Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

A Sense of Doubt blog post #3424 - My Dogs Hate Your "Patriotic" Celebrations and So Do I

A Sense of Doubt blog post #3424 - My Dogs Hate Your "Patriotic" Celebrations and So Do I

I no longer like fireworks, and I hate the Fourth of July.

Not only is it the anniversary of my Mom's death (nine years tomorrow), but the explosions REALLY upset my dogs, especially ELLORY.

Ellory gets so upset that I want to take a Baseball bat, go to the neighbors setting off this artillery fire, and beat the shit out of the fireworks, destroying them before they can be used.

Fuck you, fuck this day, fuck fireworks.

Anything that upsets my dogs makes me murderously angry.

And since I am writing this on July Fourth, the artillery barrage really started Tuesday but in earnest last night with someone nearby setting off a lot of explosions that freaked out Ellory for HOURS.

I hope all the nearby neighbors are done with the war zone explosive events.

Why can't se just sit quietly with our thoughts and contemplate Independence on July Fourth?

I hate this bullshit.

Here's the Instagram/Facebook post from 2019 when I was hiding in the windowless toilet closet of the windowless master bath in the Blacktail Lane house in Woodland.

Here's Satchel when she was littler and could fit under the bed hiding from Fireworks (2016): 


Why Are Dogs Scared of Fireworks?

How to keep your dog mentally and physically safe this Fourth of July.


The Fourth of July can be a blast — literally — for kids (and adults who never aged out of blowing things up for fun). But for our four-legged family members, any holiday that involves fireworks brings a lot more stress than it does entertainment.

If you’re a pet parent, you likely know how loud noises like fireworks can ruin your dog’s day. Maybe they curl up in a corner and shake or look for a safe spot in the house to hide. Fireworks aren’t just a source of anxiety for many dogs — they can also lead to burns and health issues if you’re not careful.

We talked to Dr. Gabrielle Fadl, veterinarian and director of primary care at Bond Vet in New York City about the dangers of fireworks to dogs and how to keep your pup safe this holiday. 

Why are dogs scared of fireworks? 

The short answer: Loud noises can be frightening to many dogs and cats. The booming blasts of fireworks are unpredictable and sudden and are likely louder than most noises your pet hears on a daily basis. If you have a dog who’s terrified of thunderstorms, they will likely feel the same way about fireworks. 

“Similar to thunderstorms, fireworks causing loud, unpredictable noises can be interpreted as a threat to dogs, causing them to hide, show signs of anxiety (panting, trembling, pacing, whining), or run,” Dr. Fadl says. 

With their bright lights and loud noises, fireworks can also create sensory overload in animals, resulting in a panicked fight-or-flight response. Although there is no real threat, your pet doesn’t know that and may experience an adrenaline rush that results in rising blood pressure and a faster heart rate. This sense of danger causes some pets to attempt to escape or even react with aggression toward other animals and humans in the home. 

How are fireworks dangerous to dogs?

Fireworks come with many risks for dogs, so it’s best to keep your pets safely inside during any July Fourth celebrations. In addition to a sense of fear and stress, dogs who are outside unattended during fireworks displays run the risk of becoming burned, injured, or even ingesting lit or used fireworks. 

Fear and anxiety

“If dogs are not properly restrained, dogs can get loose and run away in an attempt to find safety,” Dr. Fadl says. “As a result, dogs can get lost or injured while attempting to climb or dig to escape these sounds.”  


Even if your dog isn’t stressed about the noise of fireworks, allowing them outside while you’re lighting sparklers can be dangerous. Dogs may not realize the danger of lit fireworks and get too close, which can result in burns to the face or even the inside of the mouth if they attempt to ingest a lit firework. 

“The same precautions that you would take when using fireworks around young children should also be taken with your pets,” Dr. Fadl adds. “That means making sure fireworks are not being set off with pets nearby and able to get near hazardous sparks, flames, or strong smoke or odors.”

Health issues related to ingesting fireworks

Fireworks don’t even have to be lit to cause injury to your pet. When roaming the yard after a firework display, dogs may ingest debris or pieces of used fireworks, which contain dangerous chemicals, such as heavy metals, sulfur, and coloring agents. Eating fireworks can cause serious health issues for dogs, such as gastrointestinal distress or even muscle and nerve dysfunction, which can result in permanent damage. 

Fortunately, you don’t need to worry about cats ingesting fireworks because they tend to be more discriminating eaters and likely won’t attempt to eat a used firework. But you should always clean up all used fireworks and debris in your yard before allowing your pets outside again.

