I try to manage my outrage. I really do.
"The American Dream can quickly become the American Lie when it only benefits select people."
Above, this is the quote that has the FOX NEWS BrainFuck Propaganda Reactionary Mind Police all in a twist with their undies in a permanent wedgie.
After all, it's their coverage that have TWO-THIRDS of self-proclaimed Republicans believing that the election was stolen from Trump, lunacy better known as the BIG LIE.
But instead, they find the Captains, everyday people from all walks of life who've taken up the mantle of Captain America to defend their communities. And for some reason, the shield thief wants them all dead. Can Sam and Steve get to them first?
Christopher Cantwell and Dale Eaglesham lead a can't-miss miniseries to celebrate Captain America's 80th Anniversary, joined by a rotating series of creative teams to tell the stories of each new Captain-starting with Aaron Fischer, the Captain America of the railways, brought to life by Josh Trujillo and Jan Bazaldua!
Things We Saw Today: Fox News Doesn’t Realize Captain America Has Always Been Political

Fox News brought out all the big guns to talk about Captain America being “politicized.” The Marvel character, who has been around since 1941, seemingly has gone too far in a most recent issue of the comic.
Michael Loftus, host of The Loftus Party and a comedian, went on Fox to talk about an important issue: The recent politicizing of Captain America. Wait, what? I’m sorry. Did I just write the “recent”? As many of us Captain America fans know, Steve Rogers was created to oppose fascism. He literally punches Nazis in the face in multiple early issues of his comics. He has constantly been someone who would have fought against every single thing the Republican party let happen for the last four years with Donald Trump, and you bet your ASS that Steve would have gone to the riots at the Capitol and pulled the domestic terrorists there out of the Capitol Building himself.
So why exactly is Fox News thinking that Captain America is … suddenly political?
Uh …I swear to god, this is a real segment right now on Fox News. pic.twitter.com/PsmJBGDgbM
— Justin Baragona (@justinbaragona) July 6, 2021
The actual clip is so much worse.
I swear to god, this is a real segment right now on Fox News. pic.twitter.com/PsmJBGDgbM
— Justin Baragona (@justinbaragona) July 6, 2021
This apparently has been a multiple segment issue on Fox News. But let’s talk about Loftus first. He says that the Left is going to come after everything that “real Americans” hold near and dear. The thing is this man is supposedly a comedian?
Dean Cain—yes, that Dean Cain, if you somehow missed who he’s become—also agrees. In fact, Cain references a DIFFERENT segment talking about this Captain America comic, but I was not subjecting myself to a third Fox News segment. My blood pressure could not handle it. But Dean Cain, you know, the man who played Superman and yet forgets everything that Superman stands for.
The quote they’re all mad about is in the issue pointing out that the American Dream can quickly become the American Lie when it only benefits select people. And I guess they’re angry that it says that the American Dream, as it was first thought to be, isn’t real. Which is the truth. The American Dream isn’t real; it’s something that was created to benefit select Americans and not every American. We’ve been told our entire lives that you can have the American Dream and that’s true largely for the white and well-off. It isn’t true for everyone and Captain America is a symbol that represents all Americans, just not the kind of people Fox News believes are the “real” ones.
Dean Cain went on and on about how great America is and how grateful we should be that we have this government, but I think he’s missing the fact that we are granted the freedom to criticize our government and try to make it better, and that we should all want it to improve. That’s part of our rights as citizens of America. So him trying to tell people to stop politicizing something or stop criticizing America is actually un-American.
What we have here is a classic case of everyone at Fox News willfully misunderstanding what things mean. They’re the same people who say that Star Wars is suddenly too woke or that Superman would agree with their right-wing politics. They completely miss the meaning of these heroes and think we’re trying to turn everything into some leftist agenda, and if we point out that they have always been this way, we’re pushing our ideas onto them. No, sorry, we’re just explaining something to you since you can’t seem to wrap your head around what’s always been on the page before you. I figured Steve Rogers literally punching Hitler was pretty self-explanatory.

They’ve always been that way. The minute Steve Rogers punched a Nazi in the face, he was political. The minute that Clark Kent stepped foot into the Daily Planet, he became a part of the “fake news” outlet that people like Fox News hate so much. But to them, they just want to complain and yell and say that we all hate America because that’s easier, I guess, than recognizing that this country is far from perfect and needs a lot of work done on it.
Please, I’m begging everyone, stop letting Fox News talk about pop culture. I’m going to go prematurely gray if we keep this up.

Fox News & Dean Cain Show They Haven't Read Captain America Either
Over the weekend, Bleeding Cool reported on what were blatant lies published by The Washington Times over the latest United States Of Captain America comic published by Marvel Comics. Well, it seems that Fox News has been happy to go along with those lies – and so was Dean Cain. It is not clear if anyone actually read the comic book they were commenting about. Fox News has stated that "Marvel is facing backlash for its latest comic, "The United States of Captain America," which says the American dream isn't real" when the comic book doesn't say that at all. It's like that the Washington Times headlined and Fox News copied, but not in the comic itself.

But when Superman actor Dean Cain was told this on yesterday's Fox & Friends, he reacted that it was the "cool, the fashionable thing to do is to bash America and to hate America… I am on the exact opposite side of the fence. I love this country. It's not perfect. We are constantly striving for a more perfect union, as we all know. But I believe she's the most fair, equitable country ever with more opportunity than anyone's ever seen. And that's why people are clamoring to get here from all over the globe."

Of course, the comic book is not on the opposite side of the fence to Dean Cain; it is just that Fox News and the Washington Times pretended it was by choosing to represent select panels, ignore those that contradict their take, and misquoting lines to justify their headlines. Cain also stated, "Supporting the flag and the red, white and blue in the United States of America makes me a revolutionary in some terms, which I'm fine with. I believe the pendulum will swing back to openly appreciating American values, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights as soon as people start studying them in school again."

Which is pretty much the Captain America comic book that they are attacking is all about. But nevertheless, Fox News has continued to retell and re-report this story ever since, despite the fact that it is based on a fallacy. Marvel Comics did not have Captain America state that The American Dream is not real. Rather he states that dreams weren't real. And while the world knows that Fox News is often out of touch with reality, that does seem to be taking it a little far.
And if the charge is Marvel Comics politicising Captain America, as they have now switched to, as before, Bleeding Cool would like to remind Fox that Captain America has always been politicised since his very invention, standing for intervention in World War II at a time when the US had an isolationist policy. And time after time over the decades has had Captain America struggle with his government, what he was meant to represent, and at three times thrown away his shield and costume, because of politics, before inevitably returning to the role. Arguably this version is far more subtle and nuanced than when Captain America used to call the United States Of America a piece of trash.
Of course, if you were looking for more politicized comic books, you should see what DC Comics is doing over on Suicide Squad…


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