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https://wolfshowl.com/3407/op-ed/conspiracy-theories-op-ed/lizard-people/ |
A Sense of Doubt blog post #2160 - The Coming of the Lizard People - Weekly Hodge Podge for 2101.16
Greetings readers, Thanks for tuning in.
This WEEKLY HODGE PODGE is a bit less robust than usual weeks with a theme that is not as strong and less content overall. In my defense, I have been very busy with work AND the events in our nation have seriously fucked with my mind. It’s difficult to maintain focus on much of anything.
I actually started this blog entry before I came out of low power mode, back after Christmas, about a week or so after the Nashville bombing, when it was revealed that the bomber believed in Lizard People, better known as “The Reptilian Elite.”
Hello, theme, my old friend.
Not the most fantastic theme, but what a picture up top, eh?
Of course since I started composing this blog entry, the country has gone insane. The divisions fueled by the demon spawn better known as Donald J. Trump incited white supremacists who don’t want black and brown people to enjoy the same rights as them – namely being able to storm and trash the U.S. capital, screaming for executions, starting with Vice President Mike Pence and then walk away without being arrested.
And then Trumpist Republicans (RINOs as Trump likes to call others but these are the real RINOs) still OBJECTED to the fair and legal election of our next president, Joe Biden, and his running mate, Kamala Harris.
DO NOT FORGET these people. They are traitors to our country. They are violators of their oath of office to uphold the constitution, and they are ONLY interested in their own self-interest and political futures, which they see as tied to Trump and Trumpists.
Now, granted, I will cut some of them some slack, as it has since been reported that many have received death threats to object as they did and feared for their lives and the lives of the family, especially, many of whom are back in their districts.
But then, there are the crazies who have no business being representatives of our government, like Georgian conspiracy nut Marjorie Green Taylor, who plans to introduce articles of Impeachment against Biden on his first day in office (I hope she is bitch slapped quite emphatically... sorry for the sexist trope, but I would call for bitch slapping some of these men, too, like Ted Cruz), and gun nut Colorado’s, poor poor Lauren Boebert, who wants to bring her GUN to the chamber despite the new rules after the ATTACK AND INSURRECTION and threat of MURDER and the new metal detectors and magnetometers.
Seriously, both of you just fuck off back to your states before Pelosi impeaches your sorry asses that should never have been allowed to run for office.
I do not trust Lauren Boebert not shoot someone for fuck’s sake! And by someone, I mean a colleague not a terrorist.
The national chatter that many do not want to believe about how the white supremacists who attacked our seat of national government are the greatest of all domestic terror threats needs to be believed like so many facts and truth.
We’re living in age in which people believe their own facts and truth, or those brainwashed into them. It’s probably always been this way (worse, even), but we did not have the technology to disseminate it. If some gun nut in Colorado is screaming about lizard people infiltrating the government, I am too far away to hear him (or her) and as long as I don’t get to his lunch counter in Hell of Colorado, then I am safe from the Infotoxins he spews.
Not so any more when people are sold a load of bullshit that what we really need to worry about are people who oppose fascism (Antifa), which is a GOOD THING last time I checked, I mean, isn’t that why we fought both world wars, Korea, and Vietnam??? though mostly the world wars, especially the second with THREE fascists to defeat, not counting Stalin as he was our ally for a minute.
We are living in historic times when the greatest con man of all time in our country can dupe thousands (maybe millions) of people into believing lies about election fraud and so enrage them that they attack the government, set up a gallows to execute people,
share all sorts of their plans and actions on social media, and walk away with the expectation that they did nothing wrong. Worse, that they are HEROES.
When did we get trapped in crazy town, and how do we get out?
This is some serious brainwashing that we need to de-program, and I am not sure that’s possible.
Even more fun is that the insurrection is the next big super-spreader event. First among the mostly maskless terrorists, and honestly, I know it’s not humanitarian or compassionate of me, but I don’t give a flying fuck. If more of them die, it saves our country on arresting and trying their loser asses.
But more so, among the senators and representatives hidden for hours under lockdown in small rooms, fearing for their lives, many of whom (the Trumpist assholes) refused to take masks that were being handed out and now the infections are starting, first with Rep. Jaypal from my state of Washington.
