Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.


Friday, June 30, 2023

A Sense of Doubt blog post #3055 - Aeon Archives Various 2023

A Sense of Doubt blog post #3055 - Aeon Archives Various 2023 

I am off on adventures today (Friday 6/30) -- driving the Washington coast north to Aberdeen then to Olympia and home -- and tomorrow (Saturday 07/01) hiking the Lower Lewis River Falls up past Cougar.

So, a quick share today.

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This week in


Friday 26 May 2023




How to mourn a forest


The Marind people of West Papua deploy mourning not only to grieve their animal and plant kin but as political resistance


by Sophie Chao


Stories and literature


The sonnet machine


A sonnet contains an emotional drama of illusion and deception, crisis and resolution, crafted to make us think and feel


by Timothy Hampton




The myth of machine consciousness makes Narcissus of us all


by David Bentley Hart


Change and self-development


The cult of being confident and why it doesn’t help women


by Rosalind Gill and Shani Orgad


How to know if hypnosis is for you


Even experts can be confused about clinical hypnosis. So here’s all you need to help decide if you might benefit from it


by Eric Spiegel


Philosophy of mind


Do we have good reasons to believe in beliefs? A radical philosophy of mind says no


5 minutes




David Goldblatt captured the contradictions of apartheid in stark black and white


15 minutes


Thinkers and theories


A philosophy of secrets


Jacques Derrida was fascinated by the figure of the Marrano Jew, whose identity could barely be told even to themselves


by Peter Salmon




Microbes have no morals


First we learned to fear germs, then we learned to love our microbiome. But both sides get the biology basically wrong


by Ed Yong


Communication and language


Facts don’t change minds: a case for the virtues of propaganda


by Anna Hennessy


The ancient world


What wine vessels reveal about politics and luxury in ancient Athens and Persia


16 minutes




Enter a dreamy French surrealist poem, where love and reality never quite touch


3 minutes

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In past weeks the world has been astonished by the story of four Indigenous children, aged from 11 months to 13 years old, who survived in the Amazonian rainforest for 40 days after an aircrash. Our Essay this week shows that this was less a ‘miracle’ more a logical outcome of a culture of parenting which emphasises children’s capability and involvement in household tasks and looking after younger ones. Anthropologist Francesca Mezzenzana describes life in her husband’s Indigenous village with her new baby. Committed to ‘natural parenting’, keeping her baby close, and attending to his psychological and other needs responsively and sensitively, she was surprised to find all of her family and friends in the village were baffled and even worried for his welfare. ‘Natural parenting’ it turns out is a Western invention, and it’s not clear it’s the best way to raise resilient, independent children.

Also this week, a fascinating dive into the strange symbolism of the dagger for medieval Crusaders – just how did they imagine that war was an act of love? A powerful film mixing animation and re-creation conjures the terror and hope of those who fled the Cultural Revolution by swimming from China to Hong Kong. Food policy researcher Madhura Rao argues that ‘blue foods’ from the ocean (not just fish) are the answer to global hunger. And a gem from the essay archive, elucidating the life and work of Georg Simmel, whose prescient understanding of the impact of cities on modern life is still relevant today. Finally a charming short film takes us into a sculptor’s studio to witness up-close the techniques that made Renaissance artist Donatello’s work so compelling and lifelike.

– Brigid Hains, Editorial Director


Oceans and water


Here’s to blue foods


With care for the social and ecological consequences, foods from the ocean should provide sustainable protein to billions


by Madhura Rao




Warfare as mercy and love


The daggers which knights carried to the crusades help us understand why they thought of holy war as an act of love


by William Chester Jordan


Demography and migration


One story, in a sea of millions, of swimming from China to freedom in Hong Kong


14 mins




From a pencil sketch to cherubs dancing in stone – recreating a Donatello work


7 mins


Family life


Amazonian childcare


Why my Runa Indigenous family and friends found my child-centred, ‘natural’ parenting practices so strange and troubling


by Francesca Mezzenzana




Money and modern life


Sociologist Georg Simmel diagnosed the character of modern city life: finance, fashion and becoming strangers to one another


by Daniel Lopez




Toby ponders the inner lives of the sheep that roam atop his parents’ graves


6 mins

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Dear reader,

You, our newsletter subscribers, are our most dedicated audience members. You read our published articles, watch our videos and are our outstanding donors. Thank you for making our work sing with your interest and attention.

