Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

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Thursday, May 27, 2021

A Sense of Doubt blog post #2291 - Mask Mandates are NOT THE HOLOCAUST

A Sense of Doubt blog post #2291 - Mask Mandates are NOT THE HOLOCAUST

Trolls are going to troll.

I should not get sucked in and let them upset me.

But why oh why is Marjorie Taylor Greene's name MARJORIE. That was my mother's name, and I would like to have the name reserved for sane people with good hearts and not hatefuls wonks who really just need to be silenced because haven't we heard enough of white people hee-hawing a braying cacophony of hateful shit?

Yes, we have.

I am not even sure I know where to start with this hateful bullshit.

What I wonder if if this individual understands that her comments are hateful and offensive or is she fully aware of it and purposefully stirring up controversy to keep her name and bullshit in the news cycle?

Either way, I feel like we should just ignore her.

The problem with ignoring her is what happened on JANUARY SIXTH, 2021, and what her toady friends are calling for to happen again, as Matt Gaetz, her partner in the vile stew in which they swim, actually suggested that "loyal patriots" take up arms against "silicon valley," those who control "social media," like it's a town's square or something. And "take up arms" is the nice way of saying use their guns and their second amendment rights to kill a bunch of people who they don't like and think are threats to their "American" way of life.

Yeah, right.

And then we get Taylor Greene (because I am not going to use her first name) trying to compare MASKS in our PANDEMIC that's killed over 600,000 Americans in a little over a year to GOLD STARS marking Jews in Nazi Germany.

Is the mask the new Scarlet Letter?

It's so ridiculous that it is almost like she must be joking.

Right? That's just a terrible joke.

No, I don't think so.

Allow me to spell out what you, dear reader, surely know if you are reading this blog post.

Masks worn properly over the nose and mouth prevent the spread of infection, any infection, which is why in addition to preventing the spread of Covid-19, the seasonal flu was not nearly as wide spread this year. People were social distancing, staying home more, and wearing masks. In other words, they were FOLLOWING PUBLIC HEALTH GUIDELINES because they care about other people. Your mask protects other people more than it protects you.

Taylor Greene does not seem to care about other people. She cares about money, power, and the news cycle. She cares about her own dubious fame. She cares about sucking up to the twice impeached former president who LOST the 2020 presidential election despite all these people who refuse to accept that outcome.

Taylor Greene is further proof that there must be some vetting process for candidates for public office, at least NATIONAL PUBLIC OFFICE. 

Why did anyone allow this bat shit crazy racist asshole in our government? And why is she still a representative of anything but her own hate and vitriol? Can she be sent home now and asked to please shut the fuck up?

I know, I know. I should be more reasonable and less hateful myself. I am trying. I feel sympathy for Taylor Greene because clearly she suffered a closed head injury and is acting out her own hallucinations and repressed traumas on a national scale.

Okay, I have spent enough time on this hateful human being, but if you haven't check out the following shares...

Online shock jock Marjorie Taylor Greene, who's also an actual member of Congress, has repeatedly compared vaccine passports and mask mandates to the persecution of Jews in Nazi Germany. It's gross and something decent people shouldn't do, but Greene isn't a decent person. When I was in college, someone laughed during the campus theater's screening of Schindler's List, and while I can't prove it was my fellow University of Georgia alum Greene, it wouldn't surprise me.

Greene started her day with an early-morning tweet storm where she compared businesses dropping mask requirements for fully vaccinated people to Nazis forcing Jews to wear a “gold star."


Greene said:

Vaccinated employees get a vaccination logo just like the Nazi's forced Jewish people to wear a gold star.

Vaccine passports & mask mandates create discrimination against unvaxxed people who trust their immune systems to a virus that is 99% survivable.

It's a twisted, false analogy: The state isn't requiring anyone, vaccinated or otherwise, to self-identify under penalty of death.


She further ranted:

Pretty soon it will be ...

"We only hire vaccinated people, show your vax papers."

"We only admit vaccinated students, show your vax papers."

"These bathrooms are only for vaccinated people, show your vax papers."

Then.. ...scan your bar code or swipe your chip on your arm.

No, she's not joking. She's just that dumb. Schools have long required immunization records for students. Greene is also fine with excluding trans people from the bathrooms that match their gender identification.

