Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.


Sunday, March 21, 2021

A Sense of Doubt blog post #2224 - The ABCs of Comic Books

A Sense of Doubt blog post #2224 - The ABCs of Comic Books

Hello, still catching up from Grading Hell, and stupidly making a post here that will be a little time consuming though not too difficult.

I have done cover galleries before, but I hit on the idea of doing one by the alphabet, restricting myself to one per letter, though I am cheating four times (counting the one above), so there are 30 images here, which is a good number.

The presentation will be in early elementary form, A is for the Amazing Spider-Man as we see in the topper image.

Here we go.


Maybe I had this idea because this comic book cover from an early issue of Adventure Comics popped up on Facebook, and I ADORE the Legion of Substitute Heroes.


Or the idea came from this issue, as I have been reading Marvel's re-establishing of the Black Knight, which makes me happy as he is one of my favorite non-Franchise characters. I saw this issue on my screen saver, and this may be how I came to this idea, which may have been re-affirmed by the Adventure Comics issue. The alphabet is everywhere. I could not find this issue as it was filed in my folder under Marvel Super-Heroes, and I never think to search, so I chose Bite Club, as I love that cover by Quitley. So here's a two-fer. I am going to try to do just one cover per letter and not the obvious choices.


Captain Action was a toy in my childhood, around the time of Kindergarten, and DC did the short run of comics (six issues). This was my favorite cover. GIL KANE was so awesome!

D is for Daughters of the Dragon

As I claimed, I wanted to choose the unexpected (and as you will see Unexpected), and so instead of D is for Daredevil, Defenders, Doctor Strange, or Detective Comics, Dis for Daughters of the Dragon and this GREAT Khari Evans/Palmiotti cover. Beautiful. Misty Knight and Colleen Wing were always my favorite characters of the Iron Fist comics.

E is for Epic Illustrated

E is for Epic Illustrated, Marvel Comics' magazine of creator-owned work. Also, I did my college internship with the good people of this magazine: Archie Goodwin (RIP) and Jo Duffy among a few others.


I know I said I would make the less expected choices, but come on. If you know me or are a reader, you know of my love for the first family of comic book superheroes, the Fantastic Four. My love for them goes back as far as Captain Action comics as the FF had a TV show about the same time.

So many great covers to choose from. I wanted one that showed them all. This John Byrne cover fills that need, and it's one of my favorites.

G is for Green Lantern/ Green Arrow

Maybe this one is expected, though I could have gone with Guardians of the Galaxy, Grayson, Grendel, or newer comics like Godland or Gideon Falls, but this Denny O'Neil and Neal Adams run of the Lantern and the Arrow of Green in the late 1960s is too epic to ignore.

H is for Hawkman

I love Hawkman because I love all characters with WINGS but especially this winged hero (and Hawkwoman). The headdress/mask is something that I find iconic and one of the best in all of comics.

I is for Iron Fist

Of course, as I mentioned with Daughters of the Dragon, I loved this comic and this hero and his cast. Another John Byrne cover. I think it's the only other one.

J is for Justice League

I had to look up the cover artist here (Jim Starlin) because I did not recognize the work, but it's a Starlin that does not look like Starlin. This is a good cover with many of heroes depicted and one of those challenges that appear to be a conflict among the heroes. This June 1980 issue of JLA checks the boxes. Is that Zatanna in the background in the upper left near Green Lantern in some new costume?

L is for the Legion of Superheroes

I know I shared about the Legion with A for Adventure, but that issue showcased was the Legion of  Substitute heroes. I ADORE the Legion of Superheroes as anyone who knows me will attest. Don't ask me how many passwords I create feature the first names of these characters in some way! Don't go crazy. You cannot hack any of my accounts by typing just Salu or Imra. But you only know those names if you know these wonderful stories and their characters.

M is for Mai the Psychic Girl

M could have been for Mad Magazine, but I am keeping to strictly comic books. I could have chosen Man of Steel, Manhunter, or anything MARVEL. I could have chosen MYSTERY IN SPACE that I have been wanting to as a post for some time. But I have always loved Mai the Psychic Girl. This was one of the very best reading experiences in my comic reading history.

N is for New Gods
Saying that this cover gallery needs more Jack Kirby is like saying that this rendition of "Don't Fear the Reaper" needs more cowbell. Of course, it does.

I was a huge fan of Kirby as a young boy because of THE FANTASTIC FOUR, but then when he went to DC, I had mixed feelings. I did not like his return to Captain America when he returned to Marvel but The Eternals  one of my favorite comic books of all time (new post soon!).

Now, in hindsight, I love it all.

O is for Once and Future

This cover gallery also needs newer comics, like this one, by one of my current favorite writers, Kieron Gillen. "Once & Future" is a reference to Once and Future King in case that's not obvious. This is a GREAT comic and always hits near the top of my stack each month and not just because it's always a fast read.

P is for The Phantom Stranger

I did two posts on the Phanton Stranger not long ago: here and HERE.
Some of the best stuff in all of DC Comics, especially with DEADMAN co-starring, a character that could have been my D feature easily.

Q is for QUESTION (and Q-LOC)

I have been using my own personal folder of comic book images for this post, and I am sad to say that I had nothing under Q except the second image from a comic book two of my friends did for a company back in Kalamazoo: Q-Loc. But The Question is far more popular, so I added him even though I am not a huge fan.

R is for Robin

I just did a big post on ROBIN after finishing the 80-page anniversary special. One of my favorite characters, especially the original, Richard Grayson.

S is for Silver Surfer

Created by Jack Kirby!! Amazing cover here by John Buscema from the formative years of my childhood.

T is for Teen Titans

Because this is tied for my favorite DC comic ever with Legion. And this cover... How awesome. This iconic image gave me the conception for the splash page of a submissions I created with a friend to pitch a comic that brought back the original Teen Titans. We met with the Titans editor. But it was a no.

U is for Unexpected

Because, awesome, right? Especially these 100 page giant issues. Loved those! Love that DC is bringing them back for anniversary specials.

V is for The Vault of Horror

While we're on the subject of awesome comics like Unexpected, there has to be an EC comic in this cover gallery (though there should also be a romance comic with art by Matt Baker but I chose against it).

W is for Walt Disney's Comics

What more do I need to say?

X is for X-Men

What else would I do here? Duh. The Uncanny X-Men was almost U, though.

Y is for Young Avengers

I was not sure what I would do for the Y comic. And another Kieron Gillen pick! Yay! Also, Jim Cheung is among my favorite current artists, and I had not seen this variant. Love it!!

Z is for Zatanna

I did not have a Zatanna comic, just this image directly below. So that's why there's another extra image.


- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 2101.21 - 10:10

- Days ago = 2088 days ago

- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.

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