular Season - GO CUBS!!!!!!!

35 DAYS - daily election day countdown

I love Baseball.

But even though I love Baseball (which I always capitalize like a religion), I did not miss it as much as I thought I would while it was shutdown due to the global pandemic of 2020 (and maybe ultimately we'll say 2020-2022). But even with my lack of enthusiasm, I found my usual solace and comfort in the season, albeit a shortened one. I am sad to see the season go because I enjoyed nearly daily Baseball with my teams, lots of day games (though not enough), and near the end, I was very engaged and watchful of the drama and tension of the close races, especially as my Cubs limped to the finish line and my Tigers completely collapsed and could not keep hit play going to stay in the race.

Cubs may have limped, but they looked hot at the end like they were at the beginning. I am hopeful. I am excited for the post season.


MLB playoffs 2020: Why this could be the wildest postseason ... ever

David SchoenfieldESPN Senior Writer
Sept 27, 2020

It will be a Major League Baseball postseason like we've never seen before: 16 teams, no fans, played in neutral-site ballparks after the first round of the MLB playoffs with a World Series at a new stadium that most players have never seen hosted by a franchise that has never won a championship.
As a friend of mine who lives in Chicago told me about one potential World Series matchup, "If it's Cubs-White Sox played in suburban Dallas, I would vomit."
I understand the sentiment, but it's what we have. We will crown a champion, even under these less-than-ideal circumstances. The Los Angeles Dodgers enter as the favorite after winning their eighth straight division title. Winning is hard enough -- for the 20th year in a row, there won't be a repeat champion -- but now the Dodgers and everyone else will have to face another obstacle: a best-of-three wild-card round.
What does that mean? A great team like the Dodgers -- they have a run differential 50 runs better than any other team -- is more likely to get upset in a short series than a longer one. The Dodgers don't lose many series -- they lost just one all season, to the sub-.500 Rockies -- but anything goes in a three-game set, especially when you're facing only a team's best pitchers. We wondered how much the odds of winning the World Series would change for a team like the Dodgers. With the help of ESPN Stats & Information, we used historical data based on a team's runs scored and allowed compared to the league average, and estimated the odds of every playoff series since 1998.
Here is how the new playoff format changes the chance of winning the World Series for a generic seed:
A typical No. 1 seed sees it odds go down 10.5%. It's harder to win four series than three. The Nos. 4 and 5 seeds actually see their odds go up, since they no longer have to play the one-game wild-card game.
For the 2020 Dodgers, we estimate their odds of winning the World Series dropping to 31.6% under the 2020 format. As good as they are, their chances don't match the historical average for a top seed because they are projected to face a strong Padres team in the wild-card round and then a strong Braves team in the National League Championship Series. If there is any consolation for Dodgers fans, we have seen super teams succeed in recent postseasons, with the 2016 Cubs, 2017 Astros and 2018 Red Sox all winning the World Series after winning 100-plus games in the regular season. The Dodgers' 43-17 record over 60 games projects to a remarkable 116 wins over 162.
And here are the other playoff teams whose odds most change under the 16-team system:
Interestingly, if we compare the Dodgers to a hypothetical 16-team format for the past 10 World Series winners, their odds still change more than the odds for any of those teams:
The 2014 Giants and 2019 Nationals were wild-card teams, so we would project their chances to improve in a 16-team format. The 2013 Red Sox would have had to play a good No. 8 seed in the wild-card round in the Orioles or Yankees, who both finished 85-77 that season.
So good luck to the Dodgers. They have a great team -- and a tough road to end their World Series drought. Indeed, it has been an amazing eight seasons with eight straight NL West titles and a .597 winning percentage. Few teams are that good for that long without winning a title, but here are a few other eight-year runs that failed to yield a single title:
• Yankees, 2001-2008 (.599): This doesn't stand out because they bookended it with championships in 2000 and 2009, but they won 100 games three times and reached two World Series.
• Athletics, 1999-2006 (.580): The Moneyball A's lost four straight division series from 2001 to 2004 and then the 2006 ALCS to the Tigers.
• Braves, 1996-2003 (.611): After winning the World Series in 1995, the Braves would win 10 more NL East titles in a row, including five 100-win seasons, without winning another title.
• Mariners, 1995-2002 (.555): Griffey, Johnson, Edgar, A-Rod, Ichiro, Buhner, Moyer ... and not even a World Series appearance.
• Indians, 1994-2001 (.585): At various times their lineup featured Jim Thome, Manny Ramirez, Albert Belle, Kenny Lofton, Roberto Alomar and Juan Gonzalez, but they lost the 1995 World Series to the Braves and the heartbreaking 1997 World Series to the Marlins.
Orioles, 1971-79 (.581): They won in 1970, but Earl Weaver spent the rest of his managerial career chasing a second title and never getting one.
• Giants, 1961-68 (.568): They had the best winning percentage in the majors over this span and four Hall of Famers (Willie Mays, Juan Marichal, Gaylord Perry, Orlando Cepeda) yet reached just one World Series.
• Dodgers, 1947-1954 (.611): After losing to the Yankees in 1947, 1949, 1952 and 1953, they finally beat them in 1955, the team's only title in Brooklyn.
The current Dodgers have the best winning percentage over the past eight seasons, but the No. 2 team might surprise you: the Cleveland Indians, at .564. This is their fifth playoff appearance in eight seasons and their World Series drought is even longer than the Dodgers', all the way back to 1948. A Dodgers-Indians World Series? That will work.
Some other things to watch this postseason ...

