Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.


Sunday, August 6, 2023

A Sense of Doubt blog post #3092 - Weekly Comics Lists for July 2023

A Sense of Doubt blog post #3092 - Weekly Comics Lists for July 2023

Welcome to the Weekly Comic Book Sunday for 2308.06 that is being written the following Friday 2308.11, after I published Monday 2308.07 through Thursday 2308.10, forgetting that I had not published this one until I noticed the count was off by one.

As I have explained earlier in this series, I order my comics each month, and I have been doing this for years. Dozens of the draft posts are unpublished monthly comic posts, many of which I realized at some point that I never intended to publish.

Lately, I have been publishing the more recent collections for Comic Book Sunday as I did here: 

Fantastic Four consistently is near or at the top of my list. Issue #09 received a 7.5 critic rating via Comic Book Roundup (see first link in title) and a 9.0 user rating, that's a big disparity.

For instance, a 5.5 here:

Weird Science Marvel Comics - mrgabehernandezJul 6, 2023

In Fantastic Four #9, Ryan North continues to be his own worst enemy by taking simple fights and simple ideas and making them more complicated than they need to be in an effort to make this comic needlessly profound. The art looks great, and the action reflects the kind of big battle excitement you want in an FF comic, but the issue is weighed down by silly execution and ponderous pacing...

I don't agree.
Ryan North and Fiorelli are at the heart of why the Fantastic Four is a great team -- sense of family, relationships, and challengers of the unknown.

It's sad that Gabe Hernandez can't see this.

Issue #09 featured Alicia Masters-Grimm coming to the rescue to the save the day because she's part of the family, as much a part of the team as anyone.

I don't like Johnny's mustache but that's just my bias.

Avengers ranked somewhat highly. I like it, and I love the cover (see below). But other titles took precedence over it this month. 

I liked the first issue of Eve Ewing on Black Panther, but it does not make the top ten, especially with this Knight Terrors series, about which I am rather unsure and have not read to that point in the stack yet.

Coming to the end of the Zdarsky and Checchetto run on Daredevil that title earns the third spot after the #750th issue of Captain America, ending the story in special one shot next month before JMS takes over.

I am curious how Zdarsky will resurrect Daredevil, whom he killed, in time for the re-launch before the new TV show, putting DD back in his original costume and in familiar settings and storylines to coincide with the new show.

I liked issue #013, though not as well as the critics via Roundup = 9.1 rating.

Conversely, I really liked Captain America #750 quite a bit more than the 8.4 critic rating. I tend to agree with the top three reviews rating it 10, 10, and 9.2 respectively.

I adore heroes with wings, and women heroes with wings are even cooler. Women of color with wings earns a trifecta that's hard to beat.

So, Hawkgirl ranks fourth and deserves to be there. I may review this one by itself. The 7.5 rating is pure bullshit. Issue one had a ten and two nines, which is better and closer to my view.

Again Gabe Hernandez is among the lowest with a 4.5, and it seems to me he is glorifying in his own presumed critical acumen by being extra negative.

This invective seems highly biased and without clear criteria or points of comparison.

Hawkgirl #1 is an unmitigated disaster and one of the worst (best?) examples of a writer's narcissistic need to push themselves into a character's life instead of caretaking what the character is meant to be. The setup is disjointed, the connections to continuity don't make sense, the self-insert characters are irritating, but the art is fantastic. Read Full Review

Sod off, Gabe. Though I agree with him that the art is phenomenal.

World's Finest is a title that is up and done in my top spots. I love Mark Waid's writing and even more so I adore Dan Mora's art since his run with Kieron Gillen on Once and Future.

Issue #17 doesn't have enough Red Tornado, among my favorites, and no real METAL MEN content at all despite them being in the story in many ways. I agree with the user rating of 9.2 more than the critic rating of 8.8. Gabe Hernandez, my new nemesis, even gave it a 9.5/10, and I have to agree there. I do love that Metamorpho gets the knock out punch of a truly obnoxious villain -- Newmazo!

