Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

A Sense of Doubt blog post #3402 - ABOUT TIME: MLB adds Negro League Stats

A Sense of Doubt blog post #3402 - ABOUT TIME: MLB adds Negro League Stats

Blogger still has not fixed its text color html hot button menu items. So I am very worried with any shares that simply copying and pasting the original text will be readable. Thankfully this one is.

Today's share is about Baseball, and it's news I reported on in 2021, so, long time coming...

Some of the photos at that link are broken, as happens with so many of my previous posts. It's impossible to keep up on maintenance with over 3400 posts to review. With the one linked above, I am leaving the broken photos. Too much work to fix it.

And so after decades and decades, Josh Gibson is finally the all-time batting average leader.

Sadly, some people will say "who?" in response to that news. That's really sad.

Gibson now holds many single season records as well as detailed in the ESPN article below.

Also, sadly, only about 72% of the records from the Negro leagues are included because of spotty record keeping, though research is still ongoing and updates to the statistical record will be made.

It's about time that these great players who were not allowed to play in the "major" leagues and were persecuted despite their popularity and the popularity of their teams and leagues are included in the total statistical record for BASEBALL.

If only racism could be as easily expunged from the culture as these stats have been changed to acknowledge the greatness of players regardless of their skin color or heritage.

Thanks for tuning in.

MLB incorporates Negro Leagues statistics, shakes up record books

  • Associated Press
May 28, 2024, 08:26 PM ET


NEW YORK -- Josh Gibson became Major League Baseball's career leader with a .372 batting average, surpassing Ty Cobb's .367, when Negro Leagues records for more than 2,300 players were incorporated Tuesday after a three-year research project.

Gibson's .466 average for the 1943 Homestead Grays became the season standard, followed by Charlie "Chino" Smith's .451 for the 1929 New York Lincoln Giants. They overtook the .440 by Hugh Duffy for the National League's Boston team in 1894.

Gibson also became the career leader in slugging percentage (.718) and OPS (1.177), moving ahead of Babe Ruth (.690 and 1.164).

"It's a show of respect for great players who performed in the Negro Leagues due to circumstances beyond their control and once those circumstances changed demonstrated that they were truly major leaguers," MLB commissioner Rob Manfred told The Associated Press on Wednesday. "Maybe the single biggest factor was the success of players who played in the Negro Leagues and then came to the big leagues."

A special committee on baseball records decided in 1969 to recognize six major leagues dating to 1876: the National (which launched in 1876), the American (1901), the American Association (1882-1891), Union Association (1884), Players' League (1890) and Federal League (1914-1915). It excluded the National Association (1871-75), citing an "erratic schedule and procedures."

MLB announced in December 2020 that it would be "correcting a longtime oversight" by adding the Negro Leagues. John Thorn, MLB's official historian, chaired a 17-person committee that included Negro Leagues experts and statisticians.

"The condensed 60-game season for the 2020 calendar year for the National League and American League prompted us to think that maybe the shortened Negro League seasons could come under the MLB umbrella, after all," Thorn said.

Baseball Hall of Fame president Josh Rawitch said statistics on Cooperstown plaques would remain the same because they reflect the information available at the time of a player's induction.

Standards for season leaders are the same for Negro Leagues as the other leagues: 3.1 plate appearances or one inning for each game played by a player's team.

Gibson's .974 slugging percentage in 1937 becomes the season record, and Barry Bonds' .863 in 2001 dropped to fifth, also trailing Mules Suttles .877 in 1926, Gibson's .871 in 1943 and Smith's .870 in 1929.

Bonds' prior OPS record of 1.421 in 2004 dropped to third behind Gibson's 1.474 in 1937 and 1.435 in 1943.

Willie Mays gained 10 hits from the 1948 Birmingham Black Barons, increasing his total to 3,293. Minnie Minoso surpassed 2,000 hits, credited with 150 for the New York Cubans from 1946 to 1948 that boosted his total to 2,113.

Jackie Robinson, who broke MLB's color barrier with the 1947 Dodgers, was credited with 49 hits with the 1945 Kansas City Monarchs that increased his total to 1,567.

Among pitchers, Satchel Paige gained 28 wins, raising his total to 125.

The committee met six times and dealt with issues such as when compiled league statistics didn't make sense, such as a league having more wins than losses and walks that were missing. Researchers had to identify whether players with the same name were one person or separate, tracking dates of birth, and identify people listed by nicknames. Documenting transactions and identifying ballparks in a time when neutral sites often were used is ongoing, along with uncovering statistics for independent teams.

"We made the decision at a point in time that we became convinced that it was possible to get accurate statistics that could be appropriately integrated into our record books," Manfred said.

Kevin Johnson and Gary Ashwill, researchers who had spent nearly two decades helping assemble the Seamheads Negro Leagues Database, were included in the project.

Thorn estimated 72% of Negro Leagues records from 1920 to 1948 are included and said additional research might lead to future modifications. Thorn said a four-homer game by Gibson in 1938 and a home run by Mays in August 1948 could not be included because complete game accounts have not been found.

"Without a box score, we can't really balance the statistics," Johnson said. "Those games are kind of in limbo at the moment."

Records include the first Negro National League (1920-31), Eastern Colored League (1923-28), American Negro League (1929), East-West League (1932), Negro Southern League (1932), second Negro National League (1933-48) and Negro American League (1937-48). Barnstorming exhibition games are not included.

Some game details were obtained from newspapers that covered the Black communities. Johnson said complete accounts were found for about 95% of games in the 1920s, but coverage dropped off during the Great Depression in the 1930s and never fully recovered.


- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 2406.11 - 10:10

- Days ago = 3266 days ago

- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.

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