Fewer off days

Aside from the 16-team format, this is the other drastic change to this year's postseason: The wild-card series will be three games in three days; the division series will be five games in five days instead of five over seven; and the league championship series will be seven games in seven days instead of seven in nine. The World Series then reverts to the traditional format with off days after Games 2 and 5.
There will be plenty of time off between the wild-card round and the division series since there will be no games on Saturday and Sunday, but the condensed nature of the LDS and LCS will put an added strain on pitchers in those two rounds and force managers to dig deeper into their staffs.
Think about how the Nationals made it work last season. They relied essentially on just six pitchers in the postseason: starters Stephen StrasburgMax ScherzerPatrick Corbin and Anibal Sanchez, and relievers Sean Doolittle and Daniel Hudson. Those six pitchers accounted for 83% of the Nationals' innings in the postseason compared to 58% in the regular season. The Red Sox deployed a similar strategy in 2018, with starters appearing in relief and their top six pitchers accounting for 75% of their postseason innings.
Without the extra off days, that's not going to work in 2020 -- or, if managers do try to load up the innings on their best pitchers, will mean starters pitching on short rest and relievers appearing multiple days in a row. Over the past five postseasons, pitchers have made 41 starts on short rest -- but 22 of those came following a relief appearance and another five had extenuating circumstances such as a short outing in the pitcher's prior start. So there have been just 14 true short-rest starts over the past five postseasons and only one pitcher made more than one in a single postseason, Corey Kluber with the Indians in 2016, when he started Game 4 of the ALCS and then Games 4 and 7 of the World Series. Even that situation was somewhat necessitated when the Cleveland rotation was hammered with injuries, forcing manager Terry Francona's hand.
In other words, don't expect many starts on short rest. What will the condensed schedule mean? It means a starter who starts the first game of the division series would have to start Game 5 on short rest. If he starts Game 1 of the league championship series, he wouldn't be on full rest until Game 6. It means more fourth and fifth starters, more bullpen games like we saw in the regular season and more relievers pitching two and three days in a row. It could mean more runs scored. As Jeff Passan recently wrote, "Bold prediction: By the end of the postseason, teams will have averaged at least five runs per game. For context, last postseason the average was 4.03, the average this regular season is 4.65 and only seven times in the live ball era has the sport seen more than five runs per game during a full season."
Which teams might this help?
Dodgers: They have five good starting pitchers in Clayton KershawWalker BuehlerTony GonsolinDustin May and Julio Urias. Buehler has the worst ERA of the group at 3.44. On top of that, they have a deep bullpen. They're the favorite for a reason.
Indians: Even after trading Mike Clevinger, they still have Shane BieberCarlos CarrascoZach PlesacAaron Civale and rookie Triston McKenzie.
Athletics: The rotation was only middle of the pack, but they had the best bullpen in the regular season. Look for Bob Melvin to shorten games with quick hooks and rely heavily on his relievers.
Which teams might it hurt?
Braves: Max Fried went 7-0 with a 2.25 ERA and rookie Ian Anderson had a 1.95 ERA in six starts, but the rest of the rotation was so bad the Braves still finished with the third-worst rotation ERA in the majors. In fact, of the bottom 12 rotations, they were the only team to make the playoffs.
Yankees: The rotation has concerns after Gerrit ColeMasahiro Tanaka and J.A. Happ, and the bullpen hasn't been as deep or as dominant (ranking 22nd in ERA) as in previous recent seasons.
Cubs: Yu Darvish and Kyle Hendricks are a great 1-2 at the top of the rotation, but they'll have to hope Jon Lester finds his old October magic and a thin bullpen holds up.