As I wrote above, my jury is still out on the current DC series Knight Terrors or copy and paste - https://comicbookroundup.com/comic-books/reviews/dc-comics/knight-terrors-(2023)

and I have not worked my way down to it in the stack. So more on that later.

The gem on the month (and new cover photo that I will push to social media) is 


I loved issue one, which has a critic rating of 9.1 and a user of 9. I would give it a 10/10 as did four reviewers of 13 total. Even Gabe Hernandez, my new nemesis, even gave it a 8.5/10, which is low for my tastes but whatever. In all this writing of my top comics, I did not see any with four TENS. That's because this comic is great AND fans yearn for the comics of their youth, the comics of old, as much as they desire new things and ground-breaking things.

Knight Terror titles take a lot of spots on the list, which is why there is no new Titans #003 until this cross-over series ends. I typically do not like cross-over series.

Last word on the bottom and two other comics. here's the bottom.

Fallen Friend: The Death of Ms. Marvel #001
I Am Iron Man #005
Tales of the Titans: Starfire #001 of 4
Big Game #001
Ronin Book II #003

Often comics fall to the bottom as I do not consider them quick reads as with Fallen Friend: The Death of Ms. Marvel. I want to enjoy them but I am not in a hurry: I Am Iron Man, Tales of the Titans: Starfire, and  Big Game (though Millar/Quitley is an incentive).

Frank Miller's Ronin II book is a massive disappointment. Oddly, Roundup has no reviews. I am not impressed.

Lastly, books that have been read but were not shipped from Fanfare and came from I LIKE COMICS and so do not make the reading list.

Doctor Strange #006 - 2023. Series and issue.

This issue received two tens and a 9.7 and 9.4.

I am not sure.

I love Doctor Strange and have loved the content lately going back to his "death" and Clea's run as Sorcerer Supreme.

Apparently, this story of Strange's war of thousands of years as "the General" that he does not remember is setting up a new crossover, G.O.D.S.

I am intrigued but not yet sold.

And X-Men #25 - series and issue.

The 8.4 critics and 7.6 user ratings here are too low. I rank it close to 9 or above just for the cool as fuck cover with Shadowcat doing her assassin bad-ass thing.

I am no Marvel zombie and the X-Men series has been hit or miss (miss-ish) for me the last two years, but I like what the creators are doing by and large. It's interesting and fresh and complex, all of the things fans want from mutants books.

Thanks for tuning in.

Comics arrived Thursday August 3rd

READNG ORDER (does not include I LIKE COMICS pick up from August 2nd)

Fantastic Four #009 [Legacy #702]
Captain America #750
Daredevil #013 [Legacy #661]
Hawkgirl #1 of 6
World's Finest #017
The Avengers #003 [Legacy #769]
Worlds Finest: Teen Titans #001
Knight Terrors: First Blood #001
Knight Terrors #001
Knight Terrors #002
Knight Terrors: Titans #001
Planet of the Apes #004
Spider-Man #010 [Legacy #166]
The Amazing Spider-Man #029 [Legacy #923]
The Amazing Spider-Man #030 [Legacy #924]
She-Hulk #015 [Legacy #178]
Scarlet Witch #006
The Incredible Hulk #002 [Legacy #783]
The Invincible Iron Man #008 [Legacy #658]
Love Everlasting #009
Black Panther #002 [Legacy #214]
Ultimate Invasion #002
Ghost Rider #016 [Legacy #259]
Knight Terrors: Batman #001
Knight Terrors: Superman #001
Knight Terrors: Shazam #001
Knight Terrors: Green Lantern #001
Knight Terrors: Action Comics #001
Knight Terrors: Detective Comics #001
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #008 [Legacy #290]
Fallen Friend: The Death of Ms. Marvel #001
I Am Iron Man #005
Tales of the Titans: Starfire #001 of 4
Big Game #001
Ronin Book II #003

