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Tuesday, January 11, 2022

A Sense of Doubt blog post #2520 - Porn stars are athletes, and they have the injuries to prove it

ROMI RAIN - https://www.businessinsider.com/porn-star-making-five-figures-from-home-during-pandemic-2020-8

A Sense of Doubt blog post #2520 - Porn stars are athletes, and they have the injuries to prove it

Just a share today.

Busy at work.

Continuing the series of "we have to do better."

We have to transform the Puritan judgements against those who work in the sex industry and acknowledge the important work that they do for which they are constantly villified.

If the pandemic has taught us nothing else as a culture, it has taught us how many people rely on pornography as a form of escapism and entertainment.


Porn Stars Are Athletes and They’ve Got the Injuries to Prove it

The similarities between athletes and porn stars don’t end there

Ash Jurberg

Source: Adriana Chechik Instagram

I have a really fucked up neck now. I have a pinched nerve and my C6 and 7 [parts of the spine] are out of place.”

That quote could have come from an NFL footballer, an MMA fighter, or an Olympic skateboarder. To be honest, if it had it wouldn’t have captured my attention.

Instead, it came from porn star Adriana Chechik. She was being interviewed on a podcast and as she was listing off the injuries she has suffered on set, she sounded like a retired sports veteran.

In addition to the injuries above, Chechik has also suffered a slipped disc and, disturbingly, once her “brain stem actually came out of [the] pocket a little bit”. Yes, she suffered a brain injury while working on an adult film.

I think Perez Hilton said it best when he said, “holy shit… We’ve heard of people fucking their brains out, but we didn’t think it was a real concern!”

I was aware that porn stars suffer from mental health issues. I also expected some concerns around sexually transmitted diseases and infections. But I had never thought of the physical impact on their bodies.

They put their bodies through a lot of stress — not dissimilar to the way professional athletes do. And the more I researched, the more I found the similarities between these occupations.

A doctors note gets you out of gym class

Like any athlete, porn stars don’t want to miss a big game — or in this case a big scene.

Once after an injury, Chechik was due to participate in a group orgy. She saw her doctor to see if she could still participate in the scene. Unfortunately, her injury was so bad, the doctor told her to take a 12-month absence from filming orgies. Can you imagine getting a doctor’s note for this?

Dear Porn Producer

Please excuse Adriana for having wild sex with multiple people. She is unable to participate at this time.

Dr. Nick Riviera

As Chechik explains it:

“He was like, ‘Can you please just wait one year for this? Can you let your body heal appropriately?’ And I was like, ‘No, I have to do it.’ He was like, ‘Please, just treat yourself right!’”

Just like a star athlete she didn’t want to sit out and seemingly ignored medical advice.

Injury substitution

Back in 2015, Chechik first touched on the injuries that she has suffered during work. She was asked in a Reddit AMA about the worst experience she had suffered on set.

The time I was injured during a shoot. I pushed myself so far and my body just gave out. I was so upset because I couldn’t finish the shoot. For me, I hate leaving things unfinished. To this day the scene is still not done.”

Chechik certainly puts her body through a lot of stress for her work. I was amazed to hear how much toll she puts on her body.

So what can adult movie stars do to reduce the chance of injury?

Preparation and training

If you want to be the best you need to train and just like athletes porn stars need to train.

They even have their workouts featured in Fitness Magazines.

Aussie porn star, Stirling Cooper listed his daily workout which includes a lot of Kegel exercises to strengthen his pelvic floor or pubococcygeus muscles.

If you want to train like a porn star then you can follow Stirling’s workout below.

  • To start, you should do 50 Kegels every morning in the shower. It’s important to do this without an erection when you are a beginner.
  • For those of you who have never done a Kegel before, it’s like when you are urinating and hold off midstream. Stirling advises holding each contraction for three to five seconds.
  • Build each day by 10–20 reps until you are doing 200 reps a day.

Just like heading to the gym for the first time in months, Stirling advises starting slowly and working your way up to 200 Kegels a day as the muscle will fatigue quickly.

Once you master this you can move on to what I call ‘Professional Mode.’ This is when you level up and perform erect Kegels — which is the same exercise but with an erection. Or as Stirling says “moving [to] a heavier weight.

