Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.


Monday, April 18, 2016

Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #286 - MUSICAL MONDAY: Music for April 18th

Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #286 - MUSICAL MONDAY: Music for April 18th

Hi Mom, So I decided to make this a regular feature. Dedicated to the healing power of music some favorite songs. I will return to songs that helped me with grief next week. This is a just a random assortment of both songs I love and new songs that I recently discovered (since you died). The Kate Bush song was the subject of my talk in class today. I also shared the Steely Dan, Erykah Badu, Broadcast, and Cocteau Twins songs with my students.

Okay, take that back. I played "Marlene on the Wall" a few times while in the early stages of grief, such as when you were actively dying and shortly after you died. "Marlene on the Wall" really has little to do with grieving a loved one, or does it? Doesn't matter. I love singing it.

And right after I did the post last week on the healing power of music, I spotted this article (link below) in my weekly Brain Pickings email. I plan to come back to this article with more next week, but read it if it interests, and key quotes from it.

"'Without music life would be a mistake,' Nietzsche proclaimed in 1889."

“There is, at least there sometimes seems to be, a certain blessedness lying at the heart of things, a mysterious blessedness.”

Aldous Huxley on the Transcendent Power of Music and Why It Sings to Our Souls

This next video is the music Warren Ellis uses as his alarm clock as I think I shared in the Mornings post last week. Mine is Eno's Ambient One: Music for Airports.


"With a kiss, I pass the key."


Elizabeth Fraser sings the most beautiful cascading set of notes ever. Achingly beautiful.

Cocteau Twins - Carolyn's Fingers Later 1994 (Excelente versión)

"I'll learn to work the saxophone
I play just what I feel
Drink Scotch whiskey all night long
And die behind the wheel
They got a name for the winners in the world
And I want a name when I lose
They call Alabama the Crimson Tide
Call me Deacon Blues"

Steely Dan Deacon Blues - LIVE

Broadcast was brought to my attention a while back and then came around again recently (in pre-show film clips at the Alamo) and so I made it a priority to access it. I love this kind of strange, haunting music, much like The Moon Wiring Club.

Broadcast and the Focus Group Investigate Witch Cults of the Radio Age - Audio Trailer

"observe the blood, the rose tattoo, of the fingerprints on me from you..."

Suzanne Vega- Marlene On The Wall (Acoustic Version)

This song used to be my ring tone.
"Back in the day when things were cool..."

Erykah Badu - Back In The Day (Puff) Live HQ - Erykah Badu performs at Dave Chappelle's Block Party in September 2004.


Reflect and connect.

Have someone give you a kiss, and tell you that I love you.

Talk to you tomorrow, Mom.


- Days ago = 288 days ago

- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1604.18 - 10:10

NOTE on time: When I post late, I had been posting at 7:10 a.m. because Google is on Pacific Time, and so this is really 10:10 EDT. However, it still shows up on the blog in Pacific time. So, I am going to start posting at 10:10 a.m. Pacific time, intending this to be 10:10 Eastern time. I know this only matters to me, and to you, Mom. But I am not going back and changing all the 7:10 a.m. times. But I will run this note for a while. Mom, you know that I am posting at 10:10 a.m. often because this is the time of your death.

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