Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.


Sunday, August 23, 2020

A Sense of Doubt blog post #2014 - We will heal, recover, and rebuild - Weekly Hodge Podge for 2008.23

Mourning in America - The Boston Globe
A Sense of Doubt blog post #2014 - We will heal, recover, and rebuild - Weekly Hodge Podge for 2008.23

Welcome to the WEEKLY HODGE PODGE, the blog collection of things that caught my attention this week, the weekly pandemic report, the updates on BLACK LIVES MATTER, and whatever else strikes my fancy, which, lately, is a lot of political and election news and commentary.

This week the HODGE PODGE is a day later than its usual Saturday because of the 2020 Democratic National Convention that dominated my posts Tuesday-Friday pushing to Saturday my creative writing post, and so I am canceling COMIC BOOK SUNDAY on the blog (though not in reality)  in favor of the WEEKLY HODGE PODGE.

The theme line for this week (always in the post name) comes from the following LINCOLN PROJECT video, which is full of great content.

I let my anger get the better of me earlier this week; I expressed hatred for Trump, the occupant of our house, the people's house, the White House.

I do not think hate is a good emotion. I am trying not to hate. It's difficult. Faced with such a horrible, hateful, vicious sociopath as PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES (though I refuse to acknowledge this: not my president), it's very difficult not to feel outrage that festers to hatred all the time.

I would rather focus on hope and love than anger and hate.

I am feeling very hopeful about the 2020 presidential election (and the other races, too). The 2020 DNC was a show unlike any other, stroking all the feels, and presenting statements of belief, intent, and facts that in many cases are impossible to argue, though Trump will puke away on his Twitter pathetically trying to do so in his sniveling, vitriolic, nastiness. Such a nasty, nasty man. So disrespectful. The most disrespectful president in the history of our country.

And that's not all.

Deaths from Covid-19 in the U.S. are reaching close to 180,000, far far more than the seasonal flu and in a shorter time period (so let's debunk that misinformation once and for all), the economy is shredded, police are wantonly beating and brutalizing peaceful protesters just because they can, Trump continues to refuse to disclose his tax records because they are full of criminal shit, QAnon is full on bat shit crazy, Trump is trying to destroy the validity of voting by mail to suppress votes and rig the election in his favor or be able to declare a fraudulent election if he loses, and now he even has turned against his own propaganda machine, Fox news, as "fake" news all while a recording was released of his sister saying that he is a lying sack of shit with no moral compass (though this story is too new to feature).

There's tons of great content in this week's HODGE PODGE, but I want to focus on the hope and not the anger.

After all, these are my sign offs for my school announcements all summer:


“Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won’t come in.”
~ Isaac Asimov from Wanderers by Chuck Wendig pg. 125

"Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only
remembers to turn on the light." 
~ Albus Dumbledore

“If your world is night... shine your life like a light.”

~ The Indigo Girls

Focus on the hope.
Find the humor.
Respond with love.


We Are Republicans, and We Want Trump Defeated


California Reports First Human Plague Case In 5 Years (livescience.com)

A California resident has tested positive for plague, marking the state's first human case of the disease in five years, according to health officials. Live Science reports:The case was confirmed on Monday in a resident of South Lake Tahoe, according to a statement from the El Dorado County Department of Health and Human Services. The individual is described as an "avid walker" who may have been bitten by an infected flea while walking their dog in the Tahoe Keys area or along the "Truckee River Corridor" north of Highway 50, the statement said.

"Plague is naturally present in many parts of California, including higher elevation areas of El Dorado County," Dr. Nancy Williams, the El Dorado County public health officer, said in the statement. "It's important that individuals take precautions for themselves and their pets when outdoors, especially while walking, hiking and/or camping in areas where wild rodents are present. Human cases of plague are extremely rare but can be very serious." The patient is currently recovering at home under the care of medical professionals, the statement said.


With the Most Deaths In 150 Years, Sweden Reveals New COVID-19 Test-and-Trace Strategy (theguardian.com)

AleRunner writes:In the first half of 2020, Sweden has recorded its highest death total in 150 years. "In total, 51,405 Swedes died in the six-month period, a higher number than in any year since 1869, when 55,431 people died, partly as a result of a famine," reports The Guardian. In what may be a reaction to this failure, which makes Sweden the worst coronavirus country in Scandinavia, Sweden has announced a change to their new contact-tracing policy. The Local explains: "If you test positive for the coronavirus you may now be given instructions to call people with whom you have been in contact and may have infected, instead of healthcare staff doing the job for you, or it not being done at all."

In early June, Sweden switched from its failed "herd immunity" strategy to a contact-tracing strategy and has since seen a strong fall in new infections, though with a recent slight increase. The new contact-tracing strategy will be critical for the return of the Swedish economy with Sweden currently facing travel restrictions from Scandinavian neighbors such as Finland, whilst other Scandinavian and Baltic countries are already open for trade and tourism. Swedes will be hoping that the adjustment of their new coronavirus strategy will be a signpost for other countries rather than the warning of their old strategy.

Not so long ago, in June, we discussed how Sweden's old strategy had made Sweden a Pariah state and in May we had discussed how Sweden's old strategy caused many deaths whilst failing to deliver immunity.


Photo of flu patients during the First World War

I want to add this link to the weekly report. It's important to remember:

A Sense of Doubt blog post #1983 - Is Coronavirus more contagious and more deadly than the flu? YES.

ALSO... I am seeing a big discrepancy between the Johns Hopkins data in death totals and WORLDOMETER data, which aggregates data from many more sources. Could this be the slow down due to the change in how the CDC obtains the data, having it filter first through Health and Human Services department.


Anyway, as usual, here's the weekly links to the data about cases (lower than reality) and deaths (lower than reality, also) due to COVID-19.

Data can be found here, as always:

This is also a good data site:

Last updated: August 23, 2020, 01:19 GMT

 United States

Coronavirus Cases:






About Worldometer
Worldometer manually analyzes, validates, and aggregates data from thousands of sources in real time and provides global COVID-19 live statistics for a wide audience of caring people around the world.
Our data is also trusted and used by the UK GovernmentJohns Hopkins CSSE, the Government of Thailand, the Government of Vietnam, the Government of PakistanFinancial TimesThe New York TimesBusiness InsiderBBCand many others.
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Worldometer is cited as a source in over 10,000 published books and in more than 6,000 professional journal articles and was voted as one of the best free reference websites by the American Library Association (ALA), the oldest and largest library association in the world.

