You're asleep, Mom.
I imagine you might have fallen asleep during my presentation like you did at symphonies and movies. I get that now. I am so tired all the time.
THAT ONE THING BOILERPLATE: I am creating a new feature called THAT ONE THING for a series of blog posts that are set up ahead of time allowing me to take a break from the daily blogging grind to finish a project take a vacation, or for whatever reason I deem necessary. I like this idea better than setting up a series of complicated shares in advance. THAT ONE THING features an image, a song, a thing, and a few short (VERY SHORT) remarks about it. I feel this allows me better value than a share on which I do not comment. So that's the idea. ENGAGE. Here we go.
Here's notes and plans and links and things.
Here's the finished thing:
May 23: When It's Time to Individuate: Gender, Middlesex, and the Jungian Process of Individuation
Chris Tower, Adjunct Faculty
This is what I have so far. Still working...
Saw your post and thought you may enjoy this story. I was telling my wife a story about a party my six-year-old son and I went to Saturday. I said there was a woman there named Allegra. My son walked into the room and said daddy you know Allegra was a man right? I mean she's pretty and super nice but you could tell by her voice right? I said I thought that may be the case. He came back with you know it really doesn't matter because she's super nice and kind. Then he ran off with a Lego starship.
I feel that is a parenting win.
I am not a Jungian scholar. That said, I have been studying and teaching Jungian Psychology for over thirty years. But my study has always been more dilettante than serious scholar. I attest that I feel my comments in this presentation are fairly accurate, but I am always learning new things, and so I am open to your feedback and questions at the end of the talk.
Is there anything strictly hetero-normative in this song?
The song denies transgender unless it means to endorse it by denying it?
Even it's "every boy's a man inside; a girl's a woman, too" stipulates biological sex as equivalent with gender but not heterosexuality.
But the core could apply to anyone and anyone's blossoming sexual and gender identity.
"Don't fight the tide, go along for the ride,
Don't ya see.
When it's time to change, you've got to rearrange,
Who you are and what you're gonna be."
Time to Change
Song by The Brady Bunch
Sha na na na na na na na na,
Sha na na na na.
Sha na na na na na na na na,
Sha na na na na.
Autumn turns to winter,
And winter turns to spring.
It doesn't go just for seasons you know,
It goes for everything.
The same is true for voices,
When boys begin to grow.
You gotta take a lesson from Mother Nature,
And if you do you'll know.
When it's time to change (when it's time to change),
Don't fight the tide, go along for the ride,
Don't ya see.
When it's time to change, you've got to rearrange,
Who you are and what you're gonna be.
Sha na na na na na na na na
Sha na na na na.
Sha na na na na na na na na na
Sha na na na na
Day by day you're facing the changes you've been through,
A little bit of living, a little bit of growing all adds up to you.
Every boy's a man inside,
A girl a woman too.
And if you want to reach your destiny,
Then here's what you can do.
When it's time to change (when it's time to change),
Don't fight the tide, go along for the ride,
Don't ya see.
When it's time to change, you've got to rearrange,
Who you are and what you're gonna be.
Sha na na na na na na na na
Sha na na na na.
Sha na na na na na na na na na
Sha na na na na
Time to Change lyrics © Sony/ATV Harmony, Famous Music LLC, Sony Atv Harmony

Where does gender come from?
Because I had a strong foundation in popular culture (I hesitate to call it expertise) more so than any expertise in gender studies or feminism, I was asked to teach a course in media criticism for the women's studies department at WMU, which now calls itself a gender and women's studies department. In fact, though I referred the course as gender and the media and really more like gender, race, class, and the media, the course's official name was media and the sexes because the chair of the department felt that more students would take the course if it had the word sex in the title, and she was right.
From the outset, I was faced with the problem of sex and gender. I knew that these words shared qualities but were meant to have both quantitative and qualitative difference. When I started teaching the course, I had to figure out the nature of this difference.
And it seemed to me that our cultural attitudes about sex had a lot to do with our use of the word as both a physical act of copulation and as a marker for biological distinction, a marker that for most of our history was more or less synonymous with gender.
- Labels and boxes
- sexual identity - only part of the whole
-basics - define terms
- Freud- Structure of personality
- basic archetypes
- mention personality types but nothing in depth
I am going to lay the foundation of the Freudian personality model, but as I said about my studies of Jung, if I am not a Jungian scholar then I am surely not a Freudian scholar as my Jungian reading outnumbers my Freudian reading 100-1.
- yin and yang
- spectra (of spectrum) or scales
- Kinsey scale
- most of us are in the middle

