Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.


Saturday, December 9, 2023

A Sense of Doubt blog post #3217 - Norman Lear, RIP

A Sense of Doubt blog post #3217 - Norman Lear, RIP

All the heroes are dying. This comes with age. I have been around this planet a while now, and so many of my heroes are dying. It's amazing that Norman Lear was around for 101 years!

I was too young when All in The Family debuted to fully "get" what the show was about, even starting with the theme song. And yet, the show was such a staple in our household that I learned with it as I grew up.

When I look over these shows, I see what a huge impact they had on me, especially the role models of young people in the shows, such as Ralph Carter as Michael Evans on Good Times and what a crush I had on Thelma Evans, played by Bern Nadette Stanis or Valerie Bertinelli in One Day at a Time or even the unobtainable but lust-worthy Adrienne Barbeau from Maude.

Shows like The Jeffersons and Good Times taught me lots of lessons about the lives of black people in America, both the upward mobile and the struggling. Shows like Maude and One Day at a Time taught me about feminism and the struggles of  single mothers. And All in the Family taught us all about everything, all the social, national, and international issues of the time.

All these and more from the brilliant mind of Norman Lear and his cadre of writers, producers, directors, and cast members.

To now know how close Lear and another of my idols, Billy Crystal, were is proof of what I have known all along of Lear's genius and worth to our culture.

Thanks for all the wonderful hours of entertaining television, Mr. Lear, that had as big an impact on me as parents or school.

I appreciate you.

And readers, thanks for tuning in.

Billy Crystal and Norman Lear


RIP Norman Lear: Watch Full Episodes of His Daring 70s Sitcoms, Including All in the FamilyMaudeThe Jeffersons, and More

The Norman Lear Effect
Premiered Apr 13, 2021  
#ArchieBunker #AllInTheFamily #PilotEpisode

Life with the Bunkers (Carroll O'Connor, Jean Stapleton and Sally Struthers) is never boring, especially when Gloria's boyfriend, Mike (Rob Reiner), is around to fight with Archie on any given occasion! 

From Season 1, Episode 1 'Meet The Bunkers' - It's Edith and Archie Bunker's 22nd wedding anniversary and their daughter Gloria and her husband Mike are planning a surprise Sunday brunch. Edith is pleasantly surprised, however, Archie's "no big deal" attitude leads to a huge argument with his son-in-law on topics ranging from Archie's prejudices, problems with the nation's government and Mike's atheism.

The Norman Lear Effect
Premiered Apr 15, 2021  

#Maude #PilotEpisode #MaudeFindlay

What happens when Carol (Adrienne Barbeau) reveals to her mother (Beatrice Arthur) that she has been seeing a therapist? Find out in the pilot episode of Maude!

From Season 1, Episode 1 'Maude's Problem' - Maude, a woman who believes in fighting city hall -- or anything else in her path -- tangles with a psychiatrist who is treating her daughter. When Maude learns that Carol is being psychoanalyzed, she feels this is a direct attack on her image as a model mother. Getting no help from Walter, Maude pays an unexpected call on the psychiatrist, determined to put an end to the analysis sessions.

About Maude: Gutsy, smart, outspoken, and liberal -- all are terms that describe Beatrice Arthur in the title role of the TV series that spun off from the popular All in the Family. Well-educated and upper-middle-class, Maude Findlay is the archetypal feminist of her generation. She lives in suburban Tuckahoe, New York, with her fourth husband, Walter (Bill Macy), their divorced daughter, Carol (Adrienne Barbeau), and grandson Phillip. The cast also includes Rue McClanahan as Maude's best friend Vivian; Walter's best friend and neighbor Dr. Arthur Harmon (Conrad Bain); and over the course of the series, three different maids (Esther Rolle, Hermione Baddeley and Marlene Warfield). Tough issues like abortion, alcoholism, women's liberation, menopause and politics are all fodder for the show's sharp wit and social commentary. 

#Maude #MaudeFindlay #PilotEpisode

On the evening of January 12, 1971, CBS viewers across the United States sat down to a brand new sitcom preceded by a highly unusual disclaimer. The program they were about to see, it declared, “seeks to throw a humorous spotlight on our frailties, prejudices, and concerns. By making them a source of laughter, we hope to show — in a mature fashion — just how absurd they are.” Thereafter commenced the very first episode of All in the Family, which would go on, over nine full seasons, to define American television in the nineteen-seventies. It did so not just by daring to find comedy in the issues of the day — the Vietnam War, the generation gap, women’s lib, race relations, homosexuality — but also by spawning a variety of other major sitcoms like MaudeThe Jeffersons, and Good Times.

