Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.


Saturday, February 12, 2022

A Sense of Doubt blog post #2552 - REPRINT WEEK 02 - re: WEEKLY HODGE PODGE - 1901.17 - THE FORT

A Sense of Doubt blog post #2552 - REPRINT WEEK 02 - re: WEEKLY HODGE PODGE - 1901.17 -     THE FORT

Hello traveler,

I am in a week of reprints to save on the blog burden and to share older stuff that readers (all two of them) may not have seen or likely have forgotten even if they did.

Saturday is usually the "WEEKLY" HODGE PODGE, which for awhile at the start of the pandemic was actually weekly. For most of 2020, I managed weekly Hodge Podges, then I went to more bi-weekly for the most part, and now, who knows when the fuck it will come out but probably one a month at least.

I had a Hodge Podge mocked up for today as the last one was January 29th, two weeks ago. But then I decided to go into reprints, obviously, with commentary, and so I am delaying the unfinished Hodge Podge.

Today's HODGE PODGE features a photo from my sixth birthday in 1968, January, a few months before we moved to Schoolcraft, Michigan. As explained in the original post, the toy fort was cut out and so an additional photo was taken to show it.

I wish Dad had done some close ups so we could better see some of these gifts, many of which, as you can see, are books and comic books. But, for instance, I have no idea what that weird and colorful thing is next to the fort.

See those tables behind the presents? I still have those. They are stacked here in my office right now. I love them. I insisted on keeping them. And Dad was smart in making them to stack. See my fish bowl? That did not work out well, Fish do not like to be in such confined spaces for very long. The special cake decoration, the red house on the right of the picture, I think is meant to be the Munsters' house. I should ask Dad and see if he remembers.

I love looking at how my mother decorated the whole area. Through the window in the living room, you can see the snowy backward down to the lake. There's an enclosed porch beyond the first window, which was sort of heated and sort of not so well heated in the dead of Traverse City winter when it was likely at least single digits if not colder.

I thought that this pre-pandemic Hodge Podge has a goodly assortment of things, lots of comic book stuff, and some pre-birthday fun as I posted it two days before my birthday.

That's all. See you tomorrow.

LOW POWER MODE: I sometimes put the blog in what I call LOW POWER MODE. If you see this note, the blog is operating like a sleeping computer, maintaining static memory, but making no new computations. If I am in low power mode, it's because I do not have time to do much that's inventive, original, or even substantive on the blog. This means I am posting straight shares, limited content posts, reprints, often something qualifying for the THAT ONE THING category and other easy to make posts to keep me daily. That's the deal. Thanks for reading.

Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #1146 - The Fort - Birthday 1968 - Throwback 1901.17 - a sense of doubt post #1427

Hi Mom, It's almost another birthday without you.

I have been saving up these photos for a while. These are from my sixth birthday while we're still in Traverse City but later this year we will move to Schoolcraft.

The Fantastic Four cartoon is popular on TV. I am also VERY MUCH into Captain Action, who is featured in the photo.

But in examining the photo album, I found something strange. It looks like my presents were spread too widely to include the fort, so you took a second picture and then cut out just the missing part, the toy fort playset, and added that snippet. I re-assembled it as it should be in the photo above that I present below: first, re-assembled as it should look, next how I found it in the photo album with that separate piece tucked in with the main photo, and then the main photo without the extra piece.

Mom, these photos and the care you took to do extra to capture the scene properly gives me yet one more example of the complete and unconditional love you had for me and my sister (who was not yet born we these photos were taken) and should show any readers the very essence of my idyllic life.

It seems that even before losing you, but certainly since, these are the things I think about, and I am filled with such intense GRATITUDE for the life you created for me, Mom.

I love this example of that love and that life.

Also, please note the goldfish bowl in the photos, which connects with another recent photo:
Hey Mom #1136 - Introversion.

photo Birthday 1968 - with fort playset added

photo Birthday 1968 - fort playset as stand alone in photo album

photo Birthday 1968 - without added snippet of the fort playset
I do wish the photos were not so grainy, and I could zoom in and see better some of these gifts that I have forgotten.

I like that our family took these photos with gifts for holidays, and I know, Mom, that these types of photos are the majority of what I share because they are the majority of what I have to share.

I love our family photos, but I do wish we had more candid photos just from daily life and the state of rooms just in day-to-day existence. So much of our lives have been lost in time and in gaps in our memories.

Aren't those Fantastic Four drawings Dad did as decoration awesome? And then there's that house decoration, directly to my left in the photo, which if memory serves was a house dad made out of paper and cardboard and ink pen drawings that depicted the Munsters and their haunted house (or was it not haunted? I forget.).

Of course, there are many books and even comic books in the photo that were gifts. Colorforms were a thing in 1968, so below the goldfish bowl and next to Captain Action, there's clearly a Wizard of Oz colorform. But there's something out in front of Captain Action and to the right of the fort, and I cannot see what it is. It might be Lincoln Logs. I just talked to Dad. The yellow chimney piece sort of gives it away. That's a Lincoln Log set that Dad helped me put together a log cabin with a cantilevered facade.