The following items are awaiting your pickup:

        1          $3.99        Amazing Spider-Man #29
        1          $3.99        Amazing Spider-Man #30
        1          $3.99        Avengers #3
        1          $3.99        Batman Superman Worlds Finest #17 Cvr A Dan Mora
        1          $4.99        Big Game #1 (of 5) Cvr D Quitely (Mr)
        1          $3.99        Black Panther #2
        1          $7.99        Captain America #750
        1          $3.99        Daredevil #13
        1          $4.99        Fallen Friend #1
        1          $3.99        Fantastic Four #9
        1          $7.99        Frank Millers Ronin Book Two #3 (of 6) (Mr)
        1          $3.99        Ghost Rider #16
        1          $3.99        Hawkgirl #1 (of 6) Cvr A  Amancay Nahuelpan
        1          $3.99        I Am Iron Man #5 (of 5)
        1          $3.99        Incredible Hulk #2
        1          $3.99        Invincible Iron Man #8
        1          $3.99        Knight Terrors #1 (of 4) Cvr A Ivan Reis & Danny Miki
        1          $3.99        Knight Terrors #2 (of 4) Cvr A Ivan Reis & Danny Miki
        1          $4.99        Knight Terrors Action Comics #1 (of 2) Cvr A Rafa Sandoval
        1          $4.99        Knight Terrors Batman #1 (of 2) Cvr A Guillem March
        1          $4.99        Knight Terrors Detective Comics #1 (of 2) Cvr A Federici
        1          $5.99        Knight Terrors First Blood #1 (One Shot) Cvr A Howard Porter
        1          $4.99        Knight Terrors Green Lantern #1 (of 2) Cvr A Lucio Parrillo
        1          $4.99        Knight Terrors Shazam #1 (of 2) Cvr A Dan Mora
        1          $4.99        Knight Terrors Superman #1 (of 2) Cvr A Gleb Melnikov
        1          $4.99        Knight Terrors Titans #1 (of 2) Cvr A Yanick Paquette
        1          $3.99        Love Everlasting #9 Cvr A Charretier
        1          $3.99        Miles Morales Spider-Man #8
        1          $4.99        Planet of the Apes #4
        1          $4.99        Previews #419 August 2023
        1          $3.99        Scarlet Witch #6
        1          $3.99        She-Hulk #15
        1          $3.99        Spider-Man #10
        1          $4.99        Tales of the Titans #1 (of 4) Cvr A Nicola Scott
        1          $5.99        Ultimate Invasion #2 (of 4)
        1          $3.99        Worlds Finest Teen Titans #1 (of 6) Cvr A Chris Samnee

        Total:   $292.64

You may pick up these items at anytime.

    1        $125.00        Jon Sable Freelance Masterstroke Omnibus Ed HC

292.64 - $125 Jon Sable and $4.99 Previews = 162.65 * .25 = 40.66 = 121.99


Happy New Comic Day!


The following comics will be ready for pickup on Wednesday, July 5th at our new location!


We are now located at 4308 S Westnedge Ave


If you have any questions please call us at 269-349-8866 or reply to this email. Thanks!

The following subscription(s) have arrived for you:
1$3.99Daredevil #13
1$3.99Fantastic Four #9
1$4.99Knight Terrors Batman #1 (of 2) Cvr A Guillem March
1$4.99Knight Terrors Black Adam #1 (of 2) Cvr A Jeremy Haun
1$3.99Love Everlasting #9 Cvr A Charretier
1$3.99Spider-Man #10

The following special order(s) have arrived for you:
1$7.99Captain America #750
1$5.99Knight Terrors First Blood #1 (One Shot) Cvr A Howard Porter
1$4.99Thor Annual #1

4415 S. Westnedge Ave.
Kalamazoo, MI 49008


Knight Terrors Black Adam #1 (of 2) Cvr A Jeremy Haun
Thor Annual #1


Doctor Strange #005 [Legacy #431]
Captain Marvel: Dark Tempest #001
X-Men #024
Ultimate Invasion #001

Happy New Comic Day!


