We want to stop giving him attention in the news cycle.
Really, we do.
But given how he made us suffer, many of us take great pleasure in watching the truth come out that continues to show not just that he was the WORST president in the history of this country, but that he's an unhinged, sociopath with severe narcissistic personality disorder, possibly dementia, and he's kinda mean. Oh, and also a moron as evidenced by his response to planning a coup by claiming that an election is his form of coup because an election is the opposite of a coup. And then all his stupidly veiled denial: "I was never planning a coup, but if I was planning a coup, I would not plan it with General Milley."
Um. If you were never planning one then why would it matter who you would plan it with if you were indeed not planning it??? YOU MORON.
So, you were planning it just not with Milley, which wouldn't work because as he told you: "we're the guys with the guns."
This is what I don't get. Trump's bullshit is so easy to see through that I am astounded that some people cannot see through it.
It's why I keep falling back on the "this is an intelligence test" idea. Critical thinking: use it, people! ANALYSIS. It's so.... obvious. Not just me seeing what I want to see. NO. IT'S SO OBVIOUS.
Here we have two GENERALS who have astronomically more credentials, honors, and experience in the military and the federal government than Trump (who has virtually none from before he became "president"), and these generals are "over-rated" and have no "courage or skill"???
It seems their storied careers speak for themselves, but Trump doesn't like them because they opposed him and then went public with truth: Trump was a threat to the US Constitution, he admired and fancied Hitler and his tactics, and he planned a coup of the government, which ended up being an insurrection by his unintelligent and brainwashed followers, which thankfully failed.
Did I miss anything here?
Analysis reveals such a clear psychological motivation for his remarks. Trump hires people based on the opinions of those people by people he doesn't like??? Genius strategy. And probably not true, anyway.
And he's so triggered and compelled to justify again and again his little walk to St. John's Church last summer. "A walk now proven to be totally appropriate," he crowed. BY WHOM? Not by any credible, straight-shooting, smart person I know.
And so more cries of FAKE NEWS and calling writers who have won PULITZERS "third-rate," when this maroon who conned his way into the presidency has never and will never win such awards, certainly not a fucking Nobel Peace Prize, are you kidding me?
And yet, we are giving him the attention he craves because in his black heart even bad press is still attention, and he cannot validate himself without it.
Mark Milley is 1000 times more intelligent than this twice-impeached, former, loser of a "president," and he has no actual counter arguments for the things he said other than "it's fake news and never happened."
That's obviously not the case.
And then, to add insult to our injuries, the last item in today's entry shows the crazy pants seven-point plan to RE-INSTATE this charnel house horror as president somehow... something that has never been done before in the history of our country and goes against the very foundational principles of our democracy and the CONSTITUTION, which this carpet-bagging POS swore an oath to uphold. Apparently, oaths on Bibles are fake news, too. Asshole.
It's the intelligence test thing again.
Trump lost the election.
There's NO EVIDENCE to show otherwise. And the Arizona "Fraudit" isn't going to change that.
Biden won and Biden won by a lot.
And counties all over the country that usually vote red turned blue BECAUSE PEOPLE TURNED OUT TO VOTE who usually do not vote because there were many easy and accessible ways to vote, ways to vote that Republican led state governments are taking away so as to rig the next election in their favor. After all, as one republican admitted, rigging the elections through access to voting is the only way they are going to win.
SEVEN MILLION some people turned out above and beyond those voting for Donald the sociopath and his campaign of hate to vote his ass out of office.
Again the lack of critical thinking is mind-boggling.
If my secret Democratic cabal of dark money and dark government is going to rig an election, why would we just rig the presidential part when we could rig the Senate too and not have to wait for the Georgia run off, while hoping and praying, to at best achieve a 50-50 tie??? We'd just rig the Senate, too. DUH.
Why didn't that happen? Because THE 2020 ELECTION WAS THE MOST SECURE AND ACCURATE IN THE HISTORY OF THE COUNTRY, said the head of the Department of Homeland Security, who knows things about security and because not ONE JUDGE would move on any lawsuits about election fraud because there is no proof of it. NONE.
You know what? It's more likely that there was fraud in the 2016 election and that's how Trump "won" despite not winning the popular vote. We know the Russians interfered. It's more likely that he and his minions tried another fraud and scam set of schemes for 2020 and THEY DID NOT WORK, which is why Trump is in such a lather about the FRAUD AND RIGGED ELECTIONS that somehow, magically, just affected his numbers. It's why he asked Georgia officials (among others) to just "find me votes," maybe like they did in 2016 or maybe how the electoral college was rigged in 2016, something states FIXED after that election.