As we started in college: HELP ME SPOCK!
Some good has come out of this, like a SECOND Trump Impeachment that should result in him never holding office for anything ever again. Having Trump kicked off Twitter and all other social media. The near complete shut down of Parler. And yet, ISPs like the one in Idaho (see below) blocking Twitter and Facebook for everyone not just those who want it blocked.
The crazy is just beginning.
There’s good stuff here, most of it disturbing and outrage producing.
Despite Johns Hopkins’ numbers were at 405K+ deaths from Covid-19 in nearly, now, a full year.
And Trump still has a few days to do more heinous and destructive shit.
Come back, next week for more because as I am a day late posting, some of that shit is already starting.
Hold accountable!
— gmrstudios (@gmrstudios) January 13, 2021
The 147 Republicans Who Voted to Overturn Election Results https://t.co/s4gCXhj5d3 #SeditionHasConsequences
Citing 'Censorship' Concerns, North Idaho ISP Blocks Facebook and Twitter (newsweek.com)
The customers' requests for firewalls preventing access to these sites followed the tech giants' decisions to close down Donald Trump's accounts and suspend his activity. After the decision started attracting attention on social media, the owner of the company said the websites would only be blocked for customers who asked.
KREM.com notes that Your T1 WIFI "may violate Washington state's Net Neutrality law, which states that internet providers may not manipulate access to content."
https://www.thedailybeast.com/fringe-factor-lizard-people-rule-the-world |
Well Of Course The Nashville Bomber Was A Lizard People Guy
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Supporters listen as President Trump speaks during a “Save America Rally” near the White House on January 6—not long before a pro-Trump mob stormed the Capitol Building. Credit: Shawn Thew Getty Images |
... ............................ One such person is Bandy X. Lee, a forensic psychiatrist and president of the World Mental Health Coalition.* Lee led a group of psychiatrists, psychologists and other specialists who questioned Trump’s mental fitness for office in a book that she edited called The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President. In doing so, Lee and her colleagues strongly rejected the American Psychiatric Association’s modification of a 1970s-era guideline, known as the Goldwater rule, that discouraged psychiatrists from giving a professional opinion about public figures who they have not examined in person. “Whenever the Goldwater rule is mentioned, we should refer back to the Declaration of Geneva, which mandates that physicians speak up against destructive governments,” Lee says. “This declaration was created in response to the experience of Nazism.”
............................................. What attracts people to Trump? What is their animus or driving force?
The reasons are multiple and varied, but in my recent public-service book, Profile of a Nation, I have outlined two major emotional drives: narcissistic symbiosis and shared psychosis. Narcissistic symbiosis refers to the developmental wounds that make the leader-follower relationship magnetically attractive. The leader, hungry for adulation to compensate for an inner lack of self-worth, projects grandiose omnipotence—while the followers, rendered needy by societal stress or developmental injury, yearn for a parental figure. When such wounded individuals are given positions of power, they arouse similar pathology in the population that creates a “lock and key” relationship.
“Shared psychosis”—which is also called “folie à millions” [“madness for millions”] when occurring at the national level or “induced delusions”—refers to the infectiousness of severe symptoms that goes beyond ordinary group psychology. When a highly symptomatic individual is placed in an influential position, the person’s symptoms can spread through the population through emotional bonds, heightening existing pathologies and inducing delusions, paranoia and propensity for violence—even in previously healthy individuals. The treatment is removal of exposure.
Coronavirus shutdowns have quashed nearly all other common viruses. But scientists say a rebound is coming.
After hiding with maskless Republicans, Rep. Jayapal feared she would catch the coronavirus. Now she’s tested positive.
SEE WHAT I mean about lies and false information? |
If you prefer your data in a visual format, here's the current map from COVID Exit Strategy, using data from the CDC and the COVID Tracking Project.
I want to add this link to the weekly report. It's important to remember:
A Sense of Doubt blog post #1983 - Is Coronavirus more contagious and more deadly than the flu? YES.

ALSO... I am seeing a big discrepancy between the Johns Hopkins data in death totals and WORLDOMETER data, which aggregates data from many more sources. Could this be the slow down due to the change in how the CDC obtains the data, having it filter first through Health and Human Services department.
