Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

A Sense of Doubt blog post #2090 - BIDEN HARRIS WIN !!!!!!! - Weekly Hodge Podge for 2011.07

A Sense of Doubt blog post #2090 - BIDEN HARRIS WIN !!!!!!! - Weekly Hodge Podge for 2011.07

Thank you Pennsylvania!!!

The Nightmare is over. 

Let the healing begin!!!

When I was finishing this post this morning, the counting was still going on.

But now the counting is over.


All this content following is still true.

But thank Eclipse that the nightmare is over.

74 DAYS to inauguration

-4 DAYS: daily election day countdown

There is no evidence of voter fraud. There is no evidence of voter fraud. There is no evidence of voter fraud. There is no evidence of voter fraud. There is no evidence of voter fraud. There is no evidence of voter fraud. There is no evidence of voter fraud. There is no evidence of voter fraud.

Is that simple enough?

A Pennsylvania man was arrested for voter fraud for trying to submit a ballot for his dead mother and cast a vote for Trump.

There is no evidence that DEMOCRATS have committed voter fraud. It's never been a thing. The terrible awful fraud? The fraud on the American people? The crimes Trump and his kids are railing about? Do any of them understand how the psychological idea of projection works?

Trump projects his own inner fears and failings outwardly ALL THE TIME. Since he is incapable of being wrong or accepting responsibility for any failing, he projects those on to others. Because he has failed, and in so many ways.

His cries of fraud (which he cried about in 2016, too) have always been projection and a call to arms for his supporters, who are the only people who would actually commit fraud. Though if they did try to commit widespread fraud, they did a lousy job.

Still, other than that one guy with his dead mom, there's NO EVIDENCE.


Lots of Trump supporters are having a hard time with how counting works and MAYBE, just maybe, MORE people voted for Biden/Harris than Trump/Pence. Why? Hey, I think we all know why.

I do not want to seem like I am gloating. At least not too much. The votes are still being counted in Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada because there were SO MANY mail in votes because we're in the middle of a pandemic and people are trying to not go out when they don't have to. Gee, should I go stand in line for as long as eight hours and risk catching Covid-19 because I am around so many people? Or do I just use the mail-in ballot?

As I type, Pennsylvania is very close to finishing its count, and if Biden wins Pennsylvania, he will have 273 electoral votes and will be the next president of the United States.

It's not surprising that Trump and his camp think they are "fighting" for Trump's "right" to be president, but the country is doing what it has always done. It is counting votes and the votes will show the will of the people.


Even though the popular vote does not mean as much as it should because of 2016 as a case in point. If a person wins the popular vote, then that person has the will of the people, and that person should be president.

But that's an argument for another time.

For now, welcome to Weekly Hodge Podge and a mostly ELECTION EDITION of the weekly stew of mixed content. I started this post later than usual because all the posts this week, in a sense, have been Hodge Podge.

CNN and a few other sources on pretty much all the time (we break to sleep and pay less attention when working).

#JakeTapper #2020Election #CNN

'Shockingly disappointing:' Tapper rebukes Trump's election speech

Nov 04 2020


CNN's Jake Tapper, Abbie Phillips, and Dana Bash discuss President Trump's election night statement at the White House as a number of states continue to tally votes.

From 80 years ago, you'll want to read Dorothy Thompson if you haven't already: Who Goes Nazi? (Harper's)

It’s fun—a macabre sort of fun—this parlor game of “Who Goes Nazi?” And it simplifies things—asking the question in regard to specific personalities.

Kind, good, happy, gentlemanly, secure people never go Nazi. They may be the gentle philosopher whose name is in the Blue Book, or Bill from City College to whom democracy gave a chance to design airplanes—you’ll never make Nazis out of them. But the frustrated and humiliated intellectual, the rich and scared speculator, the spoiled son, the labor tyrant, the fellow who has achieved success by smelling out the wind of success—they would all go Nazi in a crisis.

Believe me, nice people don’t go Nazi. Their race, color, creed, or social condition is not the criterion. It is something in them.

Those who haven’t anything in them to tell them what they like and what they don’t—whether it is breeding, or happiness, or wisdom, or a code, however old-fashioned or however modern, go Nazi. It’s an amusing game. Try it at the next big party you go to.

There are so, so many reasons to be glad that in a few months, Trump will no longer be president. Important reasons. Human rights-related reasons.

But honestly, right now, it will just be such a goddamned relief to not have to look at his smug face anymore. To not wake up every single day to another string of completely batshit tweets. To not have those tweets be coming from the person in the highest office in the land. To not have at least one news cycle every day revolving around the stupid shit he said on Twitter and the stupid shit those dispatched to defend him say on cable news.

It will just be a relief to not have him constantly sucking all of the air out of the room.

There were those who said, when he was first elected, "Well at least we'll have great art!" and "Well at least we'll have great comedy!" — which I always found just a tad insensitive — Trump was actually so bad that, honestly, I'm gonna say comedy suffered a little bit. How can you do satire when the person you're supposed to be satirizing is already a parody of themselves? When they are coming out with things so bizarre you would think someone made them up as a joke, but no. It was real. The stakes felt like they were so high all of the time that true comic relief was actually a little hard to find — though of course we all tried our best.

It will be nice, also, to not have right-wing extremists and conspiracy theorists empowered and validated by having the president on their side. I've been writing about them since long before Trump was ever president, and they've gotten worse and more pervasive in the last several years than I ever thought they would. There was a time when we could laugh and go, "Oh hey, this person believes Queen Elizabeth is a lizard person!" but now it's, "Oh hey, that person who said Queen Elizabeth is a lizard person is running for Congress!"

I don't think it will necessarily get better — in fact it will probably get worse for a while — but I do think these things might spread less to other people without the power of the Oval Office behind them.