Trump operates on a blame the others for the thing I am doing. It's a technique created by the Russians but is also classic PROJECTION.
It's all so transparent and obvious.
I know I am likely preaching to the choir. It's unlikely you clicked and read this post if you are a Trump supporter.
Those who think like I do know all this stuff and agree.
I just needed to vent it out because it makes me so angry!
Ever since Trump stepped into the political arena seriously after coming down his escalator, we all have had to manage our outrage.
Trump unleashed all the hate and resentment by Republicans against progressive and liberal Democrats.
Remember, not all Trump supporters are racists but all the racists support Trump.
And we progressive liberals have had to manage our outrage against one atrocity after another, watching the president praise white supremacists, watching the president praise people who attacked the capital, watching the president lie about coronavirus and cause thousands more deaths than needed, learning later about all the things this asshole wanted to do and someone with balls told him no: attack Iran, use the military against American citizens engages by and large in peaceful protest, and so on.
I keep coming back to this castigation of Trump supporters as unintelligent and brain-washed (by FOX NEWS among others) even though I don't like it. I dislike making broad, sweeping generalizations that are likely not universally true, unfair, and surely pejorative. I get it. Pot? Meet Kettle.
I get it.
And I know the Trumpists will claim that I am just as duped, just as lacking in critical thinking, and just as brainwashed by the "liberal fake news media." I get it.
And yet, I just cannot understand how anyone can be duped by this two-bit, carny-show con man to support him just in their thoughts and minds let alone GIVE HIM MONEY.
His grift is so strong.
After all, politicians who know better are hitching their wagon to his gravy train because he's a rainmaker, and they have gone all in on supporting this loser even after he incited an insurrection that threatened their lives AND did not stop it for hours and hours as he gleefully watched it play out on TV.
I mean, would Trump have called off these unhinged terrorists if they had actually dragged Pence, Pelosi, AOC, and others to the gallows that no one stopped them while they erected???
They erected a gallows!
And so we manage our outrage.
What we need to do is find a way to re-direct the outrage into the means to WORK TOGETHER before we actually do have a Civil War erupt.
From how things have been going, I am not too hopeful that people can actually find a way to work together and avoid CIVIL WAR.
Okay. I have vented. I wish us luck, prosperity, empathy, compassion, openness to listen, and greater unity in the future, even though I don't think we're going to get it.

And now, a message from the former president of the GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD:
Nobody had ever heard of some of these people that worked for me in D.C. All of a sudden, the Fake News starts calling them. Some of them—by no means all—feel emboldened, brave, and for the first time in their lives, they feel like "something special," not the losers that they are—and they talk, talk, talk!
Many say I am the greatest star-maker of all time. But some of the stars I produced are actually made of garbage.
Hahahahahahahaha that loser is fucking crawling up the walls and chewing on the furniture, he is so miserable and apoplectic about all the people he used to work with who are now speaking out about what a loser Hitler wannabe sack of shit he is. He's dying.
Some people say I am the greatest star-maker machinery stoker in the history of time, but these people are not stardust, they are not golden, NO GARDEN! NO GARDEN! YOU ARE THE GARDEN!
(Apologies to Joni Mitchell, sweet Jesus.)
He's real fuckin' upset about everything Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley told Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker for their book, about how Trump reminded him of Hitler, and how Milley did his damnedest to make sure President LoserPants would not be able to seize control of the CIA, FBI, or military to mount a coup to preserve his grasp on power.
This is another statement from this very same day, from the former president of BESTEST COUNTRY EVER BALD EAGLE TEAR OH BEAUTIFUL FOR SPACIOUS SKIES AND THE HOME OF THE BRAVE!
It's a long one — former President Straitjacket has LOTS TO SAY.
Despite massive Voter Fraud and Irregularities during the 2020 Presidential Election Scam, that we are now seeing play out in very big and important States
Blah blah dumb fascist Big Lie, we get it, Stupid Hitler, please move on.
I never threatened, or spoke about, to anyone, a coup of our Government. So ridiculous!
No one actually said he said he was going to do a coup. They were worried he was going to do it.
Sorry to inform you, but an Election is my form of "coup,"
Hahahahahahaha paging Freud.
and if I was going to do a coup, one of the last people I would want to do it with is General Mark Milley.
