Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.


Sunday, October 21, 2018

A Sense of Doubt blog post #1339 - Ellory Queen turns TWO and is kicked out of Paradise

A Sense of Doubt blog post #1339 - Ellory Queen turns TWO and is kicked out of Paradise

Funny: I had a typo when I first wrote the title and it read "licked out of Paradise," which is also accurate.

My sweet baby puppy, who will always be my baby puppy, turns two years old today on the birthday we picked for her because she was a rescue, and we guessed.

She had a pork skin stick and some new toys for gifts. I owe Satchel because I didn't make this much fuss when Satchel turned six (though I did when she turned five).

Though I posted this next bit a day later, here's what Ellory has to say about her special day.


Paradise is in the name of the daycare. It's an awesome place. I do not mean to be too disparaging, so I am not naming the actual name or linking or anything.

So last week Wednesday, I received this text from the owner and head dog wrangler:

Hi. So I don't think Ellery can come back to the ranch anymore. Today he grabbed a puggle by the neck/back and was ragdolling her. By the time I got to them and he let go she had a puncture on her back the size of a dime. Im going to the woodland vet in a bit to get it fixed up. I do ask that you cover the vet costs via our contract. I will pay for it and send you a invoice and you can pay me. Im sorry about this but he's just a bit to unpredictable for the ranch.

I was rather shocked. Ellory is VERY sweet and gentle. In playing here at home with Noodle, she is patient, kind, and loving, though occasionally she sets boundaries with growling.

Now, granted, there are times when on walks that Ellory has growled emphatically at other dogs. There was a scuffle in which she, supposedly,  bit another dog in the face (I was later told), but I attribute the former to some leash aggression, as Ellory wants to meet the other dog and play, dogs who do not seem "right" and so Ellory is being territorial, and with the "bite" that dog was mean.

We did see Ellory really be territorial last year when Rocko lived with us for a short time, and we just let him in the house without taking time to properly introduce him and Ellory. To mark her territory and protect her pack, Ellory was ready to fight this intruder dog. But once we ushered them both outside and had them meet on a walk and sniff each other, then Ellory was fine. She and Rocko were best friends and played all the time until he, Rocko, moved out.

Ellory will be aggressive to protect others, protect her home and family, and protect herself, but she rarely initiates the aggression, and often, ultimately, will be submissive to other dogs and show them her belly.

She has socialized with other dogs since she was little at both day care and the dog park. There have never been any incidents other than just a little rough play, which is normal, especially for lab mixes.

So, I asked the owner if Ellory had to be "kicked out"? Was this a pattern of behavior? Have ther been other incidents? Or is this an isolated case?

And this was the reply:

Yeah she's had little aggressive tendencies here and there, usually when she's hyped up playing or chasing the ball. Unfortunately this time she had grabbed Libby by her back and wouldn't let go, there's about a dime size puncture and Courtney will be taking to vet. Ill let you know the outcome later today. I know she loves to come but I just can't risk dogs getting injured, I'm sorry.

Of course, I am going to side with my dog and defend her with my life.

I just wish she could explain with words.

I am certain that the other dog, a PUGGLE, was mean, smelled wrong, or Ellory was defending herself or another dog.

Luckily, we did not owe for a vet bill. Here's the wound with four staples.

So, no more day care for Ellory there, which is a shame as she loved it, came home exhausted, and every Wednesday they picked her up and brought her home. Ellory would go bonkers, making it difficult for me to open the door, and she was so excited to go that she would run into the shuttle bus without any help and jump in the driver's seat!

We're all sad about this, the owners of the day care, too, as you can read in the texts.

Just one note about Ellory. I think she's a true Empath. She seems to sense emotions and internalizes them. Of course, she prefers happy emotions. Since we moved, I cannot even swear under my breath if Ellory is within earshot as she will go upstairs and hide. Sometimes, she hides sensing my mood without me vocalizing anything. Yesterday, I spilled Ellory's dog food all over the kitchen floor. If I wasn't taking CBD, this might cause me to swear angrily. But I didn't make a sound. Ellory still left the room, worried that I might get angry. I didn't even feel angry.

Ellory may hide when I tell the other dogs "no."

Ellory is happiest playing, on a walk, or snuggling with her pack in bed all night and in the morning. She goes right back to bed after breakfast for more snuggle time.

She's a lover and a sweetheart.

I adore her, and so does everyone in her family and everyone who meets her.

Happy Birthday Ellory. 

We all love you. 

Here's how wonderful Ellory is in pictures.

Ellory Queen - adopted December 23, 2016 at nine weeks of age
ELLORY has been called a "Daddy's Girl" on more than one occasion.

I wouldn't trade her for anything.

Here's what she looks like (photo directly below) after being chastised for being naughty (escaping under the fence in the back yard).

Ellory after the fence incident 1708.30

Ellory and grandpa 1708.25 Havre, MT

October 2017

Originally from Christmas Day 2016 - 


Liesel with Ellory Queen Tower - 1612.24
 Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #537 - New family member: Ellory Queen Tower

Hi Mom, So this happened.

Liesel got a puppy for Christmas.

I wish you here to meet and cuddle with the puppy, Mom. Though you were a cat person most of your life, you appreciated cute. And Ellory is totally cute!

And assorted other posts.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Here's some of the other names we considered for Ellory:

Pahoehoe (name of a type of lava in Hawaii)
Eclipse (Clipsey)
Ayla Ranzz
Black Phyllis

Oh, and this again...........


- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1810.21 - 10:10

- Days ago = 1205 days ago

- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.

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