Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.


Monday, January 22, 2024

A Sense of Doubt blog post #3261 - BOWIE LIVE - Tonight Show 1980 & A Song-by-Song collection for Music Monday 2401.22

"Space Oddity" live 1974

A Sense of Doubt blog post #3261 - BOWIE LIVE - Tonight Show 1980 & A Song-by-Song collection for Music Monday 2401.22

Once again, delaying other posts for ones that are quicker to complete.

I posted the Tonight Show clip in Saturday's post on Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps), and I wanted to post he full version of it with all of Nacho Video's text.

I also made a sampler mix of Bowie performing some of his songs live on TV or in concert, starting with an amazing, vintage performance of "Space Oddity" from 1974.

I say "sampler" because there are so many video clips of David Bowie's performances, I could make a mix of hundreds of videos. So, more mixes to make in the future.

Thanks for tuning in!


[1] David Bowie – Space Oddity – Live 1974
[2] David Bowie • Life On Mars & Ashes To Ashes • The Tonight Show • 3 September 1980 • 40th Anniversary
[3] David Bowie & Freddie Mercury - Under Pressure
[4] David Bowie – Hang On to Yourself – Live 1978
[5] David Bowie | Ziggy Stardust | Live 1978
[6] David Bowie - Heroes (Live Aid, 1985)
[7] David Bowie - Station To Station (Christiane F ) 1980 
[8] David Bowie – Warszawa– Live 1978
[9] David Bowie - Rebel Rebel • TopPop
[10] David Bowie Moonage Daydream
[11] David Bowie - Modern Love (Live Aid 1985)
[12] David Bowie- Big Brother (David Live)
[13] David Bowie - All the Young Dudes (Live at the Isle of Wight)
[14] David Bowie's lost 1973 Top of the Pops performance of The Jean Genie
[15] David Bowie - Queen Bitch (Old Grey Whistle Test, 1972)
[16] David Bowie - Time - 1987
[17] Queen & Annie Lennox & David Bowie - Under Pressure - HD
[18] David Bowie | Fame | Live on the Cher Show | 18 September 1975
[19] David Bowie | Cracked Actor | Live at the Universal Amphitheatre | 5 September 1974
[20] David Bowie- Young Americans

Nacho Video

Sep 5, 2020  #DavidBowie #TonightShow #1980
David Bowie • Life On Mars & Ashes To Ashes • The Tonight Show • 5 September 1980 • 40th Anniversary

Here’s my new clean-up of the classic David Bowie 1980 performance on The Tonight Show.

The show was recorded at NBC Studios in Burbank, Los Angeles on September 3rd 1980. It was broadcast forty years ago on this day, the 5th of September 1980.

Performing with Bowie on the Tonight Show, was a one-off band. Bowie’s regular musical right-hand man, Carlos Alomar was leading the band of young up and coming musicians, who were playing with Bowie for the first, and as it turned out, the only time.
The Tonight Show performance is unique in other ways. It was Bowie’s only live appearance of 1980, and the only time any Scary Monsters material was performed live, in it’s day. And the Tonight Show was one of only two live appearances he made (the other SNL, 1979) in the 5 year period between the ISOLAR II 1978 tour, and the Serious Moonlight tour in 1983.

The Tonight Show performance is great! Bowie is in fine voice and the band are full of spirit. I love Bowie and Alomar’s big smiles, as it becomes clear that the performance is a success.

For me, the Tonight Show performance has always been frustratingly good, because it is a tantalizing glimpse of what a Scary Monsters tour could have been like.

In my last upload a couple of days ago, for the Good Morning American interview, I laid out a selective chronology of Bowie’s 1980 / to early 1981. But before the murder of John Lennon in NYC, there had been plans for a Bowie tour in Spring 1981. The cover story of the 20th of September 1980 edition of Musicians Only magazine, proclaimed a “Bowie ‘Monster’ Tour”, that would happen March / April / May 1981.

One of the subjects of the occasional correspondence I enjoy with fellow Bowie-1980 obsessive Bob Wilson, is that of an imaginary ISOLAR III Scary Monsters Tour. Bob has even written a Bowie alternate reality, whereby Marc Chapman does not murder John Lennon. It’s really good and I have his permission to share it, which I will do in the comments of this video. 

Let’s imagine…

I don’t think Bowie would have toured with his New Wave boys. I think he would have utilized his beloved D.A.M. Trio rhythm section, and other luminaries from the Scary Monsters sessions. So here’s what might have been:

Carlos Alomar • Rhythm guitar, musical director 
George Murray • Bass guitar
Dennis Davis • Drums
Robert Fripp • Lead Guitar 
Roy Bittan • Piano
Andy Clark • Keyboards, synths

And a possible set-list; a combo of Bob’s and my own picks:

Crystal Japan (intro tape)
It’s No Game Pt. 1
Up the Hill Backwards
Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps)
Teenage Wildlife
Space Oddity 
Ashes to Ashes
Beauty and the Beast
Joe the Lion
Because You're Young
Boys Keep Swinging
Red Sails
Look Back in Anger

• Intermission

Station to Station
Golden Years
Breaking Glass
What in the World
The Man Who Sold the World
Life On Mars?
Young Americans
The Secret Life of Arabia

• Encore #1

TVC 15
It’s No Game Pt. 2

• Encore #2

Stay or Jean Genie or Rebel Rebel

This is my second attempt at creating an optimised version of the complete Tonight Show performance. The previous one I made was in 2016. I don’t mind admitting that back then there was still much to learn about video editing (still is actually) and that video leaves a lot to be desired. Plus since then I’ve accumulated some slightly better sources for The Tonight Show. Recently I was thinking about the 40th anniversary coming up, and I just couldn’t bear the idea of the previous version being shared. So here’s Take Two, cobbled together from a multitude of sources of variable quality, as you will no doubt notice.

After the performance, there is a bonus minute of Bowie and the band rehearsing Ashes To Ashes in NYC for the Tonight Show. It was originally part of a 1980 Bowie TV special for the US arts program, The 20-20 Show.

Thanks for watching, hope you dig it!


Video and Audio:
• Life On Mars & Ashes To Ashes • Live on The Tonight Show • 3rd of September 1980 • NBC Studios in Burbank, Los Angeles • Broadcast 5th of September 1980 • NBC-TV
• Ashes To Ashes rehearsal • September 1980 • NYC • The 20-20 Show • Broadcast 13th of November 1980 • ABC-TV

Vocals • David Bowie
Guitar & Keyboards • Carlos Alomar
Guitar • G.E. Smith
Bass • John Kumnick
Drums • Steve Goulding
Keyboards • Gordon Grody

Always more videos to follow, so please keep your electric eye on me babe!

I don't own the rights, and I'm not making any money out of this etc. Just a fan making videos for other fans.

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 / nachovideo  

I edit, therefore I am

#DavidBowie #ScaryMonsters #AshestoAshes #LifeonMars #TonightShow #1980


- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 2401.22 - 10:10

- Days ago = 3125 days ago

- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.

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