Even if you didn’t live through the seventies, you’ve probably heard of these shows. Now you can watch full episodes on the official Youtube channel of Norman Lear, the television writer and producer involved in the creation of all of them and many others besides.

If you’ve ever seen Sanford and SonFernwood 2 NightDiff’rent Strokes, or One Day at a Time (or if you happened to catch such short-lived obscurities as Hanging Ina.k.a. Pablo, and Sunday Dinner), you’ve seen one of his productions. His death this week at the age of 101 has provided the occasion to acquaint or reacquaint ourselves with Archie and Edith Bunker, George and Louise Jefferson, Florida and James Evans, and all the other characters from what we might now call the “Norman Lear multiverse.”

The Norman Lear Effect

Premiered Jul 16, 2021  #TheJeffersons #GeorgeJefferson #PilotEpisode
The Jeffersons (Isabel Sanford and Sherman Hemsley) have moved on up! And in the very first episode, they need to find a new maid, although Louise is reluctant.

From Season 1, Episode 1 'A Friend In Need' - George wants to hire a maid for his new luxury apartment, but Louise, having worked as a maid herself for many years, doesn't feel comfortable with the idea.
About The Jeffersons: His cleaning business booming, scrappy George Jefferson decides it's time to move on up to the deluxe apartments on New York's posh east side. Thinking that this is the beginning of the "easy life," George is ill-prepared for the unexpected pitfalls his new address will bring him.  

#TheJeffersons #GeorgeJefferson #PilotEpisode

The best place to start is with the premiere of All in the Family, which introduces the Bunker clan and the central conflict of their household: that between boisterously prejudiced working-class patriarch Archie Bunker and his bleeding-heart baby-boomer son-in-law Michael “Meathead” Stivic. Later episodes introduce such secondary characters as Edith Bunker’s strong-willed cousin Maude Findlay, who went on to star in her own eponymous series the following year, and the Bunkers’ enterprising black next-door neighbors the Jeffersons, who themselves “moved on up” in 1975. (So far did the televisual Learverse eventually expand that Good Times and Checking In were built around the characters of Maude and the Jeffersons’ maids.)

The Norman Lear Effect
Premiered Jul 15, 2021  #JamesEvans #PilotEpisode #GoodTimes
Sit back, relax and enjoy the first ever appearance of the Evans family (John Amos, Esther Rolle, Jimmie Walker, BernNadette Stanis and Ralph Carter) on television! 

From Season 1, Episode 1 'Too Old Blues' - Tests indicate that James is a candidate for a union apprenticeship program, but his birth certificate says differently.  

About Good Times: Life in the Chicago projects is never easy, however, the Evans family never gives up trying to make the best of things.

An outspoken proponent of liberal causes, Lear probably wouldn’t have denied using his television work to influence public opinion on the issues that concerned him. Yet at their best, his shows didn’t reduce themselves to political morality plays, showing an awareness that the Archie Bunkers of the world weren’t always in the wrong and the Meatheads weren’t always in the right. By twenty-first-century standards, the jokes volleyed back and forth in All in the Family or The Jeffersons may seem blunt, not least when they employ terms now regarded as unspeakable on mainstream television. But they also have the forthrightness to go wherever the humor of the situation — that is to say, the truth of the situation — dictates, an uncommon quality among even the most acclaimed comedies this half-century later. Watch complete episodes of Norman Lear shows here.

Related content:

Revisit “Turn-On,” the Innovative TV Show That Got Canceled Right in the Middle of Its First Episode (1969)

Watch Mad Magazine’s Edgy, Never-Aired TV Special (1974)

Watch Between Time and Timbuktu, an Obscure TV Gem Based on the Work of Kurt Vonnegut

Watch the Opening Credits of an Imaginary 70s Cop Show Starring Samuel Beckett

Based in Seoul, Colin Marshall writes and broadcasts on cities, language, and culture. His projects include the Substack newsletter Books on Cities, the book The Stateless City: a Walk through 21st-Century Los Angeles and the video series The City in Cinema. Follow him on Twitter at @colinmarshall or on Facebook.