This next image has nothing to do with my birthday, which is Saturday, but it passed across my screen saver earlier, and so I decided to use it as separator because I love it. It comes from the recent Hugo winning Ms. Marvel comic.

I like what the page has to tell us about hope and endings which are beginnings (which is infinity).

Ms Marvel 19 pg3


First, a couple of tweets that I collected since last week. Both from Scalzi.

This is a terrible situation, which puts science fiction squabbles and more moronic circus side show freakazoid nonsense by Trump into perspective as the folly it all is.

I may not have always liked how Enes Kanter conducts himself on the basketball court and on Twitter, but I feel for him and his situation. I wish him all the best, the greatest safety, and success.


Turkey accusing Enes Kanter of being part of terror group


Turkish prosecutors are seeking an international arrest warrant for New York Knicks center Enes Kanter, accusing him of membership in a terror organization.
Sabah newspaper says the Istanbul chief prosecutor's office had also prepared an extradition request for the NBA player.
The newspaper says prosecutors are seeking an Interpol "Red Notice" citing Kanter's ties to exiled Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen, who is blamed for a failed coup in 2016, and accusing him of providing financial support to his group. Officials at the prosecutor's office could not be reached for comment.
Kanter reacted to the report in a tweet Wednesday.
The newspaper says prosecutors are seeking an Interpol "Red Notice" citing Kanter's ties to exiled Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen, who is blamed for a failed coup in 2016, and accusing him of providing financial support to his group. Officials at the prosecutor's office could not be reached for comment. Kanter reacted to the report in a tweet Wednesday.

According to Interpol, a Red Notice is a request to locate and provisionally arrest an individual pending extradition. For Kanter to be extradited, the United States would have to be convinced that Kanter committed a crime prosecutable in the U.S.
In November, Turkey made similar extradition requests for more than 80 people that the country said were linked to Gulen.
Earlier this month, Kanter refused to travel to London for Thursday's game against the Washington Wizards, saying he feared he could be assassinated for his opposition to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
Kanter has been an outspoken critic of Erdogan, and his Turkish passport was revoked in 2017.
He said he feared assassination if he left the U.S. or Canada when he announced last week that he wouldn't travel with the Knicks. The team said at the time that Kanter wouldn't make the trip because of a visa issue.
Kanter denied that was the problem, even posting a photo of a travel document on social media, and made it clear his issue was his safety because of Erdogan, whom he has referred to as "the Hitler of our century."
"They've got a lot of spies there," Kanter said. "I think I can get killed there easy. It would be a very ugly situation."
While the Knicks are overseas, Kanter has posted a number of photos of himself meeting with U.S. congressmen. He also wrote an opinion piece in The Washington Post explaining his decision and his reasons for standing against Erdogan.
"My decision not to travel to London was difficult from a competitive standpoint but much easier from a safety one," he wrote. "It helps puts a spotlight on how a dictator is wrecking Turkey -- people have been killed, thousands are unjustly imprisoned, and countless lives have been ruined. That is no game."
ESPN News Services - The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Here's some images that were near the Ms. Marvel page that I really like and this is my blog and it's soon my birthday, so here's some cool stuff to oggle.

Mike Ploog

Mars One Project

Martha and the Muffins - This is the Ice Age

Breakfast 1901.11.

Scenes from my LCC class room.
Guess what I am teaching?

Preparing to relax and read comics with football playing for self-care by merging the current comics stack with two stacks of back logged comics.


Chris got a DOG SHAMING calendar for Christmas!

Almost brought Satchel to the PDX airport when I picked up Liesel from her flight from Hawai'i. Pets in the terminal is a thing in Portland.


1901.12 - At Fat Moose getting prime rib and Olympia Beer made special wildlife things. Because. WASHINGTON STATE.

Lunch 1901.12.

Special limited edition, Kalamazoo College hat in Pink with FINN JOHNSON's (RIP) soccer jersey #20 on the back a gift to me from Finn's father Bruce "Frisbee" Johnson.

Ten years ago this August, Liesel dropped me this note while we flew to Portland for Rob's wedding, but we had to sit separately. It's a love note. I am keeping its contents private. I put it in my glasses case to keep it safe. I have not taken it out since. One time it fell out and was on a floor, and luckily, I noticed after some panic and recovered it before I left the room.

I love my wife. I have a coffee cup that says so, too. I am drinking out of that mug right now.


Reflect and connect.
Have someone give you a kiss, and tell you that I love you, Mom.
I miss you so very much, Mom.
Talk to you tomorrow, Mom.
- Days ago = 1293 days ago
- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1901.17 - 10:10


- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 2202.12 - 10:10

- Days ago = 2416 days ago

- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.

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