Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

A Sense of Doubt blog post #3038 - Peter Gabriel Full Moon Updates and i/o songs Jan - June 2023 - Music on Not a Music Monday

A Sense of Doubt blog post #3038 - Peter Gabriel Full Moon Updates and i/o songs Jan - June 2023 - Music on Not a Music Monday

Peter Gabriel has reinvigorated my love of Peter Gabriel with his new music release model.

This year Gabriel is releasing one song on every full moon from his upcoming album i/o, which will be released later this year. He has shared that he has 18 tracks complete, and so many of us in fandom are wondering if his full moon releases will continue or how many tracks will appear on the album and when.

In addition to a track, Gabriel has enlisted the aid of other musical artists to do a "bright side" mix and a "dark side" mix of each (bright and dark side of the moon in case that was not clear).

Also, he matches a visual artist with each song, and he describes the music process, thoughts underlying each, and the visual artists in a monthly video, which is really wonderful for longtime fans like me who felt a strong connection with Gabriel for years, especially after a transcendent experience at his Security tour and his trust fall into the audience on "I Have the Touch."

I find it remarkable to feel a strong friend connection with these artists whom I do not know and have never met. And yet, because of their art and my longtime experience with it, I feel a kinship, a companionship, a real relationship with each of them.

On this page, you will find Gabriel's FULL MOON playlist with all his monthly video messages and the songs. I made my own playlist with the songs in order of release with the bright side mixes first followed by the dark side mixes. I had considered sharing all the videos individually, but that's too much work and these playlists work better anyway.

I also included Gabriel's June email newsletter for "Road to Joy." (Get it? Road - Ode?)

I have two other posts about this year with Gabriel's work:

Monday, February 27, 2023

Monday, May 29, 2023

Thanks for tuning in!


Peter Gabriel's FULL MOON 2023 MIX

I created a playlist with the bright side mixes first followed by the dark side mixes.

My Mix of Peter Gabriel FULL MOON sings for i/o

Peter Gabriel - Panopticom (Bright-Side Mix) 5:14 
Peter Gabriel - The Court (Bright-Side Mix) 4:21
Peter Gabriel - Playing For Time (Bright-Side Mix) 6:19 
Peter Gabriel - i/o (Bright-Side Mix) 3:53
Peter Gabriel - Four Kinds of Horses (Bright-Side Mix) 6:48
Peter Gabriel - Road to Joy (Bright-Side Mix) 5:22
Peter Gabriel - Panopticom (Dark-Side Mix) 5:14
Peter Gabriel - The Court (Dark-Side Mix) 4:21
Peter Gabriel - Playing For Time (Dark-Side Mix) 6:18
Peter Gabriel - i/o (Dark-Side Mix) 3:52
Peter Gabriel - Four Kinds of Horses (Dark-Side Mix) 6:45
- no dark side mix yet for Road to Joy - 

Back in the world!
Hi there,

Welcome to the June full moon update. June, I tell you! How did that happen?

We're now six months into our lunar odyssey and this month sees the release of Road to Joy, and first up again this month is the Bright-Side Mix, by Mark 'Spike' Stent. Some of you might know the song already, if you've had a chance to see i/o the tour, or done a little light online investigation.

Written by Peter Gabriel and produced by Peter Gabriel and Brian Eno, Road to Joy features Soweto Gospel Choir, a string arrangement from John Metcalfe and contributions from a number of Peter’s current touring band; long-time collaborators Tony Levin (bass), David Rhodes (guitar) and Manu Katché (drums) as well as two newer members Don E (bass keys), ‘he did the funkiest bass line that you can imagine’ and Josh Shpak (trumpet), ‘beautiful playing, a super musical guy.’ The song was recorded at Real World Studios, Bath, The Beehive and British Grove, London and High Seas Studios, South Africa.

‘I'm working on a project which is partly a story focused around the brain and how we perceive things and this song connects to that. It deals with near-death experience and locked-in syndrome situations where people are unable to communicate or to move. It's an amazingly frustrating condition. There have been some great books and films about this subject, but at this point in our story the people looking after our hero manage to find a way to wake him up. So, it’s a lyric about coming back into your senses, back to life, back into the world.’
Listen to Road to Joy

The song is one of the last tracks to emerge for the i/o record, but it has some DNA from an earlier project; ‘It was actually very late in the record that we got to this. There had been a song that musically I'd started, I think, around the OVO project called Pukka. It was very different to this, but it was actually the starting point for coming back to this song. I just felt there was a good groove there, and I wanted something else with rhythm and so we tried a few things when I was working with Brian Eno. The excitement and energy in the song was something that I was getting off on. I felt we didn't have enough of that for this record.’

Watch Peter's Full Moon update for June above, filmed on the stage before the show in Munch last week.
As with previous full moon releases, Road to Joy comes with an artist of the month, and for this June release that artist is Ai Weiwei and his work ‘Middle Finger in Pink’.
‘I'm a big fan of Ai Weiwei, both as an artist, as a designer and as a human rights campaigner. He's an incredibly brave man and regularly risks the wrath of the Chinese government. But his work is exceptional, often political and quite extraordinary. 
When I was hustling him, I think he had absolutely no idea who I was, so it was an uphill battle at first, but he was open to talking and we got to know each other and hang out a little bit. 
I was delighted when he agreed to being a part of the i/o project and generously sent us three designs. He has this middle finger image that he uses a lot in his work, and it is often directed to those in power. 
He's definitely been at the root end of power, as his father was before him. So that's an important symbol for him and I guess in the context of the story I am now working on, death is the dominant power, and the hero is coming back to life and raising his finger to death.’
Since the release of Four Kinds of Horses, last month, Peter has begun the European leg of the i/o tour, which is garnering rave reviews across the continent. Here's three from the UK:
"As a spectacle, it is world class”, “wondrous”, “stunningly staged and outstandingly well performed”, “[PG] sings with soul, control and undiminished power" - The Times ★★★★
"Proof that the gamble his new tour represents – “une expérience live atypique” as Gabriel puts it – is paying off” - The Guardian ★★★★
"Musically enthralling and visually spectacular… some of the most powerful music of his long career, ready to push an audience as far as it will go and ultimately reward them with something they won’t forget in a hurry" - The Daily Telegraph ★★★★
i/o The Tour - some tickets still available
Peter and band, photographed in Paris, May 2023, by York Tillyer.
Thanks so much for sticking with us to the bottom of the mailer. You're the best!

Hope you enjoy Road to Joy this month and see you at the new moon for the release of the alternate mixes.



- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 2306.13 - 10:10

- Days ago = 2902 days ago

- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.

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