United States

Coronavirus Cases:

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FBI report warned of ‘war’ at Capitol, contradicting claims there was no indication of looming violence
An internal FBI report reviewed by The Post is the starkest evidence yet of the sizable intelligence failure that preceded last week’s mayhem.
Several Capitol police officers suspended, more than a dozen under investigation over actions related to rally, riot
How To Respond to the Great Deplatforming of 2021 |
We need an open digital commons, where individuals maintain ownership of their own identities and where speech is highly resistant to political pressure. |
By Zach Weissmueller |
Parler CEO Complains Vendors 'All Ditched Us Too', While Confused Users Download 'Porn-y' App Parlor
Stripe 'Will No Longer Process Payments' For Trump's Campaign Site
Trump's Twitter Ban Prompts Outcry From Germany and France
Parler Sues Amazon For Site Takedown, Alleges Antitrust Violations
Scraped Parler Data Is a Metadata Gold Mine
Twitter Shares Fall 7% Following Permanent Trump Ban
Did Trump Engage in 'Insurrection or Rebellion' Against the Constitution? |
The impeachment article against the president cites a little-discussed section of the 14th Amendment. |
By Jacob Sullum |
Impeachment won’t keep Trump from running again. Here’s a better way.
Trump calls second impeachment effort a continuation of a ‘witch hunt,’ offers no regret for inciting mob attack on Capitol
Good morning. Companies are halting donations to Congress members who backed overturning the election result. |
An ‘unthinkable’ corporate response |
Large corporations and their lobbyists usually try to steer clear of messy political fights. Companies prefer to work behind the scenes, giving money to both political parties and quietly influencing tax policy, spending and regulation. |
But President Trump’s effort to overturn the result of the presidential election — and the violent attack on Congress by his supporters — has created a dilemma for many companies. A growing number have decided that they are, at least for now, not willing to support members of Congress who backed Trump’s efforts to change the election result and promoted lies about election fraud. |
Over the weekend, several large companies — Marriott, Blue Cross Blue Shield and Commerce Bancshares — announced a suspension of donations to members of Congress who voted against election certification. Yesterday, the list expanded to Amazon, AT&T, Comcast, Airbnb, Mastercard, Verizon and Dow, the chemical company. Hallmark has even asked for its money back from two of the senators who opposed certification, Josh Hawley and Roger Marshall. |
“Just a few days ago, this would have been unthinkable,” Judd Legum — the author of the Popular Information newsletter, who has done the best recent reporting on corporate donations — told me. |
In the Senate, the temporary ban on donations will also affect Rick Scott of Florida, Ted Cruz of Texas and a few other members. In the House, the group includes more than half of the Republican caucus, including its two top leaders, Kevin McCarthy and Steve Scalise. |
“We have to create some level of cost,” Thomas Glocer, a board member at Morgan Stanley and Merck, told The Wall Street Journal. “Money is the key way.” |
The National Association of Manufacturers, long one of the more conservative business lobbying groups, has been particularly harsh. It called out Republicans who “cheered on” Trump during his “disgusting” effort to overturn the election, which it said had “inflamed violent anger.” The association added: “This is sedition and should be treated as such.” |
Still, many large companies have not announced a change. (And other companies, like Goldman Sachs and Google’s parent, have announced a pause on all political donations — a move that seems designed to prevent public criticism while also not angering politicians who supported attempted election fraud.) |
McDonald’s and the tobacco company Altria, which are among the top 20 donors to McCarthy, the House Republican leader, have not announced a halt on donations to any Congress members. Neither has Bank of America (a major donor to Scott), although it said it would “review its decision making.” |
The well-connected law firm Squire Patton Boggs has also not announced any policy change. It has donated to Paul Gosar, a House member from Arizona who helped promote the Jan. 6 rally that turned violent, tweeting “#FightForTrump” and “The Time Is Now. Hold the Line.” |
What’s the bottom line? I asked Andrew Ross Sorkin, the Times columnist who has spent two decades covering corporate leaders, and he said that the announcements amounted to “temporary defensive moves.” The real question was whether, six months from now, the companies would go back to donating to the politicians who supported overturning a presidential election. |
For more, read Andrew’s latest column, which argues for a permanent end to corporate political donations. |
Saturday, January 09, 2021
If only our heroes were nimble instead of plodding. Not just good, but agile.