NOTE: The late comics have arrived and are now available for pickup


The following comics will be ready for pickup on Wednesday, July 11th at our new location!


We are now located at 4308 S Westnedge Ave


If you have any questions please call us at 269-349-8866 or reply to this email. Thanks!

The following special order(s) have arrived for you:
1$125.00Jon Sable Freelance Masterstroke Omnibus Ed HC

4415 S. Westnedge Ave.
Kalamazoo, MI 49008


Happy New Comic Day!


The following comics will be ready for pickup on Wednesday, July 11th at our new location!


We are now located at 4308 S Westnedge Ave


NOTE: Some of the Indie and Image titles might be missing from your list. We did not recieve our entire shipment. We will send a new email out when the rest of the books are ready for pickup.


If you have any questions please call us at 269-349-8866 or reply to this email. Thanks!

The following subscription(s) have arrived for you:
1$3.99Amazing Spider-Man #29
1$3.99Knight Terrors #1 (of 4) Cvr A Ivan Reis & Danny Miki
1$4.99Knight Terrors Green Lantern #1 (of 2) Cvr A Lucio Parrillo
1$4.99Knight Terrors Shazam #1 (of 2) Cvr A Dan Mora
1$3.99Miles Morales Spider-Man #8
1$4.99Planet of the Apes #4
1$3.99Scarlet Witch #6
1$3.99Worlds Finest Teen Titans #1 (of 6) Cvr A Chris Samnee

The following special order(s) have arrived for you:
1$4.99Fallen Friend #1

4415 S. Westnedge Ave.
Kalamazoo, MI 49008

Happy New Comic Day!


The following comics will be ready for pickup on Wednesday, July 19th at our new location!


We are now located at 4308 S Westnedge Ave


If you have any questions please call us at 269-349-8866 or reply to this email. Thanks!

The following subscription(s) have arrived for you:
1$3.99Batman Superman Worlds Finest #17 Cvr A Dan Mora
1$3.99Black Panther #2
1$7.99Frank Millers Ronin Book Two #3 (of 6) (Mr)
1$3.99Hawkgirl #1 (of 6) Cvr A Amancay Nahuelpan
1$4.99Knight Terrors Superman #1 (of 2) Cvr A Gleb Melnikov
1$4.99Tales of the Titans #1 (of 4) Cvr A Nicola Scott

The following special order(s) have arrived for you:
1$4.99Big Game #1 (of 5) Cvr D Quitely (Mr)

Happy New Comic Day!


Non-Email Items: Spend the Night #2


The following comics will be ready for pickup on Wednesday, July 26th


We are now located at 4308 S Westnedge Ave


If you have any questions please call us at 269-349-8866 or reply to this email. Thanks!

The following subscription(s) have arrived for you:
1$3.99Amazing Spider-Man #30
1$3.99Avengers #3
1$3.99Ghost Rider #16
1$3.99I Am Iron Man #5 (of 5)
1$3.99Incredible Hulk #2
1$3.99Invincible Iron Man #8
1$3.99Knight Terrors #2 (of 4) Cvr A Ivan Reis & Danny Miki
1$4.99Knight Terrors Action Comics #1 (of 2) Cvr A Rafa Sandoval
1$4.99Knight Terrors Detective Comics #1 (of 2) Cvr A Federici
1$4.99Knight Terrors Titans #1 (of 2) Cvr A Yanick Paquette
1$4.99Previews #419 August 2023
1$3.99She-Hulk #15
1$5.99Ultimate Invasion #2 (of 4)

4308 S. Westnedge Ave.
Kalamazoo, MI 49008


I LIKE COMICS - 2307.28

Moonknight #025
Guardians of the Galaxy #004 [Legacy #184]
Immortal X-Men #013
Moonknight: City of the Dead #001


- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 2308.06 - 10:10

- Days ago = 2956 days ago

- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.

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