Young teams making a splash

The Padres and White Sox are back in the postseason -- the Padres for the first time since 2006, the White Sox for the first time since 2008. So that's fun, but what's even more fun is these are rosters full of young, exciting players, led by San Diego's sophomore sensation Fernando Tatis Jr. The White Sox feature rookie center fielder Luis Robert -- he slumped mightily in September after hitting nine home runs in August, but should win a Gold Glove -- and second-year slugger Eloy Jimenez, rookie second baseman Nick Madrigal and dynamic Tim Anderson.
Plus, despite their relative youth the Padres also have several players with playoff experience - Eric HosmerManny MachadoTommy Pham and Mitch Moreland have all appeared in multiple postseasons.
Beyond those two, there's another team with a young lineup to watch as well -- the Blue Jays, with second-year players Bo BichetteVladimir Guerrero Jr. and Cavan Biggio. They actually boast the youngest lineup in the majors based on weighted playing time, with an average age of 25.9; the Padres were tied for third youngest at 26.6, the White Sox tied for ninth at 27.6. And the Blue Jays are the first team ever to qualify for the postseason without a single player with 10 years of major league experience.
Is youth a factor or non-factor in the postseason? With the exception of the 2016 Cubs, lineups of recent champs have skewed older than what we see from the Blue Jays or Padres:
2019 Nationals: 28.8 (24th)
2018 Red Sox: 27.7 (12th)
2017 Astros: 28.8 (23rd)
2016 Cubs: 27.4 (fifth)
2015 Royals: 29.1 (26th)
The last World Series champion with a lineup as young as San Diego's or Toronto's was the 1969 Mets, with an average age of 26.0 years, which ranked second youngest in the majors that year. The Blue Jays are obviously a long shot due to a shaky pitching staff, but this doesn't mean the Padres won't win, because it's a really good lineup that ranked third in the majors in runs behind the Braves and Dodgers. Maybe the good news for Padres fans is even if they don't win it all it won't be 14 years until their next playoff appearance.

The March Madness feel to the "tournament"

While the first round in particular will feel something like the first round of the NCAA tournament, I'm not necessarily sure we want to see a .500-ish team go all the way. If there is a Cinderella, it has be the Marlins - who, I remind you, have never won a division title in their history and have also never lost a playoff series. They were 57-105 last year and their season almost appeared over after a COVID outbreak three games into the season. The purists will claim -- rightly so, in my opinion -- that the beauty of baseball is proving yourself over 162 games just to get the playoffs. Now a mediocre team might win it all. But here's a reminder that we've had Cinderella teams before:
• 1987 Twins: They finished 85-77, which would have been good for just fifth place in the AL East, and they were actually outscored on the season (the only World Series champion to be outscored). But they were unbeatable in the Metrodome and they upset the Tigers in the ALCS and then the Cardinals in the World Series.
• 2003 Marlins: They snuck into the playoffs as a 91-win wild card, took down the 100-win Giants, then the Cubs in the NLCS, then the 101-win Yankees.
• 2006 Cardinals: They finished just 83-78, the worst record ever for a World Series champ and just the 13th-best record that season. In the playoffs, they beat the 88-win Padres, 97-win Mets and 95-win Tigers.
• 2014 Giants: The fifth seed in the NL with 88 wins, a series of upsets meant they only had to beat the 89-win Royals in the World Series.
• 2019 Nationals: They won 93 games -- tied for eighth in the majors -- but beat the 106-win Dodgers and 107-win Astros along the way to feel like a worthy champ.
Is Cinderella your thing? Well, 2020 might give us the ultimate surprise champion.