Coronavirus Is No 1918 Pandemic - The Atlantic

This exchange between Anderson Cooper and Mike Lindell (My Pillow CEO) is priceless. It's so worth watching that three videos are needed.

I am also so glad I bought a SLEEPGRAM pillow and not a MY PILLOW, even though I am very sad to say that Ron Coomer of Cubs radio, whom I respect, promoted it.

Real men wear face masks | The Seattle Times

How cartoons are chronicling the battle between mask wearers and ...

As we approach a New Year...Here's Wishing. : PoliticalHumor
It's too much to hope that Trump would silence his Twitter and not respond to criticisms made of him at the DNC. But that's giving him to much credit for dignity when instead he's just like that frightened and deeply mentally ill (also abused) bully on the playground.

It's just so obvious.


Can Michelle Obama Just Address The Nation Every Night Until November 3?

Uh oh, somebody's feeling triggered like a common Donald Trump Jr. book this morning:
OK, Poppy, whatever is making you feel better this morning. Anything else?
"Treason, and more"? Sure thing.

Monday was the first night of the first ever Zoom Democratic National Convention, and there were a few memorable moments. Kristin Urquiza of Arizona, whose Trump-voting father died of COVID-19, delivered the brutal truth that her father's "only pre-existing condition was trusting Donald Trump, and for that he paid with his life." Bernie Sanders delivered a rousing call to his supporters, but really all Americans, that no matter exactly where you fall ideologically, literally all is lost if we let Donald Trump's authoritarian fascism take root by letting him have another term to destroy this country.

But Michelle Obama, man. Whoa. Damn.
We have seen Michelle Obama give a badass speech before. This was something different. If you did not see it, take some time this morning:

Watch Michelle Obama's Full Speech At The 2020 DNC | NBC Newswww.youtube.com

We saw Michelle Obama talk last night in a way Michelle Obama does not usually talk. She noted that she fricking hates politics, as she sometimes notes. (You know, for those of you who are always like "Why is she not runnniningngngngggggggg?") She said some of her stuff about where we go when they go low. (High.) But it wasn't the focal point. (Though she was clear that that quip is not meant as a platitude about being really nice and putting up with bullshit.)

This was more hi, I am Michelle Obama, and if you think things are bad right now, watch what happens if you allow Donald Trump to stay in the Oval Office one more minute.

[I]f you take one thing from my words tonight, it is this: if you think things cannot possibly get worse, trust me, they can; and they will if we don't make a change in this election. If we have any hope of ending this chaos, we have got to vote for Joe Biden like our lives depend on it.

Yes, that was the one thing Michelle Obama wanted you to take away. This was Michelle Obama pulling the fucking fire alarm.

But she did it like a parent who's just stating the facts as they are. The hard truths. And the sooner you wrap your thick skull around it, the sooner we can move on.

[L]et me be as honest and clear as I possibly can. Donald Trump is the wrong president for our country. He has had more than enough time to prove that he can do the job, but he is clearly in over his head. He cannot meet this moment. He simply cannot be who we need him to be for us. It is what it is.

It's funny because Donald Trump literally said "it is what it is" during his Axios interview, about over 1,000 Americans dying per day of coronavirus on his watch.

It was spectacular from the beginning, and unlike Donald Trump, it did meet the moment. "Good evening, everyone. It's a hard time, and everyone's feeling it in different ways." Not what you expect to hear from the keynote speaker from the first night of the Democratic National Convention. But such is the American shithole we find ourselves in after over three years under Donald Trump's garbage leadership.

Obama explained that she's "one of a handful of people living today" who's been close enough to the presidency who actually knows what it takes to do the job, which is why she knows Trump is simply not good enough, smart enough, or doggone it people like him to meet the tasks at hand. She reminded Americans that in 2016, "In one of the states that determined the outcome, the winning margin averaged out to just two votes per precinct—two votes." And that has made all the difference.

After going through a laundry list of just how bad things are now, Obama delivered the "I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed" line only a seasoned parent can:

Sadly, this is the America that is on display for the next generation. A nation that's underperforming not simply on matters of policy but on matters of character.

"Underperforming." We're pretty sure she chose that business-y type word for a reason, since America is being destroyed by Donald Trump, Business Guy, who, just like vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris said the other day, is running America into the ground just like he's run everything he's ever inherited into the ground.

And Obama acknowledged that there are some people out there who are just too pigheaded and bigoted to listen to her, though she said it with more grace than we did just now:

I understand that my message won't be heard by some people. We live in a nation that is deeply divided, and I am a Black woman speaking at the Democratic Convention. But enough of you know me by now. You know that I tell you exactly what I'm feeling. You know I hate politics. But you also know that I care about this nation. You know how much I care about all of our children.

And that's when she said the "one thing" she wanted you to take away from her words, about how things can get so much worse.

It wasn't all doom and gloom. A lot of it was about Joe Biden, and much of the second half was action, marching orders from Michelle Obama on what we have to do to fix it by November, in the face of a president and his complicit party hellbent on America's presidential election being as un-free and un-fair as it possibly can be.

[W]e have to vote for Joe Biden in numbers that cannot be ignored. Because right now, folks who know they cannot win fair and square at the ballot box are doing everything they can to stop us from voting. They're closing down polling places in minority neighborhoods. They're purging voter rolls. They're sending people out to intimidate voters, and they're lying about the security of our ballots. These tactics are not new.

But this is not the time to withhold our votes in protest or play games with candidates who have no chance of winning. We have got to vote like we did in 2008 and 2012. We've got to show up with the same level of passion and hope for Joe Biden. We've got to vote early, in person if we can. We've got to request our mail-in ballots right now, tonight, and send them back immediately and follow-up to make sure they're received. And then, make sure our friends and families do the same.

We have got to grab our comfortable shoes, put on our masks, pack a brown bag dinner and maybe breakfast too, because we've got to be willing to stand in line all night if we have to.
Stop playing games and DO THE DAMN WORK.

It would be unreasonable to ask Michelle Obama to deliver this address to America each night before we go to bed until November 3. But we might just watch this a couple times a week until then, to help keep our eye on the ball.

Maybe you should too.

(But like if she wants to address the nation every night between now and November 3, that would be OK too. Just whatever works with her schedule. Oh my God it was good to hear from Michelle Obama again. Damn. Thank you, Michelle Obama. Thank you.)

Rob Rogers (@Rob_Rogers) | Twitter
Donald Trump Secures Dead Victorian Lady Vote With Susan B. Anthony Pardon

Donald Trump has a woman voter problem. And while he might have won reelection in 1920 when Black women weren't fully voting, he's starting to slide with white women, even the ones in the suburbs whom he's vowed to save from Cory Booker.