search - "yin yang balance the self" many cool images (and dominoes)
and this
do more googling
http://www.isna.org/faq/what_is_intersex declared title
When It's Time to Individuate: Gender, Middlesex, and the Jungian Process of Individuation

GOOGLE - "what did jung say about homosexuality"
this is the first page........
The only article I was able to find that was not behind a paywall was A NEW JUNGIAN THEORY OF MALE HOMOSEXUAL PERSONHOOD: INDIVIDUATION AS GAY by Mitchell Walker 1991
In this article the author refers to an earlier study by Robert Hopke in the following passage:
Jung believed that “homosexuality is a result of psychological immaturity and, consequently, [is] abnormal and disturbed” ” (Hopcke, 1988, p. 68). Along with this view, he held the theory that male homosexual personhood is the result of an infantile relationship to the feminine, variously termed a “mother complex,” “anima identification,” and “unconscious matriarchal psychology” (Hopcke, 1988, p. 73).
We can only guess whether this is a fair representation of Jung's views but if it is then he did see homosexuality as a disorder. I believe that all mental illness at the time was classified as disorder rather than illness but this is just my impression. Jung apparently believed that
when we suffer a mental disorder, the psyche (the mind and the body) are trying to work through some issue.
Subject: RE: Do you have the right stuff to do a Community Conversation?
Hi Courtney, I am chris tower, new adjunct in English. I think we met after I attended an event last quarter, but I have class during the events this quarter.
I would like to volunteer to be considered to speak in the spring series on sex and gender.
I taught for years in a gender study program back in Michigan.
My talk would be about the intersection of Jungian Psychology and Gender Identity.
Something like "The Self, yin/yang, and Balance in Gender Indviduation."
I would present on Jung's idea of the self and the process of individuation and how it relates to modern thinking on gender identity. I would likely intersect those ideas with some of Deborah Blum's book Sex on the Brain and Eugenides' great novel Middlesex.
I am fairly well read on this subject (though always learning) , so I would likely touch on material from Delusions of Gender by Cordelia Fine and other materials.
This isn't the exact same content but there are overlaps. You can review this link to see some of what I am about if you wish.
also this gives some idea of some of my views on gender
If you need to get a better sense of me, we can meet or speak with many of my new colleagues, like Nicole or J.Haynes-Hughes.
Let me know what you think.
your friend in learning
- chris tower
"Always look on the bright side of life..."

Theorising beyond dualism: the ‘person’, the ‘self’ and post-colonial mentality in Contemporary African Philosophy
The Akan concept of ‘personhood’
The first session began with an overview of the metaphysics of the self and the notion of personhood as presented by the Akan philosophy of West Africa. In this case ‘self’ and ‘person’ are inter-related concepts given that, for the Akans, the ‘self’ is a unity of three parts that in turn constitutes a human being as a person within a community. We can readily see some problems here: what holds this unity together? How should these parts be understood –as material or immaterial entities? How does this social and political constitution of the person come about from a metaphysical understanding of the self? Is personhood then a striving ideal from which some fall-short?
Reflect and connect.
Have someone give you a kiss, and tell you that I love you.
I miss you so very much, Mom.
Talk to you tomorrow, Mom.
- Days ago = 1419 days ago
- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1905.23
NEW (written 1708.27) NOTE on time: I am now in the same time zone as Google! So, when I post at 10:10 a.m. PDT to coincide with the time of your death, Mom, I am now actually posting late, so it's really 1:10 p.m. EDT. But I will continue to use the time stamp of 10:10 a.m. to remember the time of your death, Mom. I know this only matters to me, and to you, Mom.
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