Ten storylines to watch

1. Clayton Kershaw: Since MLB's expanded playoff format began in 1995, only 13 position players and five pitchers have accrued more WAR than Kershaw. All the pitchers won a World Series. Of the position players, only Barry Bonds, Adrian Beltre, Mike Trout and Jim Thome never won a title (or haven't won, in Trout's case). So, yes, one of the great players of the past 25 years, Kershaw is due.
2. Droughts: We mentioned Cleveland, without a World Series title since 1948. The Padres have never won a title. Neither have the Brewers. The Marlins are in the postseason for the first time since 2003. The Rays are a younger franchise, but they have never won. It's been at least 30 years for the Reds, A's and Dodgers. The Twins haven't been to the World Series since 1991, the Blue Jays since 1993.
3. Speaking of Billy Beane ... : It's a little weird that a non-player is the face of an organization, but that's kind of the case with Beane. He has been running baseball operations for the A's since 1998 and this is his 11th playoff appearance. He's still looking for his first World Series appearance.
4. Sixteen straight playoff losses: This one is hard to believe. Going back to the second game of the 2004 ALDS, the Twins are 0-16 in the postseason. Thirteen of those losses came against the Yankees.
5. Dusty Baker and the Astros' redemption: The Houston manager is 71 years old. He's 15th on the all-time wins list and 13 of those ahead of him are in the Hall of Fame, and the 14th, Bruce Bochy, will get in. But Baker will probably need a World Series title to get elected. If so, it will come after the Astros scuffled into the playoffs and they'll be without the injured Justin Verlander. Will the offense come alive after struggling all season?
6. Home runs and strikeouts: The league-wide batting average fell to .245 -- even without pitchers hitting -- the lowest mark since 1972. Home runs were hit at the second-highest rate ever, behind only 2019. Strikeouts per game actually dipped after 14 consecutive seasons of rising (but were still the second most of all time). So who hits the most home runs? The Dodgers, Braves, White Sox, Twins, Yankees and Padres. The Twins, Indians White Sox and Braves allowed the fewest. The Indians and Reds were the best at striking out batters while the Rays were the best in the AL. The Rays also struck out the most often while the Astros were the best at not striking out. Will we see the high-scoring postseason Passan predicted or a bunch of low-scoring, high-strikeout games?
7. Shane Bieber: Speaking of strikeouts, the Indians ace fanned 41.1% of the batters he faced, a record for a starting pitcher if you want to consider it a full-season record. Batters hit .167 against him. He certainly feels like the starter most likely to go all 2014 Madison Bumgarner, although as noted the schedule makes it more difficult for one pitcher to dominate a series. Still, it's possible Bieber's postseason looks like this:
• Tuesday, Sept. 29: Game 1 of ALWC
• Monday, Oct. 5: Game 1 of ALDS
• Friday, Oct. 9: Game 5 of ALDS on short rest
• Wednesday, Oct. 14: Game 4 of ALCS
• Saturday, Oct. 17: Game 7 of ALCS in relief
• Tuesday, Oct. 20: Game 1 of World Series
• Sunday, Oct. 25: Game 5 of World Series
• Wednesday, Oct. 28: Game 7 of World Series in relief
8. Freddie Freeman: Really, the entire Braves offense. Freeman is one of the friendliest, most likable players in the majors, might win the NL MVP award and this could be his postseason to shine. He's quietly building a Hall of Fame career and he has had his best season. Maybe the Braves' starting pitching is shaky, but they have a good bullpen and they absolutely mash the baseball.
9. Closers: A lot of teams had issues here in the regular season, even playoff teams. Look for late-inning comebacks and dramatic walk-off home runs (and remember that extra innings reverts back to normal baseball, no runner-on-second rule). The team to watch here is the Rays: Twelve different relievers picked up a save. In the postseason, Kevin Cash will use any reliever at any time.
10. The Yankees: Wait, we've barely even mentioned the Yankees and now we're at the end of our playoff preview. Well, Cole is another starting pitcher who might dominate the postseason. Aaron Judge and Giancarlo Stanton are back in the lineup. Luke Voit is the new Lou Gehrig. DJ LeMahieu is hitting like Joe DiMaggio. It has been 11 long, miserable years of suffering for Yankees fans since their last World Series in 2009. Will this be the year?

GREAT ARTICLE HERE..... I do not want to copy this one as it is time consuming with all the videos. But we all remember those moments in which noise affected players, in which fans interfered with catches (like the infamous Cubs incident in 2003, though I am being kind by not mentioning the fan because he felt sick about it for many years.

How empty ballparks would have changed MLB history -- and could alter games this October


- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 2009.29 - 10:10

- Days ago = 1915 days ago

- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.