So many things happening all at once. I am juggling ten projects, reviving old favorites like the Uplift Series, plus my great old YA series and a nonfiction book about science fiction and Hollywood... and more! Stay tuned for news...
...that is, after we save the Earth and a human civilization that may become worthy of the stars. That's all. No more than that is at stake, teetering these very weeks.
And yes, I have proposals for how to run forward, toward that better future. I'll be offering many... without any hope or expectation that any of them will be noted even slightly by those leading the Good Side in this battle to save the Enlightenment Experiment. We have many decent/skilled folks -- and not one apparently has the imagination of a squirrel.
Expect that I'll opine on...
SHORT TERM - you all know I've been yammering about methods to expedite either impeachment or the 25th Amendment that appeared in Polemical Judo, methods that still could be valid and useful, even now...
...along with a way for the three Americans who should not stand near each other till all this poisonous dust settles -- Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi -- to nonetheless put on an Inauguration that's both spectacularly memorable and hugely safe.
...along with a dozen super-quick actions Pelosi-Schumer could push through the new Congress in a day... even next week... some of them quick bills taking up one page... or even one sentence(!)... that would demonstrate grit, determination, common sense and utterly devastating repudiation of Trumpism. (Example: a one-sentence bill clarifying that Secret Service agents are not personal servants - an implicit, devastating, eviscerating rebuke of Trump that also would make friends where Joe needs them, ASAP. There are other zinger bills like that, that few Republicans would dare to oppose or even delay.)
...plus my warning to any incoming reps or administration officials to watch the damn Borat movie and heed its clearest lesson, not to get snared into blackmail traps! Seriously, there is no other explanation for what's happened in DC, and you can bet the KGB lures are out, right now, seeking to sink hooks into naïve new Washingtonian power folk. So warn any pols or civil servants you know. Especially... well... the male ones, or the ones who have male relatives.)
MEDIUM TERM - I have offered a great way to hold together the Coalition for National (and world) Salvation, by presenting 31 consensus goals that all democrats and even some sane republicans (they exist!) can share.
Dear liberals, look over the list and tell us you can keep some discipline and stay with the program till these 31 things get done... or else that we all (especially you) won't be better off and better able to make progress from that new level!
LONGER TERM - Yes I will return with many of the proposals I've made in the past, including this 2008 version of things that could likely have prevented Trumpism altogether. (He asserts, arrogantly.)
Expect repetition. Because I just don't know what else to do. How else to get through.
Report: Trump Demanded That Georgia Elections Investigator “Find the Fraud”
The call could amount to obstruction of justice, according to legal experts.
President Donald Trump called Georgia’s top elections investigator in December to demand that the official “find the fraud,” the Washington Post reported on Saturday. Trump placed the call shortly before Christmas, telling the official that they would become a “national hero” if they backed his claim that the election was stolen.
Trump made the call while the office of Georgia’s secretary of state—where the investigator works—was conducting an audit of signatures on more than 15,000 absentee ballots in the Atlanta suburb of Cobb County. The audit, which was conducted jointly with the Georgia Bureau of Investigations, found zero fraudulent ballots. Legal experts told the Post that Trump’s phone call could amount to obstruction of justice.
“That was an ongoing investigation,” Raffensperger told the paper on Friday. “I don’t believe that an elected official should be involved in that process.”
News of Trump’s call to the investigator comes one week after the Post published audio of another call in which the president demanded that Raffensberger “find” more than 11,000 votes to overturn President-elect Joe Biden’s win in Georgia. Trump had reportedly called 18 times before Raffensberger picked up, signaling the sheer desperation with which Trump has tried to reverse his defeat.
Also on Saturday, the Wall Street Journal shed new light on the mysterious resignation of Byung J. Pak, Trump’s US attorney for the North District of Georgia, which is based in Atlanta. Pak left his job on Monday, weeks ahead of schedule, without explanation. It turns out the White House ordered his dismissal because, according to the Journal, Trump “was upset he wasn’t doing enough to investigate the president’s allegations of election fraud.”