Trump tried to turn this all around Tuesday when he signed a pardon for Susan B. Anthony, who no one explained to him is 200 years old and dead. He announced his bold advance of women's rights during a White House event commemorating the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment, which granted (white) women the right to vote.

Anthony was arrested and found guilty in 1872 on the charge of voting while a woman. This was technically “voter fraud," which Trump believes accounts for at least 80 percent of all votes that aren't for him.

TRUMP: She was never pardoned! What took so long?

Either because of fear, ignorance, or deliberate sabotage, whenever Trump expresses shock that something has “never" happened, no one on his staff bothers to tell him why or that it has happened already. In Anthony's case, she didn't want a pardon. She wanted the right to vote. She refused to even pay the fine.

From the L.A. Times:
"I shall never pay a dollar of your unjust penalty," Anthony concluded. "All the stock in trade I possess is a $10,000 debt, incurred by publishing my paper — the Revolution — four years ago, the sole object of which was to educate all women to do precisely as I have done, rebel against your man-made, unjust, unconstitutional forms of law, that tax, fine, imprison and hang women, while they deny them the right of representation in the government.

"And I shall work on with might and main to pay every dollar of that honest debt, but not a penny shall go to this unjust claim. And I shall earnestly and persistently continue to urge all women to the practical recognition of the old revolutionary maxim, 'Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God.'"

Trump's pardon arguably “erases history" the same way he insists removing Confederate statues would. Anthony was a woman arrested for voting. That is a stain that should remain on America's conscience. Unlike the Confederacy, at least there's no statue of the man who arrested her.

This is a pointless gesture that coincidentally occurred on the same day that longtime Republican Cindy McCain endorsed Joe Biden for president. Trump gets along fine with dead women. It's the living ones where he has his troubles.

One of them is former and still reigning First Lady Michelle Obama. She read Trump for the filth he is Monday at the virtual Democratic National Convention. It wasn't just a speech. It was a termination notice. She said he was underperforming and was "in over his head." The US needed to upgrade the position and Trump should seek despotic opportunities at a less-demanding country.

Trump had a daylong temper tantrum over Obama's speech, which he considered “divisive" as if he doesn't accuse Barack Obama of treason every eight minutes or so. When asked about Obama's remarks while at the White House event celebrating women, he went off on a twisted rant that that derailed his whole "I'm every woman" stunt.

TRUMP: She was over her head!

"No puppet! No puppet! You're the puppet!"

TRUMP: And frankly, she should've made the speech live, which she didn't do, she taped it. And it was not only taped, it was taped a long time ago, because she had the wrong [COVID-19] deaths.

So, wow ... like that is bonkers. Trump is such the showman he's disappointed that the Democratic National Convention isn't broadcast live this year. We all miss the electrifying spontaneity from past conventions. But he actually took Obama to task for not having an up-to-date number of Americans who've died on his astigmatic watch. She lamented the loss of more than 150,000 Americans, a horrific milestone we passed at the end of July. However, on the day of Obama's speech, the grim number was more than 170,000. That's 20,000 lives lost in just two weeks. But Trump is more concerned with Obama's fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

TRUMP: She gets these fawning reviews. If they gave a real review, it wouldn't be so fawning.

No one's faking the funk on those reviews. Obama blew the roof off the sucker. Melania Trump stood there during this knowing Trump's gonna flip out when her sad little speech gets closing notices halfway through.

Michelle Obama is objectively more popular than Trump. She's been Gallup's most admired woman in the country for the past two years. She's extremely popular with those suburban women Trump thinks he can court with a racist arrangement from 1-800-JIM-CROW.
It's not a good strategy. But maybe when the next bad poll numbers come out, Trump can try pardoning Amelia Earhart for losing that plane.

Tweeter in chief | The Seattle Times


Trump Asks Supreme Court To Let Him Block Critics on Twitter (thehill.com)

The Trump administration on Thursday asked the Supreme Court to reverse a lower court ruling that found President Trump violated the First Amendment by blocking his critics on Twitter. From a report:The lawsuit arose in 2017 after Trump's social media account blocked seven people who had tweeted criticism of the president in comment threads linked to his @realDonaldTrump Twitter handle. Lower federal courts found that Trump's twitter account, where he often weighs in on official matters, constitutes a public forum and that blocking his detractors violated their constitutional free speech protections. In its Thursday petition to the Supreme Court, attorneys for the Justice Department (DOJ) urged the justices to overturn a unanimous ruling from a three-judge panel of the New York-based U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit against Trump.
Trump campaign attempts to remove satirical cartoon from online ...

U.S. Post Office Now Faces $100 Billion in Unfunded Liabilities ...
Signe Wilkinson's Editorial Cartoons at www.cartoonistgroup.com ...


Oh Just Shut Up About The Postal Service, Nikki Haley

Trumpfluffer Nikki Haley said dumb stuff on the Twitter Box yesterday, explaining that the US Postal Service is a really bad business and needs to become "profitable," but it can't because evil unions are blocking progress. What a load of donkeyballs! (Do we mean balls with donkeys in them, or donkeys' balls? Why not both?) Here is the tweet in question from the twit in question:

We now teleport Dan Aykroyd in from 1978 to say, "Nikki, you ignorant shithead. Once again you miss the point entirely."

Let's just review the many things wrong here. First, the really big one: The United States Postal Service is not a business. How many times do we have to remind you GOP idiots of this? The "run government like a business" folks are high on their own supply, and they genuinely can't tell the difference. This rather ignores the big word at the end of the agency's name! The Constitution mandated a postal service because it's a public good, not a profit-making entity. Yes, the USPS charges for delivering mail, and it generally breaks even at doing it — by law!

But its primary purpose isn't creating a return for shareholders; it's providing a service to every address in the entire country. No for-profit outfit could possibly do the same job, which remains the single best argument against privatizing the post office.

And no, greedy unions aren't the primary source of the USPS's financial woes, either, Nikki. Not even if there are seven of them! We know the rightwing drill: We're supposed to resent government workers because that's one of the few sectors where unions haven't been destroyed in the name of keeping costs down. The hell with that — what we want is for all workers to have decent wages, even if it means CEOs might have to settle for slightly smaller yachts.