I don't do coups, but if I did, and I'm not saying that I do, but Mark Milley wouldn't be invited to my coup!
He got his job only because the world's most overrated general, James Mattis, could not stand him, had no respect for him, and would not recommend him. To me the fact that Mattis didn't like him, just like Obama didn't like him and actually fired Milley, was a good thing, not a bad thing. I often act counter to people's advice who I don't respect.
What a way to say out loud that you're a petty, ignorant man-child with no motivations beyond trying to get back at people who are better than you. Also: THIS IS WHO WAS RUNNING OUR COUNTRY AND HOW.
In any event, I lost respect for Milley when we walked together to St. John's Church (which was still smoldering from a Radical Left fire set the day before), side by side, a walk that has now been proven to be totally appropriate—and the following day Milley choked like a dog in front of the Fake News when they told him they thought he should not have been walking with the President, which turned out to be incorrect. He apologized profusely, making it a big story, instead of saying I am proud to walk with and protect the President of the United States. Had he said that, it would have all been over, no big deal, but I saw at that moment he had no courage or skill, certainly not the type of person I would be talking "coup" with.
Mark Milley's too UGLY to talk coups with, not his type.
I'm not into coups!
In fact, around the same time Milley, in a conversation, was an advocate of changing all of the names of our Military Forts and Bases.
All of them? Guess we had no idea how close we came to presidents landing and taking off from Critical Race Theory AFB.
I realized then, also, he was a much different person than I had hoped. I said to him, "spend more time thinking about China and Russia, and less time on being politically correct."
But never during my Administration did Milley display what he is showing now. He was not "woke." Actually, I don't believe he ever was, but the way I look at Milley, he's just a better politician than a general, trying to curry favor with the Radical Left and the absolute crazy people espousing a philosophy which will destroy our Country!
You feel better now, pooky? Wanna tweet about it? Oh wait you can't. Wanna push the red button on your Big Important Person desk to get a Diet Coke to drown out all your sorrows? Oh wait you can't. Wanna have immunity from prosecution in the state of New York?
Oh wait. You can't.
These have been messages from the former president of the country with the largest economy in the world, the planet's sole superpower.
Hoo boy.
[some sad website where a blog used to be]

Books, what is it about books? Is it book season or something? Apparently it is! And apparently Donald Trump is MAD, even though he participated in interviews for pretty much all of them.
Today we're talking about what literally everybody is talking about, which is excerpts from the new book (Wonkette cut link) from Washington Post reporters Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker, called I Alone Can Fix It. The book seems to cover a lot of the same ground as the books from Michael Wolff and Michael Bender, but Leonnig and Rucker are outstanding reporters, so it promises to give us a lot of new information. For example ...
Well, for example the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff literally compared Donald Trump to Hitler multiple times in the days surrounding the January 6 insurrection Trump incited! Yep, that's what the book says.
So that's something. Weren't we just learning how admiringly the former loser president had spoken of Hitler while in office? Yep, that was in Bender's book.
At the outset we'll note that Milley has been making a lot of news lately, for instance telling congressional Republicans to shove their whining about critical race theory up their whole ass. He's represented heavily in the new book from Michael Bender. And in the Leonnig/Rucker book, Milley is quoted a lot by name, unlike the 140-some-odd other sources who chose to speak off the record. Milley is on a redemption tour, obviously well-aware his time serving the Trump administration stained his good name. But hey, at least he's talking. And his associates are confirming what he's saying.
So ... Hitler!
If people as serious as the chairman of the literal actual freaking Joint Chiefs of Staff can call Trump Hitler, so can we. Why? Because Trump is a lot like Hitler.
In the waning weeks of Donald Trump's term, the country's top military leader repeatedly worried about what the president might do to maintain power after losing reelection, comparing his rhetoric to Adolf Hitler's during the rise of Nazi Germany and asking confidants whether a coup was forthcoming, according to a new book by two Washington Post reporters.
As Trump ceaselessly pushed false claims about the 2020 presidential election, Gen. Mark A. Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, grew more and more nervous, telling aides he feared that the president and his acolytes might attempt to use the military to stay in office, Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker report in "I Alone Can Fix It: Donald J. Trump's Catastrophic Final Year."
Milley described "a stomach-churning" feeling as he listened to Trump's untrue complaints of election fraud, drawing a comparison to the 1933 attack on Germany's parliament building that Hitler used as a pretext to establish a Nazi dictatorship.
