Hey, Mom! The Explanation.

Here's the permanent dedicated link to my first Hey, Mom! post and the explanation of the feature it contains.


Tuesday, March 26, 2019

A Sense of Doubt blog post #1496 - Jason Howard Workspace via Warren Ellis

A Sense of Doubt blog post #1496 - Jason Howard Workspace via Warren Ellis

I know I post a lot of stuff I get from Warren Ellis. Hey, sue me. I read his newsletter every week, and I often like the contents.

Like Warren, I am fascinated by process, always have been. I am very curious about process and so I am also very interested in work spaces. To flesh out his newsletter, because like my blog, he is challenged to do original content all the time, he has asked creators he knows to tell us about their work spaces. His first request was to collaborator Jason Howard, with whom he did the recent limited series Cemetery Beach, pictured here, and the still ongoing and not quite yet finished Trees not to mention some other things.

I love this new feature Warren has concocted because how people work, especially creative artist types, is endlessly fascinating to me. I was a bit underwhelmed by the second one he shared for writer Matt Fraction, but I may share it in the future if only because Fraction's mobile work space, pack and go option is completely alien to me and my process; however, I am writing this from a hotel room in Tacoma, so it's not like I am home and in my space.

Anyway, gaze on all of this beauty and fascination.

I left in some of Warren's other newsletter content just because it was there and why not.

WORKSPACES: Jason Howard

Following a random thought on Wednesday night, I thought it would be amusing and instructive to force some of my comrades to show you where they work.
Jason Howard is the co-creator and artist of TREES and CEMETERY BEACH, as well as other things, and has been making me look better than I am for a few years now. I've always been interested in how he works, and this seemed like a good excuse to take a look at his process from a different angle.
His notes follow:


OK, but I'm not cleaning! 
I have my work area set up in ring shape with my chair in the center, I like that it puts everything in pivoting reach and as I use both digital and traditional in my process it keeps it all close. At least in theory, what it really does is give me lots of space that attracts stacks of comics and art books. I organized around the holidays so it's in pretty good shape right now.
*   *   *   *
A- My computer. I type here and use the space in front for sketching and whatever else I want a flat space for.
B- Wacom Cintiq. I spend most of my time here. I ‘pencil’ digitally, I find the opportunity for revision and shifting art elements around works well with my process. I also use it for coloring, it makes that process much faster for me. The table it sits on is adjustable so I can raise it up to be a standing desk and thus avoid dying from sitting all day!
C- Light table. Left over from pre-computer days where I would draw rough pages small, enlarge on a copy machine and trace that onto the final art board. Now it just holds stuff, mainly pens for inking.
D- Drafting table. I ink here. I print my digital drawing onto the art board and then do all the finish traditionally. I ink with pens, brushes and markers, really whatever fits the inking style I'm using for the project. To see my pencils, inks, color process on some Cemetery Beach pages check out recent posts on Twitter @theJasonHoward or Instagram JasonHowardArt.
E- Inspiration comics and books.
F- Skybound hat.
G- Color wheel. Super important for coloring of course!
H- Original art. I don’t have as much as I’d like. I stopped buying when I had kids and now spend all my money on them :(  These pages are Cully Hamner Daredevil.
I- Scanner.
J- Printer.
K- Audiobooks! I listen to a lot. This one up next is Prophet of Bones by Ted Kosmatka. (UK) (US)
L- Space heater. I'm in my basement, it can get cold in the winter.

Your wallets will be glad to know that I don't have a book to mention this week, because I'm re-reading some of THE RINGS OF SATURN by WG Sebald just to remind myself that I'm a worthless mudbound hack.

This first track from Marissa Nadler & Stephen Brodsky's DRONEFLOWER project is just magnificent.  Faintly reminded of Cranes. Marissa's voice soars and swoops through Brodsky's blackened forge.
"In My Room" from AGORA by Fennesz was a big thing for me this week too.
If you are a beard-endowed person, Salix Moon from down the coast out here on the Thames Delta sells this beard oil by mail order and holy hell it is good.
Look, I realise everyone's played this at you this week, but, screw it, I'm going to as well. Holly Herndon's ETERNAL:
If you're just joining me and have forgotten why you subscribed: I'm Warren Ellis, author, comics writer, public speaker, screenwriter, producer, Doctor of the University of Essex, visiting Professor to York St John University, Patron to Humanists UK and writer/co-producer of CASTLEVANIA on Netflix.
Please add warrenellis@orbitaloperations.com to your address book so I don't keep getting marked as sp7m just for sending you an email with four fucking links in it.
If you enjoy this newsletter, perhaps you'd like to infect your friends with it, by driving them to http://orbitaloperations.com and forcing them to give me their email address.  Forward them your copy of this newsletter to see if they like it.
My Instagram is at @warrenellis and everything else is at LTD.
(twitter clickstream is on partial power for now, crossposting my personal bookmarks and the like)
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I may start pulling out the posts on morning.computer I like and reposting them on LTD. As David Allen Green put it:
I have taken down my old posts, as it seemed a good moment to start afresh with my online presence.
(Though over time I may re-post some of the old posts which seem worth re-publishing.)
One nice thing about blogging independently is that you can take things down as easily as you can put things up.
Independent blogging (as opposed to blogs on commercial or news sites) is, in essence, a form of pamphleteering. It is a flexible and often ephemeral medium.
Some people have noticed the spacing on sentences is inconsistent here. Sometimes it's two spaces after a full stop, sometimes it's one. Here's why.  I grew up on a manual typewriter, when the protocol for manuscripts was two spaces after a full stop. It's deeply ingrained muscle memory, and I have to fight against it all the time when writing online. And lose to it, often. If two spaces really offends you that much that you have to write to me about it, I would propose that your problems are much bigger than the occasional extra space in a newsletter.
Okay, I have to go out, so I'm sending this early again - and slightly incomplete, but time is against me today.  You don't have to be like me. Take time for yourself. It's okay, you're allowed to. If anyone asks, tell them I gave you permission, and that I'm a Doctor and a Professor. I've always been on your side.  Hold on tight.  Here we go again.
Next week: something else entirely, probably.
And allow me to play you out with... well, I said my mind and memory have been wandering, right?  I'm really quite old.  So let me play you out with something that jumped into my head the other day from the darkest zone of the hellscape we knew as... the 1970s.


- Bloggery committed by chris tower - 1903.26 - 10:10

- Days ago = 1361 days ago

- New note - On 1807.06, I ceased daily transmission of my Hey Mom feature after three years of daily conversations. I plan to continue Hey Mom posts at least twice per week but will continue to post the days since ("Days Ago") count on my blog each day. The blog entry numbering in the title has changed to reflect total Sense of Doubt posts since I began the blog on 0705.04, which include Hey Mom posts, Daily Bowie posts, and Sense of Doubt posts. Hey Mom posts will still be numbered sequentially. New Hey Mom posts will use the same format as all the other Hey Mom posts; all other posts will feature this format seen here.

1 comment:

Clipping Path said...

Nice article as well as whole site.Thanks.