And at the very least, they will be unhappy. They will be very sad when it turns out they are never going to get the mass arrests of their dreams. At least for a little while, before they catch a ride on the next crazy train. When conspiracy theorists and Nazis are super happy with the way things are going in the country, you really do have to worry.

As everyone smart has been saying, this doesn't mean the work is over and we can all go to brunch now (please don't go to brunch! COVID-19 is spiking again!). It means the work can actually begin. It means we have space to do the work. It means that focusing on causes and issues that don't have anything to do with The Madness of King Donald or getting him the hell out of office won't feel like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

That and not having to look at his stupid smug face and listen to his stupid smug speeches every day.

Do your Amazon shopping through this link, because reasons. 

The Election Has Melted The Brains Of Right Wing Pundits

Nov 06, 2020


As Joe Biden's lead widens, conservative pundits are having a collective meltdown, while also screaming about the fact that they are NOT having a meltdown. It really is a glorious sight to behold, and these grifters and charlatans deserve everything that is happening to them right now. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains what's happening.


We need David Bowie back to ref the Ossoff/Perdue and Warnock/Loeffler walkoffs, as both races are going to January for control of the US Senate! Jesus Christ. (AJC)

Trump Jr. Calls For "Total War" As His Dad Loses More States

Nov 06, 2020


Donald Trump, Jr. is having a meltdown, not unlike all the other males in his family. But Junior's meltdown has included a call for "total war" against the vote counting, something that his rabid and unstable base would love to see become a reality. The truth is that the Trump family is not only afraid of losing power, they are afraid of the massive investigations they are facing that they can no longer outrun. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins discusses this.

Republicans Finally Stand Up To Trump And Say All Votes Should Be Counted

Nov 05, 2020


Now that they know he won't be able to hurt them anymore, Republican lawmakers and allies of the President are finally standing up to him and saying that ALL of the votes need to be counted. Donald Trump is about to find himself in a world of pain and loneliness, as the men and women who were kissing his behind for the past 4 years immediately turn on him, as they are doing right now. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins discusses this.

'Slave Lake Alberta June 2011 after wildfire destroyed one third of the town,' by 'Mrsramsey,' Creative Commons license 3.0

I really want to gloat and point at Donald Trump being a big whiner and call him LOSER LOSER LOSER, because of all the people in politics I've ever heard of, he is the biggest bully and most hilariously thin-skinned jerk, ever. And I'll get to that, because he's such an infuriating, self-important buffoon, utterly indifferent to facts, relentlessly narcissistic, and, for 235,0000 Americans so far, fatally incapable of empathy.

So even though I sat down at the keyboard thinking of how glad I am that Donald Trump will soon have the powers of the presidency taken away from him, I can't help feeling a bit like the best we've managed here is to put out the fire that's destroyed too much of the town. All those dozens of months of constant Trumpy lies and cruelty felt like a deliberate attempt to wear us out, to throw an unending, paralyzing amount of shit at American institutions and norms, and especially at any people who Donald Trump didn't consider useful. So hooray, the fire is out — or 90 percent contained — but the children are still separated from their parents, the children who did get reunited have lasting scars to their psyches, and the virus is still killing and maiming people because Trump listened to a guy who thinks it would be great if we all got it.

There's also no shortage of arsonists milling around who really think the town still has too many of the wrong kind of people living here.

If you'd told me a week ago that the overwhelming emotion I'd feel when Trump was defeated was grief, I'm not sure I'd have believed you. But one of the things about getting through a disaster is taking the time to mourn, and to rest a little as we prepare to repair the damage done. And as Rebecca Solnit reminds us, people can do some pretty incredible things after a disaster.

And there's so much to do; that's a little overwhelming, too, but I'm glad to say that over the last couple years or centuries of the campaign, I've seen some damned impressive blueprints, like Jay Inslee's climate plan, much of which also made it into Joe Biden's own climate policy. (Speaking of needing to put out a fire.) That'll be difficult to get done with a Republican Senate, but even there, we're not entirely without a shot.

It will be nice to sleep a little better, don't you think?

You know what else will be nice? Having concerts and science fairs and smart people who have some clue what they're doing in the White House. Having national policy priorities that aren't primarily to trigger the libs will be nice.

Kamala Harris will be in so many pictures just like this.

It will be good having a president who doesn't need to have scare quotes around the title.

Today also feels a bit like that Doonesbury strip after Nixon resigned.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have so much work in front of them. It's really astonishing how much damage one asshole, with an army of asshole enablers, was able to do. And the prospect of at least two more years of Mitch McConnell blocking everything, as Rebecca said, makes "daunting" seem like an inadequate word.

OK, I've had my little cry. If you need to cry a little longer, we'll allow it. And when it's time, we'll get to work.

This is, like everything today really, an OPEN THREAD!

[Top photo by "Mrsramsey," Creative Commons license 3.0]

Trump Flips Out And Announces He's Stealing The Election

Nov 05, 2020


In a fit of madness and rage on Wednesday, Donald Trump announced that he would be taking ALL of the remaining electoral votes, even though he's clearly not going to win most of the remaining electoral votes. This move is certainly not binding or legal, but it does show us that the President of the United States is not well, and we can expect two and a half months of chaos from the White House. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins discusses this. 

Photo: John Lloyd, Creative Commons License 2.0

One of the big mysteries so far in this election for all the rightwing Nancy Drews out there is why Joe Biden got so many, many more mail-in votes than Donald Trump did. Republicans all across Twitter cannot figure it out. Probably it is fraud! Just like how it's fraud when they count the ballots at night or don't count the votes at night, or count the ballots slow or count them fast.

Could it be that people who voted for Donald Trump, a person who kept saying that mail-in voting was bad and not to do mail-in voting, who was so mad about mail-in voting that he tried to implode the US Postal Service, didn't do mail-in voting? You know, because of how he said not to? And that people who voted for Joe Biden, who were also far more concerned about social distancing and keeping safe during a pandemic, were also more likely to vote by mail?