The University of Virginia announced Monday that students who aren't fully vaccinated won't be allowed to attend in-person classes or step foot on university grounds. Greene claimed these were Gestapo tactics.


Well hate freedom media would you look at this story.

This story comes from the media, you fucking child.

It appears Nazi practices have already begun on our youth.

Show your VAX papers or no in person class for you.

This is exactly what I was saying about the gold star.

This is disgusting!

She's certainly an expert on what's disgusting.

Here's some background on the badges Jews were forced to wear:

Beginning in September 1941, the Jews were forced to wear a yellow Star of David with the word Jude printed in the center to tell what race they were and then forced to live in ghettos. The Jews had to sew the identification star on their clothes. Jews were not able to own a radio under the penalty of death. They had to stand in line to turn in their radios at a German depot. Thirty thousand Jews were killed due to not wearing their badges.

The badges were first introduced in Poland in November 1939. Jews who failed to wear them risked death by shooting. The badges were worn on their backs and on their fronts. France and Belgium stated that the yellow badges were "Another step on the road to the final solution". This policy was a part of what the Germans called the "Special Treatment". Under this policy the Jews could endure ... a propaganda campaign labeling them as the embodiment of evil and misfortune of the Germans community, the revoking of all their rights of citizenship, the confiscation of their property and businesses, their removal from jobs, schools, professions and all social and professional involvement with the rest of society.

There's footage of these atrocities, which everyone should watch so we don't forget or downplay (content warning, obviously):

The suffering of Holocaust victims means so little to Greene that she'd glibly compare their persecution to the personal inconvenience of idiots. Greene later claimed that she never compared vaccine passports or mask mandates to the Holocaust, “only the discrimination against Jews in early Nazi years," which is the goddamn Holocaust. I presume she thinks the Holocaust is just Dachau, but who knows what she's thinking. I don't want to wander around the dilapidated, abandoned building that's Greene's mind.

Ben Shapiro hammered Greene for her “bizarrely nutso Holocaust analogy," but he also claimed that the media was silent about how the Squad supports Hamas. The Squad doesn't support terrorists. That's a lie, even if Shapiro calls it “de facto" support. It's like saying Shapiro is “de facto" tall.

House Rep. Liz Cheney had already denounced Greene's Holocaust invocations as “evil lunacy," but as you'll recall, she's no longer GOP leadership. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, one of the GOP's many surviving spine donors, finally stepped up Tuesday and delivered a sternly worded statement, stuffed with shameless "both sides-ism."

Marjorie is wrong, and her intentional decision to compare the horrors of the Holocaust with wearing masks is appalling. The Holocaust is the greatest atrocity committed in history. The fact that this needs to be stated today is deeply troubling.

At a time when the Jewish people face increased violence and threats, anti-Semitism is on the rise in the Democrat Party and is completely ignored by Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Americans must stand together to defeat anti-Semitism and any attempt to diminish the history of the Holocaust.

Let me be clear: the House Republican Conference condemns this language.

Anti-Semitism is not on the rise in the Democratic Party, and Jewish Americans are still overwhelmingly Democratic voters — that's 68 percent of Jews by religion and 77 percent of Jews of no religion. Just 26 percent of Jewish Americans overall identify with the Republican Party or lean toward the GOP.


All eight Jewish members of the Senate caucus with Democrats, and all but two Jewish House members are Democrats. The GOP has used anti-Semitic tropes in attack ads featuring Chuck Schumer and Bernie Sanders. Anti-Semitic smears of George Soros have become almost rote among Republicans. McCarthy can go fuck himself, which he should find easy to do without a spine.

The GOP's shiny new conference chair, Elise Stefanik, responded to Greene's grotesqueness with a blistering subtweet that didn't even mention her by name.

Equating mask wearing and vaccines to the Holocaust belittles the most significant human atrocities ever committed. We must all work together to educate our fellow Americans on the unthinkable horrors of the Holocaust. #NeverAgain

Stefanik's discretion isn't the better part of anything. It's not as if Greene won't notice she was called out. She later promoted and (then deleted) a tweet from a supporter who called McCarthy a “moron" and a "feckless c**t."

Jewish conservative and major Trump fundraiser Jeff Miller wondered "WTF" was wrong with Greene (quite a lot, actually).

