Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.


Sunday, August 30, 2020

A Sense of Doubt blog post #2021 - Saturday 8/29 Portland Protests - one dead

One Killed in Portland as Protesters, Trump Supporters Clash | Voice of  America - English

A Sense of Doubt blog post #2021 - Saturday 8/29 Portland Protests - one dead

I am postponing the usual COMIC BOOK SUNDAY post to bring you this important news about what's going on in my new home. Though I do not live in Portland, OR, it's about as close as Kalamazoo, Michigan when I lived in Richland, and then I told people I lived in Kalamazoo.

I hope COMIC BOOK SUNDAY will return on September Sixth as there are no more important events (like protestors murdered on the streets of our nation) to share.

Here we are in 2021. That is post #2021 because the year 2020 is not over yet. What this means for me is that my THE YEAR IN NUMBER feature is over as I have surpassed the current year.

Over a thousand Trump supporters with their loudness and big flags and their special brand of crazy were only going to drive around Portland on the HIGHWAYS so as not to enflame tensions with the current protestors of THE STATE OF THE HATE NATION -- Black Lives Matter, Trump is still President, no leadership in the pandemic, etc. -- who have been for the most part peacefully protesting in Portland since the beginning of June except when Federal agents who will not identify themselves as such play Gestapo on the streets, "arrest" (abduct) peaceful citizens exercising their First Amendment rights without due process, and in general make things worse with shows of force that only escalate violence.

But get a few cases of beer in them and some chew, and the right-wing vanguard of the Commander and Chief of the Hate and Fear nation decide it would be a lot more fun to cause some ruckus by driving through downtown Portland, shooting protestors with paint ball guns and pepper spray while being hateful and trying to incite violence.

And so that's what happened. Big surprise.

And someone was shot and killed. It appears that this person was a Trump supporter and an adherent to a FAR right extremist group called Patriot Prayer.



I am not happy that anyone was killed, even someone whose beliefs I strongly disagree with. Life is something we must protect. It's sad that this young man was killed.

The blame is surely with the person who pulled the trigger, whomever that may be.

Yet, surely, it seems reasonable to assert that had these Trump supporters not incite violence by shooting protestors with paint balls guns and pepper spray, this shooting and death would not have happened.

And let's be clear. If a pick up truck with some good old boys is driving past where I am peacefully protesting and someone raises what very much looks like a gun and aims at me, I am afraid for my life. Because if I don't know it's a paint ball gun, and it's all happening very fast, and it looks like a gun because IT IS A GUN, then that's FELONIOUS ASSAULT. That is a case of felony assault for which those who committed those crimes should be prosecuted.

They are not as the President called them "great patriots." They are not all peacefully protesting. Those who shot at protestors are criminals.


“Portland has been burning for many years, for decades it’s been burning,” he said.

(This is a lie.)

Just remember in 63 days when it is time to vote that these acts of violence are happening in our nation under Donald Trump's presidency not because a democratic mayor and governor in Portland and Oregon will not use excessive force to be fascists but because DONALD TRUMP IS A FASCIST and a failed leader and a bully.

We can do better.

We deserve better.

Portland mayor calls for calm amidst protests - The Iola Register

Governor beefs up Portland patrols after fatal shooting - Cheyenne, WY Cap  City News

Daily Inter Lake

1 Dead in Portland Protests

Column: Biden decries violence 'on the left or the right,' Trump hails  right-wing agitators as 'GREAT PATRIOTS!' - Chicago Tribune

Pamplin Media Group - Man killed at Portland protest linked to Trump  cruise-in

Trump presses law and order message as protest turns deadly

Photos: Pro-Trump caravan, counterprotesters in Portland area | KOIN.com


- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 2008.30 - 10:10

- Days ago = 1885 days ago

- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.

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