Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.


Friday, January 21, 2022

A Sense of Doubt blog post #2530 - Various Research Project Preparation Yummy Goodnesses

A Sense of Doubt blog post #2530 - Various Research Project Preparation Yummy Goodnesses

And so, LUCKILY, I have a treasure trove of valuable lessons on video to share with my students.

When I moved classes online this week, I decided to saddle them with three additional videos to make up for a loss of instruction.

They have to do a translation process as the videos, from SPRING 2020, have different requirements, which may make students SALTY that two years ago students had to write fewer pages and find/use fewer sources. AND YET, students should know that I made the changes for THEIR OWN GOOD as I talk about fifteen pages being the "sweet spot" for content, and I am right.

I think the videos are pretty good and informative despite the differences in the course, now, two years later.

In video #09, I think I am even pretty funny with "this is how learning happens" and "hey, vicious rumor, we're trying to educate you."

I am still re-watching the videos because I am going to give them a quiz on the videos and the research project.

And now I have just found that ZOOM was not doing transcripts yet... SIGH. So, I really do have to rewatch my videos CLOSELY and not just on my phone when I am making oatmeal for breakfast.

ANYWAY, here's the links, and below my picture, there's lots of notes and the pod players plus the usual extra stuff: DEVO!


Video 08 - English 102 Starting Research pt1 and the Working Bibliography

Video 09 - English 102 Research Project Overview

English 102 Vid13 Research WB Lenses CREDO VIDEO

Greetings writers, Here's assignment #4 and some videos I am reusing that I made in the Spring. Often I even acknowledge that  I might reuse these videos, so do the translation, especially if I am talking about a simple one part subject, like "anxiety," as opposed to the two parters you're working on.

Submit notes that are at least two pages strong if not longer. Bonus points?? Possible.

Include the secret words. I do not do that with you, but they are included to check that you are watching. :-)

Let’s go spelunkling!!! (photo from APE CAVE)



Greetings writers!!


Two videos collected together in this assignment and over eighty minutes of yummy, educational goodness. The sets of videos for the week are more and more like a week of CLASSES to attend and absorb as part of the thing we do called learning. Fair warning, I get extra goofy in the second video (Revolution #9); it’s probably the take away curry.

What me worry?

Are we not men? We are DEVO.

Yeah, so these two videos will be one assignment. Make notes. And then post them. I will give you a week. This one’s more important so I will be making it worth more points.


I give you some of my notes here. But first...


NO SECRET WORDS!! I forgot to do secret words. So just notes. However, for possible extra points answer these questions.


Bonus Question for VIDEO 08 - For what is the author of the first library source famous?


Bonus Question for VIDEO 09 - What did I just eat for dinner?

Or (since I just gave that one away) what does AMBER call the project? Text I found and have since edited out and so now it only exists in this video?

A Sense of Doubt blog post #1565 - De-evolution: Know the Truth - a Musical Monday Mix for 1906.03

VIDEO 08 - English 102 Starting Research pt1 and the Working Bibliography

Video 09 - English 102 Research Project Overview





- THINK of the scope of the project and topics that you MAY wish to explore.



- put in the hours - 20+ hours

- The research informs the writing

- The research may shape the argument - the value of being neutral

- The research creates the content

- lenses

- topics

- scope

- This class exists to get you thinking about sources and their value. To do this work, you have to find and evaluate sources.


- AS SUCH, a working bibliography needs to be a playground for a lot of sandbox structures some of which become full size castles and others that return to granular form.


- Let’s work an example


- Take an example: LIFE ON OTHER PLANETS


- Good research question: is there life on other planets?

- Simply a yes or no question, right? But in creating a project and ultimately an ARGUMENT, we need to make the answer more complex for instance this distinction -


just “organic” life vs. INTELLIGENT life


- Our goal is to gather information to establish the scope of the project and if we need to broaden or narrow






- Nasa’s claim - life found by 2020

- exoplanets

- search with climate

- search outside the solar system


- Always review the WIKIPEDIA page


- rant on WIKIPEDIA......... :-)


- review

- look at “see also”

- look at references





- Start to gather sources and sort them into categories on your working bib page.


- When I do it, I just dump promising links on a page and then review them in batches. As I identify ones I might use, I just convert to full MLA references and at least rough draft the annotation. I dump others into a “maybe later” category for materials that I MIGHT use if I need to inject my work with more sources


- Most students just use the INTERNET and though the Internet is convenient and rich with content, it’s full of unreliable and actually completely false “information.”


- we must rely heavily on use of the school library, then, for obvious reasons.


- At some point, I shift to the LIBRARY for part of my searching. You don’t want to wait TOO LONG to do this part.