LOL of course not.

How is it even possible, they are wondering, that Trump was so far ahead before they counted the mail-in ballots, and then so far behind after they counted the mail-in ballots?

"They" would love you to believe that Biden gained votes when they counted mail-in ballots. Can you believe?

That particular article reads:

The Democrats, in the privacy of the Philly Convention Center, without ANY GOP inspectors, added OVER ONE MILLION VOTES to Joe Biden's totals in 2 days! Joe Biden added one-third of his votes in Pennsylvania since Wednesday morning!

And they want you to take and shut up about it!

We do! We absolutely do want you to "take and shut up about it," and also that is a saying that people use all of the time. Either because we want to steal the election from you and poor Donald Trump, or because we all knew way ahead of time that because the Republican Pennsylvania legislature insisted, they weren't counting the many, many mail-in ballots until after they tallied the in-person, Election Day vote, and we all knew, ahead of time, that the Election Day vote would favor Trump, while early voting and mail-in voting would favor Biden. One of those two things. Also, just in case you thought we were going to leave any of the lies in that paragraph unmolested:

There have been Republican observers in every precinct in the country, along with Republican vote challengers. Another reason the count took so long!

To be fair, they're all taking their cues from Trump, who also could not see why Biden would be favored in the mail-in ballots he told all of his followers not to use.

Though aides had tried to prepare Trump that mail-in ballots would probably favor Biden, he was "genuinely taken aback," in the words of one campaign adviser, as the votes rolled in for his rival, the former vice president.

Instead of reflecting on whether his rhetoric throughout the campaign demonizing mail-in ballots could have helped cost him the election, the president has taken the results as a vindication on his views of it, advisers said.

"The president's position is, they are just going to keep finding the ballots until they have enough," said one adviser who spoke to him Wednesday.

It is also very surprising to them that Joe Biden won even though his rallies were not as big as Trump rallies! It's almost as if the people who were voting for him didn't think COVID-19 was a hoax and were not willing to risk their lives or the lives of those around them to stand around in an indoor arena listening to anyone talk.

Also, on the bright side, none of us got hypothermia from standing outside in the cold, waiting for the bus to come pick us up from the rally and take us back to the parking lot. So there's that.

This one, however, might be my favorite. From walking "thinking" emoji Dinesh D'Souza, who definitely knows how elections work.

Yes Dinesh D'Souza. They definitely counted all of the votes in California as soon as the polls closed. Either that, or some states are called before all of the votes are in, because it is very obvious who is going to win them. And it takes longer in swing states because the votes are closer. Could it be that?

I wonder!

There sure is a whole lot that is very curious about this whole election if you completely ignore the fact that Trump told his people not to vote by mail, people who were voting for Biden didn't think COVID-19 was a hoax, and also how elections work. So far, the Right has been more than capable of doing that. Guess we'll just check back in when they get to the second stage of grief — anger.

Though some are already there.

The cruelty, after all, is the point.

Lawmakers Ask Twitter To Suspend Trump To Stop His Lies About The Election

Nov 05, 2020


Trump has been spreading lies nonstop on Twitter since the election, and Democratic lawmakers have had enough. They are calling on the social media company to suspend Trump's campaign in order to slow the spread of these lies that are so dangerous for our country. But Twitter probably won't budge, even though that have slapped warnings on his tweets to let people know they aren't true. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins discusses this.

Worst chyron of the month? I don't see John Lewis here. (KTVK video screenshot)

A crowd of angry Donald Trump supporters tried to interrupt vote counting at the Maricopa County Elections Department in Phoenix last night, convinced by rightwing media that something nefarious must be going on with the count. They were particularly upset that Fox News had called the Arizona race for Joe Biden on election night, unlike most other news outlets. Beyond that, the hundred or so protesters were super mad about a completely bullshit conspiracy theory we'll explain in a moment, because that shit's too crazy to get into here in the lede.

The wackaloons were shouty enough that MSNBC reporter Gadi Schwartz and his crew left their camera lights off so they wouldn't be swarmed by angry Trumpies, as reported live last night on the "Rachel Maddow Antifa Burn America To The Ground Also Hurr Hurr She's A Lesbian Hour."

Let's just recap: On the same day, wingnuts in a frenzy about "election fraud" swarmed a vote-counting venue in Michigan to stop the vote, and swarmed a vote-counting venue in Arizona to demand votes be counted.

Then they all presumably went home, got on Facebook, and warned that America is a Republic, not a democracy, because democracy is nothing more than mob rule.

The crowd in Phoenix chanted "FOX NEWS SUCKS" because of the network's early call, which they considered the worst stab in the back since the last time a Fox News poll showed Joe Biden leading in the election. We should note that the Associated Press also called Arizona early, but wingnuts didn't feel personally betrayed by that, so nobody was chanting "AP SUCKS!"

The real source of the protesters' discontent, however, was completely unreal. You see, in Maricopa County, ballots can be filled out in blue pen, black pen, or even with a Sharpie (and no, we are not going to say fine-point felt-tipped pen). Here is an actual explainey tweet, with video, from the county elections department, explaining that you can indeed use the pens:

Yes, there's even a little cartoon character named "Phil the Ballot" to remind you that the ovals need to be filled in. Yet nobody's protesting that.

But in keeping with the time-honored fact that anything new must be witchcraft and/or a George Soros plot to destroy America, a bunch of idiots with access to Facebook and Twitter (which have been around long enough to no longer be Satanic, but secretly censored) insisted there was something nasty in the vote shed. They pulled out of their asses a "theory" that Maricopa County poll workers were giving Sharpies to registered Republicans only, to make their votes unscannable. Samples, from Nick Martin, who writes about extremism and hate groups at his "Informant" newsletter:

Again, this is bullshit; as Martin notes, the county elections department explains in its voting FAQ that "Vote Centers use fine tip sharpies as they have the fastest drying ink, therefore preventing smudges when put through the Vote Center tabulation equipment."

