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A Sense of Doubt blog post #2151 - To Georgia and Black People, Who Are One and the Same
This article is one of the best things I have read in quite some time. I was planning to post it when I read it Wednesday morning before Trump supporting terrorists stormed the capital building in Washington DC.
This article seems a bit hollow now, though it's still a very well written and very ardent, heartfelt, important piece of journalism.
I am preparing a post on what happened yesterday for tomorrow. It's sickening. People have died.
And yet, the people of Georgia turned out. Thousands of volunteers fought back against voter suppression, registered voters, and changed not just the history of Georgia but the history of this country.
In light of the events of yesterday and the despicable actions of thousands of so-called (and misnamed) "patriots," what happened in Georgia and for our country in regards to control of the US Senate is veen more important.
Thank you, Georgia.
To Georgia, and Black People, Who Are One and the Same
Real quick:
I heard them on the phone talking about
you, disparaging your integrity. I would have at least told them to keep my people’s name
out of their mouths, but I imagine that’s how white boys talk in private. In my
head, they’re always talking about titties, yelling the n-word or concocting a
nefarious plan to steal something from Black people—culture, votes, lives—It
doesn’t matter. I think it’s part of the job description.
Anyway, whether or not you manage to pull off a miracle by
defeating the Confederate Cersei and Jaime Lannister, I’m sure everyone will be
in your face on Wednesday, waxing rhapsodic about electoral politics, Southern
voters and how much the American people can accomplish when we participate in
the “democratic process.” So, I decided to get this out of the way before you
get busy and tell you that, whichever way things end up, I just want you to
I appreciate you.
Hopefully, amid the din of the applause, under the slowly
dimming, ever-moving spotlight, at least one of the back-patters
and smile-flashers will acknowledge the real lesson that you have taught
us over the past month:
This shit is hard.
Yes, you pulled off a miracle. I’m not talking about the getting-to-the-mountaintop part. I’m not even talking about the climbing or even being on the mountain. I’m talking about just being.
That we exist is the miracle.
If I were in any way delusional or enthusiastic about this slave-eater that we refer to as “America,” right here I would add: “and that is enough.” But it ain’t enough. God knows, we have excavated our entire beings trying to give this star-spangled monster enough of our flesh to satisfy its bloodlust.
But here you are, clinching that pointy stick, still swinging at the behemoth trying to make it go away, knowing that it will not die.
And yet it chews.
We saw you out there, boarding buses and beating the bushes trying to counterbalance the disinformation, the racist dog whistles, the gobs of money and 400 years of America America-ing its ass off. They tried to stop you and they couldn’t. You worked your ass off! I love you for that.
Election? I’m not talking about no damn election! But since you asked:
Imagine having everything in the world—money, whiteness...an entire Senate seat—handed to you on a golden platter with your name etched underneath the pile of privilege and still winding up in a fight to the finish with a preacher who grew up on food stamps. Do you know how confident they must be in their perpetual whiteness machine to give an entire Senate seat to a white woman and just assume she will win? Imagine how excellent a Black man must be to wrest even a microscopic fragment of power and privilege away from a white woman.
White people don’t give things away and neither does America.
And it is hard.
And I know you didn’t do it for a reward of a pile of shiny things, which makes your sacrifice even more commendable. You really did your thing, shawty.
And you did it for us.
You knew they would try to stop us and you know they won’t stop trying. They tried everything—a purge, a threat and an unstoppable Black people-swallowing beast and all you had was a stick. And just looked at them over there scared AF, trembling in their nigger-kicking boots.
Now, look at us.
No, that’s not even what I came here to say. That’s what the white people are going to tell you tomorrow. I just wanted to give you the Blackest compliment of all:
We see you.
World-renowned wypipologist. Getter and doer of "it." Never reneged, never will. Last real negus alive.
- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 2101.07 - 10:10
- Days ago = 2015 days ago
- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.
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