As for those tears about taxpayers having to cover the Post Office's losses: Again, service not a business, and the primary source of those losses has been the 2006 "Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act," which required the USPS to "create a $72 billion fund to pay for the cost of its post-retirement health care costs, 75 years into the future." That's a burden that, as the Institute for Policy Studies notes, doesn't apply to any other government agency or private company. Those "losses" are mostly the gap between USPS revenue and the mandatory payments the agency was told to make to build up that fund in the space of just 10 years. It's not bad investments — or even the cost of throwing away perfectly good mail sorting machines in the past few months.

If taxpayers do have to help directly fund the Postal Service because Times Have Changed, that would only be a return to how the agency was funded for the majority of its history:
The Post Office Department was started by Congress in 1792, which is 227 years ago. [Now 228 of course] The Postal Service continued to receive public service appropriations funded by taxpayers into the early 1980s. So, the experiment with a mailer-funded postal system has lasted only about 35 years, or 15 percent of its history.

The mailer-funded system worked mainly because mail volume doubled from 100 billion in 1980 to 200 billion in 1999.

And it would be pretty easy to restore the USPS to "profitability," or really, to breaking even and putting some money away for pensions-n-stuff. For the most part, USPS operations are covered, except in weird years like 2020, by the cost of postage and package fees. The Institute for Policy Studies points out,
If the costs of this retiree health care mandate were removed from the USPS financial statements, the Post Office would have reported operating profits in each of the last six years. This extraordinary mandate created a financial "crisis" that has been used to justify harmful service cuts and even calls for postal privatization. Additional cuts in service and privatization would be devastating for millions of postal workers and customers.

In fact, even though a 2018 report by Donald Trump's "Task Force on the United States Postal Service" recommended the retiree-health benefits mandate stay in place, the task force did acknowledge that the "aggressive" timetable for funding the mandate wasn't working out so good, and called for the agency's deficits to be "restructured with the payments re-amortized with new actuarial calculation based on the population of employees at or near retirement age." That would help some, but nothing like eliminating the mandate.
The Trump Task Force acknowledged that without the costs imposed by the Post-Retirement Health Care Mandate, USPS would today be profitable on an operating basis. Allowing USPS once again to pay the costs of retiree health care costs on a pay-as-you-go basis as the rest of the federal government and two-thirds of private industry currently do, is the biggest step that could be taken to assure long-term financial sustainability. Current reserves of $47.5 billion could be used to pay expected pay-as-you-go retiree health care costs 10-15 years into the future.

In February, the House actually voted to get rid of it, although like so many other good idea, the bill hasn't even been considered in the Senate. Seems like the sort of thing a Biden administration could look at!

In conclusion, Nikki Haley, please stop lying, and let's all elect Joe Biden and ship these assholes COD to Moscow, the end.

[Institute for Policy Studies Alliance of Nonprofit Mailers / Background image: 'Coolcaesar' on Wikipedia (GNU Free Documentation License); Nikki Haley by Gage Skidmore, Creative Commons license 2.0]
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Judge Tells Trump To Put Up Or Shut Up In Voter Fraud Case

A Trump-appointed judge in Pennsylvania has apparently had enough of the lies coming from the President and the Republican Party, and he’s ordered them to provide evidence of widespread voter fraud in the state or forget about their pursuit to stop vote-by-mail in Pennsylvania. This is actually a very smart ruling by the judge because it doesn’t actually go one way or the other, just allows for the presentation of evidence or the immediate dismissal of the claims – and that’s how the court system is supposed to work. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Link – https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/13/politi... Become a member today!: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYWI... Support us by becoming a monthly patron on Patreon, and help keep progressive media alive!: https://www.patreon.com/TheRingofFire Find our merchandise at Teespring: teespring.com/stores/rof-store Spread the word! LIKE and SHARE this video or leave a comment to help direct attention to the stories that matter. And SUBSCRIBE to stay connected with Ring of Fire's video content! Support Ring of Fire by subscribing to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/theringoffire Be sociable! Follow us on: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/RingofFireRadio Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/RingofFireRadio Google+: http://plus.google.com/11841583157319... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ringoffiren... Follow more of our stories at http://www.TROFIRE.com Subscribe to our podcast: http://www.ROFPodcast.com *This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos. Donald Trump and the Republican party suffered a major legal setback this week when a federal judge in Pennsylvania, not just a federal judge, actually a Trump appointed judge in Pennsylvania effectively told Donald Trump his campaign, his administration, and the Republican party that they had to put up or shut up with regards to the so called a rampant voter fraud. That takes place vote by mail. Here's what happen. The Trump administration slash campaign slash Republican party filed a lawsuit in the state of Pennsylvania to stop a universal vote by mail program in the state. Pennsylvania is obviously a swing state. It is very crucial, has a lot of electoral votes. It is a major step stone towards winning the white house. If you do not win Pennsylvania path to the white house gets a little bit tougher. It's nice to have that one in your pocket. Republicans did not want more people in Pennsylvania to vote because they understand that's going to benefit Democrats and hurt Republicans in the swing state. They filed the lawsuit to stop the vote by mail under the guys of math. So voter fraud, that's what they told the judge. They said, there's too much massive voter fraud that takes place with vote by mail. You cannot do this. And the judge this week said you have until Friday to, to show us that this voter fraud exists. They have till today to show the judge and the, the democratic party who is the, uh, I guess defendant here. Uh, and the Sierra club is part of the defense. You haven't told today, too. Handover, everything you got. Cause you say you have it, by the way. That's the interesting part here. The Republican party, the Trump campaign, they say that they have all of the data and all of the evidence that shows that the voting fraud is totally real Pennsylvania. And in the past, when the defense has said, okay, cool. Um, you need to present that evidence. Cause that's how, that's what you do in a case, the defense, they have to know what the evidence is. They have to be able to examine it. And the Republicans have said, no, you can't, you can't have it. We it's totally real hundred percent real like will shock you blow your mind real, but you can't see it even though legally you're supposed to be allowed to, we're not going to show it to you. They're not going to show it because it doesn't actually exist. And the judge understands that legal scholars from both the left and the right, understand that every study that's looked into, it has found the same thing. And so the judge who again, was appointed by Donald Trump said, listen, if you have this evidence that you claim to have, you have until Friday to present it to me, to the democratic party, to everybody, show us what she got or stop making these claims. Now, a hearing on this evidence, which will determine whether or not this case moves forward is scheduled for September. If the Republicans do not turn over that evidence today, they will have missed the deadline imposed by the judge. And it is likely that this case from Republicans will be thrown out. #rof #trofire #theringoffire #progressivenews

Smirky Covington Teen, Gun-Waving St. Louis Couple Signed For GOP Convention. Where's Nuge?