Ah, but that's what they want you to think, now isn't it? Lizard people can't be trusted!

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich is demanding an explanation (it will be that the ballots were all counted), and as Nick Martin points out, the bullshit has even made its way to Fox News contributor, Trump pal, and general rightwing idiot Matt Schlapp, whose wife Mercedes works for the Trump campaign. Schlapp has repeatedly tweeted about the nontroversy, insisting there's deep evil going on.

One thing makes Schlapp's advocacy of the stupid controversy worse than the average wingnut's: He is part of the Trump campaign's brain trust for interfering with the vote count in Nevada; the campaign is claiming that 10,000 Nevada voters no longer live there and must have their ballots invalidated.

Last night's protests at the elections department got rolling when a perfectly nice rightwing militia, "AZ Patriots," some in full battle rattle, walked into the office to complain about the Sharpies that stoled their votes, or at least stoled someone's votes. After being told to leave, they hung out in the parking lot as more and more oddballs showed up to demand the counting of the supposedly purloined votes. Phoenix New Times has a nice overview of the impromptu colloquium on self-government, which would surely have pleased the Founders:

The crowd here drew a fringe element. AZ Patriots leader Jennifer Harrison, currently charged with identity theft, showed up and told the crowd about her exploits, including how she had been kicked out of her position as a vote observer in a previous election and been sued for harassing asylum seekers. She claimed that the votes were taking so long because the results were being changed.

Also present and speaking to the crowd was conspiracy theorist, sexual-assault-apologist, and Trump supporter Mike Cernovich.

Did wingnut congressman/dentist Paul Gosar (R-DDS) show up? Gosar the Destroyer, who has previously suggested that George Soros planned Charlottesville as a false-flag slur on patriots and dreamed of dying on an imaginary battlefield instead of from COVID-19 (wrong on both counts), put in an appearance and demanded to be let in, but nothing doing, sir, we are busy changing all the ballots. Were there people carrying long guns? It's Arizona, of course there were!

And did they have things to chant? You betcha, New Times reports:

The assembled group also chanted "Count the votes," "Stop the steal," and at one point, "Kyle Rittenhouse did nothing wrong." After pizzas arrived and were passed around, the crowd chanted "Pizzagate" — in reference to a conspiracy theory spread by Cernovich which claimed Hillary Clinton was involved in pedophilia, and which led to a man shooting up a pizza parlor.

The protesters didn't actually manage to disrupt the count, or even persuade Maricopa County officials to come out and hear their eloquent pleas for justice. Eventually, when the office closed for the night, the protesters went home and prepared for another hard day of battling nonexistent vote fraud.

[Arizona Republic / New Times / KTVK-TV / New Times / WaPo]

So, if you could just appoint only Republicans, that'd be great.

Now that it's looking fairly likely (but not certain!) that Democrats have won the White House but not the Senate — we're waiting patiently like a common Nevada registrar of voters to see what happens in Georgia with Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock — it's time to be very worried about just how badly Mitch McConnell and the Republicans in the Senate will obstruct Biden. Washington Post columnist Paul Waldman warned the day after the election (that was yesterday? Shit.) that the first two years of the Biden administration will look disturbingly like the last two years of the Obama administration, only without the legislative achievements Obama managed in his first six. [I SAID THAT TOO DOK, JERK. — Editrix]

For starters, you can take all those meticulously prepared policy plans Biden and his team devised during the campaign and toss them in the trash. There will be no expansion of health coverage, no aggressive legislation to address climate change, no move toward universal child care, no increase in the minimum wage, no new Voting Rights Act and no infrastructure spending. None of it.

Yep, probably, and while he's at it, Waldman says, AS DID WONKETTE, McConnell will likely block any new coronavirus stimulus, because it's all to Republicans' benefit if the economy stays in the shitter and the GOP can then say Biden got nothing done.

Shame on Biden for being so partisan!

Today, Axios reports that "people familiar with the matter" say McConnell will extend his Because We Can agenda right down to more or less telling Biden who Mitch will allow to be in Biden's Cabinet. Pick moderates, not progressives, or nobody gets confirmed. No Stacey Abrams or Susan Rice in the Cabinet, and hell no to Sally Yates as attorney general.

We also learn that a

source close to McConnell tells Axios a Republican Senate would work with Biden on centrist nominees but no "radical progressives" or ones who are controversial with conservatives.

But this could be a real coup for some Democratic moderates — perhaps Doug Jones would be middling enough to be AG, or Chris Coons at State.

All in all, it's a pretty unpleasant prospect, but it looks like what we'll be stuck with, unless some fairly unlikely things fall in place — a surprise number of as-yet-uncounted votes for Cal Cunningham in North Carolina, and/or twin runoff elections in Georgia, with Dems taking both. [The Commenting Rules remain in place, so you Terrible Ones will not be fantasizing in the comments about more extreme possibilities, you ghouls.]

As we've learned, painfully, there are still a lot of things an executive branch can do without Congress, like improving fuel economy standards or rolling back much of Trump's immigration fuckery, so there's that. And as Maddowblog's Steve Benen points out,

It's not yet clear what Senate Republicans would say or do if a Democratic administration adopted Donald Trump's approach, which has featured the appointment of "acting" cabinet officials, circumventing the Senate confirmation process.

They'd probably be aghast at such disrespect for Norms and Traditions. Fuck 'em.

Also, Mitch would like fresh warm sand delivered to his Senate office twice a week, and a broader array of greens to snack on before he even thinks of letting Biden have a secretary of State. Any iceberg lettuce and Biden can say goodbye to filling any federal court vacancies.

Haha, we like to make little jokes about McConnell being a literal turtle, but in all seriousness, Biden will not be allowed to fill any court vacancies, ever, the end.