"This is a Reichstag moment," Milley told aides, according to the book. "The gospel of the Führer."
CNN's report on the book augments that:
Milley viewed Trump as "the classic authoritarian leader with nothing to lose," the authors write, and he saw parallels between Adolf Hitler's rhetoric as a victim and savior and Trump's false claims of election fraud.
Well then.
Comparing Trump to Hitler's rise in 1930s Germany? Check. Using the Reichstag metaphor for any number of Trump's actions, and always worrying something real or manufactured would happen that the wannabe dictator would try to use as a pretext to become a real dictator? Check. Honestly, the only saving grace, every time things would get really scary during the Trump administration, was the sobering moment about three days into the crisis when everybody realized Trump was too stupid to successfully take advantage of or create a Reichstag Fire moment.
The Post writes that Milley "saw himself as one of the last empowered defenders of democracy during some of the darkest days in the country's recent history," and again, yes, something something "redemption tour," especially after Milley walked with Trump to Lafayette Square last year so he could hold up Bibles he's never read while priests got gassed. (He later said he was sorry for that and that he shouldn't have done it.)
Apparently Milley was seeing all the signs just after the election:
After attending a Nov. 10 security briefing about the "Million MAGA March," a pro-Trump rally protesting the election, Milley said he feared an American equivalent of "brownshirts in the streets," alluding to the paramilitary forces that protected Nazi rallies and enabled Hitler's ascent.
Late that same evening, according to the book, an old friend called Milley to express concerns that those close to Trump were attempting to "overturn the government."
"You are one of the few guys who are standing between us and some really bad stuff," the friend told Milley, according to an account relayed to his aides. Milley was shaken, Leonnig and Rucker write, and he called former national security adviser H.R. McMaster to ask whether a coup was actually imminent.
"What the f--- am I dealing with?" Milley asked him.
So apparently in the coming weeks, Milley started talking with military brass about what they'd do if Trump started giving them clearly illegal HEREBY ORDERS. He was reportedly particularly worried when he saw Trump start firing everybody at the Defense Department and also Attorney General Bill Barr and replacing them with his own stupidest, most unqualified sycophants. (On November 11, Wonkette tried to put it all together to figure out if Trump was trying to mount a coup, or if he was sending his morons in to various departments to destroy evidence, or what. The more we learn, the more it sounds like the answer was, as we concluded at the time, probably ALL OF THEM, KATIE.)
Milley reportedly told his compatriots that if Trump's people tried to seize FBI, CIA or Defense, that "they may try, but they're not going to fucking succeed." CNN's report on the book adds that Milley said, "You can't do this without the military. You can't do this without the CIA and the FBI. We're the guys with the guns." Apparently he got up in then-White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows's face at an Army-Navy game over rumors Trump was going to fire FBI chief Christopher Wray and then-CIA chief Gina Haspel.
The authors say, "It was a kind of Saturday Night Massacre in reverse," how Milley and others were planning on all resigning one at a time, if the illegal orders came down.
He reportedly reassured everybody who called him — members of Congress, people inside the Trump administration who were themselves freaked out that Trump was going to try to seize the military to preserve power — that everything was going to be OK, hell or high water. And if these accounts are true, we sure are glad for it.
The book says after January 6, Milley was on edge, preparing for what Trump's terrorists might try to do to the inauguration of Joe Biden:
Milley told a group of senior leaders, "Here's the deal, guys: These guys are Nazis, they're boogaloo boys, they're Proud Boys. These are the same people we fought in World War II. We're going to put a ring of steel around this city and the Nazis aren't getting in."
And apparently once Joe Biden successfully said "I do" to America, Milley was extremely relieved that Milley had saved the day and Milley could go have ice cream because all the problems were solved.
Milley expressed his relief in the moments after Biden was sworn in, speaking to the Obamas sitting on the inauguration stage. Michelle Obama asked Milley how he was feeling.
"No one has a bigger smile today than I do," Milley said, according to Leonnig and Rucker. "You can't see it under my mask, but I do."
Vice President Kamala Harris, just after she was sworn in, also reportedly said to Milley, "We all know what you and some others did. Thank you." It sounds like a lot was going on behind the scenes, and Milley was indeed taking the calls from people terrified Donald Trump was going to literally destroy America to keep his power and preserve his wounded ego.