Right on the heels of this week's online Democratic Convention, the GOP will hold its Festival of Trumpiness next week, online, and also in Charlotte, Jacksonville, and DC. In an early tease, some names of speakers have leaked! Get ready for a full on Culture Wars/Media Victim menu, because the speakers will include some great Culture War heroes of the Trump Era, like Nick Sandmann, that kid who sneered at Native American drummer Nathan Phillips on the National Mall and then successfully sued CNN for libel, because the drummer got in his face, not the other way around. Also on the list are Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the St. Louis lawyer couple who "protected" their tacky mansion by pointing guns at Black Lives Matter protesters who walked down the street looking menacingly Black.

Other speakers, USA Today says, will include Andrew Pollack, the father of one of the kids murdered at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High in Parkland, Florida, in 2018, who weirdly became a pro-gun activist (people grieve in their own ways), and anti-abortion activist Abby Johnson, the former Planned Parenthood clinic worker who got a lie-filled movie made about her.\
The full speaker list has yet to be released, because it's secret, but we bet we can take some guesses at who'll be there, like Don Junior, maybe coked to the gills and just screaming incoherently.

Who else might Trump want onstage to speak on his behalf? We'd like to offer some suggestions!

Eddie Gallagher: The former Marine, whom Trump pardoned for the one war-crimes count he was convicted of in a court martial, would surely be a big hit for the Fox News crowd. He could tell America how he bravely didn't actually murder any captured prisoners, just posed for a trophy photo with the body, and explain that Donald Trump supports the Troops, at least when they aren't too hung up on honoring their oaths to the Constitution. Perhaps to add to the fun, Gallagher could shoot someone on live TV, and Trump could pardon him right there!

Roger Stone: You might think the ratfucker with the Nixon tattoo would want to keep a low profile after Trump commuted his sentence, but that would be a very silly thing to think of a guy who loves burnishing his own reputation as an asshole. Stone could be invited to do some feats of magic, like inflating a hot air balloon with his own ego and floating off to the Land of Oz in it.

Dinesh D'Souza: He'll just stare at the screen and say "Thighland" over and over, looking constipated.

Frederick Douglass: We've noticed that the great abolitionist and fighter for civil rights "is an example of somebody who has done an amazing job that is being recognized more and more," so the fact that he died in 1895 shouldn't prevent him from speaking in favor of Trump, who has done more for African Americans than any president ever, maybe including Lincoln. Douglass could probably be channeled by Candace Owens on a Zoom call, and who knows, maybe she could explain once more how Adolf Hitler's only crime was globalism.
Douglass's appearance could be followed by the only guest speaker we're stealing from Twitter; Wonkette alum Gary Legum suggested the convention be addressed by "a sentient Confederate flag screaming racist epithets."

Ben Shapiro: Just in case any undecided voters haven't been completely repulsed by the GOP, this smarmy little shit ought to do the job.

The Florida Golf Cart Guy Shouting "White Power!": Trump may have deleted the video, but you have to figure the poor guy screaming "White Power!" as part of a golf cart parade at The Villages wants a chance to clear his name by explaining he wasn't listening either.

An Actual Aborted Fetus: We figure Mike Pence could pretend it's talking to him. Sure to be as good as Clint Eastwood yelling at an empty chair eight years ago.

Dr. Demon Semen: Dr. Stella Immanuel, the hydroxychloroquine aficionado who says disease is caused by people having sex with demons in their sleep, definitely needs a chance to get her message out, especially since Twitter won't let you learn the truth.

Q: What if Trump unveiled the actual White House Insider who has been revealing Trump's brave actions to save the mole children and execute John McCain? Wouldn't that be something? We bet that will probably happen! And maybe it'll turn out to be the My Pillow guy!

John Kasich: Dude just really likes being on TV.

Derek Chauvin: The Democrats invited George Floyd's family to speak, so this is just for balance.

Melania's Hellspawn Christmas Trees: They will chant something unearthly; viewers won't remember what it was but will later find they've already voted for Trump.

The New Head of Trump's Coronavirus Response, Dr. Harold Crazypants 
Bornstein: He'll show up, say America is now completely free of coronavirus, and then go and try to communicate with the alien entity captured on Independence Day.

[USA Today]

Political Cartoons on the Republican Party | Cartoons | US News
POLITICAL CARTOON: "Gun-Free RNC" | The Independent


Editorial cartoon: Trump campaign backs 'the squad'

QAnon Thinks Donald Trump Is God and Tom Hanks Is the Devil


Someone Made A New Bananapants 'Satanic Pedo Cabal' QAnon Pizza Map, Looks Legit

There are certain things we should never have to relive, things that should always, always, remain a super-embarrassing thing we did in the past and all collectively, silently agree to never do again. A preponderance of these things occurred in the 1980s. I'm not saying the '80s were entirely bad — from what I recall, there were many very good cartoons at that time — but mall bangs, stockbrokers being "cool," people not realizing the president was talking about movies like they were real life, the war on drugs, super rapey sex comedies? These things should remain in the past. Probably you were assuming that I would add shoulder pads to that list, but I would not. I have too much respect for Joan Crawford to do such a thing and honestly I think they were pretty badass.

One thing from the 1980s and 1990s that should have stayed there forever, that should have been stomped out permanently, was the Satanic Panic. That should have been snuffed out entirely after the 1996 premiere of Paradise Lost, the HBO documentary about the West Memphis Three, and also everyone realizing how stupid it was that parents were freaking out over Marilyn Manson.

Oh! Also the thing where the woman who wrote Satan's Underground turned out to be a pathological liar who also fraudulently claimed to be a Holocaust survivor.

It seemed like most regular people — outside of super-extreme religious kooks — figured out that only Christians believed in Satan and that there really weren't a bunch of Satanic cabals molesting and eating children because that was fucking ridiculous and the things they described happening would have been impossible without access to a TARDIS.

But here we are again, doing this whole stupid thing with the recovered memories and the baby-eating Satanists and the Satanic Ritual Abuse, except this time they're not even bothering to brainwash toddlers about being flown to Mexico and back in the private planes of daycare workers. There are no actual victims this time at all. Just hypothetical mole children and a few adults claiming to have "recovered memories" of Hollywood celebrities and politicians doing Satanic Ritual Abuse to them. It's all public figures now, probably because it's harder for those people to sue for libel.

ANYWAY. Someone with a lot of time on their hands made a new "Satanic Pedo Cabal" diagram, which helpfully connects a bunch of crazypants conspiracies with a bunch of people who claim to have recovered memories of Satanic Ritual Abuse and a whole bunch of shit that was debunked decades ago.