[WaPo Axios]

I was up late last night, watching the updated numbers come in from Clayton County, Georgia, a majority Black town 30 minutes south of Atlanta. It is the heart of the late John Lewis's former congressional district, one soon-to-be former President Donald Trump once claimed was “crime-infested" and “falling apart," so it was fitting that this county was the one that put Joe Biden over the top in Georgia (barring sad Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger's desperately awaited military ballots).

Yes, Georgia. No Democratic presidential candidate has won the state since Bill Clinton in 1992. I was a college freshman during that election. My friend Zach ran around the Tate Student Center at the University of Georgia, cheering and dancing, once Clinton was declared president-elect. We were excited for change, but we didn't fear that democracy was at stake. We also didn't think we'd have to fumigate the White House once George H.W. Bush left.

It's a different, much darker time now, and not just because I've grown old and wear my trousers rolled. But I want us to reclaim our joy today and try not to think too much about President Klan Robe. Today is for the heroes.

Stacey Abrams narrowly “lost" the 2018 Georgia governor's race, one where her opponent was the secretary of state and literally in charge of who was able to vote. Brian Kemp's voter suppression tactics were blatant and repulsive, but Abrams still came within 55,000 votes of defeating him.

She accepted the tainted election results, but she didn't concede the battle. She launched the nonprofit Fair Fight, which according to Newsweek went on to register an estimated 800,000 new voters in the next two years.

[Fair Fight] also raised around $32 million by October 2020 to help increase registration. Abrams previously founded the The New Georgia Project in 2013, which focused on registering minority voters in the state.

Discussing these new voters with NPR on November 2, Abrams said: "Of those numbers, what we are excited about is that 45 percent of those new voters are under the age of 30. Forty-nine percent are people of color. And all 800,000 came on the rolls after November '18."

The early voting numbers in Georgia were through the roof and had almost matched the 2016 turnout before Election Day. It was predicted at least six million Georgians would vote in 2020. Black voters across the state, joined by more than a few Julia Sugarbakers in the Atlanta suburbs, came out in force to dump Trump.

This isn't “fraud." These are all legal ballots cast legally by American voters in a free and fair election. Republican officials have done everything they can to disenfranchise Black voters, but this election in particular has shown us our strength, the power we possess. Georgia was always more than Brian Kemp, Kelly Loeffler, and David Perdue. It's the home of Martin Luther King Jr., John Lewis, and Stacey Abrams, who broke through the red wall like the Doctor in my favorite episode of television.

Even if Biden's lead doesn't hold or survive a recount, this was a remarkable achievement that gave us a shot at prying the Senate from Mitch McConnell's cold, dead hands. Perdue fell below 50 percent and will face Jon Ossoff in a January runoff. Loeffler, who ran an overtly anti-Black campaign, will go head-to-head against Rev. Raphael Warnock. Flipping those seats feels like less of a longshot now.

Black voters also helped return the Rust Belt to the Democratic column. We turned out in record numbers in Detroit, Milwaukee, and Philadelphia. Some of the people sitting in lawn chairs in lines that wrapped around the block had never voted before, even for Barack Obama. That's how much was at stake this year.

Gerry Gaines was 62 years old when she cast her first-ever ballot — on Tuesday in West Chester for Joe Biden.

"After the [2016] election, I felt bad," Gaines. "I said, 'That's it. I'm voting.'"

Philadelphia Councilwoman Cherelle Parker, who is the leader of Northwest Philadelphia's 50th Ward, said proudly, "People came on a mission, they came to get a job done."

Philadelphia is known as the birthplace of freedom, but like most majority-Black cities, Trump considers it hostile territory. During his first deranged debate performance, he claimed that “bad things happen in Philadelphia." He apparently meant voting. This is why he declared victory Tuesday night before votes from the state's largest city were fully counted.

If only white people voted, Trump would've comfortably won reelection. But Black people in this country vote and we will continue to vote. Republicans who oppose true democracy won't stop their dirty tricks, but heroes like Stacey Abrams will make sure every Gerry Gaines has their voice heard. Today, we are speaking loudly and uniformly, and it's beautiful to see.

[Atlanta Journal-Constitution / Newsweek]

Follow Stephen Robinson on Twitter.

Do your Amazon shopping through this link, because reasons.

Donald Trump Goodbye GIF by Jef Caine

It's all over but the whiiiiiiiiiining.

On January 20, 2021, Joe Biden will be sworn in as the 46th president of the United States. But there's going to be a whole lot of squealing from the losers between now and then. With exactly zero evidence of fraud, the president and his allies are blanketing the media with concocted allegations of impropriety. And as usual, Trump's worthless children are leading the charge.

Demure Ivanka simply implies the existence of "illegal ballots," tweeting "Every legally cast vote should be counted. Every illegally cast vote should not. This should not be controversial. This is not a partisan statement — free and fair elections are the foundation of our democracy." And no, Princess will not be taking questions, Peasant!

Dumb Eric, who promised four years ago that he'd be running the business and staying out of politics, has been traveling to Pennsylvania with Rudy shouting about mythical ballots appearing from nowhere and threatening the GOP if it doesn't get behind "our voters" to fight the will of the American people. "Where are Republicans!" he wailed. "Have some backbone. Fight against this fraud. Our voters will never forget you if your [sic] sheep!"

What. Ever.

But watching budget European carrier Ryanair kick that guy's ass has been glorious.

And Deej's Twitter feed is just a fountain of nonsense conspiracies and complaints that the entire GOP isn't storming the vote count in Philly to help his father steal another election.

Yeah yeah, cry harder.

Over at the White House, the mood is souring. CNN reports the staff is engaged in a fierce rock-paper-scissors tournament to see who has to tell the old man it's all over. (More or less.) Meanwhile Republican lawyers are headed to Pennsylvania to sue the state for ... something. Look, they'll figure it out when they get there. The main point is, look out Philly Dems because Briscoe Cain is on the way with a can of Texas whoopass.