We ain't out of those woods yet, though, and we won't be for a very long time.
Other Bits 'n Pieces
There are other fun things, especially in CNN's excerpt. The book says Milley met regularly with then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and that a few weeks before the November election, Pompeo told Milley on a visit to Milley's house that "the crazies are taking over." (Pompeo SWEARS TO JESUS that didn't happen, so it's probably true.)
Also there is this very good quote Liz Cheney said to Milley, about Jim Jordan: "That f**king guy Jim Jordan. That son of a b*tch." We agree with Liz Cheney again! Apparently during the Trump terrorist attack of January 6, Jordan tried to pull some sort of "Handmaid's Tale" commander shit about how they needed to get the women out of the aisles of Congress for their own protection, and Cheney told Milley this is what she said:
"While these maniacs are going through the place, I'm standing in the aisle and he said, 'We need to get the ladies away from the aisle. Let me help you.' I smacked his hand away and told him, 'Get away from me. You f**king did this.'"
Liz Cheney is still a fucking Cheney, but we're enjoying the mental image of her smacking Jim Jordan away and cussing him to his face.
This quote from Nancy Pelosi, about what might happen if somebody with Trump's inclinations who wasn't an absolute moron rose to power, is also fun:
"We might get somebody of his ilk who's sane, and that would really be dangerous, because it could be somebody who's smart, who's strategic, and the rest," Pelosi said. "This is a slob. He doesn't believe in science. He doesn't believe in governance. He's a snake-oil salesman. And he's shrewd. Give him credit for his shrewdness."
Indeed. And he's not going away, until or unless the proper law enforcement puts him away.
We might actually read this one, or at least buy it and put it on our shelf and forget. That's what books are for.
[Washington Post / CNN]

As has been widely publicized, there was a flyer going around CPAC this weekend, detailing a ridiculous seven-point-plan for reinstalling Donald Trump as president, which involved Nancy Pelosi melting like the Wicked Witch of the West and then a "trusted conservative" replacing her as Speaker of the House, then having said "trusted conservative" prove that the election was stolen, then install Trump as Speaker of the House, impeach Biden and Harris and BOOM! Trump is president again.
The flyer appears to have been written entirely by one Robert J. Antonellis, who describes himself as an "investigative researcher and engineer" and reads:
1. Reveal ACHILLES' HEEL: Pull back the curtain on the horror show that is today's "Democrat Party". Watch Pelosi melt, like the Wicked Witch of the West. See the Black Caucus and other key groups flip, unexpectedly, and watch the tables turn.
2. Witness a trusted Conservative elected as Speaker of the House and, FINALLY, reveal suppressed results of existing investigations into election racketeering.
3. Correct the official record. Reveal that Trump legitimately won the 2020 Election.
4. The Speaker of the House drafts Articles of Impeachment for Biden-Harris.
5. Citizen Donald J. Trump is placed into the line of Presidential succession, behind the Vice President, by electing him Speaker of the House.
6. Speaker of the House Donald J. Trump then calls for a vote to impeach, charge, and remove impostors, Biden and Harris.
7. Duly impeach, charge and remove Biden and Harris, whereby rendering all acts of said impostors, while in office, null and void and of no effect! Then, duly elected Donald J. Trump resumes his rightful place as U.S. President.
It's no more or less ridiculous than any of the other plans to reinstall Trump as Dictator for Life ... until you go to the website listed on the bottom of the flyer, TrumpCard.PatriotsSoar.com and see what it is that they think is going to make Pelosi melt and the Black Caucus turn Republican. Because, oh boy, it is really something. And yes, it involves Satan and Satanic Ritual Sacrifices, because of course the fuck it does.
The plan hinges on Antonellis' theory that the "Democrat" party was built on the occult sacrifices of Martin Luther King, Jr, JFK Jr. (of fucking course) and ... Mary Jo Kopechne, whom the flyer claims represents the Virgin Mary. The plan, apparently, is to ask Nancy Pelosi about this theory and then ... I guess she's supposed to melt or something?
These are the questions. They are very normal questions.
- Nancy, will you please order investigations into these three related Occult sacrifices?
- No?! Nancy, are you Anti-Catholic? A racist? Anti-Kennedy? Or, all of the above?!
- Nancy, do you have any information about the numerous coincidences which connect Joe Biden, MaryJo Kopechne, Bethlehem and Nazareth, Pennsylvania?
