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Thursday, February 13, 2020

A Sense of Doubt blog post #1822 - What Just Happened? Trump is still president - via Bitch Media

A Sense of Doubt blog post #1822 - What Just Happened? Trump is still president - via Bitch Media

The great folks at Bitch Media always help me put things into perspective.

Still sharing to catch up, but sharing the good stuff.

 The Acquittal of Donald J. Trump 

Our Take

Donald Trump is still president of the United States. On February 5, the Senate voted primarily along party lines—with only Utah Senator Mitt Romney defecting from the Republican sideline—to acquit Trump on two articles of impeachment, abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. Once again, accountability fell to the wayside in favor of satisfying a Republican base that has habitually resisted acknowledging  the changing political beliefs and demographics of this country—and who have shown in the past four years that they are willing to put party above country. Even if the arc of the moral universe does bend toward justice—and it's not clear that it does—it’s little comfort in a time as tenuous as this one.

Though we shouldn’t be surprised that the Senate acquitted Trump—after all, the GOP didn’t call a single witness during what was effectively a show trial—it still stings to know that justice doesn’t extend to the powerful and the wealthy. It doesn’t just sting; it’s infuriating, especially in a country that incarcerates people from underrepresented communities, including people of color, trans people, and working-class people, at disproportionate rates. The platitude that “No one person is above the law” clearly didn’t apply in this case, leaving many of us feeling downtrodden, defeated, and even hopeless.

All is not lost, though. We are all still here. We can take a deep breath, process our emotions, and then get back to work—because our collective future depends on it. There’s still a lot at stake, no matter who the president of the United States is. The Supreme Court is preparing to hear a challenge that could greatly restrict access to legal abortionImmigrants are still being targeted by this presidential administration. A census is looming that could determine how congressional districts are drawn for the next decade. There are countless issues that we need to pay attention to if we want to see change in an unequivocally corrupt political landscape, and it begins today.

Now, more than ever, Trump feels unstoppable. He’s tweeting about winning, gloating through press conferences, and promising retribution against those who brought his crimes to light. But he’s not unbeatable, and neither are the senators who voted to acquit him. We can do this. Here’s how to start.

—the Bitch Media Crew
Media Roundup
1.  The Senate called no witnesses and no documents for the trial. How is this justice? [Los Angeles Times]
2.  Despite the evidence presented in the House, Susan Collins said she’d vote to acquit because Trump “has learned from this case” and “will be much more cautious in the future.” [Vox]
3.  This handy-dandy guide shows how every single Senator voted during the impeachment trial. [New York Times]
4.  Mitt Romney broke with party lines and voted to convict Trump on one of the articles of impeachment. Every single other GOP Senator voted “not guilty.” [CNN]
5.  Because some people truly never learn, Rudy Giuliani is still saying he wants the Trump administration to investigate the Bidens after the acquittal. [NPR] 
6.  Apparently, Donald Trump isn’t satisfied with how the impeachment trial played out. He wanted something flashier, but clearly, short, sweet, and full of corruption is the way to go. [Politico]
7.  Throughout the country, activists are organizing mass demonstrations to signal their dissatisfaction with the Senate’s decision. [USA Today]
8.  Ten women were arrested for chanting “Trump is guilty” in the Capitol rotunda. [Washington Post]
9.  Donald Trump is going to be the first impeached president to seek re-election. What happens next? That’s still unclear. [FiveThirtyEight]
What you can do right now
Join a protestReject the Coverup are beginning protests throughout the country starting on Wednesday, February 5, at 5:30pm EST. [USA Today, Reject the Coverup]
Consider donating to an organization that is working to elect more women candidates. [Marie Claire]
If your Senator voted “not guilty,” reach out to them and make your frustrations known. [AP News, Senate.gov]
Find which GOP senators are up for reelection in their home states, especially if they are being primaried by someone else, and donate to their Democratic opposers. [Swing Left]
Push Twitter to remove Trump from the platform. Though a hard sell given Twitter’s reliance on the president’s account for impressions and engagement, it’s worth noting that Trump tweeted nearly 700 times, averaging five tweets a day, about the impeachment. In 2020, social media’s impact cannot be overstated or ignored. [Variety, Wall Street Journal]
If, after all this you’re still raging, consider donating to Bitch Media today or joining The Rage, a community of folks reclaiming their anger and supporting independent feminist media. [Bitch Media]
Bitch Media is an award-winning, nonprofit, feminist media outlet. We're community funded because we believe that there's no for-profit way to make truly independent, intersectional feminist media. If our work has to compete with a self-interested advertiser or a major investor, it's never going to be the kind of world-changing, movement-making, uncompromising work that needs to be done. It'll just be another contract negotiated in a patriarchal world. You like our attitude? Us too.


- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 2002.13 - 10:10

- Days ago = 1685 days ago

- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.

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