Oh, shit! Between this guy and Harlan Hill, Gritty won't know what hit him!

Check out Trump campaign lawyer Harmeet Dhillon, who clerked for a federal judge and knows goddamn well that this is not how law goes, explaining to Lou Dobbs that the Trump campaign is counting on Justice Amy Coney Barrett to do them a solid and overturn the vote.

Fact check: The Trump campaign's only case before the Supreme Court involves a handful of late arriving ballots in Pennsylvania. And even if they win, it won't undo a 75,000 vote margin for Biden in the state.

This is all just all noise. Or, as Biden campaign lawyer Bob Bauer put it, "All of this is intended to create a large cloud that, it is the hope of the Trump campaign, that nobody can see through. But it is not a very thick cloud. It's not hard to see what they're doing. We see through it. So will the courts, and so do election officials."

Cloud or no cloud, it's over. Lou Dobbs can call for a MAGA swarm on Philadelphia, and Lindsey Graham can beg the universe for faithless electors, and Ted Cruz can make baseless allegations of fraud, and none of it is going to unbake the cake we all shoved in the oven four days ago. Or a month ago, depending on when you sent in your ballot.

Who gives a flying fuck if he concedes, or accepts the results, or whines about it on the golf course for the rest of his miserable life? Not our problem.

This four year waking nightmare is coming to an end. FINALLY.

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The Sting (1973)

Despite the mounting odds against them, Trump supporters are still extremely optimistic about their chances of winning this election. And, of course, we're all sitting here, on edge, spilling coffee all over ourself every time CNN issues a "KEY RACE ALERT" only to find that it's the exact same thing they reported an hour ago. Because I don't know about you, but I just won't be able to bring myself to unclench or to even get slightly optimistic until I know for sure the whole thing is over and Trump is out. As in literally, physically out of the White House.

Among the most optimistic of all are followers of Q who, as you have surely guessed, still "trust the plan" and have "figured out" that actually what is happening right now is a sting operation, set up by the Department of Homeland Security, designed to catch Democrats in the act of trying to steal the vote.

The nonsense included in the meme above — which mostly focuses on Broward County in Florida — is somewhat outdated now, what with Trump having won Florida. But since they've expanded the theory to, well, everywhere else in the nation, it's worth taking a look at. According to this particular scheme, this whole plan was hatched back in 2016 and is just coming to fruition now.

Back in 2018:

The fake pipe bomber provided pretext to flood Broward county with DHS operatives that have had ample time to forensically mark every pre-printed ballot and set all video surveillance systems in place within the Broward County Voting Office. Imagine using Palantir AI in conjunction with FISA warrants and Trump's 9.12.18 EO to legally cross reference social media profiles, texts and calls of illegal voters swept up by FISA unmaskings. What if we tracked those cell phone locations on Election Day.

This makes total sense because obviously all of the ballots for the 2020 election had been pre-printed. The "fake pipe bomber" they are talking about, by the way, is Cesar Sayoc, whom they have long believed to be a plant to make Trump supporters look crazy. So the DHS did a false flag meant to make Trump supporters look bad, but which would also help Trump win the 2020 election by preventing Democrats from dumping a bunch of fake ballots in with the real ones.

And then, now:

The good guys know Reps will win, so DHS allows just enough hacking by bad actors to let the Dems get close enough to win to risk fraud and take that bait. In the meantime, we have our surveillance aircraft circling above that are tracking every cell phone for every illegal voter and every forensically marked ballot. Trap set. Future proves past fraud. Best of all, the optics are amazing. America begins to trust FBI and DOJ again. DNC and Dems are destroyed. Fake news is destroyed and DHS swallows up CIA for good.

It certainly is very intricate!

Now, Trump has already won Florida, so Broward County is not much of an issue. But they're still on the watermark thing. Basically, they think that Trump had all of the real ballots watermarked so you can tell them from the fake ones that Joe Biden had shipped in from China.

How do they know this? WHELL. Back in 2018, Q issued two separate drops reading "watch the water." And that can only mean one thing, really — that Donald Trump had all of the "real" ballots watermarked in order to catch Democrats trying to steal the election with fake ones. It's just the only thing that makes sense!

Yeah! All of this is very possible, states do not print their own ballots, and it is definitely how everything works!

Over on Voat, they're pleased to discover why Trump isn't "panicking" or doing anything like trying to stop the vote in places where he is losing.

Q post 847, and 756 both say only, "watch the water". Earliest is feb 15, 2018. It means watch the water maker. Q did say these people are stupid. Did he give them a clue that early on and they were to stupid and still fell in the trap?

No wonder POTUS is not panicking and allowing all they time necessary to get as many "fake" ballots in. Beyond brilliant is all I can say. Well played Mr President!

According to one person on /pol/, these are the pictures of said watermark.

This person also believes that it's been designed to look like the election is close so that we accept it as fair and do not riot. Because we are so much more scary than the armed Trump supporters invading Philly right now. Duh.

Of course, QAnon people are not the only ones spreading stupid conspiracy theories. Just yesterday, Eric Trump pushed a conspiracy that Virginia Beach was caught burning Trump ballots, which they were not. They were sample ballots, as the City of Virginia Beach confirmed on Tuesday.

And that's far from the only one. The disinformation is very strong in this election, and it's unlikely to stop once it's over. However, on the bright side, if things work out the way we hope, at least we won't have to worry about it coming from inside the White House. So that will be nice.