- Nancy, is Joe Biden scripted as the anti-Christ?
THEN, he will ask her about her relationship with Jim Jones! And she'll be so freaked out because of how she definitely personally did Jonestown
- Nancy, what was your relationship with Jim Jones? And when did it begin?
- Nancy, have you ever apologized to African Americans for having had any association with Jim Jones and the Jonestown Massacre of over 600 African American women and their children?
- Nancy, did you create Jim Jones? Or did Jim Jones create you?!
Then, he's going to ask her if more stuff he made up is true! And also about her opinions on Charles Manson. I'm guessing we are to assume that Nancy Pelosi loves Charles Manson, here?
- Nancy, are you surprised to learn that BLM was the rebirth of the BLA? The Black Liberation Army, a support group of the Weather Underground?
- Nancy, do you think Charles Manson was a good American?
And if she can't answer them by the morning, she will be beheaded. Wait, no, that is the plot of Turandot.
ANYWAY, because I am a masochist, I watched one of the videos linked to in the PDF, and boy does it ever contain some batshit ideas. I made a list!
- The Democratic Party arranged the death of Mary Jo Kopechne in Ted Kennedy's car, because she was a "Catholic heterosexual virgin" named MARY.
- Ted Kennedy maybe wasn't driving the car in Chapaquiddick that night — it could have been the CIA! And Kennedy was forced, for reasons (of Satan) to make it look like he did it.
- Mary-Jo Kopechne's initials were MJK, Martin Luther King's initials were MLK ... and there was an L on Ted Kennedy's license plate, just like the one beginning Martin Luther King's middle name, and also the car was black. Like Martin Luther King. And these coincidence are just too strong to ignore.
- The car was a Delmont, which is a slang term for "male sodomy" (does not appear to be a thing, but I could be wrong).
- The license plate number was L78–207, and two 8s mean "Heil Hitler" ... and also that comes before 0 so H20, and that means water, which was related to Mary-Jo Kopechne being sacrificed in water, under the astrological sign of Cancer ... which makes Ted Kennedy the Zodiac Killer. Even though, according to this guy, it was a CIA guy what killed her.
- Martin Luther King was assassinated on April 4 ... and Mary-Ko Kopechne grew up in Wilkes-Barre, which is nicknamed Forty Fort (nope that's just another place in Pennsylvania) and it was named as such because it was 44 miles from the Sugarloaf massacre (again, no) ... which took place ... ON SEPTEMBER 11, 1780. Get it? Because September 11? Yeah. That's here too.
How is Joe Biden involved in this? SACRED GEOMETRY.
Right, okay, continuing with this list.
- The freemasons made the top of Delaware a half circle, and Joe Biden lived in that circle ... area.
- Also maybe the top of Delaware is the Satanic arch of Baal? Or the Grim Reaper's hook?
- Maybe Joe Biden is the actual Grim Reaper?
- Are Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff Satanic-Americans?
- Is Cancel Culture Satanists shaming good people for being good Americans?
- Boston is shaped like a hammer and sickle! Therefore, communism. Or maybe it is also a dick, the guy is not sure. One of those two things.
- You know who lives in Boston? Henry Louis Gates.
- The British still control America. Through all the Satanists.
And now we're back to Chappaquiddick!
- Chappaquiddick actually comes from British slang. Chap-pa-quid-dick. Man-father-dollar-penis. A place for men to buy sex from other men, possibly in some kind of incestuous manner. And that is why the Satanists chose to do their sacrifice there.
- There is a Nazareth, Pennsylvania and a Bethlehem, Pennsylvania ... and that is why they chose Mary-Jo Kopechne to sacrifice. And both of those towns are in between Scranton, where Joe Biden was born, and Greenville, Delaware, where he later lived.
- Probably someone from Joe Biden's freemason lodge found Mary-Jo and asked her to be a stand-in for the Virgin Mary and then somehow this led to Joe Biden being President now, but not any of the other times that he ran. I guess.
And that's just the short 15 minute one. There are others, which I have not seen yet. I guess the longer one is the one where they get into Nancy Pelosi's time in the Manson Family. And yes, I'm going to watch that, if only because I would love to know which other areas of the country are shaped like a dick.
In fact, I'm going to go do it now, so you can all have your OPEN THREAD. Hooray!
[Patriots Soar]
Do your Amazon shopping through this link, because reasons.

- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 2107.16 - 10:10
- Days ago = 2205 days ago
- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.
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