Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.


Wednesday, August 19, 2020

A Sense of Doubt blog post #2010 - Democratic National Convention Day Two

Key takeaways from night 2 of the Democratic convention | ABC27
A Sense of Doubt blog post #2010 - Democratic National Convention Day Two


I wrote a lot of the things yesterday that I feel strongly about, so I am not going to go nuts today. I want to work ahead on the blog.

It is more important than ever to vote.

This is the single most important election of my life time and possibly in the history of America.

Democratic National Convention 2020 night 2: How to watch Jimmy ...

Video screenshot

About 20 minutes into the first night of the Democratic National Convention last night, a new video for Joe Biden aired, featuring Bruce Springsteen's 2002 song "The Rising," that remarkable anthem for 9/11 that doesn't include any calls for kicking ass, getting revenge, or otherwise piling up bodies, because quite enough had been piled up already. It's an apt choice, given that we're now scores of 9/11s into the coronavirus pandemic and one party's response has amounted only to "it is what it is."

Just look at this thing. It's beautiful and moving and I only cried a few quarts while writing it up.

Rise Up at the Democratic Convention | Joe Biden For President 2020youtu.be

The video begins with scenes of an empty, sheltered-in place America: deserted streets, an empty stadium, an ambulance. Then a mercifully brief montage of some of the worst of the Trump era: Charlottesville, the Great Man tossing paper towels to hurricane survivors in Puerto Rico, tear gas canisters exploding, kids in cages, the bastard holding up a Bible after police attacked protesters.

Then, with the first refrain of "Come on up for the rising," the mood changes. Health care workers glove up, people go out to protest. "Left the house this morning" and a little kid in a superhero cape skips down a sidewalk, followed by unsubtle-but-you-don't care jump cut to shots of healthcare workers heading to work, being applauded by firefighters, and then seas of people protesting — mostly for Black Lives, but there are also shots of one of the teacher strikes at a statehouse, with everyone in red, and of the fantastic Teens protesting for their lives after the mass shooting in Parkland, Florida.

And then the faces. That's what did it for me; that beautiful spectrum of American faces against a plain cloth backdrop, a reminder that the Unum isn't work a lick of good without the E Pluribus. The scenes of people waving to their families behind glass got us, too. We agreed in the chatcave we could do without the shots of the Black protester hugging the riot cop, because that's such dishonest window dressing, but otherwise, it's one hell of an ad, down to Joe Biden's "hope over fear, truth over lies, unity over division" message at the end.

Chinese Astrology: 2010 Horoscopes


And, so, as I detailed yesterday, I got married in 2009, in October, so 2010 was the first full year of newly married bliss, and it was pretty blissful, but it was a transition for me. I went from living with my parents and helping to care for my mother to living with my wife and two teenaged step children, who, granted, were with us only half time, but that back and forth in itself was an adjustment.

Looking back, it went great, at least as far as I am concerned.

After close to a year off from teaching in late 2009 I added a school and then I added more schools in 2010 and returned to WMU, albeit in a different department, in Fall of 2010.

assorted 2010 photos

me and Ivan at Creagers

Me and Jessica at Halloween

I accidentally posted this photo of taking my Mom to the Richland art fair in #2007, but it was actually this year, 2010.

Took a header on a bike ride with Ivan

K-College class reunion - 25 years

Danica and QB's wedding

Danica and QB's wedding

Okyako Don lunch - my favorite - at Haru

Liesel returns from trip May 2010

I find the rare album I have long sought because... the Internet, still had to get it from France


Friend Steve Cameron, not a terrorist


Any world news happening in 2010, and there were good things happening as Barrack Obama was president so it was a happier world not like the hell hole we are currently living through, any of this news pales in comparison to a major event that makes me very proud: my team won the 2010 KUDL championship. Sadly, I have no pictures of that team. Here's me enjoying the trophy and the medals which I had made to give to my teammates. These pictures were taken in the West Gull Lake Drive house before we moved out of it in 2011.

The trophy cup still bore the name of the league's first year name: KUSS and was a cheap, hastily made relic and yet it was coveted and cherished by the winners.

Dear reader, you may think this is not a major event, but in my life, it ranks pretty high, and in my Ultimate life probably the highest. I played fairly well that year. I was not the major force of the winning by any means. My co-captain Sarah Spruit and I drafted a great team. AND we had tons of fun. I am so proud of our team.

Below are more shots (taken by Liesel) of the first night of the league. The reason the shirts do not match is that (duh) we did not have the shirts yet for 2010. We did not figure out how to get shirts the first night of the summer league for many years. So I am wearing last year's shirt, and as a league founder, I had a lot of left overs and lent Piper a small shirt that fit her well from the year before.

ME PLAYING ULTIMATE 2010 - first night of KUDL

 Piper plays!

We all warm up together!

My friend Abby

Year of the Tiger (2010, 1998, 1986, 1974, 1962) : Zodiac Luck ...


What Events Happened In 2010

  • The financial crisis and high unemployment continues with house prices still depressed due to the large number of foreclosures. Europe and America begin to pursue different courses to address the problems with Europe addressing budget deficits and the U.S. continuing to try and spend the way out of the recession by creating more jobs.
  • The Winter Olympics are held in Vancouver.
More Information for the Winter Olympics.
The Winter Olympics are held in Vancouver, Canada during February of 2010. A total of 2,566 athletes from 82 different countries participated in these games over the course of seventeen days. The countries that won the most medals were Canada, Germany, and the United States. The United States won the highest number of total medals with a total of 37 while the host country Canada won the most gold medals with a total of 14. The event was considered successful despite some minor issues.

United States
  • The Healthcare Reform Bill / Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act passes in Congress changing the face of healthcare in the US and is signed into law by President Barack Obama
United States
  • BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Disaster in the gulf of Mexico leaves gulf beaches / fishing and the shellfish industry reeling, the true effects will not be fully understood for many years, New Deep Water Drilling Wells are stopped until regulators can catch up with the technology.
  • The US increases the number of troops stationed in Afghanistan hoping to squash the Taliban and Alkida Terrorist groups that operate from and in the country
  • China launches their second moon probe, Chang'e 2.


Mark Zuckerberg - Person of the Year 2010 - TIME

Amazon.com: Watch 2010: The Year We Make Contact | Prime Video

In Defense of 2010: The Year We Make Contact

One weird year: 2010 in review

2010 in Music: The Year That Went Pop | Billboard

Best Music Mashup 2010 - Best Of Popular Songs - YouTube

The Best Music Of 2010 : NPR

The Year In Film: 2010 - DefineARevolution.com

The Best Movies of 2010 — The Year in Review

2010 World Series: Texas Rangers vs. San Francisco Giants - MLB ...

X-Men We Are X-Men TPB (2010 Marvel) comic books

Invincible Iron Man (2010 Marvels Greatest Comics) comic books


- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 2008.19 - 10:10

- Days ago = 1874 days ago

- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.

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