As Trump’s tumultuous presidency winds down to its final days, new scandals—more calls, a riot at the US Capitol building—seem to be popping up everywhere. At the very least, news of this latest meddling will add fuel to the fire in democrats’ call for yet another impeachment.
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A side view of the Mount Rushmore National Memorial in South Dakota’s Black Hills. Tailyr Irvine/High Country News |
This Land Is Our Land
Trump supporters told the Lakota “‘to go back to where you come from.’ It was really heartbreaking… We came from there.”
From a distance, the green pines and the blue-gray haze that gently hug the valleys of the Black Hills merge into a deep black. The Lakota name “He Sapa”—meaning “black ridge”—describes this visual phenomenon. This is a place of origin for dozens of Native peoples and a revered landscape for more than 50 others. The land’s most recent, and perhaps longest-serving, stewards—the Oceti Sakowin, the Dakota, Nakota and Lakota people—hold the mountains central to their cosmos.
The Black Hills are also central to the political territory drawn by the 1851 and 1868 Fort Laramie treaties. And they continue to be a crucial part of the strategic position that sustained Native resistance to white encroachment. They have become an international symbol of the call to return stolen land to Indigenous people. That’s why President Donald Trump chose to hold his July 3 rally at Mount Rushmore, said Nick Tilsen, who is Oglala Lakota. The faces of U.S. Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln are carved into the side of the granite mountain that is the heart of the Lakota universe.
Tilsen is the president and CEO of NDN Collective, a Native-run nonprofit based in Rapid City, South Dakota, which launched a campaign on Indigenous Peoples’ Day in 2020 to return He Sapa to Native people. Many Lakota people, like Tilsen, view the national monument, which attracts 2 million visitors a year, as a desecration of a spiritual landscape. “What South Dakota and the National Park Service call ‘a shrine to democracy’ is actually an international symbol of white supremacy,” Tilsen said. He was among 20 arrested for protesting Trump’s visit. If convicted, he faces up to 16½ years in prison for four felonies and three misdemeanors.
According to Tilsen, the protesters had negotiated the blockade with the Pennington County Sheriff’s Office and the South Dakota Highway Patrol. The activists blocked the road, using three disabled vans to bar the way. “It was to hold space and connect our issue to the world,” Tilsen explained. Tilsen and others worked throughout the day to keep the protests organized, even speaking directly with park authorities to ensure that elderly activists and children were allowed to move away before any arrests were made. Soon, deputies announced that the assembly was unlawful, and the Air National Guard moved in, dressed in riot gear, pushing the protesters back and firing pepper balls at the retreating crowd.
“A lot of the protectors had coup sticks, eagle feathers, and (sage) smudge sticks—and everything that you could think of that was sacred to us,” Laura Ten Fingers, one of the young Lakotas who helped organize the protest, recalled. A group of Trump supporters stood behind the police line, she said, shouting at the crowd “to go back to where you come from.” “It was really heartbreaking to hear them to say, ‘Go back,'” she said. “He Sapa was our home, and we came from there.”
During the confrontation, Tilsen took a National Guard riot shield. He was arrested and charged with felony theft and robbery. When the shield was returned, the word “POLICE” had been spray-painted over and replaced by the slogan “LAND BACK.” That slogan put the Black Hills at the center of a movement whose unequivocal demands are rooted in a long, hard-fought history.
“I don’t want to be the next Leonard Peltier,” Tilsen told me, referring to the legendary American Indian Movement activist, who has been imprisoned since 1977 for the murder of two FBI agents. (Peltier has always maintained his innocence.) Tilsen believes the police are trying “to coin me as a radical fringe activist.” He’s a father of four whose organization is currently running a nationwide emergency COVID-19 relief effort for Native communities. “I was a speaker at the Chamber of Commerce a year and a half ago. NDN Collective is on Main Street in Rapid City,” he said. Still, Tilsen would never deny his connection to Leonard Peltier or the American Indian Movement. It is, after all, deep in his family history.
Republicans Ask Biden to Stop Impeachment in the “Spirit of Healing.” AOC Says That’s BS.
