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Mississippi Pizza Pub - 1903.20 |

I got back on track and got off at Mississippi and Albina where I walked to the Mississippi Pizza Pub for lunch and then walked the rest of the way, taking the pedestrian bridge over the I5, to get to the Overland Park station and take the train the rest of the way back and get my car at Delta Park and head on over to Concordia University.
I graded papers the whole time.
I like trains.
And so at FLOATING WORLD COMICS, I found out about this..........................
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https://floatingworldcomics.com/archives/9750 |
April 4 – Portland Comic Book Month 10th Anniversary celebration at City Hall
To celebrate the 10th anniversary of Portland Comic Book Month, Commissioner Chloe Eudaly is honored to host an opening party and art exhibit at City Hall on First Thursday April 4, 2019.
Portland City Hall (1221 SW 4th Ave) will be transformed into a mini-convention with more than 20 tables featuring local comic book creators, publishers, educators, nonprofits, and collectives, showcasing the range of talent and diversity in the Portland comics community. Commissioner Eudaly’s office will also host an art exhibit featuring 25 local comic book artists.
The opening event, which runs 5pm-9pm, is free and open to all ages. Commissioner Eudaly will make a special proclamation at 6pm, followed by live drawing by local artists. Pizza will be provided by local sponsors Sizzle Pie.
Look for more Portland Comic Book Month events throughout April, including workshops, readings, release parties, and meetups. See the full First Thursday lineup and April schedule of events at http://bit.ly/pdxcomicbookmonth.
WHO: Art exhibit and mini-con with over 30 exhibitors including –
Books with Pictures
Dark Horse Comics
Floating World Comics
Sophie Franz
Helioscope Studios
IDW Woodworks / Lion Forge
IPRC Certificate Program
Miss Anthology
Multnomah County Library
The Nib
Outlet PDX
PDX Comic Crew
Portland Indie Con
Portland Zine Symposium
PSU Comics Studies Program
Secret Room PDX
Soft Skills Press
Vision Quest
David Walker
Young Audiences of Oregon
Dark Horse Comics
Floating World Comics
Sophie Franz
Helioscope Studios
IDW Woodworks / Lion Forge
IPRC Certificate Program
Miss Anthology
Multnomah County Library
The Nib
Outlet PDX
PDX Comic Crew
Portland Indie Con
Portland Zine Symposium
PSU Comics Studies Program
Secret Room PDX
Soft Skills Press
Vision Quest
David Walker
Young Audiences of Oregon
WHAT: Portland Comic Book Month 10th Anniversary Party
WHEN: Thursday April 4, 5-9pm
WHERE: City Hall, 1221 SW 4th Ave
“The artists, the writers, the companies and the comic shops—all of these aspects of Portland’s comic scene intertwine to create a unique tapestry. Portland is the kind of place where names big and small can mingle, where artists can live comfortably and small presses are still viable.”PSU Vanguard
Portland Comic Book Month was first declared by Mayor Sam Adams, in conjunction with Stumptown Comic Fest, to recognize the cultural contribution of comics to Portland. At that time, Portland was already home to numerous comic book creators, as well as publishers Dark Horse Comics, Oni Press, and Top Shelf Productions.
Today, the city is also home to publisher Image Comics, the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, and hundreds more artists and writers. Publishers IDW and Lion Forge have offices here. Helioscope Studio is the largest collective of comic book and animation artists in North America. PSU, PNCA, and PCC all offer comic book courses. And the Oregon Historical Society recently mounted a whole exhibit calling Portland “Comic City, USA.”
Portland is known for its unique creativity, its appreciation of art, and perhaps most of all, a vibrant DIY culture that has become an incubator for free spirits. Commissioner Chloe Eudaly comes directly from this world. Her independent bookstore, Reading Frenzy, was a hub of DIY comics and activist publishing for 22 years.
Thanks to our sponsors and volunteers that made this celebration possible: Commissioner Eudaly’s office, Anina Bennett, Pollyanne Birge, Books With Pictures, Floating World Comics, Ford Food and Drink, Sophie Franz, Helioscope Studios, IPRC, Sarah Mirk, The Nib, PNCA, Portland Zine Symposium, Portland’5 Centers For the Arts, PSU, Lisa Rosalie Eisenberg, Sizzle Pie, Reid Psaltis, Melanie Stevens, Liz Yerby and the Portland comics community. (poster artwork by Sophie Franz)
Thanks to our sponsors and volunteers that made this celebration possible: Commissioner Eudaly’s office, Anina Bennett, Pollyanne Birge, Books With Pictures, Floating World Comics, Ford Food and Drink, Sophie Franz, Helioscope Studios, IPRC, Sarah Mirk, The Nib, PNCA, Portland Zine Symposium, Portland’5 Centers For the Arts, PSU, Lisa Rosalie Eisenberg, Sizzle Pie, Reid Psaltis, Melanie Stevens, Liz Yerby and the Portland comics community. (poster artwork by Sophie Franz)
The pizza was pretty good. Not the best ever but really top shelf among what I have had. I need to put some thought into a rating system for pizza in Portland (which surely someone has done) and find CHICAGO STYLE pizza vendor.
Like these places
5412 SE Woodstock Blvd. Portland, OR, 97206
ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK PIZZA is probably my favorite so far, but like I said, I have not really done a study of it.
Anyway, this is for this one, just the MISSISSIPPI.
My mind was not blown, but I really like this place, so I will be back. Plus the proprietor made special effort to make sure I had a cold soda as he had just filled the cooler and there was only one cold one.
Book to get at FLOATING WORLD.....
Book to get at Books with Pictures...
After the pizza place, I walked around to get back to the Max train station...
As I wrote, I crossed the I5 via the pedestrian bridge.
Wednesday was another of my very best of days.
- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1903.20 - 10:10
- Days ago = 1355 days ago
- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.
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