I am going to show a quickie of library searching but our full LIVE ZOOM MEETING will happen Monday May 4th and so it will be more in depth.


Quickie library - peek - quick look at scholarly also



AT THIS STAGE, we start to think about EVALUATING SOURCES and our thought process as you begin to gather sources


and so...


RESEARCH - Amber Lemiere



click tabs - quick review of all

- we will go into greater depth on each of these


Finding Sources


Evaluating Credibility


Source Types


Overcoming Obstacles


Back to some more searching and add sources to




and show updating discussion, also known as a DB for Discussion Board.


End video #8




- Look at Curious Researcher - week by week process




- the purpose

- deadlines

- length

- numbers of sources and types

- argument structure!

- Focus

- Lenses

- sources and documentation


- opening - multi-P intro

- VOICE - future RN

- ending - killer last line


- annotated bibliography

- stages for work


- main things: top ten, SIP, etc.


- EXPECTATIONS - explain one-by-one - rubric


- grading rough draft (40%), final (40%) anbib (20%) of 60% of course grade


- show rubric for project and anbib





Some IMAGEs from -

Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #1112 - Throwback Thursday and Trip Report for 1809.06

last two from -

Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #976 - Comic Book News, Dog Walks, and Recovery - Throwback Thursday 1803.08

image from -




Greetings writers!!


“He Got Game”




A Sense of Doubt blog post #1424 -  Reparations and Redemption - a Musical Monday Mix for 1901.14

Here’s my pitch to either look at this post linked above for the music alone but also because it would make a good research subject, though I am pleased with most of the choices. Check it out; it may inflame a passion in your heart of hearts.


Think about it.




don’t forget secret word


stories of last semester

- anxiety

- AI

- life on other planets

- JFK assassination








- Define subject

- Look for keywords - working knowledge

- questions, word clouds, brain storming

- Research: general encyclopedias, Internet, Library Databases

- key word search, find more key words, search again, repeat^##

- what is out there? - overview of studies

- organize - categories, lenses, perspectives

- working thesis or multiple possible theses - reserve judgment

- claims and counter-claims (the worthy opponent)

- variety of source types (Amber’s page)

- considering credibility (bias, assumptions, credentials)

- annotating: summarizing, evaluating



- PLAN - some kind of outline







- Getting Started with Research

- Searching for Information

- Pre-Test - Information Literacy

- Sources of Information

- Evaluating Information


NON-CREDO  - (more on these next week)

- Rhetorical Process

- Thesis Statements



Today - mostly - Getting Started with Research plus


Amber’s pages




with peeks at the others - all peeks now

source types and evaluating sources in a future video (next week)


GOAL: working bibliography - research - define



First, let’s look at three samples


- Porn addiction

- Death and Funerals

I made a module for samples and a page for these samples:

Working Bibliography Samples


Look at three levels of work and organization

- annotations complete and thoughtful


- MUST sort WB and categorize sources with thoughts of variety, credibility, claim and counter claim, primary and secondary, meeting requirements, official, expert, etc.


SO HOW do we get there?




- Good research question - have more than one?

- Always be skeptical of canned content and ASK ME

- Immediate puzzle - values based question vs “legitimate research question”

- What’s the problem here?


- second element - not collectable - I disagree

Sure, we cannot answer the question- but is that the point?

- You are to make an argument


- Third - has already been answered - sort of - we like unique

But look at my three samples

- Look at the ideas being pursued in this class




- Think critically about it - best sources

- workplace - can you synthesize and disseminate

- PATTERN RECOGNITION - look for patterns

- key takeaways


Some of these quizzes are WHACK - do not take them too seriously

Research process

- General area of interest - thesis?

- concept maps - ideas & keywords

- Thesis statements need to answer your research question and explain how or why...

... um, yeah but

- not stuck with research question


SEEMS to present research for persuasive writing SEPARATELY from research in general



rhetorical triangle - ethos, pathos, logos

etc. - show this tutorial and riff


- examine data collection technique

PATHOS - stories are powerful - Tyrion told us that

But stories alone are not enough

ETHOS - consider reliability



But know what it is that you found

Do not mistake opinion for fact

be savvy about how facts are expressed and where they derive



Is there more of what you consider counter claims?

Change your position?


Not crazy about the “Creating a Research Plan” video


“Framing a problem” is a good video

- have an open mind

- frame and re-frame your main question or questions

- think critically


SEARCHING INFORMATION module is very good and area that we have covered in part before



........and so .............


...... on ward........


........... more from AMBER’S PAGES in the next video.



In solidarity, safety, health, and wellness,

peace in our times,

-chris tower, LCC Lang&Lit faculty,

your friend in learning

“Always look on the bright side”



- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 2201.21 - 10:10

- Days ago = 2394 days ago

- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.

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