Since we had such a great time with that last QAnon map, let's take a look, shall we? Here's a link to the whole thing so you can follow along.

A conspiracy map is never complete without a whole bunch of Freemasonry symbols, don't ya think?

The main thing I can tell you about this square is that Alisha Owen (pictured) claimed to be a victim of a child prostitution ring run by the Franklin Community Federal Credit Union in Omaha, Nebraska — which regularly flew children to the East Coast to be molested by Republican politicians.

There was never any evidence found of this and all of the other supposed victims recanted. Owen was sent to prison for having lied to a grand jury.

Here they just throw in that all of the British royals are Satanic pedophiles who molest children and murder people for fun and also for the purpose of denying everyone "inner peace." Also all of the rich people are Satanic pedophiles, and of course the Illuminati.
They've also got Wonkette fave Sara Ruth Ashcraft, the chick who claims to have been Tom Hanks's brainwashed sex slave. According to her, her parents were the ones who did this to her, because of how they were very high up in a thousand-year-old cult called the Hivites that literally no one else has ever mentioned before.

Oh hey look! It's one true thing! Jeffrey Epstein was, in fact, a fucking sex creep.
But with that are a whole bunch of other stupid things about the Clintons and George Soros and Pizzagate and the New World Order. Just the regular crap, really.

This lady, Fiona Barnett, claimed to have recovered memories of being Nicole Kidman's dad's sex slave. She claims to have been a part of MKDELTA and MKULTRA, which is super weird as she is from Australia and those were CIA programs. Also MKDELTA was not a child soldier program, it had to do with distributing information abroad.

Here we've got some Targeted Individual nonsense. Targeted individuals, basically, are randos who think the government is stalking and monitoring them for (usually) no apparent reason.

Apparently, these Targeted Individuals are attacked and secretly tortured with microwaves for getting into arguments with their neighbors. That definitely seems like a very real thing that happens and not at all like one of my mom's stories about people who used to come into the emergency room at Boston University Hospital in the 1970s. Also I am sorry for sending you into the super dumb internet rabbit hole you are inevitably going to fall into.
Oh and here are more of them. Plus Edward Snowden who is a real person who actually exposed some real shit — which they are of course relating to their Targeted Individual shit.

Plus gangstalking, QAnon and some anti-Semitism for good measure.

According to the guy who made the map, he recently updated it to include more about gang stalking, which he claims Millie Weaver's documentary Shadow Gate proves is real. Yes, that's the Infowars chick who was arrested for robbery and domestic violence over the weekend.

Guess it really is all connected!

Facebook removes QAnon conspiracy group with 200,000 members - BBC ...


Quantum Paradox Points To Shaky Foundations of Reality (sciencemag.org)

sciencehabit shares a report from Science Magazine:Nearly 60 years ago, the Nobel prize-winning physicist Eugene Wigner captured one of the many oddities of quantum mechanics in a thought experiment. He imagined a friend of his, sealed in a lab, measuring a particle such as an atom while Wigner stood outside. Quantum mechanics famously allows particles to occupy many locations at once -- a so-called superposition -- but the friend's observation "collapses" the particle to just one spot. Yet for Wigner, the superposition remains: The collapse occurs only when he makes a measurement sometime later. Worse, Wigner also sees the friend in a superposition. Their experiences directly conflict. Now, researchers in Australia and Taiwan offer perhaps the sharpest demonstration that Wigner's paradox is real. In a study published this week in Nature Physics, they transform the thought experiment into a mathematical theorem that confirms the irreconcilable contradiction at the heart of the scenario. The team also tests the theorem with an experiment, using photons as proxies for the humans. Whereas Wigner believed resolving the paradox requires quantum mechanics to break down for large systems such as human observers, some of the new study's authors believe something just as fundamental is on thin ice: objectivity. It could mean there is no such thing as an absolute fact, one that is as true for me as it is for you.

Global coffee crisis is coming, study finds - PanARMENIAN.Net


Sources and Additional Reading: Andres Guhl http://etd.fcla.edu/UF/UFE0003960/guh... https://revistas.uniandes.edu.co/doi/... Phillip A. Hough and Jennifer Blair https://www.researchgate.net/publicat... Mike Hoffman https://fortune.com/2017/06/14/trump-... Christian Bunn et al. https://link.springer.com/article/10.... Davis et al., https://advances.sciencemag.org/conte... CABI https://www.cabi.org/ Federación Nacional de Cafeteros https://federaciondecafeteros.org/ Richard Schiffman (Yale) https://e360.yale.edu/features/as-cli... Jessica Eise and Natalie Lambert https://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/artic... https://apps.fas.usda.gov/newgainapi/... Andy Jarvis https://link.springer.com/article/10.... Coffee is one of the most popular commodities on Earth. It's grown by nearly 125 million farmers, from Latin America to Africa to Asia. But as man-made climate change warms the atmosphere, the notoriously particular coffee plant is struggling. Places like Colombia, which once had the perfect climate to grow Arabica coffee, are changing. Now, experts estimate the amount of land that can sustain coffee will fall 50 percent by 2050. It's not just a crisis for consumers but for the millions who have made a livelihood out of growing coffee. Vox.com is a news website that helps you cut through the noise and understand what's really driving the events in the headlines. Check out http://www.vox.com.

The global coffee crisis is coming - Vox


Exploding Stars May Have Caused Mass Extinction On Earth, Study Shows (phys.org)

schwit1 shares a report from Phys.Org:A new study led by University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign astronomy and physics professor Brian Fields explores the possibility that astronomical events were responsible for an extinction event 359 million years ago, at the boundary between the Devonian and Carboniferous periods. The paper is published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The team concentrated on the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary because those rocks contain hundreds of thousands of generations of plant spores that appear to be sunburnt by ultraviolet light -- evidence of a long-lasting ozone-depletion event.

"Earth-based catastrophes such as large-scale volcanism and global warming can destroy the ozone layer, too, but evidence for those is inconclusive for the time interval in question," Fields said. "Instead, we propose that one or more supernova explosions, about 65 light-years away from Earth, could have been responsible for the protracted loss of ozone." The team explored other astrophysical causes for ozone depletion, such as meteorite impacts, solar eruptions and gamma-ray bursts. "But these events end quickly and are unlikely to cause the long-lasting ozone depletion that happened at the end of the Devonian period," said graduate student and study co-author Jesse Miller.