From next week we will be simplifying our newsletters so it’s easier for you to find what you are most interested in. We know that many people find this Friday newsletter very long and a little complicated.

From next Friday this newsletter will return to being simply Aeon Essays and Videos and you will continue to receive it each week as usual.

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With my best wishes,

Brigid Hains
Editorial Director


Politics and government


Models of antiquity


Radicals in the Age of Revolution saw the classical world as a common inheritance that could aid their fight for liberty


by Francesca Langer


Economic history


Matrimony and the market


The sexual revolution promised new norms of intimacy based on egalitarianism. So far, only the rich have cashed in


by Daniel Tutt




A fake-meat burger, a sex doll and a thought experiment


by Rebecca Lowe


Death and dying


Why ancient Mesopotamians buried their dead beneath the floor


by Nicola Laneri


How to handle rejection


Whether personal or professional, the sting of rejection awaits us all. These strategies can help you heal and move on


by Thomas Smithyman


Family Life


On a whirlwind morning, a couple learns if they’re facing an unplanned pregnancy


7 minutes


Dance and theatre


How a Noh mask-maker summons a lifelike face from a single block of wood


16 minutes




The art of rules


Conceptual art often confounds. The key is to understand the rules of the artwork and the aesthetic experiences they yield


by Sherri Irvin


Social psychology


Don’t let them fool you


The fear of being duped is ubiquitous, but excessive scepticism makes it harder to trust one another and cooperate


by Tess Wilkinson-Ryan




All you need to know to start skipping stones like a pro


by Julie Benda


Human evolution


Far from frivolous, cuteness is a powerful – and still mysterious – force of nature


6 minutes


The body and physical health


After losing her legs, Marie-Hélène finds freedom in scars and in dance


7 minutes

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Level 5, 100 Flinders Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000 Australia.


History of ideas


The post-linguistic turn


Analytic and continental philosophers were once united in their obsession with language. But now new questions have arisen


by Crispin Sartwell


Philosophy of religion


Reckoning with compassion


After an abuse scandal destroyed my Buddhist community, I had to reconsider what it means to live an ethically attuned life


by Jessica Locke


Death and dying


I thought I knew everything about death. Then grief struck me


by John Troyer




What is it about musical hooks that makes them so catchy?


by Tim Byron and Jadey O’Regan


How to talk to your children about sex


It’s not about one embarrassing ‘big talk’. Prepare and protect them by applying these basic principles early and often


by Eva Goldfarb


Love and friendship


When drawing your muse hundreds of times becomes an exercise in love


7 minutes


Space exploration


In the search for life, might alien ocean worlds be a better bet than Earth-like planets?


5 minutes


Night Vision: Seeing Ourselves through Dark Moods by Mariana Alessandri


A philosopher’s personal meditation on how painful emotions can reveal truths about what it means to be truly human

Princeton University Press

Political philosophy


The Swedish theory of love


All countries must balance the freedom of individuals with the demands of the community. Sweden’s solution is unique


by Lars Trägårdh




Time is an object


Not a backdrop, an illusion or an emergent phenomenon, time has a physical size that can be measured in laboratories


by Sara Walker and Lee Cronin


Philosophy of art


To master the art of close looking, learn to hold time still


by Grace Linden


Philosophy of religion


How a devout Catholic philosopher approaches the problem of evil


8 minutes




There’s transcendence in skating – just ask the man they call ‘Slomo’


16 minutes

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© Aeon Media Group Ltd 2023.
Level 5, 100 Flinders Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000 Australia.



- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 2306.30 - 10:10

- Days ago = 2919 days ago

- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.