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Woman Sheds Coronavirus For 70 Days Without Symptoms (livescience.com)

An anonymous reader quotes a report from LiveScience:A woman with COVID-19 in Washington state shed infectious virus particles for 70 days, meaning she was contagious during that entire time, despite never showing symptoms of the disease, according to a new report. The 71-year-old woman had a type of leukemia, or cancer of the white blood cells, and so her immune system was weakened and less able to clear her body of the new coronavirus, known as SARS-CoV-2. Although researchers have suspected that people with weakened immune systems may shed the virus for longer than typical, there was little evidence of this happening, until now. The findings contradict guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which say that immunocompromised people with COVID-19 are likely not infectious after 20 days. The new findings suggest "long-term shedding of infectious virus may be a concern in certain immunocompromised patients," the authors wrote in their paper, published in the journal Cell."The virus was detected in her upper respiratory tract for 105 days; and infectious virus particles -- meaning they were capable of spreading the disease -- were detected for at least 70 days," the report says. "Typically, people with COVID-19 are contagious for about eight days after infection, according to the report. Previously, the longest duration of infectious virus shedding in a COVID-19 patient was reported to be 20 days."


Photo of flu patients during the First World War

I want to add this link to the weekly report. It's important to remember:

A Sense of Doubt blog post #1983 - Is Coronavirus more contagious and more deadly than the flu? YES.

ALSO... I am seeing a big discrepancy between the Johns Hopkins data in death totals and WORLDOMETER data, which aggregates data from many more sources. Could this be the slow down due to the change in how the CDC obtains the data, having it filter first through Health and Human Services department.


Anyway, as usual, here's the weekly links to the data about cases (lower than reality) and deaths (lower than reality, also) due to COVID-19.

Data can be found here, as always: 

This is also a good data site:

Last updated: November 07, 2020, 15:42 GMT

 United States

Coronavirus Cases:





About Worldometer
Worldometer manually analyzes, validates, and aggregates data from thousands of sources in real time and provides global COVID-19 live statistics for a wide audience of caring people around the world.
Over the past 15 years, our statistics have been requested by, and provided to Oxford University PressWileyPearsonCERNWorld Wide Web Consortium (W3C)The AtlanticBBC, Milton J. Rubenstein Museum of Science & Technology, Science Museum of Virginia, Morgan StanleyIBMHewlett PackardDellKasperskyPricewaterhouseCoopersAmazon AlexaGoogle Translate, the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), the U2 concert, and many others.
Worldometer is cited as a source in over 10,000 published books and in more than 6,000 professional journal articles and was voted as one of the best free reference websites by the American Library Association (ALA), the oldest and largest library association in the world.

Coronavirus Is No 1918 Pandemic - The Atlantic

A Red Cross worker in the United States, 1918

No image available



The Cops Charged With Killing George Floyd Wanted Separate Trials. A Minnesota Judge Ruled: Nah


A Hennepin County Judge ruled Wednesday that the former Minneapolis police officers charged with killing George Floyd will stand trial together in Minneapolis, rejecting two requests made by their defense attorneys.

Hennepin County Judge Peter Cahill said in the 51-page ruling that trying all four defendants together would ease the burden on state prosecutors and the court system, and allow for “this community, this State and the nation to absorb the verdicts for the four defendants at once,” reports ABC News.

Lawyers for former MPD officers Derek Chauvin, Thomas Lane, J. Kueng, and Tou Thao had argued that their clients would not be able to get a fair trial in Minneapolis, citing a Sept. 11 hearing in which angry protesters confronted them outside a local courthouse. The attorneys argued that their clients’ safety could be compromised, witnesses intimidated, and jurors swayed by possible crowds.

Judge Cahill was not moved by those arguments, noting that “no corner of the State of Minnesota has been shielded from pretrial publicity regarding the death of George Floyd.”

“Because of that pervasive media coverage, a change of venue is unlikely to cure the taint of potential prejudicial pretrial publicity,” Cahill wrote. He did add, however, that he would revisit the issue if circumstances changed.

Defense attorneys had also sought separate trials for the former officers, due in part to their conflicting accounts about who was in charge at the scene, and ultimately responsible for the death of the 46-year-old Black man. Derek Chauvin, the cop who knelt on Floyd’s neck for more than eight minutes, attempted to cast blame on Thomas Lane and J. Alexander Kueng, rookie cops who first responded to the call outside a Minneapolis deli on May 25. Floyd was accused of using a counterfeit $20 bill.

His death, recorded in a video that went viral, sent shockwaves throughout the country and galvanized months of Black Lives Matter protests around the country.

Chauvin was charged with second-degree murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter for his role in killing Floyd. Lane, Kueng and Thao, all of whom either helped restrain Floyd or watched as he begged for help, were charged with aiding and abetting second-degree murder and aiding and abetting second-degree manslaughter.

On top of being in the public interest, Judge Cahill ruled it was in the interest of justice that all cops be tried together, to “ensure that the jury understands...all of the evidence and the complete picture of Floyd’s death.” Having one trial would also prevent witnesses from having to testify multiple times, he added.

The judge also allowed for the trial to be televised and streamed live—against the wishes of prosecutors—saying it would ensure the defendants’ right to a public trial and allow for spectators (including Floyd’s and the defendants’ families and supporters) to watch the trial without having to allow for COVID-19 spacing restrictions.

Ben Crump and Antonio Romanucci, attorneys representing Floyd’s family in a civil suit, praised the judge’s ruling on Thursday, CNN reports.

“Trying these officers together will give the jury a complete picture of what happened on the day that George was murdered,” they said in a statement. “Each of these men played a role that ultimately led to his death—whether it was a knee to the neck or denying any intervention as George and onlookers begged for his life.”