A supernova, on the other hand, delivers a one-two punch, the researchers said. The explosion immediately bathes Earth with damaging UV, X-rays and gamma rays. Later, the blast of supernova debris slams into the solar system, subjecting the planet to long-lived irradiation from cosmic rays accelerated by the supernova. The damage to Earth and its ozone layer can last for up to 100,000 years. However, fossil evidence indicates a 300,000-year decline in biodiversity leading up to the Devonian-Carboniferous mass extinction, suggesting the possibility of multiple catastrophes, maybe even multiple supernovae explosions. "This is entirely possible," Miller said. "Massive stars usually occur in clusters with other massive stars, and other supernovae are likely to occur soon after the first explosion."
"I'm sure somebody has a GRB or similar in their 2020 pool of what could go wrong next," adds schwit1.

Greenland Lost 586 Billion Tons of Ice In 2019

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Associated Press:Greenland lost a record amount of ice during an extra warm 2019, with the melt massive enough to cover California in more than four feet (1.25 meters) of water, a new study said. After two years when summer ice melt had been minimal, last summer shattered all records with 586 billion tons (532 billion metric tons) of ice melting, according to satellite measurements reported in a study Thursday. That's more than 140 trillion gallons (532 trillion liters) of water. That's far more than the yearly average loss of 259 billion tons (235 billion metric tons) since 2003 and easily surpasses the old record of 511 billion tons (464 billion metric tons) in 2012, said a study in Communications Earth & Environment. The study showed that in the 20th century, there were many years when Greenland gained ice.

"Not only is the Greenland ice sheet melting, but it's melting at a faster and faster pace," said study lead author Ingo Sasgen, a geoscientist at the Alfred Wegener Institute in Germany. Last year's Greenland melt added 0.06 inches (1.5 millimeters) to global sea level rise. That sounds like a tiny amount but "in our world it's huge, that's astounding," said study co-author Alex Gardner, a NASA ice scientist. Add in more water from melting in other ice sheets and glaciers, along with an ocean that expands as it warms -- and that translates into slowly rising sea levels, coastal flooding and other problems, he said.


Google Has a Plan To Disrupt the College Degree (inc.com)

schwit1 shares a report from Inc:Google recently made a huge announcement that could change the future of work and higher education: It's launching a selection of professional courses that teach candidates how to perform in-demand jobs. These courses, which the company is calling Google Career Certificates, teach foundational skills that can help job-seekers immediately find employment. However, instead of taking years to finish like a traditional university degree, these courses are designed to be completed in about six months.

Google didn't say exactly how much the new courses would cost. But a similar program Google offers on online learning platform Coursera, the Google IT Support Professional Certificate, costs $49 for each month a student is enrolled. (At that price, a six-month course would cost just under $300 -- less than many university students spend on textbooks in one semester alone.) Additionally, Google said it would fund 100,000 needs-based scholarships in support of the new programs.
"College degrees are out of reach for many Americans, and you shouldn't need a college diploma to have economic security," writes Kent Walker, senior vice president of global affairs at Google. "We need new, accessible job-training solutions--from enhanced vocational programs to online education -- to help America recover and rebuild."

"In our own hiring, we will now treat these new career certificates as the equivalent of a four-year degree for related roles," adds Walker in a tweet. "The new Google Career Certificates build on our existing programs to create pathways into IT support careers for people without college degrees," Walker explains. "Launched in 2018, the Google IT Certificate program has become the single most popular certificate on Coursera, and thousands of people have found new jobs and increased their earnings after completing the course."
Tax Return News and Political Cartoons

Editorial cartoons: Trump's tax returns and the black hole

Donald Trump suffered a major legal setback on Thursday when a judge threw out his lawsuit to shield his tax returns from investigators and prosecutors in New York. This is the second time since his Supreme Court loss that a judge has thrown out his case, leaving him with very little option other than to hand over the documents - as most of his banks have already done. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains what's happening. Link - https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation... Become a member today!: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYWI... Support us by becoming a monthly patron on Patreon, and help keep progressive media alive!: https://www.patreon.com/TheRingofFire Find our merchandise at Teespring: teespring.com/stores/rof-store Spread the word! LIKE and SHARE this video or leave a comment to help direct attention to the stories that matter. And SUBSCRIBE to stay connected with Ring of Fire's video content! Support Ring of Fire by subscribing to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/theringoffire Be sociable! Follow us on: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/RingofFireRadio Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/RingofFireRadio Google+: http://plus.google.com/11841583157319... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ringoffiren... Follow more of our stories at http://www.TROFIRE.com Subscribe to our podcast: http://www.ROFPodcast.com *This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos. So Thursday was a pretty bad day for a pretty much everybody in Trump world. Obviously, first thing in the morning, we got news that Steve Bannon was arrested along with the other frauds. From there, we build the wall, a campaign, and then less than an hour later, a district judge in New York threw out a lawsuit, brought by Donald Trump, seeking to block a subpoena from a Manhattan da side, Vance seeking his financial records from his accounting firm, maze ours. So what did Trump do? Well, he freaked the hell out and he had his lawyers file several immediate injunctions to prevent the subpoena from being enforced. So that side vans could not get his hands on those financial records. So let's back up, right? We do know several months ago, obviously the U S Supreme court said, listen, you are not immune from prosecution. You came in here, you made a very dumb argument that you can't be even investigated. That's not true. You can be investigated. You can be subpoenaed. Your documents can be handed over. It was not a blanket like hell yeah, give them the documents. It was under certain circumstances. Um, yeah, yeah. Can be investigated. You can be subpoenaed all of that. You're not immune from anything. If according to the Supreme court ruling. So after that the, uh, administration Trump's lawyers filed a nother lawsuit seeking to block it. The first judge said, Nope, you can't block it. Supreme court said you can't, you, they have a valid reason for wanting these you're out of your out of line. So then yesterday, the most recent judge, the district judge looked at the legal argument that they presented upon appeal. And he said, you guys are saying this was overreaching, that it's unfair. Uh, you've also provided zero evidence to prove anything you've said. And therefore I'm ruling on the side of the subpoena on the side of the, the da. They can enforce the subpoena because you haven't made a legal argument. It was actually quite a remarkable ruling because the judge was straight up telling them, like you came in here, you made an argument. That's not even real. You didn't present any evidence. What do you expect me to do in this particular instance? And that's the thing. I think Trump is having his lawyers intentionally forget. I mean, lawyers know this, they know how to file cases, but I think Trump is forcing them to file these lawsuits according to his own desires. For example, the one that went to the Supreme court, arguing that the president's immune from any and all prosecutions and investigations, no competent lawyer is actually going to go to the U S Supreme court and make that argument. Unless of course their client, Donald J. Trump tells them that they have to. That's embarrassing for those lawyers. Now for this one to walk into a court and argue in front of a judge without any evidence to back up your claim, no lawyer's going to do that. Unless of course their client tells them they have to. So I think 100% Trump is pulling the strings. He is handicapping his own lawyers. He is as you Juul his own worst enemy. And I am loving every second of it because as I mentioned, Trump is freaking out.

