Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.


Monday, September 25, 2017

Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #811 - Slow Dancing Society - Musical Monday 1709.25

Hey, Mom! Talking to My Mother #811 - Slow Dancing Society - Musical Monday 1709.25

Hi Mom,

I had previously posted an item on THE SLOW DANCING SOCIETY, which I discovered via the HYPNAGOGUE podcast, which I have been listening to A LOT lately. It's my main go to music.

I strongly recommend THE HYPNAGOGUE PODCAST, a biweekly foray into ambient, contemporary, new age, whatever you want to call it, quiet drift, flow, music.

There's always good flow from John Shanahan and the Hypnagogue podcast, and he's posted 219 episodes so far. Astounding!!

Following this review of John's of this album from THE HYPNAGOGUE REVIEWS PAGE by THE SLOW DANCING SOCIETY is a repost of my previous item.

This is Musical Monday for 1709.25.

I am in the flowstate.


Try the music, you'll like it.



Slow Dancing Society, The Wagers of Love and Their Songs from the Witching Hour

No one can accuse Slow Dancing Society (Drew Sullivan) of skimping on the music on The Wagers of Love and Their Songs from the Witching Hour. Sullivan offers up a full 19 tracks over 74 minutes, packed with his signature sound, a warm, round, and lovingly echoed guitar style that has held my attention since I first heard it many albums ago. The Wagers of Love… also finds Sullivan taking this style into new places and shapes, lifting it out of its usual atmosphere of dreamy melancholy and crafting a full-band sound on several tracks–and it all works. There are places here where, even as a long-standing SDS fan, I find myself surprised at moments of rock power, bluesy shreds, and even a little bit of smooth jazz sax. “Greenwood Boulevard” is packed with all the familiar SDS essentials: that tone, a pizzicato accompaniment, tons of sweet soul, gritty riffs, and an indescribable background wash that’s a sure identifier of Sullivan’s sound. In spots he lays out trills that feel like nods to Mark Knopfler. He cranks up the blues on “Evening Falls,” carving those lines out of a starting source of misty drifts and the requisite melancholy. A hit of unexpected sax and drums, and you start to feel those blues creep in until Sullivan opens up a short, sweet, slow-hand solo. There are many of those out-of-nowhere moments to enjoy. There’s a spot in “Turning In” where a sudden burst of wah-loaded goodness drops some hefty hell, yeah potency. “Are You Still There” moves from its initial quiet and moody state to develop a smooth sense of casual funk. You’ll hear the guitar’s cool gangster lean when it slides in. Aside from these ear-catching moments, what comes through as clearly as always on a Slow Dancing Society release is the incredible depth of feeling. Sullivan is a very emotive player, finding something to say with every note that rings with an amazing sense of personal relevance. These are thoughts we’ve had, things we’ve been through, moments we’ve experienced, and it takes these notes to pull them up. Even the soulful heartbreak sax that closes everything out in the last moments of “Love Isn’t Love Until It’s Passed” manages to take what could be a bit of a cheesy smooth jazz sound and make it meaningful.
There’s so much to listen to on The Wagers of Love…, and all of it’s good. Is 19 tracks a little exorbitant? Maybe, and some listeners may not prefer to take in so much of Sullivan’s signature style all at once–there is the risk of sameness. Personally, I can never get enough of this sound, and I think there’s enough variation and playing with the core idea to keep it from getting stale. Deep down, I think what you’re hearing is the sound of a talented musician really, really enjoying himself. I believe you’ll enjoy it, too. A lot.
Available at Bandcamp.

Weird, I posted this entry almost a year ago to the day!


Something different for Musical Monday today. All one artist.

You can't help but like this music, even you Mom. It's so beautiful. Achingly so.

I found this artist via the Hypnagogue podcast.

I was instantly captivated as the artist who is Slow Dancing Society named two of my favorite artists as his touchstones: Brian Eno and David Sylvian:

As with Brian Eno’s finest moments and David Sylvian’s ambient explorations, Slow Dancing Society music manages to dissolve its temporal markers and speak about moments removed from time. It talks to the delicious flaws of memory and feeling whilst never sullying itself with literality or simple documentation.

Contact Cam at Hidden Shoal for all licensing enquiries - cam [at]hiddenshoal.com 
I am planning to buy the entire catalogue from Cam when I get the chance. But meanwhile, for almost a week now, I have been listening.

I am constantly amazed by the Internet. There is so much content out there, and I keep finding new and better things. This is my new favourite music. This my soundtrack.

I will not embed the entire catalogue here, but much of it, and the rest of it can be found via the link below.

It's all drifty and beautiful and atmospheric.



Reflect and connect.

Have someone give you a kiss, and tell you that I love you, Mom.

I miss you so very much, Mom.

Talk to you tomorrow, Mom.


- Days ago = 813 days ago

- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1709.25 - 10:10

NEW (written 1708.27) NOTE on time: I am now in the same time zone as Google! So, when I post at 10:10 a.m. PDT to coincide with the time of your death, Mom, I am now actually posting late, so it's really 1:10 p.m. EDT. But I will continue to use the time stamp of 10:10 a.m. to remember the time of your death, Mom. I know this only matters to me, and to you, Mom.

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