“The process of healing is separate and in fact requires accountability.”
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Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez during a House Oversight hearing in August Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call/AP |
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez made the case for impeaching President Donald Trump on Sunday, after a group of Republican members of Congress sent a letter to President-elect Joe Biden urging him to stop Democrats from attempting to do so.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has not yet announced whether she will schedule impeachment proceedings against Trump, after he incited a violent mob of supporters to storm the Capitol on Wednesday. With only days left in Trump’s term, Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo.) and six other Republican representatives wrote in a letter to Biden on Saturday that they believed impeachment was “as unnecessary as it is inflammatory,” and that Biden should intervene “in the spirit of healing and fidelity to our Constitution.”
Ocasio-Cortez pushed back against their argument on Sunday, and noted that impeaching Trump would bar him from ever running for president ever again. “When we talk about healing, the process of healing is separate and in fact requires accountability,” she said in an interview with ABC News’ “This Week.” “And so if we allow insurrection against the United States with impunity, with no accountability, we are inviting it to happen again.”
“We came close to half of the House nearly dying on Wednesday,” she said, referring to the fact that some members were not present in the chamber the day of the mob attack. “If a foreign head of state…came in and ordered an attack on the United States Congress, would we say that that should not be prosecuted? Would we say there should be absolutely no response to that? No.”
Democrats are exploring multiple avenues for removing Trump, including through impeachment or the 25th Amendment. Ocasio-Cortez added that Democrats are considering whether to invoke the 14th Amendment, which disqualifies elected officials, including lawmakers, who “have engaged in insurrection or rebellion” against the United States. Watch the full interview below.
Novel Writing Status, January 2021 - scalzi
In addition to being the most distant -- and by extension, earliest -- quasar known, the object is the first of its kind to show evidence of an outflowing wind of super-heated gas escaping from the surroundings of the black hole at a fifth of the speed of light. In addition to revealing a strong quasar-driven wind, the new observations also show intense star formation activity in the host galaxy where the quasar, formally designated J0313-1806, is located. The researchers will present their findings, which have been accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letters, during a press conference and a scientific talk at the 237th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, which will be held virtually Jan. 11-15.
Amazon Studios has finally revealed a detailed description of its mysterious Lord of the Rings TV series.
The streamer has confirmed an official description of the Middle Earth adventure series that's based on the works of author J.R.R. Tolkien.
As first reported by TheOneRing.Net: "Amazon Studios' forthcoming series brings to screens for the very first time the heroic legends of the fabled Second Age of Middle-earth's history. This epic drama is set thousands of years before the events of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, and will take viewers back to an era in which great powers were forged, kingdoms rose to glory and fell to ruin, unlikely heroes were tested, hope hung by the finest of threads, and the greatest villain that ever flowed from Tolkien's pen threatened to cover all the world in darkness. Beginning in a time of relative peace, the series follows an ensemble cast of characters, both familiar and new, as they confront the long-feared re-emergence of evil to Middle-earth. From the darkest depths of the Misty Mountains, to the majestic forests of the elf-capital of Lindon, to the breathtaking island kingdom of Númenor, to the furthest reaches of the map, these kingdoms and characters will carve out legacies that live on long after they are gone."
The Second Age followed the rise and fall of the first Dark Lord Morgoth's servant Sauron (the "greatest villain" teased above), whose battlefield defeat was shown in flashback during the opening of Peter Jackson's 2001 film The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. The previously unseen location of Númenor will likely figure prominently in the series as it played a key role in the time period, which also included Sauron's forging of the One Ring and fall of the Nine Kings into becoming Ringwraiths.
A sprawling ensemble cast has been announced for the series, including Cynthia Addai-Robinson (Power, Spartacus), Benjamin Walker (Heart of the Sea), and Peter Mullan (Westworld), among many others.
Amazon is reportedly spending an incredible $500 million on the project with a five-season commitment – an unprecedented investment for a new TV series. The Lord of the Rings is currently filming in New Zealand, which is also where Jackson shot his acclaimed trilogy. The first season is expected to debut in either late 2021 or 2022.
- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 2101.16 - 10:10
- Days ago = 2024 days ago
- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.
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