I think you need to pay a visit to the US Holocaust Museum. I'd be happy to arrange. Then maybe going forward you wouldn't make anymore disgusting, ignorant and offensive tweets. If I'm wrong and you're not ignorant about Holocaust ... then you are disgusting.

It'll save time if we all agree that Marjorie Taylor Greene is both ignorant and disgusting. She's incapable of humility, and no visit to the Holocaust Museum will make her less repulsive.

Follow Stephen Robinson on Twitter.



Y'all, Marjorie Taylor Greene is ANGRY. None of her Republican so-called colleagues are springing to her defense after she said COVID-19 vaccines and masks are just like the Holocaust, and some of them are even saying mean things about her! Sure, Liz Cheney called her comments "evil lunacy," but that's to be expected, because Liz Cheney is a terrible person who probably doesn't even read Q's daily newsletter. But these others? WHAT SAY THEY?

For instance, Greene says Kevin McCarthy needs to learn to be more like Nancy Pelosi, who is not criticizing any of her members even though Antifa is literally attacking Jews in the streets of America, yes, literally attacking Jews in the streets of America! What, you haven't heard about that? Well, Marjorie Taylor Greene has it on good authority that Antifa is ATTACKING JEWS IN THE STREETS OF AMERICA!

Don't know how this connects to MTG's Jewish Space Lasers, or the fact that what she said about the vaccines and the Holocaust was just insanely offensive and anti-Semitic, but here are some words Greene said to Newsmax's Greg Kelly, who is a real human being who likes Greene just a whole lot. Indeed, he began the interview like SQUEEEEEEE! because Greene is the most famous person in the entire Republican caucus in the House of Representatives!

GREENE: You have to have respect for Nancy Pelosi in that she never allows attacks on her own, and she defends them even when they sleep with Chinese spies, when they attack Israel, when they stand with Hamas terrorism.


She has zero proof of what she's saying, of course. She may not even know where she is right now.

GREENE: And that when their rhetoric is so disgusting, and that antifa, pro-Palestinian rioters are on the streets attacking American Jews.

What? What? Where does she think she is seeing this? What does she think she sees when she opens her eyes?

To be clear, there has been an alarming recent rise in anti-Semitic attacks in America, just like there's been an alarming rise in attacks on the AAPI community. Greene seeing that and screaming ANTIFA!1111!!!! and blaming it on Nancy Pelosi and members of the House Democratic caucus is where this goes off the rails.


GREENE: You know Nancy Pelosi stands with her own, and Kevin McCarthy never had to say a word. He could have said, 'You know, you should ask Marjorie about her words and ask her what she had to say.'

That would have been the right answer for him. So, it's unfortunate that he took this route, and he didn't even text me or call me, which is really a shame, before I found out seeing it in the news that he had said that.

He didn't even text. :(

GREENE: And then sadly Elise Stefanik, our new GOP chair, you know, followed suit of course right along, and then I think Steve Scalise and others. And they shouldn't have done that. None of them called me and asked me what I meant by what I said.

They didn't even call. :(

And she could have explained so easily! And her explanation would have been that she said what she meant the first time, apparently:

GREENE: It's terrible how people are being treated in this country about masks and about vaccine passports, and we have to stand up to these aggressions, and these are the exact types of aggressions that take away our freedoms, and we've seen it with tyrants in the past throughout history, and these are definitely countries that pursued the Socialist path, the same path that the Democrats are pursuing.

Dear. God.

Kelly agreed with Greene about McCarthy, reading off a very clever tweet he had sent asking whether McCarthy has the FURNITURE in his BRAIN to do his JOB!!! (We only use three exclamation points because GREG!!! DID!!!)

There are five more minutes of interview in the above clip after Kelly brags about his own VERY good TWEET about BACKBONE!!! We turned it off because we just couldn't anymore. But if you'd like to watch it, it's there.

On Tuesday, Greene retweeted and immediately deleted a tweet calling Kevin McCarthy, the leader of the caucus that allows her to be in it, a "feckless cunt."

So she's just having a really stellar week, and she's not hallucinating this week AT ALL.

All right then.

Greg Kelly is also tweeting this morning:

Everything's going well for all these people.


- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 2105.27 - 10:10

- Days ago = 2155 days ago

- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.

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