Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

A Sense of Doubt blog post #1667 - Radical Evolution Group Assignment

A Sense of Doubt blog post #1667 - Radical Evolution Group Assignment

Again, getting in my daily posts with assignments. that I created for school.

I made this video a few years ago to explain these technologies.


Groups/Teams formed - 9/10 (the words team and group used interchangeably)

Group work days - 9/18 and 9/20

Annotated bibliography due 9/20

Group Presentation to be delivered by the group in class - 9/23


1. Annotated bibliography [20 pts]

2. Power point [30 pts] and presentation [20 pts]

3. Follow-up evaluation of team [10 pts]


- Total point value = 80 points

- Delivery of documents - power point. Each team member loads

digital documents to Blackboard in their own account. One team member brings a single PAPER copy of the annotated bib to class 9/20 and the power point (on flash drive, downloaded from email, etc.) on 9/23. Annotated Bib and Power point are created by the group, so all copies should be identical. The evaluation is individual and each person completes her/his own.

- Document Length - Minimum of 13 slides - more detail below.

- Speakers - it’s best if all group members take turns speaking, but this is not required.

- Delivery Time Length - No fewer than SIX minutes (eight is better) and no more than TEN minutes. I will stop you.

- Sources and references - YES. Include in-text cites in “notes.”

An End reference list on the last slide[s].

- Graphics - yes! - Animation - no.

- BEWARE use of Google Drive - network proves to be slow.

- No embedded sound or videos. Too clumsy and not your work.

- Beware of putting much text or too little text on your slides.

- THE NOTES feature is required. Use it to stash text and cites not on the slides. The text need not be verbatim what anyone says but can be key points, quotes, facts, or lists of ideas. Use your judgement.


A bibliography is a list of references to sources. In MLA form, this part is called WORKS CITED. “Annotated” means with annotations, which are notes, so “with notes.” Teams create a single document listing sources in MLA form as per WORKS CITED FORMAT in alpha order followed by “annotations”: SHORT summaries of the content of the source and a description of how the source is used in the presentation.

I plan to review and approve these in class on 9/20.

The annotated bibliography contains a minimum of seven sources as per the content details of the presentation (forthcoming).

CAUTION! Some source listings (such as those found via a library database) may provide summary abstracts. These make good guides but cannot be copied or quoted in anyway. Write your own summaries.


Part One - Each team will be assigned a section of the Radical Evolution book and a technology. Explain your assigned technology in some depth. Summarize assigned part from Radical Evolution book and situate the section in the larger context of the book. Extract two sources used in the passage and elaborate with something not shared in the book.

Part Two - Present three advances, applications, or forecasts made since 2005 for your assigned technology. Three sources required to support this part one for each advance et al.

Part Three - How could this technology kill us? How can we prepare to avert disaster? Two sources are required in support of this part. These sources may detail two ways the technology kills us or just two needed sources to explain one way. Use your judgement. The sources might also target how we may prepare to avert disaster, or you may have to use creative extrapolation.


- 10 pts

- Load to Blackboard only via this assignment’s submission tool.

- Write at least a paragraph informing me of the work you did for this assignment and the work your group members completed. Be as detailed as you feel you need to be. Cover for slackers if you wish. I will sort out how grades need to be done.



CONTENT: You are being graded on content, but you should put some thought into not over-stuffing slides with content.


You can deliver some content OUT LOUD from notes but don’t read notes verbatim.

Put extra content not on slides in the power point notes feature, which I will see when you share the ppt file with me.


1 - Nanotechnology - ch. 5 - (pgs. 135-185 [50])

2 - Robotics - prologue & ch. 6 - (pgs. 3-13 & 189-225 [49])

3 - Info Teach (AI) - ch. 4 (pgs. 87-131 [44])

4 - Genetic Engineering - ch. 2 & ch.3 (pgs. 17-44 & 60-83 [50])

5 - Nanotechnology - ch. 7 and epilogue (pgs. 229-273 [44])

- IN TEXT CITES - the notes feature should also share in text cites of your source use for my assessment.

Slides should emphasize the point you are making and share evidence in some way.

Graphics are encouraged if not required. Some grade elements based on slide design

Sources - REQUIRED.

See the power point content parameters of sources, which should be credible.

All sources must have authors that you can name.

One ideal source for “advances” (etc) is Ray Kurzweil’s site:

Part three may use Internet sources, which should be authored, also; however, in some cases the author may be using a handle, such as “Archuman.” Exceptions to the author policy may be made for part three. Not for parts one and two.

MORE ON SOURCES: Name the sources as you introduce evidence, IE. “According to....” or “Bill joy fails to understand that...”

and other signal phrases. GOOGLE search “signal phrases.”

Like this one -

SPEAKING: Take turns talking or have one person speak. As you wish. Present the arguments and your evidence. Fill the ten minute time frame as best as you can. Your group will be graded on speaking for more than six minutes. It’s okay if I have to stop you.

TIME: Use all of your time. I want you to end very close to ten minutes or require me to cut you off. I will signal a nine minute and a nine minute thirty warning.

Have fun. This should be a fun intellectual exercise. It should also feel like fulfilling and comprehensive culmination of reading and preparation for a solo work.

GRADING: This is a group effort, so the group receives one grade.

As such, group members make individual decisions as to whether to cover for other group members who do not do their part. I know nothing unless students report lack of activity on the part of a teammate. You are all in this together, unless you’re not: you decide. 

In the past we have had slow downs with loading Google slide content. Native files work better. Flash drives are ideal and speediest. Email to yourself or some other file upload as a back up.

Power points FILES (not Google doc links) should be submitted TO Blackboard by EACH participating group member. If this works as it should, then all the power point files from the same group should match.                 

Additional instruction will be given via announcements and in class sessions 9/11, 9/18, and 9/20. Stay tuned!


- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1909.11 - 10:10

- Days ago = 1530 days ago

- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.

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