At this level, he advises doing 1000 Kegels a day.

In addition to working their sexual muscles, most porn stars spend a lot of time working out. But also rehabbing after their performance.

For example, Chelcik has an ice bath after every day of filming.

I believe I can fly

Like most occupations, workplace injuries are often covered by workers’ compensation.

Porn actress Andre Shakti said that she once tore her “rotator cuff during a pornographic wrestling match .” She applied for and was awarded workers’ compensation for the injury.

One injury that wasn’t covered by workers’ compensation involved porn star Janice Griffiths and millionaire douchebag Dan Blizerian. In a shoot for Hustler Magazine, Blizerian grabbed Griffiths by the crotch — a move favored by former President Trump — and threw her off a roof and into a swimming pool.

Griffiths hit the edge of the pool and broke her ankle. She then tried to sue Blizerian for $85,000.

In response to the claim, Blizerian’s lawyer sent this letter.

[Griffiths] was under contract to Hustler and agreed with Hustler’s request that she be photographed while being thrown off the roof. I always thought that this kind of thing was Photoshopped instead. Perhaps Hustler’s editorial standards would not permit it. Perhaps she insists on doing all her own stunts. I really do not know.

In all events, she agreed. Very few people I know would make that choice. But there it is. And chronologically, she’s an adult competent to make it. Hustler and your client asked Mr. Bilzerian to be the thrower, and we can all agree that was the better end of the deal.

Like your client, the facts of the claim won’t, quite, fly.

A brutal legal letter indeed.

And yet another example of the shocking injuries that abound in this industry.

Performance-enhancing drugs

It’s probably no surprise that the use of performance-enhancing drugs (PEDS) is common for adult movie actors.

Just like athletes are tempted to use PEDs to perform better or recover from injuries faster, so are male porn stars. They are often required to film long, exhausting scenes and maintain their ‘readiness’ for hours. If they can’t perform they can be replaced by a younger, fitter actor.

One drug they turn to is Caverject, an erectile dysfunction drug that gets injected directly into the penis.

This can have serious consequences.

Porn star Rico Strong shared some very graphic posts to social media as he underwent an operation for priapism. Priapism is the prolonged erection of the penis —in Strong’s case after he had injected Caverject into his penis he had been “solid as a rock for 18 hours.

He had to have a surgical incision to drain the blood from the penis. HIs Facebook post showed his penis with two large needles stuck into the end.


Urologist Tobias Kohler described it as “akin to having a heart attack of the penis.”

Rico Strong’s use of PEDs sounds far more painful than Lance Armstrong's.

The crossover stars

So with many similarities between professional athletes and professional porn performers, it’s not surprising that some have moved from one profession to the other.

Melo Imai represented Japan at the 2006 Winter Olympics as a snowboarder where she suffered a serious wipeout in the event. She quit the sport to move into porn — obviously not aware that there was still a chance of serious injuries.

Here in Australia, Renee Gracie was the first-ever full-time female V8 Supercars driver and looked to have a long-term motor racing career ahead of her. Instead, she chose to quit the sport to become a porn star which resulted in a huge increase in income for her. Interestingly she is considering racing again.

And of course, some make the move from porn to sports. There are a number of boxers, wrestlers, and MMA fighters who started out in movies but in some sports, it can be hard to make the transition.

Kazuhito Tadano performed in a gay pornographic movie which made it hard for him to sign on with a professional baseball team in his native Japan. Eventually, he was signed by the Cleveland Indians in the American Baseball League and has had a long playing and coaching career across several leagues.

Painful dedication

Earlier this year, Adriana did another Reddit AMA and again the topic of injuries came up. This time it was a different part of her body and one that has now suffered long-term damage.

“So shooting anal so much has actually put a tad of scar tissue in one part of my hole. However, it’s tiny and is something that doesn’t affect my current shooting.”

I guess the ice baths can only do so much.

While I never imagined the life of a porn star to be glamorous, I was very surprised by what I found researching this article. The physical toll these actors are putting on their bodies is akin to any professional athlete.

I also regret looking at those images of Rico Strong’s blood drained and syringe-filled penis.

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- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.

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