The Norman Lear Effect
Premiered Apr 14, 2021  #PilotEpisode #OneDayAtATime #AnnRomano
Sit down and enjoy the very first episode of One Day At A Time, where Julie (Mackenzie Phillips) tries to convince Ann (Bonnie Franklin) to let her go on a trip with some school friends!

From Season 1, Episode 1 'Ann's Decision' - Ann faces her first parental crisis as a newly divorced mother of two teenage daughters when she refuses to allow her older daughter Julie to go on a co-ed backpacking trip.

About One Day At A Time: Set in Indianapolis, this beloved, long-running series takes a comedic but realistic look at divorcee Ann Romano (Bonnie Franklin) and her daily struggle to find her own identity while raising her two daughters, rebellious Julie (Mackenzie Phillips), 16 when the series begins, and level-headed Barbara (Valerie Bertinelli), a year younger. Even though Ann pretends to be liberated and secure, she's always treading the line between her former, deep-rooted dependence and her newly acquired independence. Building superintendent Dwayne Schneider (Pat Harrington Jr.) helps take care of the family, while lawyer David Kane (Richard Masur) tempts Ann to reconsider her single state. Ann's priority, however, is discovering her own potentials, which includes a new career, raising her daughters, and learning more about herself and her world.

#OneDayAtATime #AnnRomano #PilotEpisode

Norman Lear, the legendary television producer who created groundbreaking series such as "All in the Family," "Maude," "The Jeffersons" and "One Day at a Time," has died, CBS News has confirmed. He was 101.

Lear died of natural causes Tuesday at his home in Los Angeles, family spokesperson Lara Bergthold said in a statement Wednesday.

Lear, who got his start as a writer for radio and TV in the post-war years, was responsible for a string of hit series in the 1970s that broke taboos on broadcast entertainment and helped define a generation. His shows routinely tackled serious social issues, some rarely seen on TV before, from racism, rape and abortion to menopause, homosexuality and religion.

The show that put Lear on the map was "All in the Family," which premiered on CBS in 1971. It starred Carroll O'Connor as the working-class loudmouth Archie Bunker, who spouted narrow-minded opinions and raged against social change. He often butted heads against his liberal son-in-law, Michael (played by Rob Reiner), while Archie's kind-hearted wife, Edith (Jean Stapleton), tried to keep the peace.

In a statement, President Biden called Lear "a transformational force in American culture, whose trailblazing shows redefined television with courage, conscience, and humor, opening our nation's eyes and often our hearts."

Biden added that Lear "never shied away from tough topics, taking on issues of racism, class, divorce, and abortion, capturing the grace and dignity in people's lives. And during decades of political advocacy, he fought directly for free speech, a woman's right to choose, the environment, voting rights, and more."

"Norman Lear's profound influence on television will never be forgotten," CBS said in a statement. "He was a creative icon whose comedic and courageous perspective on the America he loved had an immeasurable impact on our network, our viewers and television overall.

"His funny, realistic and fearless approach to storytelling rang true in his sharp writing and rich characters. He redefined the sitcom by introducing topics that had previously been avoided, including race, poverty and sexism. And he did it all with wit and heart, making it relatable to millions of Americans."

In recognition of Lear's influence on the TV industry, CBS, ABC, NBC, Fox and The CW broadcast an in memoriam card in his honor Wednesday evening — a rare joint tribute across the major broadcast networks.

In a 2021 interview on "CBS Sunday Morning," Lear said people on both ends of the political spectrum found something to connect with in the show.

"I like to think what they saw was the foolishness of the human condition," he told CBS News chief medical correspondent Dr. Jon LaPook, who is married to Lear's daughter, Kate.

And even if the subject matter was divisive, the audience would be bonded by humor. "To be able to laugh in a rehearsal at something you hadn't expected, and then to stand to the side or behind an audience laughing, and watch them, their bodies – a couple of hundred people as one – when something makes them laugh, I don't think I've ever seen a more spiritual moment than an audience in a belly laugh!" Lear said. 

"The soundtrack of my life has been laughter."

The show ran for nine seasons, won 22 Emmy Awards, and was No. 1 in the ratings for five consecutive years. Beginning in 1979, a sequel series, "Archie Bunker's Place," ran for four more seasons.

