A Sense of Doubt blog post #2735 - THE FLASH - Comic Book Sunday for 2208.14
Welcome to the (belated) Comic Book Sunday for 2208.14.
Anyway, I let my The Flash comics pile up from issue #775 (street date October 20, 2021) to issue #783 (street date June 22, 2022).
Here's the round up for this volume of the flash and the review round up page for issue #775.
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The Flash was one of the standout titles in the Rebirth era. Writer Jeremy Adams is ensuring it’s staying that way in the post-Dark Nights Death Metal era. For this double-sized milestone issue, artist Fernando Pasarin joins Adams on a fun riff of Arthur and Excalibur.
A glaive has landed in Central City and not only can Superman not pull it up, but it’s attracting villains far and wide causing all kinds of problems for Wally West. The handoff from Barry Allen to Wally West has been seamless yet it felt somewhat strange to have a big anniversary and no glimpse at Barry’s current whereabouts.
Adams has brought back Wally’s optimistic good nature with an equally entertaining sense of humor. Too many writers take their characters far too seriously, but Adams knows how to just have fun with Wally in any circumstance.
Pasarin is sticking around for one more issue, but he’s really an artist that needs a permanent title ASAP. At least in this issue, Adams gives Pasarin a number of characters to draw that likely won’t always show up in The Flash. Though The Rainbow Raider appearance was fantastic.
Inker Matt Ryan and colorist Jeromy Cox know how to best highlight Pasarin making for a gorgeous presentation.
It’s hard to knock a book that delivers so consistently right down to the villain payoff and launch of a new arc. The Flash is definitely a title alongside Nightwing and Catwoman that are can’t miss titles from DC.
Rating: 10 out of 10
The Flash #775 Review: Ended Poorly
If you ever found Naruto annoying and tedious, The Flash #775 gives you a chance to find Wally West even less charming and more grating. With guest appearances from Superman, Mister Terrific, and a big bad menacing the televised Stargirl — which all sounds like it'd be a big deal, but it's not — this issue goes a long way for very little reward at the end.
A strange glaive with an odd energy signature has crash-landed into a city street and become inextricably embedded, blocking traffic and causing an upset. The Flash calls in Mister Terrific and Superman, but no one can seem to get it to budge from its spot in the middle of the lane. Likewise, suddenly everyone starts to be testy with Wally's easygoing, carefree manner. If you've got a decent sense of DC comics history (or, again, are already watching Courtney Whitmore on TV), you know exactly what is on the way and why this is happening.
This Jeremy Adams script not only ended poorly but stumbled along the way with Wally West understanding very little about what was happening around him and not actually overcoming any challenges he faced. You surely can't lay any of the blame at the feet of Fernando Pasarin, Matt Ryan, Jeromy Cox, or Steve Wands, who turn in a book that looks as good as anything on the stands.
The sheer unlikability of Wally West, combined with being bad at his job of being a hero and the exhausting ending, leaves a book that should have stopped before it started. RATING: NO. JUST … NO.
- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 2208.14 - 10:10
- Days ago = 2599 days ago
- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.