Astronomers Trace Mysterious Fast Radio Burst To Extreme, Rare Star (cnet.com)

The first detection of a fast radio burst inside the Milky Way leads scientists back to a magnetar, partially solving a long-standing mystery. CNET reports:Sifting through a trove of radio telescope data in 2007, Duncan Lorimer, an astrophysicist at West Virginia University, spotted something unusual. Data obtained six years earlier showed a brief, energetic burst, lasting no more than 5 milliseconds. Others had seen the blip and looked past it, but Lorimer and his team calculated that it was an entirely new phenomenon: a signal emanating from somewhere far outside the Milky Way. The team had no idea what had caused it but they published their results in Science. The mysterious signal became known as a "fast radio burst," or FRB. In the 13 years since Lorimer's discovery, dozens of FRBs have been discovered outside of the Milky Way -- some repeating and others ephemeral, single chirps. Astrophysicists have been able to pinpoint their home galaxies, but they've struggled to identify the cosmic culprit, putting forth all sorts of theories, from exotic physics to alien civilizations.

On Wednesday, a trio of studies in the journal Nature describes the source of the first FRB discovered within the Milky Way, revealing the mechanism behind at least some of the highly energetic radio blasts. The newly described burst, dubbed FRB 200428, was discovered and located after it pinged radio antennas in the US and Canada on April 28, 2020. A hurried hunt followed, with teams of researchers around the globe focused on studying the FRB across the electromagnetic spectrum. It was quickly determined that FRB 200428 is the most energetic radio pulse ever detected in our home galaxy.

In the suite of new papers, astrophysicists outline their detective work and breakthrough observations from a handful of ground- and space-based telescopes. Linking together concordant observations, researchers pin FRB 200428 on one of the most unusual wonders of the cosmos: a magnetar, the hypermagnetic remains of a dead supergiant star. It's the first time astrophysicists have been able to finger a culprit in the intergalactic whodunit -- but this is just the beginning. "There really is a lot more to be learned going forward," says Amanda Weltman, an astrophysicist at the University of Cape Town and author of a Nature news article accompanying the discovery. "This is just the first exciting step."


Python Overtakes Java To Become The Second-Most Popular Programming Language (techrepublic.com)

For the first time in the history of TIOBE's index, Java has slipped out of the top two, leaving Python to occupy the spot behind reigning champion, C. TechRepublic reports:October's TIOBE index had C at No. 1 and Java at No. 2, and historically those two languages have simply traded spaces while the rest of the competition battled it out for the privilege to fall in behind the two perennial leaders. With Python finally overtaking Java in popularity, the future could be one in which everything comes up Python. "In the past, most programming activities were performed by software engineers. But programming skills are needed everywhere nowadays and there is a lack of good software developers," TIOBE CEO Paul Jansen said. "As a consequence, we need something simple that can be handled by non-software engineers, something easy to learn with fast edit cycles and smooth deployment. Python meets all these needs."

Jansen said that he believes this is the case despite claims from others that Python's popularity is due to booms in data mining, AI, numerical computing, and other initiatives that commonly use Python's extensive data processing capabilities. As TechRepublic's R. Dallon Adams wrote in his piece on the October index, Python has been giving Java a run for its money for some time. October saw Python at No. 3 with the largest year-over-year growth percentage in the top 50 languages. Java, still at second place in October, had the largest negative year-over-year growth rate in the top 50 during the same period.
R, Perl, and Go are also all boasting positive growth. "R is in 9th place, the same it occupied last month," reports TechRepublic. "R has experienced explosive growth in 2020, which has led TIOBE to consider it a contender for programming language of the year."


A One Hundred Thousand-Fold Enhancement In the Nonlinearity of Silicon (phys.org)

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Phys.Org:A team of researchers led by Osaka University and National Taiwan University created a system of nanoscale silicon resonators that can act as logic gates for light pulses. ... [The scientists] have increased the nonlinearity of silicon 100,000 times by creating a nano-optical resonator, so that all-optical switches can be operated using a continuous low-power laser. They accomplished this by fabricating tiny resonators from blocks of silicon less than 200 nm in size. Laser light with a wavelength of 592 nm can become trapped inside and rapidly heat the blocks, based on the principle of Mie resonance. "A Mie resonance occurs when the size of a nanoparticle matches a multiple of the light wavelength," author Yusuke Nagasaki says.

With a nanoblock in a thermo-optically induced hot state, a second laser pulse at 543 nm can pass with almost no scattering, which is not the case when first laser is off. The block can cool with relaxation times measured in nanoseconds. This large and fast nonlinearity leads to potential applications for GHz all-optical control at the nanoscale. "Silicon is expected to remain the material of choice for optical integrated circuits and optical devices," senior author Junichi Takahara says. The current work allows for optical switches that take up much less space than previous attempts. This advance opens the way for direct on-chip integration as well as super-resolution imaging.
The study has been published in the journal Nature Communications.

Scientists Discover Bizarre Hell Planet Where It Rains Rocks and Oceans Are Made of Lava (cbsnews.com)

On planet K2-141b, oceans are made of molten lava, winds reach supersonic speeds and rain is made of rocks. "Scientists have referred to the bizarre, hellish exoplanet as one of the most 'extreme' ever discovered," reports CBS News. From the report:According to a new study published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, scientists from McGill University, York University and the Indian Institute of Science Education have uncovered details of one of the newest "lava planets" -- a world that so closely orbits its host star that much of it is composed of flowing lava oceans. Scientists found the atmosphere and weather cycle of K2-141b to be particularly bizarre. The Earth-sized exoplanet appears to have a surface, ocean and atmosphere all made of the same ingredients: rocks.

While analyzing the planet's illumination pattern, scientists found that about two-thirds of the planet experiences perpetual daylight. K2-141b's close proximity to its star gravitationally locks it in place -- meaning the same side always faces the star. This scorching hot part of the planet reaches temperatures of over 5,400 degrees Fahrenheit. It's hot enough to not only melt rocks, but also vaporize them, creating a thin, inhospitable atmosphere. The rest of the planet is cloaked in never-ending darkness, reaching frigid temperatures of negative 328 degrees Fahrenheit.




- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 2011.07 - 10:10

- Days ago = 1954 days ago

- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.

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