Trump Hindenburg vs Goodyear blimp air war: Darcy cartoon ...

Editorial cartoons for Sunday, Aug. 23 | HeraldNet.com

Trump Calls for Boycott of Goodyear Tires Over MAGA Policy ...


The Lincoln Project on Friday released a new ad attacking President Trump for calling for a boycott of the Ohio-based Goodyear tire company, accusing him of threatening American jobs during the coronavirus pandemic because his “feelings got hurt.”
The ad, released in partnership with Republican Voters Against Trump, noted that thousands of Ohioans have filed for unemployment and are facing foreclosures or evictions due to the health crisis.
“Times are tough in Ohio and Donald Trump is making it worse,” the narrator says. “Demanding a boycott to put Goodyear out of business.”
The clip notes that a Goodyear boycott could put 3,300 union jobs at risk.
“Why? His feelings got hurt,” the narrator continues. “Trump talks a good game, but he’s not on our side. Never has been, never will be.”
Reed Galen, a co-founder of The Lincoln Project, said in a statement that the last thing Ohioans need during the pandemic “is to suffer the economic aftershocks of a presidential temper tantrum.”
The group, founded by well-known Washington Republicans like George Conway, said it plans to spend $425,000 airing the “Goodyear” ad through next week.
Trump on Wednesday sparked controversy when he called for a boycott of Goodyear following reports that some employees in Kansas were told not to wear clothing with political messages, with “Blue Lives Matter” and “MAGA attire” listed as examples. 
“Don’t buy GOODYEAR TIRES - They announced a BAN ON MAGA HATS. Get better tires for far less!” Trump tweeted. “(This is what the Radical Left Democrats do. Two can play the same game, and we have to start playing it now!).”

Trump has since doubled-down on his remarks, saying he's considering replacing the Goodyear tires on the presidential car with a different brand.
The company, in a statement Wednesday morning, said that the image of the slide — which made the rounds on social media — created “misconceptions” about company policy. Goodyear said the visual was not created or distributed by Goodyear corporate, nor was it part of a diversity training class.
Goodyear’s stock declined 3.4 percent Wednesday morning, following the president’s message, which was sent to his over 85 million Twitter followers.
Trump's call for a boycott has been met with fierce pushback from Ohio lawmakers.
Dan Horrigan (D), the mayor of Akron, where Goodyear's headquarters are based, said in a tweet that Trump was trying to destroy jobs.
"First, you came to destroy American decency," he said. "Next, you came to destroy American institutions. Now you're coming to destroy the American economy and heartland jobs. Luckily you seem to fail at everything you do."
Rep. Tim Ryan, the Ohio Democrat who represents the Akron area where Goodyear’s headquarters are located, said the move was "really dumb politically.” 
“This is an iconic American company in a swing state,” Ryan said, adding that “it shows the problem that he has — that it’s more about him than it is about other people.”


President Trump says Fox News "has become fake news too"

MONDAY 8/17/20 AT 7:35PM EDT

The president has begun calling Fox News, his favorite network, with the same label he applies to CNNÚ "fake news." “Look at all of that fake news, it’s unbelievable,” the president said today during a speech in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. “Unfortunately Fox has become fake news too, I don’t know what happens to these people, right? Do you agree. At least the other side you know where they’re coming from.” In an earlier speech on Monday, Trump complained that Fox News was planning to cover Joe Biden at the Democratic National Convention more than it was planning to cover him at next week's Republican National Convention.


Michael Keaton asks Trump to resign: It 'would be very patriotic'

The actor said he sometimes feels 'sorry' for the president

The actor wrote a lengthy Instagram post on Wednesday bashing Trump's presidency and claiming he's simply not fit for the job. He noted that he's "said this before" and is choosing to say it once again in a "calmly" manner.
"I am (and I feel we all should be) over the screaming, ranting etc over trump who is what many call the president. It's crystal clear it was a fluke and unfortunately a terrible mistake. There are moments when I honestly feel sorry for him. OK, maybe not MOMENTS but seconds. It's reached the point where it just pathetic," he wrote.

Look, I’ve said this before. I’ll say it calmly again. I am(and I feel we all should be) over the screaming, ranting etc over trump who is what many call the president. It’s crystal clear it was a fluke and unfortunately a terrible mistake. There are moments when I honestly feel sorry for him. OK, maybe not MOMENTS but seconds. It’s reached the point where it just pathetic. As I’ve said before-pick the phrase “over his head” “lost” “incapable” Doesn’t matter. He just can’t do it. He is so obviously unfit. He truly blew a chance. HE DOESN’T HAVE THE STUFF. The job is a tough one and he honestly thinks he can fake his way through it. Resign. No harm. No foul. Walk away. Would be very patriotic and I would personally write a note thanking him. I swear I’m not being condescending. It’s just the truth. It’s now or never folks. Democracy is honestly and literally in question. That’s not being dramatic. Just a fact.
A post shared by Michael Keaton (@michaelkeatondouglas) on

This does not sound good... 

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We are Black athletes and artists working together. Our priority right now is combating systemic, racist voter suppression by educating, energizing, and protecting our community in 2020.

Why Ebola Fighters Are TIME's Person of the Year 2014



In 2014, I concluded my blog year of t-shirts.

My mother had a rough run in the hospital.

What we didn't know is that 2014 would be her last full year of life.

So, I brought the T-shirt blog's daily transmission to a close, and then I switched to this blog, SENSE OF DOUBT, and I tried to set myself the task of weekly blog posts. I did not manage that schedule. But on July 4th 2015, my mother's death would provide the motivation I needed to return to daily blogging.

At the end of the t-shirt year, I made grids of all the t-shirt photos, both the top banners and the other featured photos. They are all re-published at the link below and following the link on this post.



These were awful. Avoid them at all costs.



lori chef jacket

SCOTCH, of course...



As I indicated, Mom had a hospital stay and then rehab.

Dad posted this photo on Valentine's Day in 2014

THANKSGIVING 2014 - first at our house












- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 2008.22 - 10:10

- Days ago = 1878 days ago

- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.

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