"All in the Family" was followed by the popular and provocative spin-offs "Maude" (starring Bea Arthur), and "The Jeffersons" (starring Isabel Sanford and Sherman Hemsley). Along with laughter, both shows brought storylines about women's liberation and race into millions of living rooms across the country. Another sitcom, "One Day at a Time," starred Bonnie Franklin as a divorced woman struggling against sexism, chauvinistic bosses and cheating boyfriends, while raising two teenage daughters. 

Lear's string of hit TV series also included "Sanford and Son" (with comedian Redd Foxx), and "Good Times," which broke ground with mostly Black casts but also faced accusations of promoting racial stereotypes.

He was also creator of the syndicated "Mary Hartman, Marty Hartman," a parody of soap operas that starred Louise Lasser; and executive producer of "Hot l Baltimore," based on the Lanford Wilson stage comedy set in a run-down hotel. Its characters included prostitutes, undocumented immigrants, and a gay couple.

Norman Lear was born on July 27, 1922, in Hartford, Connecticut, and his childhood wasn't all laughs. When he was 9 years old, his father went to prison for fraud for selling fake bonds, and his mother sent him to live with his grandparents.

He later said his father served as an inspiration for Archie Bunker.

"The intention was to show there's humor in everything. And I never thought of him as a hater so much as a fearful man of progress," Lear told "CBS This Morning" co-host Gayle King in 2017.

As a young man, he attended Emerson College in Boston on a scholarship before leaving school to serve in World War II. He joined the U.S. Army Air Forces and flew on 52 combat missions over Germany and Italy. 

After the war, he moved to Hollywood, and his career in the entertainment industry grew. By the early 1970s, he'd reached a level of success and widespread influence few others could equal.

On the big screen, Lear's production company was behind popular movies like "Stand By Me," "The Princess Bride" and "Fried Green Tomatoes." He shared an Academy Award nomination for the screenplay of the 1968 comedy "Divorce American Style." 

The political and social issues he explored on screen also inspired his own activism in liberal circles. In 1981, he co-founded the nonprofit group People For the American Way to advocate for progressive causes and counter the divisiveness and discord straining the nation.

In 2022, Lear wrote in a New York Times op-ed of his optimism in America: "I often feel disheartened by the direction that our politics, courts and culture are taking. But I do not lose faith in our country or its future. I remind myself how far we have come." 

Over his long career, Lear racked up a multitude of awards, including six Emmys, a Golden Globe and the 2017 Kennedy Center Honors. He was inducted into the Television Academy Hall of Fame in 1984.

His website vowed, "Norman Lear has no plans to retire," and he kept that promise, working on new projects well into his 90s. In 2017 he launched a "One Day at a Time" reboot on Netflix, starring Rita Moreno, and in 2019 and 2020 he teamed up with Jimmy Kimmel to broadcast star-studded live reenactments of classic episodes of "All in the Family," "The Jeffersons" and "Good Times." Both won Emmys for Outstanding Variety Special.

But as he shone a light on discrimination, he often butted up against discrimination himself. In 2016 he talked with "Sunday Morning" about how older characters (like himself) had been relegated to marginal roles on TV, playing eccentric neighbors or wise-cracking grandparents. "Where are people my age?" he said. "There were no shows about us, about our lives, about our attitudes, about our problems."

He developed a series, "Guess Who Died?," set in a senior living community. But after filming a pilot, zero network executives expressed interest.

As he explained In a 2019 interview for the "CBS This Morning" podcast, wisdom and inspiration can be found in every walk of life: "Somebody doesn't have to be a professor. Somebody can be just knocking on your door, or somebody can be selling you something on the street … and you have a reasonable conversation, and suddenly you heard something you hadn't heard before or something the person you feel is about suggests just something you haven't thought before."

He often said he was guided throughout his life by the saying, "Each man is my superior in that I may learn from him." 

On the occasion of his 100th birthday in July 2022, Lear said "love and laughter" were the secret to his longevity. He also spoke of the impact of love: "The people I've loved, and loved me in return. I couldn't emphasize that more. I have been cared for, and I have cared, and I think it's mattered a lot."

Lear is survived by his wife, Lyn, a filmmaker. He had a total of six children from his three marriages.


- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 2312.09 - 10:10

- Days ago = 3081 days ago

- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.

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