Tips for keeping your dog calm and safe during fireworks displays

If you know that your dog is scared of loud noises, make sure to have a plan for soothing your pet during this July Fourth celebrations and know how to calm a dog during fireworks. Start by keeping your dog away from any nearby firework displays and safely cozied up in the house. If you live in a cold climate, your pet should be safely inside anyway, but make sure you have them in a place in the house where they feel safe when they hear loud noises.

Make sure your pet has proper identification.

Well before July Fourth comes around, your pet should be microchipped and have an ID tag on their collar featuring your current contact information. No one expects their dog to run away, but fireworks can make your pet’s behavior unpredictable so it’s best to take as many precautions as possible. Ensuring your dog has proper identification can improve the chances that they will be returned to you if they do become lost. 

Create a safe and calming space for your dog.

One of the best ways to calm your dog during fireworks is to make a space in your home for them to feel safe and comfortable. Choose a space with no windows, like the inside of a large closet or a bathroom, and create a cozy cave where your dog can hide from the noise and lights of the fireworks. You can even use a crate if your dog already feels safe there. Give your pup some of their favorite toys and treats so they feel at home and (hopefully) more relaxed. 

“If you can, try to engage your dog in a playful or fun activity, such as a training or play session, before the noises are expected to begin,” Dr. Fadl suggests. “Using positive reinforcement, like rewarding calm behaviors with treats or affection, can be helpful in a sound-phobic dog.” 

Try playing white noise.

Soft, soothing noises can be an antidote to the loud bangs of fireworks. Try leaving a some kind of white noise — like the TV or radio — on to help cover the sounds of any firework displays and give your dog something else to focus on. You can even find soothing white- noise playlists, including some specifically designed for dogs, on YouTube and Spotify. 

Comfort your dog.

Leaving your pet alone during fireworks can sometimes make them even more stressed. If you can, stay home with your dog to help them feel safer and comfort them if they show signs of stress or fear. Pet your pup with long, slow strokes along the length of their body and avoid any behaviors that seem frantic. Try to keep your voice and your movements calm and reassuring to show your dog that they’re safe with you.

Talk to your veterinarian.

If your pet’s anxiety is especially severe and none of the above solutions seem to help, talk to your veterinarian about other treatment options. Your dog may benefit from anti-anxiety medication, which your vet can prescribe, and you may also want to ask about over-the-counter options, like dog-calming treats, anxiety vests like Thundershirts, or CBD products. Never, ever give your dog over-the-counter medication without consulting a vet, and always be sure the CBD products you use are completely free of THC and approved for pets.

“Some dogs are so severely impacted by noises that anxiolytic or sedating medication may be needed to help keep them calm and prevent them from harming themselves,” Dr. Fadl says. “There are many safe options, as well as FDA-approved medication for dogs with noise aversion. Speak to your veterinarian as soon as possible about which medication may be best for your dog.” 

Clean up all used fireworks and debris.

Even after the fireworks show is over, you still need to keep your dog safe from the possibility of poisoning. Make sure to clean up all used fireworks and any debris in your yard, whether you shot the fireworks or not, before you let your dog outside again. 

Keep your dog safe this Independence Day (and every day).

Fireworks may be awe-inspiring and fun for you, but they can be incredibly stressful and even dangerous to your dog. Take precautions to help your pup feel safe this holiday and have a plan to ensure that your dog avoids the hazards of fireworks and remains happy and healthy.


How To Manage Firework Anxiety

Experiment with some of these ideas to help your dog relax even when the loud booms of fireworks are going off. 

  • Stay home with your dog (or get a sitter) after dark on big firework holidays like July 4th. 
  • Give him plenty of exercise earlier in the day, so he’s as relaxed as possible.
  • Get him out to pee and poop before the fireworks start.
  • Feed him earlier too. Lots of dogs aren’t interested in food when they’re scared. And he may get sleepier after a meal.
  • Keep your dog indoors, preferably in a basement or interior room.
  • Close your curtains or shades to muffle sound and block out firework flashes.
  • Play calming music (you can find a lot on YouTube) or keep the TV on.
  • White noise like the air conditioning or a fan can help. 
  • Try pressure wraps, like a Thundershirt, Anxiety Wrap or T-Touch Wrap. Even a tight t-shirt can help.
  • Encourage your dog to settle where he feels safest – his crate, favorite bed, or on the sofa with you! 
  • Try distracting him with games, favorite toys, a delicious raw bone or other treats.
  • Don’t be afraid to pet, massage or snuggle with your dog. Some people claim this reinforces the fear, but usually it just helps your dog feel safer and fall asleep.
  • If he needs to go out, take him out on a leash … don’t let him loose in your yard where he might panic and escape.


- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 2407.03 - 10:10

- Days ago = 3288 days ago

- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.

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